Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 4

Chapter 3 Urban black text 2

Shao Qian looked at the man who ran to his room and opened his mouth. This… does this seem to be inconsistent with the script? Is it cheap that he has lost his face like this? Shouldn’t he be angry and screaming?

“Xiaohui, you are getting more and more excessive.” The female lord who had no sense of existence was also shocked when she saw the face of the young boy. I don’t know what to start with, I have been painting smoky makeup and long hair. She has forgotten when she really went to see this younger brother. Even she forgot when they last exchanged.

Today, if Dad is not calling her son to this clean boy, she really can’t associate this cute and delicate boy with the rebellious teenager who used to wear smoky makeup and punk.

Shao Qian turned his eyes and slammed the door. Now he doesn’t have much affection for these creatures. Even when you see it, you will feel bored when you are unconsciously. Therefore, you can’t expect him to be happy with it.

Zhang Guoqiang washed a battle bath, put on a clean clothes and walked out of the room. The freshly washed hair was still dripping, but it was undeniable that the face exposed after the beard was hanged could make people look a little lost.

Many men are older and more attractive. As usual, Zhang Guoqiang’s face has been covered by a beard and can’t be seen clearly. Nowadays, the beard is hung up and only the green scum is left, and the half-long hair just washed is attached to the face. The water stains on the top slowly slipped into the black pajamas… Today’s Zhang Guoqiang is like a mobile hormone, which is full of decadent sex.

Zhang Qing did not expect that his father, who was in the middle of the week, dressed up cleanly had such a side. It is undeniable that if he has always been dressed like this, walking on the road definitely attracts the attention of passers-by.

However, such a man, nowadays, wretched his ear to listen to the door of his own son. He did not hear the sound of the inside and shook his head, and even his brow wrinkled. Why did he fall asleep again? He still thought about taking a good look at his son’s exquisite face.

“Dad…” Zhang Qing looked at Zhang Guoqiang with some entanglement: “I… I am going…”

Zhang Guoqiang erected his finger and sighed at Zhang Qing: “Well, after washing, I will go to bed early, Xiaohui should sleep, and the movement is a little lighter.”

Zhang Qing, who heard this, put his hand behind him and jerked tightly. This is the case again.

Since childhood, all the good things are for the younger brother, even if Dad likes to gamble on alcohol and not forget to give his brother a good pocket money, and she has to earn money to support a pair of father and son expenses. Why? They are all children of the father. Why do he favor his younger brother? Just because the younger brother is a boy?

However, Zhang Qing did not ask for this. She barely smiled at Zhang Guoqiang and lowered her voice: “I, I will change my clothes.”

“Good.” Zhang Guoqiang looked at his daughter and went back to the room. Some of the painful temples smiled and shook their heads. They mixed up with chaos for so many years. They thought about the wife who had passed away, but they neglected the original son. The more rebellious son of a few years, he was really disappointed, why is it her mother, but she did not inherit her gentleness at all? Even the daughter…

Zhang Guoqiang shook his head and went back to his room. He still had to sleep first, and everything will be said tomorrow. And he can’t be so decadent again, his son is so big now, he always has to give him a way out?

Shao Qian didn’t know Zhang Guoqiang’s thoughts, even if he knew that he didn’t think that a gambling ghost could give him a way out. As the saying goes, people can’t look at the sea. They are now looking at Zhang Guoqiang, but behind him, they are shocked by the expansion of the chin.

After dark, Zhang Qing had a door, looked at the black lacquered living room and the father’s brother’s closed door hesitated, and finally went to the kitchen to make a noodle to fill the stomach and go back to rest.

Shao Qian slept until the next morning. He stretched out and was about to get out of bed and heard the sound of knocking on the door and the man’s sweet voice: “Hey, my father made delicious food, are you getting up?”

Shao Qian’s lazy action suddenly became stiff. He put his hair on the pajama pants and opened the door: “You can do…”

The man’s half-length hair at the door was fixed in the back of the head. The original, tough, handsome face was hardly squeezed by a man with a charming smile. He held a spatula in his hand and said hello to the teenager who opened the door: “Children, you wake up. ”

“…who are you?” Shao Qian said that he accepts incompetence. Is this a big change to live or awkward? Yesterday, the man who was in the air and could become such a handsome uncle? You look so good, can’t you be a star?

“Children, I am yours.” The man grinned at Shao Qian: “Hey, it’s delicious, you wash it quickly.”

Emma, ​​the sleepy daughter-in-law is so cute, I want to sleep with my cockroaches. I didn’t find my daughter-in-law so cute before.

Ayun is the cutest addition to Ayun. But the man who thought of his former decadence was annoyed. When he used to be a real idiot, how could he put such a lovely daughter-in-law regardless of the pain of losing Ayun? The cute and delicate daughter-in-law was hurt by the bad boy.

Shao Qian listened to the man shouting his tongue and really provoked a goosebump. Who is this person who is shamelessly selling a cute face?

However, seeing that Zhang Guoqiang had no pressure to sell his son to Meng, he suddenly realized that yesterday’s sullen face was facing the boss’s wife and asked for help. Here is not to say the greatness of the gene.

Shao Qian took a step back and closed the door and yawned to wash it. He felt that his temper was a bit violent in the two days he came here, and the degree of slamming the door went up.

Zhang Guoqiang looked at the door that had been thrown up and was not angry. He just put down the raised spatula and turned to return to the kitchen. Just then, the room opposite Zhang Qing was opened, and the father and the daughter took a face.

Zhang Qing looked at Zhang Guoqiang and then muttered his father.

Zhang Guoqiang nodded to Zhang Qing. When he smiled, he returned to the kitchen. When he walked to the kitchen, he suddenly said: “When you have a good meal, remember to immerse the bowl in the sink, or the noodles will dry in the bowl.”

When Zhang Qing heard Zhang Guoqiang’s words, he flashed a hint of anger. On what basis, he taught himself?

What if she didn’t brush the bowl? I am working hard to make money outside, and when I get home, I still have to cook for the disaster. Isn’t that the trouble can not help brush once or twice? Zhang Qing did not answer, but just returned to the room and changed clothes and lifted the bag to go out.

“Where are you going?” Zhang Guoqiang looked out from the kitchen and looked at the daughter holding the doorknob: “I made breakfast, ate and went.”

Zhang Qing had a meal and then went straight to the door and went out. She really was fed up with this place. No matter what she does, it seems to be wrong. After all, in my father’s heart, he is not as good as his baby son?

The author has something to say: ask for advice seek loopholes

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