Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 20. A good deed

It took Xavier at least two hours to complete all the procedures. All this time it felt like I was walking on thin ice. Not only could the Duke return at any moment, but I also didn't know if the medicine would work.

After treating the commoner's wound, the doctor injected her with a decoction with a syringe, since she was unconscious. As soon as everything was ready, he declared that now it was only God's will.

— The wound itself is shallow, — the doctor said casually, packing a suitcase, — It will take about ten days to heal. The main thing is that she can recover from the poison.

— I understand. Thank you for your help, sir,» I thanked him cordially.

— Oh, my lady… — the doctor sighed, — I do not know what you are up to, but I have a feeling that this will not end well.

I was confused by his wariness.

— Come on. After all, good deeds make this world a better place.

— Was he kind?.. He muttered to himself.

— what?

«You don't even know who she is,» Xavier reminded me eloquently.

I hesitated.

— Maybe I don't know. But I have a feeling she's a good person. So with your help, we have done a good deed today.

Unlike me, Xavier reacted to this situation with great skepticism, but did not say anything. Considering how rare the ingredients used in this poison were, it must have cost a fortune. Who in their right mind would spend that kind of money on some commoner?

However, the healer quickly pushed these thoughts away from himself. There is no need to pry into the affairs of the lords. All that is required of him is to do his job in good faith.

After the doctor left and Elisha went to see him off, we were left alone in the room. I stared at the girl's face, which I thought looked a little better now.

Her unconscious expression was so innocent that I could easily mistake her for a child. In addition, all her hands were covered with calluses and abrasions. Well, my basic assumptions have been confirmed. She must have worked hard all her life to feed herself and her family.

I could understand her perfectly well in the past. I knew well what it was like to exhaust myself with numerous side jobs. However, working as a cashier in a clothing store still couldn't be compared to physical labor in the field.

So this commoner's situation was even worse than mine.

Sometimes I thought about how hard life is for ordinary people. Especially considering the current times of the Middle Ages. If I got everything by birthright, then people like her had to work hard for a living.

Of course, there was no question of any labor code or compensation for processing. Ordinary people existed in truly difficult conditions.

That's why I made sure once again that I did a good thing today. If I have the opportunity, then I have to help people like her. After all, at one time there was no one to help me myself…

Thinking about the difficult fate of ordinary mortals, I did not immediately hear the noise coming from the street. And when it finally dawned on me, it was too late. The carriage with the coat of arms in the form of a white deer belonging to the house of de Walt was visible from afar.

When I saw that the butler was already meeting my father at the main gate, I was instantly paralyzed by fear.

It's only now that I realized I hadn't thought about it at all. What reason could I have to leave this commoner in my room? The Duke will certainly be angry if he finds an uninvited guest in the house. In the worst case scenario, we'll both end up on the street.

I think I have a headache again.

There were only a few minutes left before my father crossed the threshold of the house. He has never been in the habit of entering my room, or indeed this floor. But who knows what might happen?

I looked out the window with extreme anxiety. Trying in vain to come up with a solution to this problem, I did not immediately notice a barely perceptible rustle behind me.

I shuddered, intuitively feeling someone's eyes on me. A chill ran down my spine.

When I turned around, a pair of golden eyes appeared in front of me.

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