Ersia: Raven Dawn

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"Lily that's so cool!"

Lisabelle is carried by some people, and Viena is following around her, talking giddily. They are rejoicing over the barely two-minute fight like it was a pre-war duel. As they were lost in euphoria, the fact that Lisabelle sustained a good deal of damage slipped from their mind, as if they had a collective amnesia.

"*Cough* Nah, that was actually lame. He was just playing nice," Lisabelle holding the injured part of her body.

"Enough of that for now. Call the doctor!"

Vincent ordered the crowd to remove themselves and have Lisabelle treated by his travel medevist. It didn't take long after the medevist gave her first aid for him to conclude that she was fine. Everyone is in relief to hear that and another small feast is thrown to celebrate it. During this time, Diene talked to Lisabelle, expressing her admiration and decision to ensure a fair selection for her had she made up her mind to enter the military academy next year.

Lisabelle doesn't give Diene any spontaneous answer since she wants to take it easy. Surprisingly, to her, Diene is quite amiable despite their history. Maybe it was the air that was somehow warmer and everyone was getting more comfortable, or maybe she genuinely wanted to patch up the past.

"There are still months to go, Lady Diene. I will give you my answers in -"


Suddenly, the cup that Lisabelle was holding fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

"Oh my, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Diene covered her mouth.

The maids immediately gather to clean off the broken porcelain pieces.

"My apology. It slipped my hand. That was so embarrassing of me."

"No, it's alright. The fatigue from your mock duel earlier must be getting you still."

While the two continued their talk, Viena, who had just returned from the toilet saw what happened. She snuck up to Lisabelle, and although Diene could clearly see what she was doing, the lady didn't do anything about it except watch. Without Lisabelle noticing, Viena pinches her right hand from under her chair's right armrest. Strangely, Lisabelle didn't even budge or notice, until Viena jumped and startled her.


"U-Uwaah! What the-! What are you doing?!"

When Lisabelle reflexively pulls her right hand, Viena holds it still in her pinch. It is at this moment that Diene catches on with Viena. She understands what she is trying to do.

"Lily! You are having an intraplegia, aren't you?"

"Me? Intraplegia? Hah! Absurd!"

"Hmph! You are just playing tough, aren't you? The momentary loss of senses, involuntary muscle moves, pale skin . . . Everything is checked! And how you can't even notice me pinching you tells it all!"

"Quit playing smart with me or I will squeeze your cheeks until all your teeth fall out."

Lisabelle put her right hand on Viena's cheeks to squeeze them. Yet, it's just like Viena said, her fingers moved on their own like they were having local seizures.

"Hm hm! See?!"

"T-This was just-!"

"Lady Lisabelle."

Diene calls out to Lisabelle and hands her something from her purse. It's a flat wooden cylinder with a certain symbol on its lid. Lisabelle accepted - with her left hand of course - and opened it to see what was on the inside.

"An ointment?"

"An antispastic muscle relaxant. For those assigned the role of military medic personnel, it's mandatory for us to bring some in time of emergency. It's perfect for light to moderate degrees of intraplegia."

Lisabelle hesitated for quite a while. In the end, thinking that refusing Diene's offer might be seen as an act of disrespect, she applied some to her right hand. Not only her, but even Viena joins in applying the ointment on her hand.

"Hey, why are you rubbing my hands too?" Lisabelle grumbles.

"Oooh! It's cold!" Viena ignoring Lisabelle.

Then, Viena takes a good whiff of her ointment-smeared fingers.

"Lady Diene! Was it beeswax, ginger, and Montana?"

"You are quite knowledgeable, little girl. We do use those ingredients, but the most important ones are Dragon's Blood and Horim Cedar's resin."

"I see! That explains the red color!"

Afterward, Lisabelle thanked Diene, and the three continued to chat among themselves until it was a quarter past four in the afternoon. Later on, the guests left the Arbon mansion. Viena, Lisabelle, and the others bid their goodbyes to Vincent and Diene before they themselves also get ready to depart.

Before they part ways, Liam and his maids are handing out small gifts to the girls as well as their escorts - Alan and Gwen. To Viena, he gave her a sundial compass since he knew that she was eyeing them when they toured the mansion. Meanwhile, Alan and Gwen are getting a pair of gloves and a cravat sequentially. As for Lisabelle, his dear niece, he gives her a short sword adorned with an inscription on its body.

"So many gifts. Are you sure, uncle?"

"Of course, dear. It would be better if someone were to use them rather than having them lying around, gathering dust, and ultimately adding more work to the maids. Oh! Actually, I almost forgot . . . ."

Matilda stepped forward and offered a tea caddy set while bowing to Lisabelle.

"This one is for Eleanor. Try not to break this one, okay? The cup you smashed earlier was made around 100 years ago, while this one was made more recently but no less valuable in any way. This tea set is specially commissioned by your mother to Master Zhang Yuan from Xin's land. Too bad, it takes so long in the making that she ended up unable to enjoy it for herself."

Lisabelle took it and put it on the carriage without saying anything. Then, she gets off to hug her uncle. It is a warm and sincere hug without any antics, either from Liam or Lisabelle.

"(I love you, Uncle Liam. Take care, okay? I'll come again.)"

 Just as she expected Liam to play along and submit to the heartfelt moment, he decides to wreck it up in a fashion.


When Liam is kissing Lisabelle's head repeatedly, the young lady pushes him off immediately and gives him a big slap. However, Liam's face isn't the only thing getting red, because Lisabelle is blushing so hard she turned into a tomato. 

"W-What the hell are you doing?! Die, you disgusting old man!! I hope both sides of your pillows are never cold!"

Everyone is getting a good chuckle, while Lisabelle jumps onto the carriage and closes the door. Then, Alan and Gwen gave their farewell and departed. Before the carriage vanishes to the horizon, Viena pops out and waves her hands to Liam and the others.

"Uncle Liam! Thank you for today! Don't smoke again, okaay?! Bye bye!"

"Hahahah! That's a tall order, kid! You have to stop me by yourself! You hear me, Viena?!"

"Yeah! I will come again!"

The carriage is now far away, guarded by ten of Liam's best men, fully armed to the teeth. They are to accompany Lisabelle and Viena to the domain's border. Beyond that, is the heavily guarded main road of Rosmayne thanks to the upcoming international event. It's guaranteed to be so safe, even safer than certain alleys of the capital city.

Hence, their little outing in Neims has come to an end. Although very brief, the memory that Lisabelle and Viena made will last for years to come.

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