Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 46. Granting Another Cheat and Cooperation to Promote the Restaurant.




Due to my negligence in not realizing that the 2 loli Iru and Aru were here, I was forced to explain my identity while waiting for Jack to choose his new ability from a pile of golden cards. 

Seriously, not even the system warned me about them. 

["Pfft...I did notice, but I find it funny so I don't warn you about them, Jin-sama."] The system suddenly replied.

'I swear you are not like this when we first meet, system. Did that old man corrupt you after maintenance?'

["In a way. I mean, he is my creator, of course, I would learn one thing or two from him."]

'Even though he is a bad example?'

["I wouldn't say he is bad. At least without his carefree personality, there is no way for you to become a god and revive Vera-sama back then."]

'I guess he is halfway bad then.'



After explaining my identity and mission to the twins, I conjured a hot coffee on top of my palm and asked calmly, "So do you guys have any questions?"


"So master, is a real god?" (Iru)

"Yeah, I am indeed a god, Aru."

"How about do you proof it to us with action?" (Iru)

Hearing her suggestion, I raised my eyebrow and nodded, "That's a good idea, Iru. What do you want?" 

"Can you create a fish in front of us?!" (Aru)


Hearing Aru request, using a simple wish, a sea bass immediately fell in front of them, startling them with their mouths wide open.


Smell the fresh fish that just fell in front of her, Aru stared at me with amazement, "This is real fresh fish!! Where it did come from?!"

"Stupid Aru, of course, master create it. Master seems to be not lying." Iru commented calmly, but from her eyes, it was clear she also looked as excited as her twin.


"Now both of you know my identity, Can you two promise to not tell anyone about this?" I asked them kindly.

Considering my mission here, of course, I have to make sure they want to keep my secret identity. Not to mention I don't want people to worship me, because I just want to live in this world in peace.


"Why? Are you hiding from something, master?" (Aru)

"I just don't want people to know about god identity and begin to worship me. Can you two do it? I will give both of you an extra pay this month." 

Hearing what I said, both of them glanced at each other, nodded, and then yelled at me, ""We Promise!!""

"Good, now go back to the front door to continue your work!"

""Yes, master!!""

After that, Iru and Aru immediately rushed back to their station feeling happy. Of course, their behavior makes me feel happy too, because even though they have many shortcomings as it is now, they are willing to work hard and willing to learn.

Fortunately, they were easy to persuade, which made me feel a little relieved. I just hope they can keep their promise, otherwise, I would have to be forced to erase their memory if they break their promise.

["I thought you don't want to erase memory, Jin-sama?"] The system suddenly commented.

'I do, but if I don't have any more options I can't let them spread my info around and make my mission fail, right?'

["Alerting local god with your presence would make things difficult... Although I believe you just having a double standard here."]

'Shut up, blame the old man for making my mission require to hide my god identity!'

["Honestly, Jin-sama. I suggest you make a magic contract agreement to make sure it won't happen."] The system advised.

'That's... a good suggestion, but I still won't do that.'


'I believe with my employee and even though Aru seems to be dumb, Iru who is the smarter twin surely could stop her sister from doing something stupid'

["I see... I hope you don't regret your decision, Jin-sama."]

'Yeah, I hope too. As a qualified business owner, it's always a good thing to trust my employees, and this is a test for them.'

["I will notify you immediately if they indeed breaking their promise."]

'Thanks, system'


Even though revealing my identity to the 2 twin loli wasn't part of today's plan, at least this made me feel more at ease because I didn't have to hide from them anymore when I wanted to use my god power.

Well, it's not like I can keep hiding it forever from those twins, especially in the future all my employees also going to come into this world and there is no way to hide it at that point.


While I was enjoying my coffee (which had been refilled twice), half an hour later, Jack, assisted by Mera, finished choosing the new ability he wanted as my compensation for his very tragic life experience.

Still, after I read what kind of ability he chose to have, I looked at Jack with a flat gaze while commenting, "This ability... Although its not bad... are you sure Jack?"




[Clone Magic EX: Master of self-clone magic. The number of clones is unlimited as long as energy is available and has no time limit. It requires minimum energy consumption, clones also don't disappear easily, and have the same durability as the original body.]


Honestly, as a fellow businessman, I can understand why he picked this ability but considering his yandere situation, I would rather him pick an ability that would help him to escape or something.

"...Can you enlighten me, why do you pick this ability?"

"This clone magic would help me a lot running my business more efficiently since technically I can be at multiple places at the same time..." Jack explained confidently, which made me raise my eyebrow.

"I thought considering your situation as a top businessman in the world, you would pick an ability that could save your life." 

"At first I also thought the same, but I remembered that the security team members I had recruited so far had done a good job looking after me... so I focused more on abilities that could help me develop my business further." 

"...I see."

Normally, I agree with Jack's view as a businessman to trust his employees and take risks to develop his career... but what he doesn't know is that the security team members he trusts are all yandere who could at any time put his life in a dangerous situation!

If anything, if they knew Jack had cloning abilities, they would be very happy because that meant they could each have Jack for themselves without causing conflict with each other.

["So... isn't that a good thing, Jin-sama? The security team members have no reason to kill each other and they can live in harmony."] The system argued.

'And that means Aria's plan, the most dangerous Yandere around Jack has failed and who knows what she will do next to monopolize Jack for herself.'

["...I'll let you know if Jack gets caught in a dangerous situation by Aria, Jin-sama."]

'That would be helpful. Thanks'


Because Jack insisted on his choice, I had no other choice but to comply with his request, which gave Jack the ability to clone himself. After inserting the card into his body, Jack immediately used it excitedly. Sure enough, another Jack 'appeared' beside him a second later-- proof his new cheat just work fine.

"This ability works!" (Jack)

"And I also can indirectly control it in real-time or let it go to think on its own!" (Clone Jack)

"It feels amazing, but I need to get used to the feeling of controlling multiple bodies at the same time." (Jack)

""This will help my business a lot, thank you Jin-sama!!"" (Jack/Clone Jack)

"...Uh, you're welcome."

Seeing how it worked, I immediately understood that the cloning magic he used was the same as the one I usually use in dire situations. Like my problem with using clones, Jack also seemed to have difficulty controlling several bodies at the same time.

I am sure Jack would get used to it though, since it only took me a few hours to master the usage of clone magic.



After Jack seemed satisfied trying his new cheat, now it was finally time to back to business. 

Immediately, I quickly invited both Mera and Jack to sit with me at one of the round tables in the restaurant. I also summoned some snacks and tea for them to enjoy during our talks, since they are currently my guests.

And it's common sense to treat your guest very well.


"Before that, Jin-sama... This is... a restaurant, right? not something else?" Jack said while curiously looking around but he also looked confused. 

Hearing his question, I nodded and answered, "Yeah, I just opened today, although the business doesn't seem doing well so far."

Considering he knows my god identity, I am not surprised he was confused about what I was doing. After all, logically, why would a god who can do anything running a restaurant?

["Yeah, I also wonder why."] The system retorted me in my mind.

Shut up, system! I was doing a rhetorical question!

["Pfft... At least you are self-aware, Jin-sama."]


"I am sorry if this offended you, but why, do you, as a god want to run a restaurant?"

"Well, that's because it's my life goal."

"Life goal?"

"Yeah, are there any rules where stated a god can't have a life goal?" I said while tilting my head in confusion, "So you think, as a god I can't have a goal because everything is achievable using my godly power?"

"No, no, no! I never said that!" Afraid of seeing my overreaction, Jack immediately apologized while slightly bowing his head, "I'm just wondering what Jin-sama's ultimate goal is in this restaurant business!"

"Well, It's okay. You are not the first to ask this question and certainly won't be the last either."

I told him to raise his head and I quickly told him my final goal, "Like on earth, I plan to open another branch of my restaurant in this world, and aim to be the best restaurant owner here too."

"I see..."

Even though he seemed to accept my answer, it was clear there was still confusion in his eyes. I honestly don't care whether he understands my goal or not, as long he can help me with the business.

Well, after reading his life experience earlier, Jack definitely can help... and the question is more about whether he wants to. That's why I also tried my best to help him earlier since I do need a good reason for him to want to help me.

Aside from pity.

I could force him through with my status, but right now, I am here treating him as a business partner, not as my follower of god.


"I think it's enough to talk about my purpose and let's go back to the main topic." 

"Ah yes!" Hearing what I said, Jack became serious and asked, "According to Mera-sama, you need a trustable restock agent, Jin-sama?" 

"Yeah. Can you do it?"

Hearing my question, Jack nodded excitedly and stated, "Of course, leave it to me! I am the vice president of the merchant guild in this kingdom so I know who is the best!" 

"Calm down, I believe in you." 

Having no doubt about his ability, I shook my head slightly and continue asked, "So, how long do I have to wait for the restock agent that you will prepare?"

"Tomorrow morning before 6 AM, I guarantee it will be ready." Jack answered confidently.

"That's quite fast..."

I remember when it was on earth, it took me a few days to convince a professional restock seller to come to our restaurant, so I am not kidding about this.

"Well, such a simple thing can be solved with my authority as the vice president." Jack shrugged and then promised me, "At worst, my company will be the one who restock your restaurant every day."

"As long it can provide me with good ingredients and deal, I am fine with any restock merchant." 

Satisfied with his promise, I stretched out my hand to shake hands with him to confirm our cooperation, "With this, we've helped each other and I consider our business done. I'll wait for it tomorrow."

"You won't be disappointed, Jin-sama. Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Feeling there was nothing more to discuss, I decided to close the conversation and prepare my best cooking for them, "Alright, since our business is done, let me treat--"

"Wait a minute, Jin-sama!"


Surprised to get cut in by Mera who has been quiet since the start of this talk. I can't help but ask, "Is there anything wrong?"

"I am sorry if I offended you, but after looking at this restaurant situation, I was thinking... Do you want us to help you advertise this restaurant, Jin-sama?  To promote this place."

"Advertise? Promotion?"


Hearing her suggestion, I quickly looked around and found how quiet my restaurant was right now... Well, I agree some kind of promotion would improve the situation.

Unlike on earth where my parent's reputation carried us, no one knew the reputation of sweet carrots before my opening, since I started from 0 here and I don't know anyone either.

Now I think about it, Hoping that customers would come here even though no one knew about this restaurant's information is an unrealistic expectation-- so yeah, I do need help with an advertisement, especially when I still do not exactly understand how to do that in this world.


"Well, seems I do need an advertisement." I nodded, confirmed Mera's thought, and then spread my arm open, "Can you two also help me with that? I will promise to reward both of you generously."

Hearing my request, for a moment Jack and Mera looked at each other with a wide smile, then answered me together, ""Leave it us!""

Almost immediately after saying that, Jack took a paper out of his storage space and offered it to me which turned out to be a contract paper.

"Please sign this contract, Jin-sama."


Since it seemed to be a contract paper for our cooperation, I quickly read it and then shocked when I read the content. Not because it's a bad contract, but the deal is way too good for my side.

The content of this contract stated that he would advertise this restaurant as one of the main partners with his kingdom-scale trading company and offer help to develop the business and feel free to ask for sponsorship from him too whenever this restaurant creates an event.

In return, Jack only wants his trading company brand (logo), to be visible in locations where it is bound to be seen, such as the front door or menu list... which is no problem at all.

Heck, I would do that for free if Jack wanted to, since this place being associated with his trading company itself would raise this restaurant's reputation for sure!

"This contract is way too generous... Do you want to help me to this extent, Jack?"

Hearing what I said, both Mera and Jack stared at me weirdly and then answered, ""Yes!!""

"You are our god, after all, I would naturally be happy to help you, Jin-sama." (Mera)

"Me too." (Jack)


Seeing that they seemed genuinely to want to help without feeling 'forced' by me, I decided to accept their answer and let them help me. After that, they then promised to promote this place as soon as possible in their ways, especially Mera who seemed very optimistic.

Honestly, I was curious about what plans they had, but unfortunately, they didn't want to tell me and decided to leave and promised to come back later as they ran out of free time.

Well, even though both of them are the same age as me (young), both of them have high positions and responsibilities regarding their position so I'm not surprised. At least, compared to their previous lives, now they look happier and more prosperous-- making me also feel satisfied by helping reincarnate them.


Later, I would find out that what they did to promote this restaurant was very effective, so effective that it made me overwhelmed-- because I forgot that I was alone at the moment (my sister refused to help because she wanted to be an adventurer and the twin barely able to help).


[Intermission: Why clone magic that Jack got is similar to something I used? ]


(MC): "As this intermission title said, I wonder why my clone magic is kinda similar to what Jack got using the golden card ability. It just feels strange, you know?"

(System): ["This is probably one of the most retarded intermission questions ever but I will entertain you with a short answer, Jin-sama, you are a god."]

(MC): "I know that's my identity, but what does this have to do with my question?"

(System):  *Sigh* ["As a god, Whatever type of magic you want to use, it will be directly in the 'Master' or even 'EX' rating."]

(MC): "Wait? I didn't know that! Does that even include any type of passive magic?"

(System): ["As a true god, you do have access to use all abilities. How the fuck a god can create those abilities if they can't use it in the first place."]

(MC): "Then, why I didn't attract people like Jack's charming magic does? Since you said I have every magic possible within me?"

(System): ["...I am genuinely speechless Jin-sama. I am happy you want to be popular with women, but don't let your girls know about this."]

(MC): "I didn't mean to want to be popular with women! I'm just curious because if I have a passive too, shouldn't that be a problem for me too?"

(System): ["That's because I block it for you as your assistant. I think I already explained it to you, Jin-sama. Charming might be scary for you, but there are far worse passive abilities you should be concerned about if I let all your abilities break out, for example, Midas touch or Gender Swap."]

(MC): "I think I can understand what Midas Touch does but Gender Swap?"

(System): "Well, a passive ability to control your gender, or any control the gender of a person in your sight for that matter."

(MC): "That sounds terrifying, but in a way, that also sounds fun. Yup. I can play with it."

(System): "..."


Finally an update! If you ask me where I was, I got writer's block in this novel for a while and then my mom happened... and I just have time to finish it now. This story is far harder to write than any other main story too.

ps: I am currently in business travel so I barely edit this chapter using my phone lmao.

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