Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 6: The Tour

Kaido and the two thousand new students followed after the teachers, finally being allowed to see the Academy in all it's glory. It was somehow even larger than how it appeared outside, the hallways widening dramatically. However Kaido, the first one to enter, was shocked to find clothing suddenly appear on his body, his previous ones disappearing. Not only him, but every teenager who entered was the exact same.

The strange thing was, some were different than others. There were two distinct forms, a long robe which had an upper and lower portion. The other was a sort of tight clothing which stuck to their body. Though, their colors were all the same. A boring and plain brown. Tyrion smiled seeing their reactions, remembering long ago how he acted the same way.

"Don't be alarmed, these are your new school uniforms. They are enchanted with a number of Runes including but not limited to: Self-Cleaning, Self-Repairing, Minor Defense against Physical and Magical attacks, and many more. By the way, your previous clothes are in your dorm room."

The students, especially the commoners, couldn't get over how comfortable they felt. The nobles however, had a small hint of disdain in their eyes watching them. They whispered amongst each other, snickering lightly.

"The current color scheme, that being brown, shows what Rank you are in the Academy. Currently, you are at the lowest and will stay there until you reach 2nd Star, which will cause it to turn light green. Afterwards, as your Rank increases, the color and uniform itself will change, including the strength of the Runes." As they stopped to admire a moving painting showing an actual glorious battle, he continued. Though, a good number had to look away from the death and gore.

"Now, I'm sure you've noticed already that some of your uniforms have slight variations. Namely, the logo on your chest and the type of clothing. Mages have robes and Knights get a lean uniform for mobility." Kaido peered down and saw an assortment of Elements constantly swirling around slowly, right above his heart. He found it to be quite charming.

"For regular Knights, there's simply a single sword for a logo. Mages who only have a singular Element are similar in this regard, having a staff and their Element next to it. Hybrids are far different and theirs change depending on what 'Class' they are." He paused for a moment before shaking his head.

"I'm not going to go through them all, lest we stay on this topic for the remainder of the tour. I'm sure you all get the point though. Let's move on." They left the painting and walked through a large hallway.

Occasionally, the teenagers would not only see other and older students, but also strange 15 foot large statues. They were all identical and looked extremely similar to a Knight in full metal armor. They gripped the handle of a massive greatsword, the tip of the stone blade touching the floor as they kneeled down. 

When Kaido used his eyes on them and peered within, he saw dormant magic lying inside them. More specifically, Life Magic. However, there was something else mixed in, a sort of grey blob that he believed was an artificial soul.

'Hm, most likely a special type of Golem infused with Life Magic and at a moment's notice, could come alive to defend the Academy. A Golem would make for an excellent guard. No questions asked, no food or sleep needed, no pesky morals getting in the way. Perfect.'

When they reached the end of the hallway and came to an open lobby, the first thing they saw was the massive statue of a dignified and serious man. It must have easily been almost 50ft tall, with a long beard reaching their chest along with a typical Wizard's robe and hat. He looked like a stereotypical sage. Tyrion had a slight degree of worship in his eyes when gazing upon the statue. The students could tell how much he respected the man in front of him.

"This, is the Academy's founder and first Headmaster, the Demi-God of Space, Charion. A great man and genius who had reached 12th Star in just a short 4,000 years. Even more impressive when considering his origins." All the ignorant students looked at each other confused. 4,000 years was considered a short time?

"He first created the Academy more than 17,000 years ago and built it from the ground up using nothing more than his own blood, sweat, and tears. However, he was Headmaster for no longer than 100 years. And that-" He paused for what seemed like dramatic effect, which made the other teachers roll their eyes.

"Is because of the Chaos Devil!" Tyrion's arms went wide, hands shaking. But when the both the new students and teachers looked at him like he was an idiot, he cleared his throat and continued on like nothing happened.

"For those who don't know, the Chaos Devil was an extraterrestrial that appeared out of nowhere one day. It-" A little girl's raised hand made him pause.

"Yes, miss?" The girl's head cutely tilted to the side, a finger on her chin as she asked a question.

"What's an extraterrestrial?" In the crowd, a few breathed a sigh of relief. They too wanted to know, but didn't want to seem ignorant.

"A being from beyond this World or Dimension. They are extremely rare, with only a few documented throughout the Eras. However, each time they have appeared, death and destruction follow in their wake. They do not follow our power systems and are incredibly mysterious."

"It is strange though..." A contemplative look appeared on his face.

"Every extraterrestrial that arrived, only did so during times of great strife. Global plague, big bad villain ruining the world, or some other generally awful event. There is a little theory that the Will of the World can block them most of the time."

"However, during those tragic times, the World becomes weak and allows them to... slip through the cracks so to say."

Tyrion patiently explained. He waited for a few seconds for any others who had questions, but was allowed to continue when nobody did so. The influx of information had stunned them a little.

"Where was I? Oh yes. The Chaos Devil was an unstoppable apocalypse. No one could withstand it's might as it wantonly ravaged the Myriad Continent. Finally, the greatest Heroes of that Era, blessed and summoned by the Goddess of Reincarnation, stood up to do battle with the monster. Our very own Charion was among their party."

"However, although they managed to severely injured the beast, they could not kill it. It's regenerative powers were far too strong and they were exhausted. Just when all hope seemed lost, one man stood up. Charion used an ancient and long forgotten spell to sacrifice his own life and soul to seal the Devil away in a separate Dimension using the power of Space. No one knows where they are sealed, but rumor has it they are still doing battle to this very day."

The students excitedly clapped their hands when he finished the story, full of respect and worship towards Charion. In the middle of the pack, Zendrix had a complicated look in his eyes.

'The Chaos Devil. I remember when that monster was released after Kaido attacked the Academy for chasing him off. It seemed accidental at first, but was it actually apart of his plan? Did he figure out it was hidden here all this time?'

'While the Demi-Gods and their forces rushed to kill the beast, this took sufficient heat off his back for a good while. Thankfully, it was weakened due to the long passage of time sealed away, allowing them to kill it. However, by that time, Kaido was in the wind and unable to be found.'

Suddenly, he groaned while rubbing his forehead.

'Ugh, then there's the Madness Cult I have to worry about, those delusion bastards. The Demon King's Slaughter, the Unholy Hell War, and so much more. Dear Gods, I have my work cut out for me.'

"Hey, you okay man?" A voice to his right broke him out of his thoughts. Looking over, he was shocked to find a short chubby teenager, concern written over his face.

"Ha-" Zendrix caught himself, making the boy turn confused.

"Ha? You laughin at me punk?! After I so graciously offered you a hand, you spit on it?! I'll tell you this much-!" As the boy went on and on about how glorious his family was, how he was a great genius blessed by the Gods themselves, Zendrix couldn't help but smile fondly.

'Is this fate? Meeting Hagri, one of my best friends, in the Academy once more? Even his bragging is the same, despite having average potential and being from an average family of merchants.' He shook his head, chuckling slightly. This seemed to make the boy angrier.

Though if one looked closely, they would see sweat drip down his forehead. It wasn't going like he planned.

'Could it be this guy's a noblemen of a powerful family and a talented genius?! Unlucky!'

As Zendrix met an 'old' friend, the tour moved on from the statue down to the classrooms. Once more, Tyrion was the one to explain, his voice calm and soothing.

"These are where most of your classes take place. Naturally, I myself am the Professor on the Element of Life and Alchemy. So if you have that Element or think of taking such a Job, we will be seeing each other regularly." A few ladies who already developed a crush on the handsome older man cheered with joy.

Suddenly, the other teachers who hadn't spoken up at all finally opened their mouths.

"I'm the Professor for the Fire and Lava Element. A damn good one at that." A middle-aged man said, pride in his every word. Heat constantly rolled off him, making the surrounding students avoid him like the plague.

"I teach the Element of Earth, sometimes known as Geomancy." The beautiful brown haired Professor was next. For obvious reasons, she was the most popular.

However, her words elicited surprise from most. Usually Geomancers, especially Knights with that Element, were very large and muscular. Even the women weren't spared, looking more masculine than feminine.

But the brown haired teacher, Niela, had little development and looked very soft to the touch. Kaido was equally surpirsed, but glad as he licked his lips discreetly when she glanced at him. For the entire tour, they had been basically eye fucking each other, sending small little flirtatious hints.

A small smile appeared on her face, but disappeared before anyone saw. Instead, she was completely emotionless as the others went. Finally, it reached the last person.

"I am one of the General Teachers that will teach you more about the World, Elements, Star Ranks, ect. I'll be seeing a lot of you soon." The last teacher was an average looking man who Kaido paid zero attention to.

He already knew his classes and the teachers he would be meeting. His General Teacher certainly wasn't this boring loser, but instead a highly reputable Professor.

Eventually, the tour reached four massive buildings in a clearing, two in each row that were separated by a few hundred feet. As usual, Tyrion was the explainer.

"These are your Dormitories while you stay here at the Academy. Males on the left and females on the right. Do bear in mind there is a curfew at ten 'o'clock sharp, and breaking it will lead to severe consequences."

"If you look in your right pocket, you will find your room number and classes that have been chosen for you based on your 'Class' or Element. And yes, some of you will have multiple classes, so good luck. However, if you want to take a certain class you can simply sign up for it with the Professor teaching it."

"In your left pocket, you will find the Academy Map along with our rules and forbidden areas." He paused for a second, letting his eyes hover over all the teenagers.

"Try not to break any would you? We take them... very seriously." Suddenly, he looked at his watch and sighed.

"Unfortunately, this marks the end of the tour. I would have liked to have shown you more like The Forest, but it's getting late and we have things to do. Please enter into your assigned Dormitories and the Prefect will lead you from there. Until next time students!"

With that, the teachers turned around and left as the teenagers began moving to the buildings. Kaido was about to do the same, when he noticed someone walking towards him from one of the Female Dormitories.

She was an absolute beauty, with a face that could charm even gay men. A small smile was on her pouty red lips as she stared at her prey. Her long hair was like fire, bright red as it flowed behind her like flames in a literal way. The uniform she was wearing was a white with black trim and a somewhat tight robe, which was unable to hide her sexual curves. Her large breasts would jiggle slightly with each step, yet the older students turned their eyes from her out of fear, not daring to look or even have thoughts about her.

Her visible arms had a shockingly high amount of muscle to them, a few scars on them that told a story. Although her ass and thighs couldn't really be seen too well, only Kaido knew how deliciously thick they were.

Her eyes were the same color as her hair and the surrounding air around her heated up visible to the naked eye. Any new student in her path made way as they could feel the heat rolling off her. Soon, she stood right in front of Kaido, her 6ft 4in height making her as tall as him. Her smile turned into a teasing grin as she patted his head, almost like an owner would to a dog.

"Aww! My little Kaido is all grown up!" Despite her actions, no rage could be found in Kaido as he smiled lovingly, wrapping his arms around her for a hug.

"I've missed you Raeve. A lot." She seemed a little stunned, but then her smile turned sweet as she returned the hug.

"Me too, little brother." They stayed together for almost a minute, as if making up for lost time, before separating.

However, when doing so, she slapped his ass with a grin. Kaido was startled and took a step forward, but soon sighed. His older sister always loved to tease him like this. Even when they bathed when he was six years old.

"Come on, let's go find your room." She rummaged through his pockets without his consent and took out two pieces of paper. After reading them, she went to the Second Male Dormitory without turning around.

"Hurry it up or I'll burn you!" Kaido chuckled at his sister's fiery and dominant personality and followed after her.

Meanwhile, Dyson watched on with shock and surprise. He never could have imagined someone fucking with the Ultimate Antagonist, the big bad Final Boss, and teasing them without being brutally murdered. Thus, he hurriedly checked the mystery girl's info.

[ Name: Raeve Vairathul

 Age: 23 Years Old

 Race: 95% Human / 5% Light Elf ( Very Distant Bloodline )

 Class: Pyromancer / Fire Mage

 Rank: 5th Star

 Job: 3rd Rank Apprentice Blacksmith, 2nd Rank Apprentice Rune-Crafter, 1st Rank Apprentice Enchanter, 5th Rank Novice Tamer

 Elements: Fire (Enchanced)

 Thoughts About You: Doesn't know you exist.

 Combat Rating: Her incredibly hot flames, above average mana pool, and great battle prowess makes her near invincible within her own Rank. Even a 6th Star has to be careful around her lest they suffer. You will be burnt to ash instantly.

 System Review: The older sister of Kaido and an extremely talented Mage in her own right. Her attunement to the Element of Fire is extremely high, the flames more dangerous and produce more heat than a normal Pyromancer. If she were to realize her full potential, she would easily rank as one of the strongest in this world if not the strongest.

She is a very cruel woman who would scar one for life with her inextinguishable flames for simple looking at her wrong. The Host is advised to not piss her off. ]

Dyson felt numb reading all the new information. He sighed and walked towards his new dorm, feeling very gloomy.

'Are all of the Vairathuls monsters? Ugh, just looking at them lowers my morale. I have a feeling even their 12 year olds would beat my ass too. How depressing...'

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