Euphoria Scented Candle (18+)

Euphoria Scented Candle

"Goddamnit, why do we always have to do a Secret Santa thing? I never know what to get these people, I know nothing about them except that they work here," I complained. 

"Don't be a Scrooge, you know everyone here, just get something the person you get would like," my friend and confidant, Amber replied.

We were on break from our boring office job at a magical malpractice insurance firm. Basically, if someone fucks up a service or good involving magic and it causes damages they call us. It's riveting stuff, and totally not at all as soul-sucking as any other job.

"Bah humbug," I grumbled. 

"Do I need to send three ghosts after you?"

"Only if I can meet Saint Nick," I huffed. 

We chatted about random nonsense for a bit until Amber pulled out a joint and wiggled it in front of me.

"I lost my lighter," Amber said.

"Again? You should just tape one to your hand at this point, but then again you'd probably lose your hand if you did that."

"Ha ha, can you help a girl out?"

"Hmm, maybe I should just let you go without so you keep closer track of your things."

"Come on dude, give me a break."

"Oh fine, but don't call me that."

"Huh? Why don't you want me to call you-"

I interrupted her by snapping my fingers and with a small effort of will produced a small flame coming from my fingertip then lit her weed cigarette, then shook out the flame before it burned me. 

My magic was fairly limited, but I had become fairly talented with cantrips, the weakest type of magic, but most useful for day-to-day life. Cantips get a bad rap for being simple, but how often does the average person need to throw a fireball while working at an office? That's need to, not want to.

"Thanks muchly." She took a couple hits then passed the joint to me. "If you get literally anyone else and still can't figure it out what to get them you can always just get a candle, then you could light it for them!" she light-heartedly teased.

"Getting someone a candle is like giving them a note that says I don't really know you, but you should smell this."

"Nonsense, everyone likes pleasant smells, it's pretty basic, but won't usually be unappreciated if you have good taste in scents, or maybe it should be 'have good smell'… oh who cares."

"I'll have to think about it."

"Just try not to overthink it, alright? Being serious for a sec, I've been worried about you lately, it seems you're always stuck in your head and miss out on living, even more so than usual."

"I mean you're not wrong, but how dare you."

"Peter, you've been isolating yourself more and more lately, I haven't seen you outside work for over two months, you've even stopped coming to the weekly tabletop RPG sessions."

"I know, but like, my character died and it's hard to move past her dying."

"I totally get it, losing a character can be rough since you put so much time into her, but wasn't Heather dying heroically your plan for ending her story arc?"

"Yeah, it was, but… I don't know why I'm so caught up on it. But anyway, that's not why I've been spending more time alone lately though."

"Then what is?"

"My new roommate is moving in today and I've been stressed about that."

"You started looking for a roommate before you started spending all your time at your place."

"I-" I began, but realized I had no idea what was going on with me either and I was just grasping at straws to answer the question. 

Glancing at my phone saved me from confronting any unpleasantness as our break was over and I bade farewell and went back to my desk.


"Alrighty people, time for Secret Santa!" our manager, Jay, announced in their thick southern accent over the cubicle walls.

All credit to them, Secret Santa wasn't their idea and they generally try to make working here tolerable, but there's only so much that can be done.

Everyone in the office crowded around a central area and began chatting, an activity I was thankful spared from participating. I wanted this to be over as quick as possible, because since I was already stressed from having to meet my new roommate today for the first time in person and I was still nervous about the prospect of sharing my apartment and being in a crowd of coworkers wasn't helping my anxiety.

All the names went into the hat, then it was passed around. My eyes were locked on the hat, desperately hoping I got Amber, at least I knew what kind of stuff she liked and could bullshit my way into getting a half-decent gift.

When it was my turn I hesitantly grabbed a slip of paper out and it read: Nate Gaylord.

S-tier last name, but who the hell is Nate? Wait… aw fuck, he's the new guy, I don't fucking know anything about this dude. What the hell am I supposed to give some rando I've only talked to once? I thought to myself.

It took a minute of searching around to find the Gaylord. Despite his towering height and blockly build, he blended into the background due to a 'please ignore my existence' hunch that was very nearly as effective as my 'I am literally invisible' hunch which was my default pose.

"Alrighty, everyone! Y'all've gotcha names, so give it a good think and find something nice for your person! Gift exchange is in two weeks!" Jay drawled.

People slowly shuffled back to their desks, clearly much less interested than I was in leaving the awkward social ritual that is employee bonding.

"Remember that any magic has to be temporary. We don't want a repeat of last year!" Jay reminded us.

During the previous holiday season, Amber had been given a bottle of shampoo that made her hair change colors to look like a snowy night. I had thought it was really cool and was honestly a bit jealous, but Amber had gotten sick of it after a few days when she realized it wasn't wearing off and had to go to a cosmetics mage to have her hair disenchanted. 


After work I drove to a cozy little gift shop run by a pair of fae that was a few blocks away from the office. 

Alright, so what do guys like? Oh right… I'm a guy. Okay, what do normal guys like?

Turns out coming up with a gift that was affordable but not too presumptuous a present for a complete stranger was Herculean task that I was not up for, so I eventually decided to give in to Amber's advice and buy something that smelled nice, but I refused to buy a stupid candle.

In the cologne section I stared at the various bottles until my eyes glazed over. None of them looked even a little appealing and smelled worse.

I glanced over at the adjacent shelf that held the perfumes, I had caught a whiff of one on a prominent display while I walked past, the smells were overwhelming, individually were probably quite lovely.

With a resigned sigh I picked out a bottle at random from the edge of the section. The label read Euphoria in a long fancy script. I gave it a sniff, more out of morbid curiosity than actually thinking it might smell nice. 

To my utter amazement it was absolutely heavenly, who would've thought any cologne could actually smell good. It smelled of peppermint and chocolate.

This is perfect, I thought, who in their right mind wouldn't like this? Well, maybe someone who doesn't order peppermint mocha coffee at all times of the year, but right now that's festive and not a weird quirk.

After purchasing it I went home and got ready to meet my new roommate. I didn't have to wait long before the doorbell rang and I nervously opened the door. Standing in the hallway was my co-worker Nate Gaylord.

"Oh hi, it's you!" I greeted.

"Huh? Who else would it be?" he asked.

"No, I mean you're the new guy at the office."

He flinched at that, weirdly he tried to play it off as though he was stretching his muscles in a strange manner. 

Weird flex, but okay.

"Do you not recognize me? It's been like, an hour since I left work."

"S-sorry, I've just been trying to stay out of everyone's way so far. I'm not super good at meeting new people."

That was a lot more of a personal reason than I had expected out of the refrigerator-shaped man. 

"Oh, uhh, same hat," I chuckled anxiously.

"Haha, same hat." He hadn't actually laughed, he just said the words.

Wow, this guy is nearly as bad as me. I thought.

"So, uhh, Nate was it?" I asked.

"Yeah," he grimaced, "I prefer Nat though."

"Oh, umm, okay Nat then. So Nat, do you need help setting up or anything?" I asked, trying to be friendly.

"Nah, I've got it."

That interaction had set the tone for our first two weeks as roommates. We barely talked or even looked at each other at work or at the apartment, which was made even more awkward as we both left for work at the same time, drove the same route so I could often see his car, and got home at roughly the same time.


It was the last day of work before the Christmas break and the time had come for Secret Santa gifts. We had collectively decided to let the gift giver decide if they wished to reveal themselves. 

My co-worker's gathered around a large office table with a pile of presents of varying degrees of effort. Most were wrapped, but there were a few that just had a sticker saying who it's for on the packaging. Three of the five unwrapped gifts were candles, go figure.

"Peter, who'd you get?" Amber whispered to me.

"Nat," I replied quietly.

"Who's Nat? Do you mean Nate?"

Has he not told people he prefers Nat? I guess I shouldn't correct people.

She glanced at Nat who was trying to conceal a general uneasiness with the situation, which was better than I was managing. 

Crowds are always hard for me, but today was especially bad, as people would be publicly judging how good my present was. Even though only Amber and I knew who I got, that didn't soothe my anxiety. 

The wait was particularly bad since Jay was calling us one at a time in alphabetical order, so I had to wait a while before Nat was called.

"Nate, come get your gift," Jay called cheerfully.

Nat went up to the table and searched for the little box wrapped in wrapping paper with cute penguins on it. He carefully unwrapped my present without ripping the paper and pulled out the cologne. His eyes went wide as saucers when he saw the bottle and he quickly shoved it back into the box and ducked back into the crowd without a word.

"Uhh, does Nate's Santa want to reveal themselves?"

Fuck no, I wasn't planning on it anyway, but after that reaction there's no way on Earth I'll tell anyone.

"Alright, I guess not," Jay shrugged after it was clear no one was going to take credit. "Peter, you're up next!"

I found my present, it was about the size and shape to fit a candle. When I took the package out of the wrapping paper with some rather adorable Arctic foxes in varying stages of diving face first into the snow. Low and behold, it was a large candle with pink, blue, and white stripes.

"It's a candle, thanks Santa!" I said, trying to sound excited and thankful, which while I was somewhat thankful, excitement was on another planet at the time. I stashed the candle in my messenger bag I carried around without further inspection.

Amber gave me a knowing smirk, but said nothing. We stood there for a long moment waiting to see if the giver would take credit before Jay mercifully moved the gift giving along. After the whole fiasco was over, Amber came and visited me at my desk.

"Hiya there, so this is gonna sound like a weird request, but could I get a better look at that candle?"

"Uhh, I guess?" I gestured towards the gift sitting on my desk, confused as to why she would possibly give two shits about the thing.

She examined the packaging and her eyes lit up. 

"Oh my god! It all makes sense now!" she gasped.

"Huh, what?"

"Gosh, I don't know how I managed to miss the signs."

"What are you on about?"

"Don't worry about it, just make sure to use the candle tonight!"

"What the hell has gotten into you, Amber? Why are you so excited about a stupid candle?"

"I was given an Euphoria product a long time ago and have been a huge fan ever since!" she enthused.

"Is it really that good?" 

"It's better!"

"Okay, okay, fine I'll try the damn candle, you happy?"

"You have no idea!" she beamed. "Got to go, bye!" Then she left me in a confused stupor. 


When I got home, Nate was already there. He sat at the kitchen table with jacket and shoes still on, staring at the bottle of cologne I got him.

"Uhh, hey there," I said.

"Aaagh!" he jumped up from the chair and whirled around, putting himself between the bottle and me.

"Oh s-sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you."

"It's okay, just startled me."

"So, uhh, do you like the cologne?"

"Cologne? What cologne?" He seemed genuinely confused. 

"The cologne of the table?"

"Were you my Santa?"


"It's okay, I guess you didn't notice when you bought it, that makes a lot more sense."


"It's not cologne, it's perfume."


"Hey hey hey, easy there, it's fine. It's gonna be okay, I'm not upset or anything."

"I didn't mean anything by it, I swear!"

"I said it's going to be okay, you don't need to apologize."

"Why aren't you angry? I gave you a thing for girls and normal guys get upset if their masculinity is challenged."

"Wow, that's a lot of bullshit to unpack. Literally everything you said is wrong. Anyone can be as masculine or feminine as they want, regardless of gender. You really should reexamine your preconceived notions about this kind of thing."

"Fair enough, but I still don't get why you aren't mad at me," I sniffed.

"Because I kinda did the same thing with your present." He rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"You're kidding, we got each other?"

"Seems like it."

"What a bizarre coincidence."

"I didn't notice I had bought the wrong thing until I was wrapping it at the office today and by then it was too late to buy something else."

"What do you mean?"

"I accidentally got you a candle with a traditionally girly scent."

"The candle is for girls?"

"It said something like feminine style under the logo, not that that means it's only for girls."

I pulled the candle out of my messenger bag and sure enough it said Euphoria Scented Candle: Feminine Style on the packaging.

"How did we miss that?" I wondered.

"Pretty easily, apparently."

"What does Feminine Style even mean?"

"No clue."

"It sucks we have to get rid of them since they're for girls. This candle actually smells nice."

"Yeah, the perfume smells really good as well. It would be a shame to just throw it out…"

For a long moment we locked eyes, searching for any judgmental looks in each other's expressions.

"I'm going to my room, talk to you later," he blurted out.

"Y-yeah, I'm going too."

He turned back with something not unlike gleeful surprise, but that couldn't possibly be what he was actually feeling, not wanting this to get any weirder, I quickly clarified.

"To my own room."

Then I bolted away with the candle clutched close to my chest. After slamming my bedroom door behind me I took a minute to catch my breath.

Fuck, that was close. He must’ve been close to figuring out I don't mind that it's for girls. That would've been a disaster!

Once I calmed down enough to exist again I found myself mimicking Nat by staring at the candle with the same look a bomb defuser goes about their work.

Amber had been really insistent I try it out and I did promise her I'd try it so I have to. I wouldn't want to disappoint her by breaking my word. That’s the only reason I’m going to light it. 

With a snap of my fingers I lit the candle, which burned with a low blue flame that quickly turned into a brilliant pink. 

Must be enchanted, I thought. Maybe I should actually read the packaging.

It said Euphoria Scented Candle: Feminine Style on the front, but I noticed a tagline I hadn't seen when I glanced at it earlier: Making your body come true.

What is that supposed to mean? Curiosity piqued, I turned it to read the back. 

Many people have undesired body traits. We here at Euphoria strive to allow people affected by dysmorphia or gender dysphoria to experience their ideal form*. 

Euphoria Scented Candle: Feminine Style offers a temporary glimpse at the possibilities awaiting you before making a commitment towards peace of mind.

If you wish for a permanent transformation seek out an Euphoria certified enchantment specialist today.

*This product cannot affect mental, health, metaphysical, or certain hereditary aspects of the user. Do not use this product if you are allergic to fae magic. If transformation lasts more than four hours consult an Euphoria certified enchantment specialist.

"What the fuck?" I wondered aloud.

Could they really pack that powerful of an enchantment into a candle? If so, why have I never heard of this company before? 

I scratched and felt something moving. Jumping out of the chair I tried to brush off whatever was on my head, but the sensation continued, then something touched my neck as I attempted to swat it, but only hit my hair against my neck. 

My hair isn't long enough… oh shit.

Sure enough, my hair was growing out and it had just reached my shoulders. I ran my fingers through my hair and a warmth appeared in my chest.

Wow, my hair has never been this long before, or this soft. No wonder my most desired form has long hair, this is luxurious! If I had only known I would have grown it out a long time ago.

My attention shifted to figure out what other changes were in store for me. Immediately I noticed my clothes hung loosely on me, like they had grown three sizes that day.

To my surprise I realized that I was what was shrinking. My square frame was in the process of narrowing to an almost feminine build.

Alarm bells went off in my head and panic crept up on me. There was nothing I could reasonably do to stop my transformation, but I could still warn Nat.

I dashed to Nat's room to warn him not to smell the perfume, then I threw his door open and saw an absolutely beautiful woman giving me a deer in headlights look.

She was wearing a cute yet completely out of season combo of v-cut tee, short black skirt, and rainbow thigh-highs. 

"I can explain!" she cried. 

"No time, I need to tell Nat not to smell the perfume!"

"Uhh… are you serious?"

"Of course I am, looking at what it's doing to me!" I exclaimed gesturing down at my now petite body.

If she said anything after that I couldn't say, I was too busy staring at myself in awe. Two bumps poked out from my baggy shirt, then I fully grasped the situation, both of them, then squeezed them tightly.

I couldn't explain why, but the feeling of holding my budding breasts was blissful. The warm feeling flared as hot as the sun and spread to my face for how much I was blushing.

"Boobs," I muttered reverently, still not breaking eye contact with my still growing assets.

As my tits embiggened I noticed other changes that vied for my attention. My hips and thighs were expanding into a downright thicc figure and I strained my neck to check out my now bodacious booty.

Maybe I overreacted about this being a bad thing. 

"Well, you're certainly enjoying yourself," the woman giggled and broke my trance.

"Uhhh, oh fuck, I can explain!" 

"No need, it makes sense for a cutie like you to want to feel up their new body."

A strange feeling overtook me, it was not dislike embarrassment, but it felt wonderful. I basked in the sudden return of the warmth in my chest.

"Sorry, did I go too hard on flirting? You're looking a bit overwhelmed." 

"F-flirting? Why are you doing that?" I said. 

"Because you're damn hot right now," she stated as if it was completely obvious. "Why shouldn't I?"

"Cause you are my roommate's girlfriend who just saw me changing into a girl while groping myself."

She opened and closed her mouth as if I had said something mind-bogglingly clueless. Eventually she was able to find her words again.

"Is your ideal form a cute bimbo? I am your roommate."

"Oh, that does explain a lot… Hey, wait a second!"

"Sorry, sorry, suddenly gaining self-confidence is a real trip. I shouldn't have teased you like that."

"It's okay," I said, then to my surprise I added, "Feels kinda good to be honest."

"Noted. We haven't been properly introduced, I'm Natalie. She/her pronouns."

"That's such a pretty name!" I gushed.

"Thanks! I hated my birth name and had already changed it once to the name I told you when we first met, but eventually realized I hated that one too, but now I'm finally happy with my name!"

"Glad to hear that you're happy. That's actually pretty relatable, I've always disliked my name."

"I guessed as much. So, what's your real name, little one?"

"Why are you asking? You already know my name."

"I know a name, but do you really want to use that one?"

"I guess so. People like me don't get to choose their names, but it's not like I like it."

"Where are you getting that bullshit? Anyone can choose their name, even if they're not trans."

"Trans, what do transgender people have to do with anything?"'

"How can you possibly be that… oh ho ho, you had me there for a second."

"What are you talking about?" I was starting to feel like a broken record from having to ask her to explain everything.

She gave me that same look again and pointed at herself, then me, then to her pride socks. 

"Ooooh, I get it now, you're transgender. Sorry I should've figured that out by now," I said.

"Oh my god, you're being for real. Okay, you're right, the perfume turned me into a girl because I'm trans and this is my ideal version of myself."

"Yeah, I get that now."

"Why'd it turn you into a girl?"

Pressure began building up in my head. My head felt like it was inflating like a balloon, then my head literally exploded like that guy in the movie Scanners… okay,  it didn't, but it might have as well have for the amount of coherent thought I was capable of at that moment.

"Do you want a hug?" someone asked from outside of my panic bubble.

An affirmative wobble of my head was all I could manage. Warm, silky-smooth arms encircled me and held me tight. The arms led me to a cushy seat and I dazely sat down.

I scooted back a ways to lay down and the arms don't follow. A cute yet angry sound escaped my lips and I grabbed the arms to keep hugging me, they did without further resistance. 

As panicked as my mind was, my body was quite comfortable. I would've been quite happy to just luxuriate for a while, but unfortunately my brain rebooted and started thinking again.

The candle is supposed to turn the user or users into their most desired form, but it turned me into a girl! What does that mean? Do I want to be a girl?

I knew the answer immediately. Of course I wanted to be a girl, there is nothing I'd ever wanted more in my life. 

Between role-playing women in RPGs, idle fantasies of what it would be like to be one, to my choice of reading material exclusively being gender benders where the main character is happy to be transformed into a woman, it should have been obvious what I wanted.

"I wanted this body," I admitted after a few false starts at talking, "it turned me into a girl because I'm transgender."

"There you go, I'm glad to hear you're figuring yourself out," said someone, somewhere.

All the sudden I became acutely aware I was happily cuddled up with my beautiful roommate on her bed. 

My initial reaction was to jump out of the embrace and profusely apologize, but doing that would mean ending the most comfortable experience I had ever had.

"Hey there, cutie," Natalie smiled.

"Hi," I squeaked, looking up into the much taller woman's eyes. 

"What's your name and pronouns?"

"S-she/her sounds nice, but I've never really thought about a name- oh my god, I have picked one out. I've been using Heather for characters and usernames forever."

"Such a cute name for such a cute girl."

"Aaaaaaaaaa," I blushed furiously. 

"So Heather, you come here often?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Maybe if you let me," I answered without realizing what I was implying until it was too late.

"I'm sure we could work something out," she purred and rubbed my shoulder with her thumb.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that!"

"Oh...sorry, I thought… nevermind," she said, crestfallen and ashamed. She untangled herself from the cuddle pile and sat up. There was an awkward silence.

"Did you really mean… that?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah," she sighed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I thought you were into it."

"It's not that… I'm not used to anyone thinking I'm attractive and this is still all so new."

"You were pretty attractive to begin with, but now you're beautiful. But maybe we should just chill out for a bit and give you a chance to go do… whatever."

  "Actually, I kinda wanted to see where this was going," I admitted to both of our surprise. "What I mean is, umm, I know we haven't known each other very long, but, uhh, do you wanna, y'know, umm, what I mean is you're really pretty and-" I rambled.

"Kiss me, you gay baby," she interrupted.

"Really?!" I gasped in joy.

"Hell yeah, girl!" 

With that she tackled me to the bed and we kissed. Her lips were demanding yet tender. She lovingly savored each kiss and even though she showed no sign of slowing I made a small disappointed noise each time we broke contact. 

That was my first kiss, I had never been that interested in any kind of intimacy before then, but wow, did it live up to the hype. We made out for what seemed like forever before she stopped to catch her breath.

"You cool with me topping?" she panted.

"Uhh, yeah," I breathed, "I'm super cool with that."

"Mmm, I bet you are. I had you pegged for a sub the moment you walked in here."

"Haha, pegged." I giggled.

"What a great suggestion, but there are so many other things to try out first."

There was a familiar hardening feeling along with a more alien heat emanating from below that spread to cover my entire body along with a dampness that no amount of pre-cum could account for.

"Wait, what?" I wondered aloud.

I felt around and to my surprise I still had my dick, but my balls were gone and in their place was a soaking wet pussy.

"Ooo what do we have here?"

"My ideal form, I guess," I murmured in wonder at my new equipment. According to the candle's box this was what I most wanted and I had no reason to doubt it, as I was rather excited about my new setup, but it still felt kind of weird if I'm being honest. 

"Well, let's give this," she sensually ran her finger from the bottom of my folds all the way up to the tip of dick causing me to squirm the whole time, "a test run."

My repressed submissive urges broke out in full force and I whimpered in anticipation for everything I wanted her to do to me.

"Please, touch me, Mistress!"

"Mistress? Well, someone's keen to be my plaything," she laughed, it sounded just like a femme fatale and that certainly had an effect on me.

She rubbed my back some, then slowly and sensually moved to my front and gently brushed her hand against my breasts. Suddenly she pinched one of my nipples and I let out a squeak of pleasure.

"Look at you, barely able to control yourself from my light teasing."

"Oh god, please Mistress, please fuck me! I need it so bad!" I whined.

"I'll fuck you don't you worry, but first you need to lube me up."

She gently pushed my head down to a shapely bulge in her panties. To my eternal embarrassment, I began salivating at the sight of the outline of her rock-hard girldick. It twitched slightly as if signaling me to hurry up.

"Go ahead and give her a kiss," Natalie ordered.

Not one to pass up such an opportunity, I gave the tip a little peck. A small drip of pre-cum leaked out of her cock and soaked into her underwear. 

I couldn't help myself but to lick at the wet spot. There was a hint of salt, but nowhere near as much as when I had tasted my own… product, just out of curiosity and for no other reason. 

"Already so eager to please! That's a good girl."

She pulled the object of my desire out of her panties and said.

"Suck it."

Like the good cocksucker I am, I gladly got to work taking her huge girth in my mouth and got to work. It was literally a dream come true to give a blowjob and I wasn't going to blow my first attempt on half-assing it.

There had been a lot of research I'd done on the subject and I was ecstatic to put my skills to the test. I started with just the head and gently squeezing and rubbing with my lips, then added my tongue into the mix. 

Her loud moans were all the feedback I needed to begin building up  to a technique I was dying to try out. 

I took more and more of her deliciously salty girldick into my mouth and bobbed my head up and down, angling my mouth so her tip brushed up against my soft palate.

Knowing for a fact my ideal form had very little in the way of a gag reflex, I suddenly took in her full length to the base and started to deepthroat her. She screamed, then nearly creamed when I began swallowing repeatedly.

"Woooah there." Natalie pushed my head back and to my dismay took her dick out of my mouth.

"Why'd you stop me? I was having so much fun!" I whined.

"Oh me too, you're a natural-born cocksucker, but I've got other plans for you. Now, I do believe you mentioned getting pegged."

"Please!" I gasped.

"Please, what?"

"Please, fuck my ass, Mistress!"

"Good girl. Now bend over the side of the bed."

Hurriedly following orders I assumed the position and arched my back in anticipation of what was to come. When I turned to see why she wasn't immediately deep inside me she was squirting lube in her hand and rubbing it on.

"I think I may have overestimated how much saliva would work," she examined. There was  a sliver of the meekness of her former self, but then it was gone.

As impatient as I was, I didn't have to wait long before another glob of lube found its way directly on my waiting hole and a tender finger slipped inside.

Unsurprisingly, my most desirable form was well trained in anal sex and Natalie was easily able to get three fingers in before she was satisfied with her probe.

"Oh you slut, your body is already perfectly conditioned to take me," she praised.

I wiggled my bubble butt, goading her to hurry it up. She wasted no time and rammed her full length into me. I gasped in joy at the massive girldick hitting my awaiting prostate. 

There are few pleasure as being thoroughly fucked by a smoking hot woman and with each thrust of she hips I came closer to climaxing.

I had never been able to suck myself off before, if I'm being honest it wasn't for lack of trying, but now I felt so much more flexible and with the help of each of Natalie's thrusts it seemed quite possible as my cock grew ever closer to my mouth with each thrust.

"You're so close, just a bit further." With each word she fucked me harder and harder.

Straining my neck as far as it could, but my prize was just out of reach. With a disappointed whine I realized I wasn't going to be able to manage it.

Suddenly, Natalie pulled out and stepped up onto the bedframe and rolled my legs up past my head, climbed on top of me, then slammed her stiff cock in my gaping hole.

In the new position my own girldick began rubbing against my face. I needily moved my mouth and began licking it lovely. There is no feeling in this world as sublime as sucking your own dick while getting railed by a sexy lady, or that's what I thought before she slid a few fingers into my pussy. An explosion of pleasure coursed through me and I knew I was about to have a White Christmas.

"I'm about to cum!" Natalie called out. 

"Mmph!" I moaned happily around my hardness.

"When you're ready I want you to come in your mouth for me, fight your instinct to immediately swallow."

That phrase threw me over the edge and I started wildly thrusting and shot watery cum on my waiting tongue with my lover's climax following close behind.

Being a good girl I resisted swallowing even though I desperately wanted to.

"Open up and let me see," she cooed.

I proudly opened my mouth to show her my prize.

“Now you may swallow.”

I dutifully gulped it down and opened my mouth to show Mistress that I had obeyed her.

"Good girl."

At that moment of earthly heaven I knew I could never be happy in my old body again, not if that was what I was missing. Of course, there were other reasons than the amazing sex, but such ecstasy as the first of many orgasms that night was enough reason by itself to never turn back.

And I never did.


Turns out absolutely no one was surprised when I came out as trans and with the help of a mutual aid fund there were few road bumps along the way for Nat and me getting permanent transformation enchantments. 

We started dating that fateful night and one year later we were closer and happier than ever. It was Christmas Day and we had traded our presents and were getting ready to unwrap them.

"You ready to open your present, babe?" Natalie asked.

"Is it a rock to wind a string around?" 

"Really, Heather? Honestly, between you and Amber you're gonna bury me alive if in esoteric references," she laughed, then gave me a quick peck on the lips.

We took our time opening our gifts to prevent ripping the wrapping paper. My present was a soft collar with my name on it, which perfectly complemented her brand new bondage rope.

"You wouldn't believe how glad I am that it isn't a candle," I smirked. It was a comment that didn't go unpunished.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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