Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 339 The Paradox of Omnipotence


Jesus focused his eyes and recited the vast divine words, calming the crumbling space with overwhelming power.

"The long-lost pain is really nostalgic. As a thank you, I will repay you with all my strength."

Geyue's cold voice echoed in all directions, like a roaring wave, tearing apart large swaths of stars in the universe, collapsing gravity and distorting space.

"Appear, my legion—!"

"Let's sing together in my world, sing this great blessing! I love everything! Burn it, rage it! Destroy it! Stage the collapse of everything and the fall of the supreme one!!"

The supreme light that dominates and ravages everything is rolling, and among it are countless undead souls who are ready to attack, casting their deep and crazy eyes towards Jesus.

Exuding the aura of evaporating billions of stars, endless figures lined up neatly in the bright golden light. They were endless fighting spirits!

All the souls and powerful people in the multiple worlds swallowed by Ge Yue are included in it, and all the people and power emerge here under the will of the overbearing god.

Thousands of races and creatures in the universe are all gathered in the array of the Lord of Destruction.

【Holy! Holy! Holy! 】

Accompanied by the roar of endless dead souls, the blazing light of destruction blooms in this void space!

The excitement of the souls sounded at this moment, and thousands of ferocious war souls of Nayuta's level let out roars that shattered the sky and the earth, and suddenly broke out at this moment!

The golden light of destruction turned into terrifying waves that impacted and rubbed against each other, bursting out waves of horrific chaos that caused everything to repeat itself and then quickly shattered.

The undead war spirits, terrifying enough to overwhelm the entire universe, rushed over with unspeakable passion.

Jesus looked at this scene in shock. He had never thought about how terrifying and majestic the scene would be when an immeasurable number of undead war souls, warriors and strong men gathered here, roared forward in an array, and charged.

It's like a terrifying frenzy of earth-shattering, trillions of supernovae galloping into light and overwhelming everything, with nowhere to escape.

When this scene appears, everything is destined to be crushed to pieces by this unparalleled trend!


He took a deep breath, summoned a golden horn that was bigger than the galaxy, and then blew it hard.

It is said that before the end of the world comes, God's seven archangels will sound the "seven trumpets" announcing the end of the world.

According to the New Testament Book of Revelation, the first angel blew his trumpet, and one-third of the trees and flowers on the earth were scorched; the second angel blew his trumpet, and one-third of the sea water turned into blood, and one-third of the animals and plants died. , a third of the ships were destroyed; the third angel blew his trumpet, and the water in the rivers and lakes became bitter, poisoning many people; the fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun, moon, and stars were shattered and turned into Darkness, one third of the day will have no light; the fifth angel will blow his trumpet, and locusts will harm those who have no mark; the sixth angel will sound his trumpet, and kill one third of the people; the seventh angel will sound his trumpet, and the kingdoms of the world will change Become the kingdom of the Lord and his peace forever and ever.

Therefore, these seven trumpets represent the end of the world and the cycle of creation.

At this moment, Jesus gathers the strength of all people into one body, and the trumpet he blows represents pure destruction.


The thick, desolate sound of the trumpet vibrated in the universe, and then various disasters such as meteorites, sky fires, floods, and plagues appeared from the universe, hitting the roaring undead army like a tide.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The divine power was great, the disaster was monstrous, the heaven-destroying disaster collided with the endless undead army, and the stars in the universe were detonated, causing all the stars in the universe to turn into countless brilliant fireworks in an instant.

At the same time, the rules of the universe were also disrupted in the collision of two powerful forces, leading to the occurrence of all events. The entire universe was divided into two, showing two violent extremes.

"Are you exhausted, Jesus?"

The sound of contemptuous ridicule sounded, and Ge Yue's figure appeared in the center of the countless dead souls. He waved the magic gun in his hand and recited the divine words loudly: "Mortals are like this, passing away to the stars. Even if it is a harsh law, it is also a law." ——The giant source of attraction!”


As soon as the words fell, the ruins of the universe appeared, and an invisible dark vortex appeared in the starry sky. It was like a majestic and boundless cosmic beast opening its huge mouth toward Jesus, and powerful gravity penetrated time and space.

That is indeed the ruins of the universe, with a powerful gravitational force that drags all the surrounding galaxies within tens of billions of light years into the bottomless abyss.

Click, click, click!

Under this terrifying gravitational force, dense and shattering sounds rang out, and cracks popped out of Jesus' body. Small parts of his body began to fall off, shattering into infinite angels in the air, and were swallowed up and assimilated by the dark vortex. It turned into the power belonging to Geyue.

As this part of the power disappeared, Jesus' aura began to decline, while Geyue's aura began to slowly increase. The evenly matched balance that both parties had managed to maintain was shattered at this moment!

At this moment, Jesus suddenly changed his color, stretched out his hand upwards, and mysterious fluctuations appeared in the palm of his hand, radiating towards the giant all-devouring source of attraction.

In the New Testament, there is a miracle of "five loaves and two fish", which is recorded in the four gospels. The general idea is that Jesus gave five wheat loaves and two fish to five thousand people to eat, but everyone was full. Afterwards, the disciples collected the scraps of food and filled twelve baskets.

This is the most public of the miracles performed by Jesus. The spiritual character it represents as a merit means that Jesus can manipulate the concept of numbers and ignore the concept of numbers.

To Him, increasing or decreasing is just a thought.

So with a thought from Jesus, the giant source of attraction manifested by Ge Yue began to weaken exponentially, while his own existence began to grow infinitely.

"Oh, if you can cut down one, then ten, hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand!"

Geyue sneered, and as she thought, hundreds of giant attractors appeared, erupting with strong gravity, and the crazy whales swallowed everything in the universe.

Jesus' expression changed, and he continued to use his power to reduce Ge Yue's giant attraction source to fill his own shortcomings, while Ge Yue smiled and continued to replenish the disappearing giant attraction source.

However, the size of the world will eventually end. Even though Jesus is incarnating into the universe at this moment, under this almost infinite consumption, without the power of Songyue to devour and make up for himself, He gradually falls into a disadvantage in this massive consumption.

On the other hand, Ge Yue, even though his consumption was equally huge, he was able to absorb the tiny power of Jesus through each giant source of attraction, gathering sand into a tower, accumulating less to become more, overtaking Jesus, and gradually gaining the upper hand.

"It's time to end this."

As time passed, when Geyue gained an absolute advantage, she showed a cold smile to Jesus: "Are you ready to face your own death?"


Jesus snorted with embarrassment and said coldly: "Death is just a dream for existences like us. As long as the concept of 'God' still exists in the infinite multiverse, I will be immortal, even if this body is destroyed. , I will also wake up again in the future."

"I know."

Geyue nodded, stared at Jesus, and said seriously: "So, I will kill you completely!"

[Purple Galaxy·Simulating the Universe to Shape the Star Map, Start! 】

[Applying the cosmology - the paradox of omnipotence! 】

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