Erotic RPG: Transmigrated Into A Lustful World

Status Screen

I had re-written this I don't know how many times these past few days because I never really liked how it ended but it finally came out decent...I think... I made it quite long so yeah...



Just as I had the thought, a small blue screen appeared in the periphery of my vision. The information appeared directly in my mind, starting from the top. 


Name: Eliana Flameheart/James Walker 

Gender: Female 

Age: 16  

Rank: Normal Human (Not awakened) 

Bloodline/Lineages: Flameheart, Unknown Bloodline (Dormant) 

Bodily Status: Extremely Weak, Healing  

Skills: None 

Affinities: N/A 

Inventory: Welcome Pack x1 

Stats: (Maximum for all stats as a normal human is 1)  

Strength: 0.1 

Agility: 0.2 

Stamina: 0.1 

Vitality: 0.1 

Intelligence: 0.3 

Charm: 1 

Mana: N/A 


‘Eliana huh, that is a nice name to be honest’ 

I don’t know, even if it rolls of the tongue quite nicely, there’s this aversion to just suddenly changing my name. Is it pride? I’m not so sure but maybe there’s some part of wanting to still cling on to the last thing that could serve as an indicator of my existence on Earth, even if no one other than me and the System will ever know. 

“For now, please just call me James System, I know I’ll have to get used to the new name but, I’ll deal with it when I step out and meet Eliana’s family” 

[Understood... James] 

Looking at the other parts of my status though, it really gave me a set of mixed feelings 

It answered the question of why this body of mine felt so weak earlier and even now, it is taking a whole lot more effort than needed just to stay standing but I never expected I would be weak to this extent.  

If these stats are anything to go by and depending on their accuracy, then I am most likely cannon fodder and if I stepped out in this world as I am now, I would most likely not even be able to beat a slime or even a goblin. I would most likely be captured and used to pop out babies.  

‘Let’s not think about something so depressing’  

The other part that at least gives me some semblance of hope is that I really am a part of some kind of powerful lineage. 

That could make it easier for me to settle into this world and make the task of getting stronger much easier, depending on how I am viewed in the family... 

‘I really hope I am not some trash child with no talent, I don’t know if I could deal all those problems.’ 

This unknown bloodline I supposedly have is also giving me some hint of anxiety as whether it’s good or not is obviously something I have no way of knowing right now. 

‘System, why is it hidden’ 

[By analysing your body, I could see that there are two different bloodlines in your body, it is easy to infer you have the Flameheart lineage but the other one is difficult since it is still dormant and there’s no clear indicator on what it is as there are no signs of you being anything other than a regular human so it impossible to come to an accurate conclusion] 

[Eliana’s Father is from the Flameheart family but her mother’s origins are unclear so you might have to ask her for any clues when you finally step out of this room] 

Well, I could only hope that Eliana’s mother is secretly part of some overpowered race. I could only imagine how cool it would be for them to be something like a vampire, a demon, or even better a fox or a dragon. 

I am practically salivating at the thought of having cool and beautiful looking horns jutting out my forehead and dragon wings protruding out my back. 

But when I also look at my body’s slender build though, I can only imagine how beautiful this body of mine would be if I had multiple foxtails swaying right behind me, my looks would probably be deadly. 

‘No, looks is not important, it's all about how cool it would look especially with fox ears...hmm yeah, I never liked people’s gazes on me anyway’ 



“What is this Welcome Pack and is this inventory the same as like the storage rings that store stuff, can I use it indefinitely” 

[Yes, your inventory is unlimited, and you can store whatever you want into it, the Welcome Pack is a gift the Goddess gave you to make your life a little easier, do you wish to open it?] 


[Just think about opening it and it will be done] 

I focus my mind on opening this welcome pack and then... 

[You have opened your Welcome Pack!] 

{You have received 3 items  

  • 1 Random Skill ticket 
  • 1 Elixir 
  • Message from a Goddess 

A random Skill ticket, an Elixir and a Message from a Goddess, I don’t really know what it is I was expecting but okay. 

“What are Skills?” 

[Skills are abilities that come innately to a person or race. An example is something like a Succubus’ innate skill to Drain vitality from other races or a Slime’s innate ability to Devour most things to grow or a Vampire’s ability to sustain themselves by drinking Blood.] 

[Skills are not Battle Arts or Spells that can just be learned with enough time or with good comprehension. The only other way to get a skill is to be gifted one from a God or an exceedingly powerful being or develop and comprehend your own.] 

[Do you understand Host?] 

“Yeah, I get it” 

[Do you wish to use random Skill ticket? 



[Random Skill ticket used!} 

[Generating Skill!] 

[Host has acquired the Skill Appraisal] 

“Hmm, Appraisal huh, System how strong is it?” 

[There are no limits on the Skill, you can appraise anything and find information about it] 

“So, I can always know people’s abilities with this?” 

[It’s not omnipotent Host, the powerful individuals in the world will be able to sense you gazing at them and that could expose you and it can tell you their relative stats and basic affinities and what they are good at but it won’t be able to tell you the Spells and Arts they are able to use as no being can completely know what another is completely capable of even Gods...unless they read your mind and parse through all that information] 

“Oh, okay but still, I am happy with it” 

[Use appraisal on that Elixir Host, take it out of your Inventory and just think about activating the skill while looking at it] 

Okay, I do just that and out of thin air, a small glass vial appears in my hand. 

I think about using the skill on it and some information appears in my head. 


Item: Elixir 

Grade: Divine 

Description: A small vial of liquid made up of one of the most precious liquids in all of existence. It is extremely hard to come by and only in a place with the highest concentration of the purest of mana can it be found.  


  • Changing the very foundation of an individual's body 
  • Can increase talent up to a certain extent depending on the grade of elixir 
  • Makes one’s body inch closer to perfection and makes you almost nigh unbeatable to those of your level 
  • Removes impurities in body 

Risk: Must be cautious when using it as it breaks down the body thoroughly and rebuilds it and the process is excruciatingly painful. Weak-willed individuals are advised to not take it and could possibly kill someone with a weak body as well. 


“Wow, this is some overpowered stuff”  

[Indeed Host, I didn’t think they would gift you this though, maybe with this it would be much easier for your body to get stronger from its current weak situation] 

‘System, why is this body so weak?’ 

[Eliana was poisoned, with a very dangerous one at that] 

“What! Why?” 

Who would want to harm such a beauty?? 

[I can’t come to any definite conclusion Host] 

[What I can infer is that the poison that was affecting her, was reaping havoc throughout her entire body till the point it even reached her mind and soul, as if it wanted to break down every single part of her very being. If she had to live with it any longer, she might’ve died, the person who used it on her was undoubtedly sinister] 

[The pain you felt when you woke up was caused by the last remaining traces of the poison in the body] 

So, I am on somebody’s hitlist. I could only wonder if the reason is because of some noble family drama or is somebody jealous of my beauty and wanted me out of the way or is some guy butthurt about a rejection?? 

[Eliana is quite unfortunate though] 

“How so?” 

[As you can see, your body is slowly recovering on its own, maybe her family found some precious antidote or cure. What I am certain about is that if your transmigration never occurred, Eliana would’ve woken up after probably a month or two when her mind and soul was done healing up completely, but you happened to show up, probably not long after the antidote was administered] 


I don’t know how to feel about what I just heard. I mean... 

“Isn’t that practically the same as killing her”  

[No, you didn’t kill her Host] 

“I am living in her body right now aren’t I. By your own words, me being here means she can’t live her own life anymore right, am I not the cause of her not being alive anymore, at least indirectly??” 

“Is this the reason why you wanted me to accept using her name earlier” 

[Not entirely but yes] 

My voice started becoming a little shaky and I could feel my mind shut down. 


My body fell on to the floor and I couldn’t even control my own breathing.  

“Haa Haa Haa” 

Is this some sort of panic attack or is my body really that weak. No, can I even carry on calling it in my own body. Everything that I was just recently dreaming about in my head, the prospects of finally living a fun and fulfilled life.  

I was even more resolute in being more grateful of this chance I was given and not waste this chance at life like I did my own back on Earth but if all of that is at the expense of somebody else... Can I even be truly happy about it, can I walk out of this room and go out there and pretend to be a part of Eliana’s family when I know I am nothing but an imposter.  

Do I truly even have it in me to go and do that without feeling even an ounce of shame in me, how can I do that when I am feeling this huge sense of guilt in me right now. 

Maybe somebody else in my position would be happy about getting the chance to live even if it came at the expense of somebody else, but can I truly do that...I’m not so sure 

[James, please calm down] 

“Haa Haa, how do you want me to be calm in such a situation” 

[The situation isn’t as horrible as you think it is, just calm down first] 

{End Of James Pov} 


James continued to breathe heavily seemingly trying to get a hold of himself. He slowly rose up from the floor and sat up on the edge of the bed as he finally got a grip on his emotions. 

“Explain” he said in a stern voice  

[My apologies, maybe I should’ve worded that much better, I never expected you would have had such a negative reaction] 

[I think the message from the Goddess will do a better job, so open it] 

James thought about taking the letter out the inventory and a small letter appeared in his hand. It was covered in some kind of golden aura and just looking it made him feel as if he was in a gentle and warm embrace. 

The paper suddenly flew out of his hand and levitated in the air as slowly it started spinning and then there was a sudden flash of golden light, it wasn’t blinding but it still lit up the room. 

Shortly after, a golden illusory figure materialised in front of James and even though her looks were a little blurry, it was clear her beauty was something otherworldly and divine. 

“Hello James” 

Even though her body was still blurry, James was certain he could feel her gaze into his eyes, even smiling gently but he passed it off as a figment of his imagination.  

‘That was also most probably the sweetest sounding voice I had most likely ever heard in my life; it sounded like the purest of melodies’ he thought 

“Isn’t this too grand to be a message though” 

“Haha, it was initially supposed to be a simple message with me wishing you good luck in this new life of yours, but it seems something strange has come up” 

She laughed softly, unaware her voice was slowly mesmerising James. He was also unaware that the room he was in was in a completely different state than it was before, the curtains that were flowing with the wind, were seemingly frozen in place, if you looked outside, the world was frozen as well. 

“What is that” James questioned 

“When I threw you... (*clear throat*), I mean sent you to a random world with my power, I thought it would simply guide your soul to take on the life of someone who is about to die or someone who has not died for too long and live on in that body but the body you are in has some...unique circumstances” 

“Is it the poison” 

“Well yes in part but not completely” 

“This body was the only one in the surrounding area you arrived in that had the right circumstances for you to occupy, so it was the most ‘suitable’ even though said body was already starting to heal itself from its weakened state” 

“So, since my power wasn’t being consciously controlled by me, it did what it was naturally supposed to, seal the soul of the already dying or dead body temporarily just so yours can occupy the body and then merge their memories with yours when you wake up, so you don’t start off blind, are you following?” 

“Yes uhm, I’m following” James responded quite bashful, he could feel himself losing subtle control of himself in her presence. 

“Essentially, you occupied a body you shouldn’t be in, so I had to come personally and rectify this issue as I can’t simply have you take over somebody else’s life” she said, her tone becoming more serious 

“So what’s gonna happen with me now?” the nervousness in James’ tone was evident. 

“I was going to send you somewhere else, personally this time. but it seems as if Ms Eliana had some other ideas.” 


“I will let the two of you talk it out yourselves. Even though I am quite sure what the outcome will be” 

Her illusory form suddenly appeared in front of James and before he can even react, she gently touched his forehead, causing him to fall unconscious. 

She flicked her fingers and James’s body appeared in the covers of the bed, if somebody was to come into the room, it would look as if James/Eliana was peacefully sleeping.  


“Luxuria really brought quite a problem into my hands” 

“Why did he have to come to this world though...and that poison?” 

She sighed audibly, seemingly frustrated but suddenly her countenance became frighteningly cold as her gaze focused on something in the distance. Even though it was unclear what it is she was looking at and the distance her gaze pierced through was immeasurably vast, her expression didn’t change in the slightest. 

“It seems there’s a reason my power sent him here after all, this world truly is something in line with his desires, well hope he, no she will enjoy themselves when they wake up Hehe”. 

She giggled softly and then her blurry form dissipated into golden motes of light. After she was gone completely, the world, which was seemingly frozen in place, slowly became normal once more. 

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