Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 44. First Opening of Restaurant in the Another World.




After literally transferring my memory to my sister Rin about what happened earlier, she finally calmed down although she looked at me with deadpanned eyes.

"So, in my understanding, Onii-chan, when I was out doing my first adventure, you are taking a chance to recruit a loli twin cat girl as your employee."

"...Why does it sound like I just did something very wrong?"

"Isn't it?" 

My sister, who looked very unhappy raised her eyebrow and retorted, "Kaya and Saya wasn't enough for you, right?"

"So to fulfill your hidden desire, you brought another twin under your harem." 


Hearing her jab, I want to say that I have nothing against twins, but based on how I have been recruiting 2 twins into my restaurant so far, her argument is quite convincing.

Maybe I do have something I like about twins. I don't know... Hmm, I admit I do like Saya and Kaya's twin relationship, but does it apply to every twin?

As if annoyed by my monologue, the system suddenly commented, ["Yes, you do. After all, a lot of those manga books under your bed feature H--"] 

Yes, yes, I admit! Stop leaking my personal space, system!



"Then, what is the verdict, Onii-chan?" My sister asked me with sharp eyes, waiting for my answer, "Don't try to deny it, I  know what is under your bed."

"...I plead guilty, sister."

Hearing her comment, I immediately did dogeza in front of her, sincerely asking for an apology. Since she also knows all the stuff under my bed, there is no way I can deny her accusation at all. 


After getting reprimanded for a few minutes, my sister decided to take over the role of training the twins as a manager. Of course, I am glad she wants to help since my sister has experience training an employee unlike me. After all, Saya and Kaya were trained under herself--- and that's a major reason why I let her be the manager of my restaurant.


"Hello, you two. My name is Rin, I am the manager of this restaurant." 

My sister introduces herself while patting her big chest, looking proud. I also proud of her big chest-- cough but that's shouldn't be the topic for now.


"Manager... like that bunny older sister? Does it mean you are also a very powerful person!" (Iru)

"Manager looks very cool and beautiful! I want to be like a manager one day!" (Aru)


Hearing my sister's introduction, It seems the word 'manager' does hold much power in the twin's opinion. They looked very excited toward my sister compared to myself, even though technically I am the one with the highest hierarchy in this place.


"Yes, I am very powerful, even compared to my brother. Technically, everyone who works in this restaurant needs to listen to my order since I am the one who is responsible for managing this place."



Because my sister seemed to understand that both twins had the impression that the manager was the most powerful person, she took advantage of this situation to make the twins submit to her. 

As expected my sister, knows how to train people... even training underage children. Now, I just remember, she was also the one who trained Vera from a very clutch girl to a capable employee too. 

My sister has a talent for this stuff. Perhaps in the future, she could be a good teacher or mentor.


"I am the manager, so both of you who are the new employees also under me. Both of you need to listen to my order, okay?!"


"And because of that, I will be responsible for teaching you how to help my idiot brother run his restaurant, understand?" 


"Do you two really really understand? If you guys aren't working hard under my training, I will punish both of you and convince my brother to send you back to the slavery store!"


"Well, I won't do that as long both of you seriously work hard under my command. Can you do it?!"


"Not loud enough, stood up and answer me loudly soldier. Do you two truly understand?!"

""We understand!!""

"Very good. Now, wait for me here while I teach both of you how to serve customers!"



Looking at how easily my sister seems to handle them, it seems that I can let her do it without worry. Although I am a bit concerned that my sister's Sparta training might traumatize them, (like Vera who was getting hit by Harisen repeatedly back then) I am more surprised by the fact that my sister still took her role as a manager seriously even in another world. 


"....I thought you didn't want to help me with the restaurant at all, sis?" I asked with curious eyes.

My sister turned at me and rolled her eyes, "When I did say that? There is no way you can manage this restaurant alone and you know that better, right? Onii-chan~"


I nodded and acknowledged that fact... considering there is no way to run a restaurant without any employees. 

However, it's not like something I couldn't solve if I am willing to exert more godly power-- but that would be my last resort. 

After all, I aim to be the best restaurant owner, not the best god.

"Thank you, sis."

Touched by her care to help me, I bow my head in 90 degrees showing my sincerity.


"Umm... but I will do an adventure most of the time!" My sister reminded me.

"Don't worry, Miss manager!" I quickly saluted her and replied, "I am already thankful that you are still willing to help me."

"Of course, I am your sister after all." My sister smiled and then sighed while complaining, "And I guess our date would be postponed until the twins are qualified to work properly in the restaurant." 

Hearing her complain, I can't help but give a wry smile, "I am really sorry about that."

"Yeah- yeah, let me handle them. Onii-chan, it's already night and you haven't prepared dinner for us." 

"Oh, shit!!" 

Hearing her complain, I quickly stood up from my seat, and hurriedly replied, "I am sorry! It will be ready right away."

After that, I ran to the kitchen to prepare dinner, while my sister trained our new employees in preparation for work tomorrow. I'm also continuing my experiments in making dishes with food ingredients that taste from this world, while also continuing to set up my kitchen for business tomorrow.


The next day, in the morning before the restaurant opened, we all gathered in the main hall to say farewell to my sister who had left the restaurant for an adventure. Naturally, after getting trained by my sister, the twins seemed to be behaving better than yesterday-- as I could see both of their movements much more refined and their clothes also looked good. (which are maid uniforms the same uniform as back then on earth).

I don't know what kind of training my sister did back then for them to change like this since I was too immersed in testing new ingredients last night, but I guess I will find out the result very soon.

"Well, it's time for me to go!"

After my sister was done wearing all of her equipment and check nothing was left behind for her to bring out, she looked at the catgirl twin and reminded them, "Remember what I taught last night, and please work hard to help my idiot brother to run this place."

""We will work hard!"" (Iru/Aru)

"Very good! Make sure to ask my brother if you are confused with something, okay?" 


Both twins continued to answer seriously with high spirits, making my sister satisfied with their response. After that, my sister looked at me and said, "Then, I will leave you three together! Good luck with running this restaurant, Onii-chan!"

"Have a safe travel, sis!" 

I quickly waved my hand to say goodbye, which she also waved toward me in response, "You too, brother. Have a nice work!"

"Umm! Leave it to us!"


After that, my sister quickly left the restaurant building, leaving only 3 of us together.  The moment she leaves the building, I call the twins over immediately to give them some kind of guidance.

I believe my sister probably already told the twins about this, but as the owner of this place, I just want to make sure everything will be right without any potential trouble. 

It's our first day of business after all, which means it's our time to make a good first impression for potential long-time customers.

"Listen, Iru, Aru."

""Yes, master?""

"Both of your main duty is to service in the front. Did Rin tell you what you are going to do?"


"Greet the customer if you can with a smile." (Iru)

"Take care order and bring the dishes." (Aru)

"Leaving the payment to master." (Iru)

"And then no matter what customer did, never get rude to them!" (Aru)

"How about cleaning the table etc?" 

"The manager told us to leave it to Master who has proficiency in cleaning magic." (Aru)

"Because the manager said we don't have enough employees to work on cleaning duty." (Iru)

"...Really, sis?"

Hearing their answer, I can't help but facepalm my head. Even though she is kinda right, technically the twins should be still cleaning this place whenever they have nothing to do.

["Honestly, Jin-sama. Let me tell you that using magic to clean your business is normal here."]

Really? Is it because everyone could use magic here?

["Obviously, duh. It is also much more efficient than ordering people to clean it for you. It's not like you have any mana capacity problem anyway."]

I guess I will just do that then, if it means makes my customer feel more comfortable.

["In fact, no one would be surprised if you are using clone magic to run this restaurant but you are just stubborn."]

I will only do that if I need it. After all, in my opinion, this place quickly becomes boring if everyone who running around is just my clone.

["For rare occasions, I guess you are right about that Jin-sama."]

Of course, working together with other people is one of the charms of working in a restaurant.

["Like how both of us helping with each other."]

Now you understand what I mean.


"Master, why have you suddenly become quiet?"

"Did we say something wrong, master?"

"Master, please don't send us back to the slave merchant!"


Seeing me suddenly quiet (even though I was busy chatting with the system in my mind), the twins suddenly panicked and pulled my clothes from both sides while apologizing. It seems they are very afraid of being punished... what did my sister do to them last night in training?

"Sorry, I was thinking about something. I am not mad with any of you." 

"Really?" (Aru)


"Promise?" (Iru)

"Don't worry, I am not my sister." 

Hearing my answer, both of them instantly look relaxed and then I continue to say, "I guess my sister is right. Using magic to help with a chore in another world is normal anyway."

The twins looked confused about what I said, but I just ignored it and then told them to stay vigilant in the main area, waiting for customers.

After confirming they should be mostly okay with their staying in the main area, I quickly back to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients. After all, some ingredients need to be prepared before cooking, such as meat which needs to be tenderized first, and broth which requires time to stir.



Surprisingly, it had only been a few minutes since I had prepared the ingredients, suddenly the front doorbell rang, indicating that our first customer had arrived. The twins quickly become panic and excited, which make me can't help but took care the situation.

"A bell finally ringing, a customer? So soon?"


"Yeah, I know. Stand by in your place. Watch me how to greet the customer"


Feeling curious, I quickly went out of the kitchen to see who was going to be the first customer of Sweet Carrot in this world. However, after I saw the appearance of my first customer, I was quite surprised because it turned out to be someone I knew well.

"Long time no see... Jin-sama. I am glad we are finally able to meet again!"

After confirming my presence, the person quickly revealed her face under the hood, a deep red-haired girl in ponytail style with crown accessories on the top of her head. On top of that, she also wore a princess dress behind the robe, which made me immediately recognize her. 

Esmeralda is one of the people that I have reincarnated to this world and the only reincarnated person I have befriended. In fact, her current appearance is almost the same as when I first time reincarnated her-- the only exception to her hair color is slightly different.

"Esmeralda? How did you know I was here? Why are you here?" I greet her back and then asked curiously.

"Of course, it's not that hard to find you with my status, Jin-sama!" Mera answered as she pointed her crown excitedly.


With her status as a princess, it is not hard to find out this location and confirmed appearance since I didn't try to even hide. But we never told her the exact time when I would come to this world--- which means, she probably ordered people under her to look out my presence all the time which is quite scary, to say the least.

["I am surprised you guessed it correctly."] The system suddenly commented.

Well, it's not that hard to find out... considering her status and authority. But I wonder why she seems to be excited looking at me.

["Did you forget what you did for her? I am sure you are not a dense protagonist anymore since you have a harem now. She literally have a crush on you."]

...Esmeralda still interested in me despite we have not met for several years? I am aware her affection toward me is no less than the girls in my harem-- but seriously, we only have met once.

["Never underestimate women's obsession, Jin-sama. In fact, the same applied to you, who still had a crush on Vera-sama back then despite have not met her for several years."]

Damn... I really can't refute that, since you are right.


While I am debating with the system in my head (which Mera is also aware of), on the other hand, the twins who didn't expect to meet a princess on the first day of their work can't help but get excited.

"Our first customer is a princess?! The famous princess Esmeralda?!" (Iru)

"Iru, what we should do? The Manager never told us how to serve a noble, moreover a royal family!" (Aru)

"I don't know too! But she looks really pretty!" (Iru)

"As expected of Princess. Even her chest is even bigger than the manager's!" (Aru)

"Yeah! It's probably almost as big as our head!" (Iru)


"Ugh... You two..."

Hearing their ruckus getting out of hand, I quickly pulled the twins and ordered "Calm down, you guys. She is in fact my friend, so let me handle this." 


"Anyway, why are you here, Mera?" I asked curiously.

"Of course to meet you, Jin-sama." Mera answered quickly, looking at me with starry eyes, "After all, we are a friend!"

"...Is it okay? Considering your status as a princess."

"Don't worry, I come here with the help of my summon who can hide with my presence, so no one knows that I am here!" 

Mera explained calmly and then added, "I am also here to fulfill the part of my contract to report about what all I know about this world so far."

"I see."

I almost forgot I had such a contract with her thanks to that old man who deleted the chat group, but her telling me would help a lot in learning about this world. Although the old man deleted the chat group because he thought it was cheating, it seems he didn't remove the contract itself which is going to help me in executing his task.

After that, both of us went to the kitchen for her to inform me all she knew about this world as the contract stated-- while I told the twins to stay in the main area in case the actual customer came to the restaurant. It's not like they can listen to our topic anyway, as they are not aware of my identity as a god yet.

In her explanation, Mera then explained the general things I already knew about this world, as well as all the existing races, religions, and countries along with their topography. Aside from that, Mera also told me how contracts and business generally work in this world, which saved me the trouble of getting scammed for the second time when I needed to find out restock agent later.

Both of us have fun talking with each other after a long time, until another bell rings from the front door which means we finally have a real customer.

...However, it turns out to be another reincarnated person who wants to meet me out of desperation.


[Intermission: Is every reincarnated person aware that I come to this world? ]


(MC): "As the title of the intermission said, I wonder if every reincarnated person is aware I am finally here? since Mera found me here pretty fast."

(System): ["You asked something within a spoiler topic, so I can only answer it vaguely."]

(MC): "That's fair."

(System): ["Alright, the answer is... some of them do, some of them don't, but eventually everyone will be aware of your presence."]

(MC): "Ugh... Which people already know that I am here? Aside from Mera?"

(System): ["I can't answer that, but I will give you a hint. The ones who know you are here have something wrong in their mind."]

(MC): "System, you are messing with me because that's almost everyone! Except for Jack Harrison who is just a salesman, the other reincarnated persons are a doom guy reincarnator, an eroge delusional person, a yandere, and a former demon princess who has a grudge against goddess!"

(System): ["Pfft...!! Well, you will find out all of them very soon, that's something I can guarantee. The next person literally on the next chapter anyway."]

(MC): "Although you are right, the fact you answered me by breaking the 4th wall kinda pissed me off too."

(System): ["You have no right to talk back about that as you also do that a lot Jin-sama."]


Long time no see! Well, I finally decided to continue this novel after a long time and I do have a few chapter outlines ahead to ensure it will continue for a while. I need to re-read this whole series again to remember the characters and events since it has been quite a long time since I wrote this story.

I can't promise a constant update though. This novel has 2-3k+ each chapter so it's take more effort to finish it compared my other series.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.