Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Chapter 12: Battle 2


The minotaur let out a painful cry. The two horns on its head now had gashes, and there were three clear claw marks on the top of its head.

"Spear Arts - Blazing Fury"

At the same time, Vivianne also arrived. She switched to an attacking stance, and her long spear started spinning rapidly. For a moment, there seemed to be a blue dragon coiling around it, drilling towards the minotaur's thigh like a drill bit.

"Absolute Spear - Dragon Sword"

There was a metallic sound of impact and collision. The minotaur's defence was finally broken through, and the spearhead sunk deeply into its thigh muscles, almost piercing through entirely. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to have hit any bones or blood vessels, so the damage was limited. But the pain stimulated the minotaur's ferocity. It swung its axe at the nearest Vivianne.

Vivianne was unprepared in her attacking stance, and didn't have time to dodge. With a sharp scream, she was struck and sent flying. Fortunately, she managed to raise her weapon to block the fatal blow at the last moment. But the long spear shaft couldn't withstand the chop and snapped with a "crack". Vivianne still suffered heavy injuries and crashed heavily to the ground, falling unconscious.

What terrifying power. A single axe blow immediately eliminated one of our fighters. But it had only suffered a few superficial external injuries.

Selene had just recovered from the huge shock. Seeing Vivianne fall, she hurried over and quickly chanted a healing spell, shooting a white light from her palm that enveloped Vivianne.

The healing spell's effect was very obvious. At least the bleeding from Vivianne's wounds started slowing down and eventually stopped completely.

"I've stabilized her injuries with light magic. But my water healing magic isn't excellent, so I can only heal slowly, not quickly recover her."

Selene's voice quivered a little. I looked at the wound on Vivianne's chest that was slowly closing up. I understood what she meant - Vivianne wouldn't be able to keep fighting for now.

The minotaur had eliminated one problem and immediately charged at Brennan who had just landed from the air. Brennan was also too slow to react fully, still having several close brushes with danger.

Just at this critical moment, an arrow wreathed in flame shot towards the minotaur with a sharp whistle, nailing its right eye and exploding.

"Roar!" This arrow truly inflicted the heaviest wound since the start of the fight. Losing half its vision instantly drove the minotaur berserk with pain.

Adrian stood atop a giant boulder in the distance, bow in hand, eyes fixed intently on this side. He had finally arrived, though it felt a little late.

The minotaur covered its injured eye with one hand, while wildly swinging its axe at Brennan in front of it with the other. But Brennan had taken the chance to switch back to his agile state again, temporarily stabilizing the situation. Adrian seized the momentum, immediately nocking nine red-glowing arrows and shooting them in succession at the minotaur's other eye.

"Nine Heaven Arrows"

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!" Like a string of deafening firecrackers, the explosive magic arrows continuously exploded toward the minotaur's head.

Although it had lost an eye, the minotaur wouldn't make the same mistake again, constantly dodging sideways to avoid the sneak attack arrows. But these magic arrows were completely different from normal ones. Even though the minotaur avoided its vitals, the explosions still impacted its head heavily. Each one nearly matched Brennan's light dragon in power.

But it still wasn't enough. After all, its skin was too thick. More arrows could at most leave some more bloodstains on its face, unable to deal real damage. And the tactic of attacking its eyes clearly wouldn't work anymore either.

Furrowing his brows, Adrian took out two more arrows glowing with white light, nocking them together for his next shot.

"Attack its hands!" I yelled loudly. Up til now, the biggest threat seemed to be that giant axe. If we could disarm the minotaur, it would at least slightly ease the battle. Previously everyone had focused on its head, but the actual effect was too disappointing. We had to try changing our strategy.

Hearing me, Adrian immediately shifted his aim. The two white rays shot out like lightning bolts. In the next moment, the hand the minotaur was using to cover its right eye was struck by the two arrows. Unlike the explosive magic arrows, these white glowing arrows silently pierced into the back of the minotaur's hand like needles, without even a single spark. But the damage appeared huge, because all previous attacks had only reached its outer skin, while this was a rare direct hit to its insides.

Uh, what I actually meant was to attack the hand holding the giant axe. I was still wondering why Adrian didn't do that, but after glancing at the battlefield I suddenly understood and silently scolded myself for being an idiot. The minotaur was swinging that axe with power and speed, afterimages nearly appearing. How could Adrian possibly hit it accurately like that?

We had to make it stop moving its hands for a while! I desperately racked my brain on how to accomplish this. Vivianne was heavily injured now. Selene was healing her and couldn't leave. Brennan was the main aggro tank and also couldn't spare any attention.

Suddenly I recalled the scene of dodging the minotaur's axe chop at Selene earlier, and had a flash of inspiration. This was the only way to try!

"Brennan, try to lead it to chop the ground!" I shouted while carefully and stealthily moving closer to them. Right now the only person the minotaur saw was Brennan, completely ignoring my actions. Although unclear about my intentions, Brennan immediately stopped moving on hearing my yell, waiting until the minotaur directly chopped down before suddenly dodging sideways. With a crashing sound, the giant axe sunk into a pile of rubble as planned.

Now! I seized the opportunity, rushing at the minotaur's arm as it was about to pull out its weapon...

As a transmigrator and angel, I currently knew almost nothing and had the lowest combat ability among everyone. Perhaps my only usefulness was the greater strength compared to previously.

I had tested the tree branch many times before. I felt that although I couldn't knock out the minotaur with one punch, I should still be able to hurt it. But why didn't I join the battle? Because I only had strong power. I didn't know any skills, had no evasion or defense techniques either. If that axe came at me, with my slow reflexes, I'd probably get chopped in two immediately.

So my plan was simple. I would use brute force to grab the minotaur's arm as it is pulling out its weapon, immobilizing it briefly.

"Adrian, quickly attack its hand!" I flung myself at the minotaur's wrist, exerting all my strength to press down. Adrian in the distance understood this fleeting opportunity, already nocking two white arrows aiming here.

Huh? The instant I pressed down, I suddenly sensed something was off. It was like my strength had no effect at all, a huge opposing force instantly pushing back from its arm without even the slightest slowness. The minotaur grabbed its axe and abruptly lifted it up. Unable to maintain my grip, my entire body was flung into the sky.

"Feliciana!" Everyone was shocked, originally thinking I had some hidden power to turn the tide. But it was just like an ordinary person rushing to their death, spiraling straight upwards.

What was going on? In that instant of shooting upwards, I was still wondering why. But the ensuing rapid spinning quickly made me dizzy and disoriented. After rising to the top, I started plummeting down again, the intensifying weightlessness making me feel the threat of imminent death. I would definitely smash into meat paste.

"Swish!" My back split open and a pair of pure, unblemished wings suddenly unfolded midair. The increased drag instantly slowed my descent, but I didn't know how to fly and was still unable to stabilize. My consciousness faded under the ceaseless spinning acceleration. At the very last moment, my body's instincts finally took over. Without needing conscious control, every part of the wings started coordinating and exerting force.

Just one second before smashing into the ground, I finally halted my fall, hovering steadily in the air not far above the ground.

So that was it...

After regaining awareness, I deeply experienced the sensation from the wings under instinctive operation. It was completely different from the overall rigid, deliberate flapping previously.

"You really are an angel!" Selene cried out, even dropping her usual polite address. Brennan and Adrian were also dumbfounded, originally thinking I couldn't be saved after falling from the sky. But the result completely exceeded their expectations.


Seeing an angel suddenly descend, the minotaur's attention was fully drawn here. It didn't even care about Brennan frozen in front of it, raising its axe to chop at me.

I flashed aside in midair, the wings naturally changing action to bring me flying from my original position without needing any conscious control.

As expected, just relying on instincts works! Having grasped flight, I excitedly zipped to the minotaur's side and kicked hard at its swinging arm.

The minotaur let out a pained cry as the giant axe slipped from its grasp and was kicked away by me. The hit worked. The minotaur was disarmed! I had actually accomplished the goal I struggled vainly to achieve earlier so easily, I couldn't help doubting life itself.

My foot also started aching slightly from the reaction force, but I didn't have the attention to spare for such minor things. I stared at my own hands, temporarily confused why my strength had returned?

Could it be because of the wings? I suddenly recalled testing my strength before while the wings were visible, and hadn't tried again after hiding them. So the source of my power should be the wings behind me!

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