Establish a long-lived family from the son-in-law

Chapter 13 Immortal Appearance Art!

Chapter 13 Immortal Appearance Art!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the exercise "Xianzi Jue"! 】

[The system space has been issued for the reward, the host can check it at any time]

A pattern of a crystal jade book emerged, accompanied by a system prompt.

"Immortal posture?"

Lu Changsheng frowned slightly as he looked at the reward.

Why does the name sound weird?

With a slight movement of his mind, he looked at the "Xianzi Jue" in the system space.

Immediately a stream of information emerged.

"Everything in the world has beauty and ugliness. Human beings are born with beauty and ugliness, appearance and sensuality, but everyone has the right to pursue beauty."

"The name of this method is 'Spell of Immortal Appearance', and it aims to allow everyone in the world to pursue a peerless immortal appearance!"

[Cultivation method: Immortal posture formula]

[Grade: side door level]

[Explanation: In ancient times, there was a stunningly talented person named 'Heavenly Crying Old Man'. Because of his ugly appearance and disgusting appearance, he suffered all kinds of blind eyes and sufferings during his practice, so he worked hard and solitary, with great wisdom and great perseverance, he created a 'fairy posture tactic'.Practicing this method can improve the beauty and ugliness of the appearance, subcutaneous white bones, appearance, sensuality, charm, and eternal youth. 】


After seeing the introduction of this exercise, Lu Changsheng was speechless.

I didn't expect that I would get such a tasteless exercise in the second lottery draw.

The Immortal Posture Jue, after practice, has no other effect except to make people look better, have a nice voice, enhance temperament and charm, and keep youth forever.

Lu Changsheng really didn't know what to say.

Any kind of exercise that you can give Ben is better than this exercise, right?
"What a boring person, to create such a tasteless exercise."

"It's really a waste of a side-level exercise."

Lu Changsheng shook his head and sighed, feeling very sorry.

According to his understanding, in the world of cultivating immortals, exercises are divided into: elementary, advanced, subtle, side door, and authentic.

The Huiyuan Kungfu he cultivated is a low-level immortal cultivation technique.

As for the Lu family's core exercise, it is said that it is an advanced exercise.

Now I have obtained a copy of the sect-level exercises.

The skills that are two levels higher than the core skills of the Lu family turned out to be auxiliary skills that were not helpful for cultivation or combat.

This made Lu Changsheng very uncomfortable and felt like vomiting.

"Well, although it's tasteless, it can't be said that it's completely useless."

"Anyway, there is an effect of eternal youth, and the person is handsome and attractive. It is confirmed that it is easy to make her feel good. There are many advantages."

"I remember a game of cultivating immortals that I played in my previous life. There is also a way to play it called 'Ruanfanliu', which is to get close to rich women and bosses by being handsome."

"If I can find a fairy who is thousands of years older than me in the future, the road to immortality will be smooth in the future."

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath and began to comfort himself.

Then the mind moved slightly, and he directly used the exercises and passed them on.

Immediately, detailed information about Xianzi Jue and the method of cultivation flooded into Lu Changsheng's mind.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it turns out that it's so difficult to be ugly, no wonder the crying old man wants to create such a kung fu technique."

After thoroughly comprehending the exercises, Lu Changsheng sighed aloud after understanding.

According to the records in this exercise book, people's appearance is divided into seven levels: disgusting, ugly, weird, ordinary, outstanding, extraordinary, and fairy.

And the appearance of the founder "Heavenly Crying Old Man" is ugly and repulsive.

This also caused him to suffer all kinds of blind eyes on the road of cultivating immortality.

After all, this kind of appearance makes people feel that they don't look like a good person.

Not only are people usually reluctant to contact and communicate, but once something bad happens, it is easy to suspect him.

Some Yangou even thought that he was too ugly, his eyes were tainted, and he directly killed him.

It is simply a big miserable word.

In Lu Changsheng's previous life and this life, not to mention how outstanding he was, he had nothing to do with ugliness.

Therefore, it is difficult to understand the determination of the 'Heavenly Crying Old Man' to create this exercise.

But after comprehending the exercises and knowing the creator's experience, it can be regarded as a little understanding.

"Fortunately, you don't need to spend any thought on practicing this technique, and it won't delay your cultivation."

"Otherwise, given my current situation, it would be really unwise to spend time and energy cultivating such a skill."

Lu Changsheng let out a sigh of relief, ready to practice this fairy art.

Although he doesn't have any obsession with his appearance, but he can be handsome and stay young forever, so why not do it.

After the person is handsome, maybe there will be "fairies" who will take the initiative to post back in the future.

What's more, there was an old saying in the previous life, come and come.

Now that all the exercises have been drawn, wouldn't it be a shame not to practice?
The main reason is that this technique is very simple to practice, and there are two methods of cultivation.

One is to absorb spiritual energy through meditation, so that the spiritual energy can travel in the body, and slowly modify and improve the defects and blemishes of the body's appearance.

Another cultivation method is to build a foundation with the essence of spirit gold, spirit wood, spirit water, spirit fire, spirit soil, and five elements.

In this way, there is no need to practice by yourself, the essence of the five elements in the body will make the exercises work automatically, baptize the body, and improve your own condition.

To put it bluntly, people will continue to become more handsome as time goes by.

Moreover, there is no requirement for the essence of the five-element material. Ordinary Tier [-] and Tier [-] spiritual materials are fine, and there is no need for rare spiritual materials or natural treasures.

Only the higher the quality of the material, the better the effect.

However, Lu Changsheng can only use the first method for the time being.

Because he couldn't afford first-order spiritual materials.

Immediately, Lu Changsheng practiced the Immortal Posture Art.

One night passed, and the next day, Lu Changsheng looked at himself in the mirror.

Although his appearance was exactly the same as before, he always felt that he seemed to be much more handsome.

After watching for half an hour, Lu Changsheng didn't continue to watch.

He who knows himself knows that this is an illusion.

It's like feeling like you've lost weight every time you run.

Moreover, although this Immortal Posture Jue is a sect-level exercise, it is not so magical.

It's not that after practicing, one can change from being ugly and disgusting to being peerless.

Just by practicing this technique, one's appearance, bones, skin, etc. will all be moistened and silently improved in a better direction.

When the modification has improved to a certain level, after its own limit, it will have no effect.

It doesn't mean how many layers there are, if you reach a certain level, you will become a fairy.

If there is a standard for Xianzi Peerless, and the practice of this method is to grow in this direction, wouldn't it be a template.

How embarrassing it would be for those people who practiced the exercises to look the same.

That is not worthy of being called Xianzi.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, another month has passed.

Because of his talisman-making talent, life has become much easier, and Lu Changsheng's overall physical and mental condition is also good.

So in this month, with a little effort, one of the two maids who have not yet been concubine successfully conceived.

Thinking that when both of them were pregnant, Uncle Fu would send his sister over again, Lu Changsheng didn't wait for Uncle Fu to send someone over on his own initiative, so he took the initiative to go to Uncle Fu to explain about taking a concubine.

After all, making talismans or something is almost enough.

Marrying wives, taking concubines and making babies is the kingly way.

Through two systematic lottery draws, Lu Changsheng also tasted the sweetness.

Uncle Fu learned of Lu Changsheng's intentions and fell silent when he heard Lu Changsheng's words.

Even after a year and a half, other fairy seedlings are still a little bit against such things as marrying wives and having children.

But Lu Changsheng not only didn't reject him, he also offered to take a concubine, so he couldn't be punished.

But after a moment of silence, he agreed.

I asked Xia Lu Changsheng what type he liked, and said to send him two later.

But he said that with the addition of these two, he has already married nine, so there will be no more in the future, and he cannot marry again.

And because of Lu Changsheng's talent for making talismans, Uncle Fu also gave some persuasion.

Tell Lu Changsheng not to be too obsessed with women, but to focus more on talismans.

Because of Lu Changsheng's talent for making talismans and his background as a farmer, he has performed very well in the past year and a half. The Lu family has already intentionally absorbed Lu Changsheng as their own.

Whether there are fifty children or not is not that important.

If at this time, Lu Changsheng ruined himself because he was obsessed with women and delayed his work, he would be a bit difficult to explain as a manager.

To this, Lu Changsheng naturally agreed.

I think nine is about the same.

If one is born a year, nine can be born a year.

Ten days later, Uncle Fu sent two young women from the Lu family to Lu Changsheng, who were the concubines he had promised him before.

At the same time, four old women were also sent to take care of Lu Changsheng's family, doing laundry, cooking and taking care of the children.

Lu Changsheng sighed deeply when he saw four mothers who were already in their 50s and [-]s.

Feeling offended.

The maids and maids who used to be sent to wait on people were all young girls, but now they are old mothers.

Looks like they really are the last two.

(End of this chapter)

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