Ersia: Raven Dawn

Nobleman’s Episode

An old man is sitting on the open balcony. A young butler stayed by his side, seemingly ready for anything his master might wish for. He stared to the afar, to the empty streets of his domain. It takes him a few years back when every corner of his domain is brimming with vibrant people. In those days of the past, even the nights were filled with an air of zest and zeal. Now, only his subjects remain, bowing from afar to pay respect to their lord.

"Master Liam, Young Lady Lisabelle is here. She wishes to see you."

Liam Arbon, the Baron of Neims, grabbed his walking stick. His butler rushes to his side, but he chases him away, refusing to be treated like a crippled old man. He coughs a little and wipes his mouth immediately, before taking a deep breath.

"Master, please don't push yourself."

"Davon, go and prepare some treats. It's been quite a while since my niece last visited."

The red-skinned butler bows immediately and heads off to fulfill his master's request.

Thirty minutes later, Lisabelle and Viena enter the balcony and find Liam sleeping on the couch while drooling. Lisabelle walks up to him and casually pulls his nose until he makes a weird face and is forced to wake up.

"Yabel! That's how you treated your uncle after missing away for 5 months without even a single letter?!"

"Stop calling me that! Also, didn't I send you a letter two weeks ago?"

"That one was too formal to be a letter from niece! I thought it was that heartless cat Catalina trying to impose another tax on me!"

"Wha-! How could you think that way?! And don't address Her Majesty so casually, you will get us in trouble!" 

"Yabel! There's not even a single doodle on it! Can you believe yourself?!"

"I am FIFTEEN, Uncle Liam!"

They bicker with each other while Viena stands there staring at Liam's left leg which is wrapped in a bandage. She had her hands already touching Liam's leg before she even realized it. Liam noticed the little girl's curiosity as he too was curious about her.

"Well, well. Who is this little one?"

Slightly startled, Viena pulled her hands and greeted the baron just as Lisabelle taught her.

"Pleasure to meet you, Lord Baron. I am Viena, daughter of Ran."

"Hmm . . . Was there a noble named Ran? My memory fails me some time."

"No, her dad is just a medevist."

". . . Pleasure to meet you too, little lady. I am Liam Arbon, Lord of Niems."

Liam opened his bandage. Lisabelle was against it at first, but he insisted that he wanted to show it to Viena since she seemed very curious. When he uncovered his leg, Viena could see that his legs looked like a block of burnt wood. Lisabelle half-closed her eyes, feeling bad for her uncle, while Viena opened hers wide.

"Wow. I've never seen anything like this. How does it feel for you, Uncle? I-I mean, Lord Baron . . . ."

"Uncle is fine, Viena! Too much courtesy is a hassle! As for your question, hm . . . honestly I don't feel anything but a loss of sensation. But of course, I don't appreciate it if it keeps spreading all over my body."

"Lily, maybe Papa can help?"

"Nah, I doubt it. I hate to say it, but we've had some of the most well-known medevists check on him. The best that they can do is to halt the progress. Luckily it's not infectious, so we can still safely look after his sorry ass."

Liam laughs to brighten the depressing mood and tells the girls not to let the snacks Davon had prepared go to waste. Watching them munching on the sweets and tea brings the ever-yearned warmth to Liam. Every time Lisabelle visited him, he always came back to realize that the mansion was too big for just an old man to live in. Now that there are two of them, the feelings doubled, and the thought that one of them should stay with him runs through his mind, although he is quick to abandon such a delusion.

"Why won't you eat, Uncle Baron?"

"Nah, sweets are for kids like you. Real man sits on this," Liam put out a cigar from its humidor and cut it.

"Wow! What is that? Candy?!"

"That's right! Want to have a lick?"

Liam brings the part of the cigar he just cut closer to Viena's mouth. When the little girl licks it she immediately spits everywhere. Liam and Lisabelle laugh their hearts out, while Viena gets mad over getting tricked.

"Bleegh! That is so disgusting! What was that?! What have you put in my mouth?! How can people eat that stuff?! Yuck!"

"Of course it was, you idiot. That's not even a food!"

"Huh? But Uncle Baron puts it in his mouth?!"

Then, Davon The Butler who was beside Liam all the time, lights a fire to the cigar. Viena turns silent as she observes carefully. When Viena is focused, it always puts Lisabelle in wonder. Because, every time she is absorbing something, it is as if she even forgets to breathe.


Liam exhaled the fume of his smoke on Viena's face. The little girl coughed and rubbed her eyes. It wasn't like anything she had ever experienced. The fume stings the back of her throat, dries her nose, and swells her eyes with tears. It's like those body parts are giving danger signals.

"Cough, Kuh . . . Ack!"

"That is too much," Lisabelle pulled his uncle's ear.

"Aw aw! Alright, alright! I was just joking!"


"Yes, milady."

Lisabelle ordered Davon to wipe Viena's face with a towel and get her a glass of water. After that, Viena peevishly expresses her dislike for Liam. The Baron was surprised a little by her real nature, but he was not even offended in the slightest. He laughs it off and even asks Davon to give her real candies to make up for his caprice.

In the middle of their fun gathering, suddenly Matilda comes to put an end to it. As sour as it was, she had no other choice but to interrupt the fun between an uncle and his nieces.

"Master Liam, The Bidau has arrived. Everything relevant has been prepared, we are now waiting for you."

The Bidau family was treated to a light meal in the mansion's garden where the apple trees are in full bloom. The sweetness of the ripe earth's red jewels is flowing with the winds, welcoming the honored guest with heavenly fragrance. The flower arrangement added more depth to the relaxing ambience which is the nature of the visit. Not only that, but the host also presented the afternoon snacks on top of the highly valued Eastern antique porcelains.

"Welcome, Vincent. I hope the travel has been kind to you."

"Thank you for having me, brother. The travel was a good rest for my eyes, Neims is as beautiful as ever."

The guest was no other than Vincent Bidau, the peerless magnate of the garment and fashion industry, the current chairman of Arbon Company. He is a man in his late forties, at least ten years younger than Liam Arbon. For his visit to Neims alone, he brought more than thirty escorts - all were highly trained personnel.

Liam and Vincent chatted for a quarter of an hour when Lisabelle finally arrived at the garden. Viena isn't with her since she was busy talking with Vincent's escorts. Thus, she greets Vincent with a peck on the cheek as he has been her guardian father since her parents passed away.

"Forgive my tardiness, Uncle Vincent."

"I was wondering if you are not too fond of schedules, but then I saw you growing into a fine young lady, how am I supposed to feel anything other than happiness?"

"Please, Uncle Vincent. Are you still going on about that?"

"Why, of course! You are the perfect match for Armes! It's going to be very challenging for me to find a daughter-in-law like you! Ideally speaking, it has to be you!"

"Hahah, Uncle, you are such a tease. The garden of Rosmayne rivals that of heaven, surely there ought to be some flowers bound to catch the eyes of Le Roy Du Lin." (King of Linen)

Under the gentle amber afternoon cloud, many waves of laughter followed the hearty conversation. Thirty minutes have passed when they reminisce about the fulfilled promises of the past, silly moments, and the dreams for the future. Now, they are having a short walk in the garden. As they converse with each other, unknowingly to Lisabelle and Liam, Vincent actually leads them to the place where his surprise for Lisabelle awaits.

"As I have mentioned a few months ago, I had to attend the wedding of Emir Barzak's daughter. Unexpectedly, I encountered some interesting wares during my stay in Zarim. What do you think I have found, Lisabelle?"

"That's quite tough . . . . The Emerald Scarab?"

Vincent laughs at her guess. After all, The Emerald Scarab is a mythical treasure that is believed to be a relic that is foretold in a prophecy. It is believed that whoever finds The Emerald Scarab will be shown the path to the root of the world. In another way, having found such a wonder is equal to holding half of the world's gold.

"I agree that such tall tales have their own perks. However, this one is more real than any of those. Go on, open the door, and get your present."

When Lisabelle opens the door, she is greeted by fabrics and jewels of superlative quality. Cashmere from Sandastan Ibex, Yanun cotton which is said to be able to withstand crocodile bites, and even silk that is made of death worm's cocoon, are all in there, waiting to be woven into arts and crafts. Vincent knows well about Lisabelle's passion for fashion, and he has always been the one to support all that she needs.

"You overdid yourself as always, Uncle Vincent. What are we going to do with all of this?"

"Such a paltry sum of trinkets could never be compared to what Master Graham has given me. This I have spoken many times over . . . But it seems that I must re-emphasize to you, Lisabelle."

Vincent turns his whole body facing Viena. He has always been a man with skinny figure. Yet, this time he seemed to be towering over Lisabelle as if he were a giant. His presence is strong and regal. The tail of his ivory coat is fluttering, and the chain of his vintage gold-diamond pocket watch is rattling with his leather belt whose buckle is shaped V as in his name. The man took a long pause as he stared at Lisabelle, putting his weight on his ebony walking stick.

"I was a street rat before your grandfather breathed life in me. A conman who pulls his trick on pregnant women and elders only so I can drink myself stupid when the sun sets."

Then, Vincent took off the ring on his left index.

"Do you know what is this? This is his fourth gift to me. A ring which he bought with half of his fortune to wed your grandmother, I stole it from him, betraying him for the fourth time. Yet, he forgave me, believing that I would change."

"Until this day, I have never worn and will never wear any ring except for this one, even my own wedding ring. Now, do you understand what I am trying to tell you, Lisabelle Arbona?"

Lisabelle looks down feeling guilty because she knows that this is Vincent being angry. She had known him for a long time, and she knew that Vincent never raised his voice. Instead, he took this approach of breaking things slowly so that everyone understood his motive and intention. This is also the aspect that makes him so feared even amongst the big players.

"I understand, Uncle Vincent. My grandfather thought of you as our own family, and I believe in him as much as I believe in you."

"Believe is a strong word, Lisabelle, and you acted completely contradictory to it . . . If you believe me, if you trust me, if you have faith in me, then why are you keeping everything to yourself? Why did such a miserable thing happen to you?"

"I-I . . . I just don't want to be a burd-"

"I will always be on your side no matter what, Lisabelle. Even if the Arbon conspires with the devil to destroy the world, I will be on your side. That, is my promise to Master Graham."

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