Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 18: Hilda’s Problem

( Kaido )

"Yes sir, I look forward to your masterful teachings. Ah-" I pulled out my M-Tech Phone from my pocket and looked at the time, soon shaking my head regretfully.

"Forgive me Professor, but I have other matters to attend to." The sage looking old man in front of me stroked his beard with one hand and waved the other. A smile was on his face at my humble and polite attitude.

"No worries my boy. And please, call me Mr. Grayheart."

"Then I'll excuse myself." A slight bow later, I turned around and left his office.

As soon as I did so, I massaged my neck and let out an exhausted breath. Playing my part has gotten a little annoying, but it'll help in the long run. No one would ever expect the kind, humble, and polite genius student to ever commit those awful atrocities! You must have the wrong man!

They were my defense, something I learned from The Smiley Face serial killer caught in the Imperial City a year ago, who carved a smile into his victim's lips. One of the reasons he was able to go on for so long, was that not a single person suspected him. He was a well-mannered young man with a bright future ahead of him and was beloved by the community.

Everyone always said how kind and charismatic he was, how he could never hurt a fly. He even had ties with the City Watch, helping them out occasionally and secretly spying on them. With masterful technique I myself have yet to perfect, he had expertly wrapped them inside his web. His skill as a manipulator was second to none.

And so when evidence started pointing towards him his neighbors, friends, and colleagues denied the allegations. It had almost worked in his favor. Until the City Watch caught him red handed, blood on his hands and a fresh body by his feet with half a smile carved into their lips. If that wasn't bad enough, he had the murder weapon in his hand.

Even then! These simple minded sheep still believed in him, thinking he was being set up or just happened upon the body. And Gwen wonders why I think so little of people.

But the damning evidence which truly sealed his fate, was when a High Priest of Yhalir, the God of Justice and Protection, used the Evil Revealing Eye to fully condemn him. He showed everyone just how much of a monster this kind man truly was.

"Ah, a great man sentenced to death before he could pass down any more teachings! How tragic!" A shame truly, but this proved he wasn't as perfect as everything seemed. He was a shining example that one never truly knew someone, no matter how close you seemed to them.

As I walked down the hallways, nodding my head with smiles towards the passing people, I began to think about my encounter with the married and very voluptuous Niela. When I exited her office, I couldn't help but sigh in relief. I was playing an extremely dangerous game that could have gone wrong at any time.

I was banking and gambling on how unfulfilled she truly was. She could have easily pushed me off and based on how pissed she was, could have expelled me. But the thrill of the hunt was worth the risk! Ah, I can't wait to get her in my hands. It's a tragedy I had to hold myself back though, when I could've easily fucked her then and there.

However, I'm thinking if I take this a bit slower, I can get her more attached to me instead of our relationship just being some little fling. Maybe I can even dissolve her marriage and get her to love me? Well, take it one step at a time first before thinking of something so ambitious.

Suddenly, I chuckled remembering back to when she cursed me out. She's definitely a little more interesting than I originally thought.


The rest of Kaido's day was very mundane. He went to a few classes, gathered some more stars to bridge the gap to 3rd Star, trained in his Elements, and most importantly, played with Yin. Finally, it was almost curfew with only an hour remaining.

"I'm sorry my dear Yin, but I won't be back tonight." The white fox whined and hugged onto his neck, not wanting to let go. He patted her on the back, stroking her fur gently.

"I know, I know. I'll miss you too, but you know how pent up I am. If I don't release it soon, I might push some random lady down and force my desires onto her. Unless, you'll take care of it for me?" He teased her jokingly, but was surprised by how serious she was.

"Uh, Yin? That's not how it works…" She whined sadly, but finally relented and released him from her grasp. Though, as he comforted her and soon walked to the door, he couldn't help but think about how serious she was.

'Could that even work? Wait, am I seriously this perverted?' A few seconds of thinking was all he needed to get his answer. A sigh came from him as he left the dorm room, shaking his head from side to side.

"Yes, yes I am."

After learning of the disturbing revelation concerning bestiality and his own perversion, Kaido soon made his way over to the Second Female Dormitory. Since it was still an hour until curfew, he was allowed passage without difficulty. There were a few other men who did the same, all visiting their significant other to stay the night.

The Academy wasn't very strict in the slightest when it came to such relationships. The only issue would be of the non-consenting type or between a student and a teacher. That was frowned upon and could spell dire consequences, regardless of whether or not they loved each other. This was one of the reasons Kaido needed to be careful with Niela and not let anyone find out. Although it was unlikely he would be expelled, it'd still be for the best if no one knew.

When he got into the elevator alone and sent it to the desired floor, he took out a little blue packet from his pocket. He twirled it in his fingers, thinking deeply. Suddenly, a smirk graced his lips as he dropped it on the floor and kicked it to the corner.

"It'll be funny if she actually gets pregnant." With a chuckle, he already began imagining how her family would react to getting knocked up to a random man before getting married.

Soon enough, the elevator doors opened and he walked along the empty hallway, trying to find the correct room.

"Wrong. Wrong. Oh. Here we are, room 403." Licking his lips, he knocked on the door lightly. Movement could be heard within as the person inside stopped at the door, likely thinking if they actually wanted to do this or not.

Thankfully for him, the door did eventually open after a minute of waiting. Inside, the normally arrogant Hilda was standing there in her pink pajamas, her posture nervous. Her eyes failed to meet his, opting to look at the floor instead.

"W-Welcome. Come on in." She said, stepping away from the door and letting him inside. Once closed, the door locked by itself. The noise echoed out very loudly, making Hilda gulp at what she was about to do.

But when thinking of her father, she grit her teeth in hatred. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes what she'd done. A noble woman's virginity was a precious item after all. Getting a boost of confidence, she met with Kaido's black eyes and grabbed his hand.

Saying nothing, she led him towards her bedroom. In this situation, there was no need for words. They were both intelligent enough to know why they met like this. A young boy and girl, in the midst of puberty, being alone inside of a room? The result was obvious and was even happening in multiple other dorm rooms.

But once inside the bedroom, Hilda felt nervousness creep up inside her once more. Luckily, she felt a reassuring hand on her shoulder, calming her down.

"You don't have to do this you know. I'm completely fine with sleeping on the couch and leaving in the morning. Just say the word." She shook her head and brought him to the bed. While they laid together, she finally let loose the worries within her mind.

"My father, may he die a horrible death and have his soul extinguished, married me off to some old bastard. A rich fat pig who isn't known to be kind to women. The wedding is just after The Gathering, not even waiting until I'm 18 years of age." Kaido could hear the sound of her teeth gritting. Pure hatred and venom was in her voice as her hands gripped her clothes.

"The fucking worthless shit just sold me off! Promising me to a random old pervert just because it'll increase the family's influence!" She calmed herself down, breathing in and out as he gently took her hand. Hilda was surprised and looked at him, a kind smile on his face.

"How awful. I'm so, so sorry you have to go through something like this. I can't imagine how hard it's been for you." For the first time in years, a genuine and sweet smile appeared on her lips. With a grin, she got on top and straddled him.

"That's why I want you here." Her face neared his, unable to conceal the blush on it.

"To take my virginity. If I'm going to lose it, better be you than some old slob. Besides, I want my father to feel the pain of losing his 'big deal'." She leaned down and took his lips, giving him her first kiss.

Kaido chuckled in his heart when feeling her amateur kiss. He had already guessed this was the case previously, but it's always a great feeling to be proven right. Such a thing was extremely common for nobles. To basically sell off their own children in exchange for benefits. Luckily, his own parents believed in marrying for love and wanted their children to do the same. This was also the reason as to why his father did not have a harem like previous Patriarchs, as the man loved his wife deeply. 

'Then again, it could've been when mother threatened to cut his balls off if he dared to do such a thing.'

But he forgot about all that and sank into the kiss, easily dominating her. While surprised, Hilda didn't think hard about the sudden change and leaned into him even more. After a few minutes, the two of them separated with heavy breaths, a long string of saliva connecting them together.

With a flushed face and lust in her eyes, Hilda started taking off her pajamas, soon revealing her naked body to Kaido. She was still nervous and shy, shielding her small breasts with one arm. Never before had another man seen her like this.

"Hm? Shouldn't you undress too?" She asked, confused as to why he was sitting there staring at her. He smiled and chuckled, gazing directly into her eyes.

"You're just so beautiful, you had put me into a daze. Slipped my mind entirely." Hilda's heartbeat shot to the roof, a strange feeling blossoming inside her heart. However, she immediately suppressed it.

'This is just to get back at father. That's all this is.' After deluding herself several times, she suddenly saw as his clothes disappear in one go.

Kaido, watching her shocked look, laughed but didn't explain what he did. He would never tell anyone about his Castle except only the closest ones. At the same time, he glanced downwards and saw the strange looking design right above her crotch. It glowed very lightly in a purplish color. He knew exactly what this was as many noble daughters had it. A Virginity Seal, a magic circle which would alert her father if it was broken. And if he wasn't mistaken, this seal in particular was a relatively cheap one. The more expensive seals can prevent intercourse altogether and more importantly, prevent rape. This was proof of how little her father cared.

Hilda on the other hand frowned when hearing his laughter. But the blush on her face grew hotter each time she sneaked a peek at his near perfect muscular body.

"What's so funny?" His hands cupped her cheeks as he raised his body and brought her down for another kiss.

"You were just so cute, I couldn't help it." Her heart skipped yet another beat as he roughly took her lips. For some reason, all her worries began to disappear as she gave herself over to him wholly.

Suddenly, she softly screamed in surprise feeling the world spin. She found herself laying on the bed, an imposing Kaido looming over her. His breath was slightly heavy, eyes full of lust. His form was reminiscent of a starved tiger, ready to devour their prey.

"Look at what you did to me. You must take responsibility for this." She peered down and immediately, her eyes widened dramatically. A gulp came from her as she watched the 11 inch bitch breaker bob up and down in a needing manner. The thick veins on the side made it look even more menacing.

"Th-That can't fit inside me…" Just as she was about to freak out, Kaido laid his hand on her cheek.

"It's okay, I'll be gentle." He saw as she calmed down a bit, but still was worried. Nothing could be done about that. This was her first time after all.

Instead of going right in, he moved south of the border and came to her already slightly wet pussy. He could tell she was confused, but didn't give her time to even say a word and inserted his tongue inside. Since she was a virgin, he had to make sure she was as wet as possible for him.

Immediately, she moaned loudly as his tongue explored her nether regions. Hilda herself had no idea what was happening, but the pleasure she received made any question die in her throat. However, she had no idea sex like this existed. According to her mother, the first time was going to hurt a lot and was especially boring as well. The requisite ones were better, but still a little bland.

Kaido had no idea what she was thinking and didn't very much care, only focusing on pleasuring his partner. When he gave a cautious flick to her bean, he saw how she shook. As if shocked by lightning. Smiling, he focused on it while staying as gentle as possible.

Suddenly, she moaned out loud and grabbed his head, pushing him deeper as her orgasm rocked her body. Only when her arms and legs lost their strength did he release himself, licking his lips.

"You taste good." However, she didn't seem to register what he said and only stared at the ceiling.

"W-What was that?" She asked, face flushed red and her breathing rough. Kaido raised an eyebrow and came over top her, looking into her eyes as she focused on him.

"You mean, you've never cum before? Didn't your mother explain to you what would happen? Unless…" Coming to a realization, Kaido laughed lightly to himself. Considering what Hilda told him about her father, he wasn't too surprised.

"What?" He saw her confused face and kissed her gently on the lips before breaking it and speaking.

"It seems your father has never managed to make your mother cum. Meaning, he's never actually pleasured her before." She was silent, before bursting out laughing, much louder than himself. It was clear she loved the news based on how much she hated her 'father'.

"That's incredible! Hehe!" She continued giggling, which halted when feeling the piping hot cock flop onto her stomach.

"Are you ready?" He asked, giving her time to think about it as he grinded against her pussy. Once she nodded, he grinned and lined himself up with her. 

Unfortunately, as much as he would like to just shove it in and ruin her, he would rather go slow for her own sake. She still had a purpose to serve, so he might as well be kind for the moment.

With slow movements, he gently inserted the tip of his penis inside her. Hilda's face scrunched up in pain the deeper he went, screaming out when he broke her hymen and drew blood from her. Kaido stopped moving, waiting for her to adjust to his wide girth and size. At the same time, when Kaido had broken the hymen and officially taken her virginity, the Seal made a loud noise and shattered like fireworks. Though still in some agony, Hilda grinned wildly when seeing this.

After two minutes of waiting, she finally nodded her head for him to continue. Silently muttering 'Finally', Kaido went deeper and deeper inside her until bottoming out. Waiting another minute for her, he slowly brought his cock out until only the tip remained, then gently shoved it back in.

It was a few thrusts later when Hilda finally stopped showing pain and began moaning in pleasure. As lust clouded her mind and her legs unconsciously wrapped themselves around his waist, Kaido used both of his hands to grope her small breasts and twist her nipples.

'I think I know why she was so into her role with Veronica.' As he increased his speed and brought her to the nine levels of ecstasy, causing her to scream in pleasure, he thought back to her performance.

He always did think it a little strange with how harsh she was with Veronica. Going over it now, he realized there were two distinct factors to it. One, she generally hated commoners and had disdain for them. Not exactly unique amongst nobles.

The second however, was much more interesting. When Kaido was close to Veronica, he took the chance to really give her a good few once overs. Her body was nothing close to that of a 16 year old and was more in line with someone in their mid to late 20s. It was unfortunate she had the disgusting and large brown uniform on, but he'll get it off her soon enough. 

'Insecure maybe? Or just plain envy? Both?' However, he side lined those thoughts and doubled down in his thrusts.

Hilda was shocked at the sudden strength he fucked her with, but was glad for it. Gazing downwards, she could see the slight outline of his cock as it rammed into her, bulging through her skin. She wrapped her arms around his neck, looking into his eyes with a hint of love within all that lust. Kaido was perceptive and noticed this, so he smiled charmingly and leaned down to give her a wet and sloppy kiss.

Feeling his orgasm about to arrive, he began pounding her with all he had, creaking the poor bed beneath them. Hilda's voice was suppressed by Kaido's lips, but a few moans did leak out as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Her mind felt foggy, devoid of any rational thought as he ruined her pussy. His muscular arms moved from her boobs and grabbed her hands, holding them down with overwhelming strength. It made her feel small and powerless, but excited her so much more.

Suddenly, she felt his cock somehow grow even thicker as his pace quickened, the tip hitting her deepest part and barging into her baby room. Out of nowhere, he fully bottomed out and shot a hot liquid into her womb. This caused her to have another orgasm, which she lost count of.

She moaned into his mouth, staying connected with him via his lips. Her legs tightened around his waist, not wanting to let him go for even a second. The liquid inside her grew more and more, filling her up to the brim and beyond as he tried to push deeper into her. Finally, after a dozen shots of pure ecstasy, Kaido sighed in relief and pulled out of her slowly, eliciting a moan from her.

At the same time, they separated from each other's lips and looked down. His white hot sperm was flowing out of her gaping pussy, staining the bed beneath them. Hilda knew what just happened, but didn't care very much. Her mind was far too gone to give a shit about teenage pregnancy.

Suddenly, she looked towards her lover and saw him grin at her. A bad feeling crept up inside her heart, especially when gazing down to see the monster still active.

'Didn't mother say men only do it once?' She found herself flipped around, ass facing up and head into the sheets. It was a little humiliating given her noble origins, but it also excited her.

"Ready for round two?" Kaido didn't wait for her consent and roughly shoved himself back into her. He had been waiting for so long and was even kind for her first time. Now, it was time to really let loose.


A few Shrieking Roosters screamed from The Forest, alerting all those within the Academy that morning had arrived. The sun had just come up, painting Hilda's room with it's light.

The bedroom was trashed, courtesy of Kaido's never-ending libido as he fucked his newly deflowered partner in every single corner of the room. The sheets on the bed were beyond ruined and needed to be replaced. They were torn apart, covered with juices and large amounts of white sperm.

Laying on the bed, eyes closed and fast asleep, was Kaido and Hilda. Their forms were disheveled, especially Hilda who looked as if she went through war. Suddenly, the maiden's eyes opened when the sun hit her face. At first, she was a bit confused on why a pair of arms were wrapped around her waist.

But when feeling the cock still inside her swollen and bloody pussy, memories of last night flooded in. She groaned out, holding her forehead with one hand as her face blushed madly.

"How could I act in such a depraved way!" She whispered to herself, not believing what happened last night. When she acted like a beast. But she didn't regret her actions as she smirked.

"Can't wait to see his reaction!" Suddenly, pain erupted from several parts of her body as she tried to move.

"What the fuck..." She stared at the numerous bruises and marks around her body. It was as if she had been in a couple fights. Knowing who the culprit was, she blushed and spoke angrily.

"This lustful beast!" But she froze when feeling some movement and the teasing voice behind her.

"Is that so? If I remember correctly, a certain blonde kept begging for me to continue. What was it she said again? Oh, that's right. Fuck-" Hilda turned around as best she could and clamped Kaido's mouth shut with both hands.

"Don't you dare say another word!" A chuckle came from him as he licked her palm, making her blush harder as she took back her hands.


Just as she was about to berate him, he kissed her on the lips gently, massaging her bruised body with loving strokes. She melted into his embrace as she felt the cock still inside her pussy harden. Terrified, she pulled away and looked at him with some slight fear.

"Please don't. I am so fucking sore right now." Kaido smiled and pulled himself out of her, getting a moan from her throat.

"I'm not that cruel, am I?" He tilted his head at her innocently, making her scoff at his act. Not cruel? How could she forget how he ravaged her like an animal? Was it not her first time which should be filled with love and passion?

"Yeah, sure. You're a goddamn hero!" Her sarcasm amused Kaido as he got off the bed, looking at his handiwork. Just as he was about to go take a shower, he saw Hilda raise both of her arms towards him.

"Carry me please? I can't even move my legs!" She whined and complained, causing Kaido to chuckle and do what she said.

"Your wish is my command, your highness." Hilda giggled lightly as he princess carried her, head nestled into his chest.

'He's so… warm.'

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