Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 4: Chapter 10: Killing, Story Fixing, and Then Home.

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Chapter 10: Killing, Story Fixing, and Then Home.

*Erika’s POV*

In the morning, it took me a lot of effort to wake Mary up. She was clearly not a morning person at all. Something that I find to be a cute trait for girls. Ah, maybe it’s just a cute trait in general. It’s nice to see a very strong person be all vulnerable in the morning.

Miny: “Mary probably won’t be waking up anytime soon.” Miny said with a sigh.

Erika: “I have an idea.” I say with an assured tone.

I took out some chicken noodle soup from my inventory, and put the bowl of soup close to Mary’s face. The fragrant smell of Nadia’s soup woke Mary up instantly.

Mary: “I wish that I could wake up like this every morning…” Mary said with a yawn.

She then wordlessly ate her soup. Instead of eating soup, I took a page out of Liuka’s book, and I took out a plate of spaghetti to eat from my inventory.

Mary: “Spaghetti? In the morning?” Mary said with a raised eyebrow.

Erika: “One of my daughters oddly likes to eat spaghetti in the morning. So I ended up picking up her habit as well it seems.” I reply with a shrug.

Mary: “How many daughters do you have?” Mary asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “Three.” I reply.

Mary: “Aren’t you a lesbian, though?” Mary asked with an unsure tone.

Erika: “I am. My first daughter is named Eri, and she was made by an Outer Goddess who had a dream that we had a daughter together. When she woke up from her dream, she had accidentally created Eri. Eri is 50% her DNA and 50% my DNA. As for my other daughters, they’re all adopted. One is named Petra, and the other is named Liuka.” I explain.

Mary: “Miny… is she joking?” Mary asked with a nervous tone.

Miny: “Not a single one of her words was a lie. Even I am surprised.” Miny replied with a sigh.

Mary: “Ah… you seem to live a very interesting life, Erika. Could you perhaps adopt me as well?” Mary said with a joking tone.

Erika: “While having a cross-dimensional child would be interesting, I only adopted those two because they wanted to have a mother. Which is a role that I was happy to fill in their lives. You don’t seem to be in the need of a mother but, if you still wish for me to adopt you, I wouldn’t mind doing so.” I reply with a warm tone.

What? I was already going back on my word? Have you ever known me to not be a hypocrite sometimes, if not most of the time? I am just following along with my character traits, thank you very much.

Mary: “No! I was completely joking!” Mary exclaimed.

Erika: “Oh well, my offer still stands if you change your mind.” I reply with a shrug.

We continued to finish eating our breakfast. Oddly, it seemed that Mary was lost in thought after our conversation. She wasn’t really actually thinking about my offer, right? I mean, I would still accept her as my daughter either way.

Mary: “Before we leave, I would like to talk with Miny in private. Could you wait outside of the tent for us?” Mary asked.

Erika: “I have very good hearing, so I’ll actually have to leave and fly away to at least a few buildings over.” I reply.

Mary: “Ah, no need to go that far. I’ll just come out and say it then. Could you be my mother?” Mary asked with a nervous tone.

What!? I gained another daughter that fucking easily? Do I really radiate mommy vibes like Liuka said before? No… hold on. Let me think this through…

Okay… what would you feel when someone takes care of you and feeds you without asking for anything in return, and even makes you more powerful? For someone who is looking for a romantic relationship, they would most likely fall in love with that person, right?

Now what about someone who doesn’t want a romantic relationship, but a parental one? Is that the reason why? Does Mary even need a mother? She seems to be very independent… Well, I guess Eri is too.

Erika: “Well, I don’t mind being your mother, but could you explain why? I only recently adopted Liuka. And that was after spending a decent amount of time with her.” I ask with a curious tone.

Mary: “For very selfish reasons.” Mary replied.

Erika: “Them being?” I ask.

Mary: “Being with you, I’ve realized that I have completely disassociated with life. I have fixed thousands of stories. Because of that, I have lost sight of my original self. I have seemingly regained some of it since meeting you.” Mary explained.

Erika: “But I will have to go back to my original universe, you won’t be able to continue to be my daughter after that.” I say with a sad tone.

Miny: “Ah, I know what she wanted to talk to me about now. Erika, Mary is thinking about retiring from being a Story Fixer. This mission will be her last. Once a Story Fixer retires, they get one wish.” Miny explained.

Mary: “That’s right! And my wish will be to return with you to your universe.” Mary said with an excited tone.

How is it that I keep getting daughters who want to go on journeys to rediscover their true selves? Am I the crazy one? Why is my most normal daughter, Eri, who is a science baby between me, an Angelic Humanoid Demon Goddess, and Ria, an Outer Goddess?

Did that sentence even make any sense to you? If it did, I would advise getting your head checked. Just as a precaution.

Lilith: “With this, we won’t need to rescue you! How great! The girls were getting tired from all of this universe bending. I’ll tell them about this, and we’ll just wait for your return.” Lilith said.

Erika: “Okay, thanks.” I say with a sigh in my head.

Mary: “So? Can I be your daughter?” Mary asked.

Erika: “Sure. But do you really need a mother?” I ask.

Mary: “Does unresolved trauma from living through thousands of worlds, all of which have had me suffering in them to some degree, answer your question?” Mary replied.

Erika: “Trauma? Miny, does your group not have an emotional separation system in place? Sure, my universe doesn’t, but a lot of the story fixer novels that I’ve read usually have something like that, to avoid the protagonist from going insane.” I ask with a serious tone.

Miny: “Please don’t hate me. Though we do have something like that, Mary refused to use it.” Miny answered with a frantic tone.

Was it worried that I would kill it? I mean, I probably could… And why did Mary refuse to protect her sanity?

Mary: “Erika, keeping my memories and emotions intact was why I am the best Story Fixer around. Only now did I realize that my sanity is in shambles.” Mary said with an embarrassed tone.

Erika: “And I wouldn’t mind helping you with your mental health, but is there a reason other than that for me to become your mother?” I ask.

Mary: “Are you serious? Being your daughter will be the easiest path to healing both my mind and body. Don’t you have multiple wives and daughters? You do realize that there is a reason why they’re with you, right?” Mary asked.

Erika: “I feel like we’re going in circles, but what is the reason?” I ask.

Mary: “It’s hard to say, there are many reasons why someone would want to be with you, either as your wife or as your child. For me, I can just feel a radiant healing energy coming off of you.” Mary said after thinking for a bit.

Am I just a lamp to cute girls, who are moths in this stupid analogy? Healing energy? I mean, I do love to pamper and cherish girls, but is that something that actually has a physical effect on the people around me? Maybe having close physical contact with Sofiel gave me some kind of angelic aura… Bumping bodies with various other types of powerful women might have done something similar as well…

Erika: “Okay, I’ll accept you have my daughter completely. Do be aware, my wives will treat you like their daughters as well. And my other daughters will treat you as their sister.” I say with a warm tone.

Mary: “Thank you!” Mary yelled before gripping me into a hug.

Her hug was clearly going to be a short one, but how could I let my daughter off with just a small hug? So, of course, I gave her a long motherly hug.

Mary looked confused at first, but she quickly welcomed my hug with a smile. Honestly, I was expecting her to cry. It wouldn’t be the first time a girl has cried onto me.

Mary: “Wow… even my mother in my first life wasn’t this loving… Ah, I wonder how you treat your wives… Your daughters must be extremely happy with you as well.” Mary said.

Erika: “Maybe? But you would have to ask them. Now, we should get this mission dealt with. I wish to see my wives, and my other daughters as well.” I reply while rubbing her head.

Mary: “Aren’t you accepting me as your daughter way too fast? I assumed that we would have to build up our relationship first… I mean, I am an adult.” Mary said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “Eri is the only one of my daughters who is a child. The rest are all adults as well, so, I, of course, am able to accept you right away.” I say with a small laugh.

Mary: “If you’re this amazing, I wonder what your wives and daughters are like!” Mary said with an excited tone.

Erika: “I’m sure that you will have fun meeting them. Honestly, I don’t know if four daughters are enough for my wives to pamper…” I say with a sigh.

Mary: “The way you say that makes me a little afraid of meeting your wives.” Mary said with a joking tone.

Erika: “You should be. They’ll pamper you until you can’t be pampered no more.” I say with a slightly evil laugh.

With that whole discussion out of the way, we exited the tent, and I put it away into my inventory. Now, I just had to deal with the hit list, and Mary just has to get the two girls together. Ah, it’s like we’re a team. A mother-daughter team! How wholesome!

This reminds me of when I would take Eri and Petra out to do missions in that one dimension… Ah, I miss my family so much!

Mary: “Erika… Mom?” Mary said with an unsure tone.

Erika: “You can call me by my name, or by Mom if you wish.” I reply.

Mary: “Alright, I’ll call you mom then. Anyway, could you please drop me off near where the protagonist of this dimension is?” Mary asked.

Erika: “Sure thing, dear.” I say with a smile.

I picked Mary up into a princess carry. Sure, she said that she didn’t want me to do that yesterday, but today is different. Now I am her mother, so, of course, I am able to pick her up like this. Mary didn’t seem to mind either.

Hmm… maybe I should abuse my authority as a mother, and touch Liuka’s tail and ears? Ah, something for future me to think about. I honestly feel like she was lying about the connection that her tail and ears have to her breasts. She seemed to have just come up with that excuse on the spot…

It took us an hour of flying to reach a stronghold. It looked to be fortified quite well, and I think it should be fine to leave Mary here. As such, that is what I did. I bid her farewell and wished her success in her mission. She also wished for success in my mission.

I had to leave her a little bit away from the stronghold. Otherwise, people would see us flying. Which would clearly cause problems.

Lilith: “Erika, Endyria wants to take Petra, Eri, and Liuka on a trip to her dimension. But she wants your permission first. She got it from everyone else, and is only waiting on your permission.” Lilith said.

Erika: “Well, as you can see, I did just get another daughter. Could she wait until we get back? If she can, I’ll go with them as well.” I reply.

Lilith: “Aw… you want me to break the news that you have a new daughter already. Really making me take the heat here, huh?” Lilith said with a smug tone.

Erika: “Heat? I’m sure that they were quite happy when they found out about Liuka, and I am sure that they will be able to find out about Mary as well.” I reply.

Lilith: “Erika, you fool! It’s not heat from telling them about Mary, but heat from telling them they can’t meet her yet!” Lilith exclaimed.

Erika: “Ah, my apologies for that. I’ll pray for your safety.” I say with a joking tone and a praying gesture.

Lilith: “Oh, woe is me, who had fallen for such a heartless woman.” Lilith said with feigned sadness.

Erika: “I’ll be sure to give you plenty of head pats when I get back.” I say with a warm tone.

Lilith: “God, I love you so fucking much, it’s unreal!” Lilith exclaimed with a bright tone.

With Lilith consoled, I set off to complete my part of Mary’s mission. Funnily enough, I felt like I was back in the military. Specifically, back in my black ops unit. My targets had information on where they were located, and what would be the best approach to assassinate them.

Truly a very wholesome family endeavor, if I’ve ever seen one! Anyway, though I walked away from the stronghold, my first target currently lives there. Thankfully, he was out on a mission right now. And I know where he is located at.

Mary was very prepared… No wonder she was the best Story Fixer.

Flying around for a few miles, I end up at a surplus grocery store. Parked outside of the building were a few humvees. As well as people. It seems like they’re having trouble dealing with the zombies still in the store. Ah, I can make a deal with them!

But wait… they won’t be able to see me, will they? Well, that puts a wrench into my plans… While thinking about what I wanted to do, Miny showed up.

Miny: “Erika, I’ve had the help of the other assistants, and we have let you temporarily partner with us.” Miny said.

Erika: “What would that entail?” I ask.

Miny: “You will be able to let other people see you in this dimension. But only if you want them to. Just like how I can talk to Mary, and she can see me, but otherwise, no one else can see or hear me. Unless I want them to.” Miny explained.

Erika: “Ah, that would be useful, thanks!” I reply.

Miny: “No problem, goodbye, and happy hunting!” Miny said.

I made it so I could be seen, and then landed near them, where they could clearly see me fly and then land, I then approached them.

Erika: “Hello, I wish to kill that man other there. Let me do so without any resistance, and I will not only guarantee your lives, but I will also deal with the zombies in the store.” I say with a serious tone.

The man that I needed to kill was someone who was after the protagonist’s target of affection. He was a commander of this group. Just one of them, mind you. Killing him won’t cause that stronghold to be destroyed.

???: “Do you think that my men would do something so cowardly to give me up?” The commander said.

He acted very smugly, that was until one of his men whacked the back of his head with a rifle. Wow… they folded very quickly.

Not missing this chance, I walked up to the unconscious man, took out a handgun, and shot him four times in the head, and five times in the heart. After making sure he was well and truly dead, I look at the other men in the group. Well, there were women here as well. They weren’t wearing military uniforms either. I wouldn’t even call them soldiers.

???: “Could you please deal with the zombies? We could really use the food in this store.” One of the female members asked.

Erika: “Sure. I’ll deal with them quickly. Thanks for letting me kill him.” I reply with a smile.

???: “No, thank you for killing him. I don’t think that there is a single person here who actually liked that man.” She replied with a laugh.

I walked inside the grocery store, and then I started to clear out the zombies from it. I couldn’t just burn the bodies like before. That would end up destroying the food supplies. So I just used a handgun to kill them.

Then when I finished killing them all, which took about twenty minutes, I used magic to float them out of the grocery store, before burning the bodies with fire magic.

Erika: “I didn’t detect any other zombies inside, so it’s safe to loot now.” I say to the people waiting outside.

???: “What… what even are you?” One of the men asked.

Erika: “Just a dimension traveler. Want to know why I killed that man?” I ask.

???: “Why?” he asked.

Erika: “This dimension is stuck in a time loop. That man was one of the people responsible for having time reset. Not directly, just as a consequence of their actions. He was one of the people I need to kill to stop this dimension from looping.” I explain.

???: “I want to think that you’re lying, but you clearly aren’t.” He said with a sigh.

Erika: “That I am not. Now, since you all have been so nice to me, I’ll give you some guns and ammo. Oh, and here is a cure for the zombie virus. Take one dose each, and then toss the syringe away. Keep it a secret as well.” I say after dumping a load of guns, ammo, and a box of the cure, on the ground.

Lilith: “Erika, be honest. You’re only helping them because some of them are women, right?” Lilith said with a knowing tone.

Erika: “Who knows.” I reply with a shrug.

Rather than argue with me on the greater good, and how I should cure everyone, they just took the supplies I gave them and they put it in their humvees. Then they injected themselves with the cure before tossing the syringes into the burning pile of zombies that I made earlier.

Ah, how nice! They bid me farewell and went to loot the store. I then left to go after my next target. And who is my next target? A mad scientist!

*Hours later.*

It took me a decent bit of flying to make it to my next target. Though I say that, I did kill a few other targets on the way. They were all uninteresting, so I didn’t bother to bring them up.

Anyway, as I was saying, my target is a mad scientist. He is researching the cure for the zombie virus. Huh? Wouldn’t that make him a good person? Normally, yes. But he will end up as a dictator when he figures out how to make the cure.

In his perfect world, all women are his slaves, and if you didn’t accept being his slave, then you will be killed. Tossed out to the zombies to be turned into one. That’s right! He has no intentions of saving the world at all.

In one of the loops, it was explained that the protagonist and her target of affection, ended up captured by him. This list was quite amazing. It even detailed why said target has to die. And why I shouldn’t feel remorseful for killing them. Which, is good, because some of the targets on the list are female…

My heart would be bleeding having to kill women, but fortunately, their crimes were so extreme that I just couldn’t bring myself to care about them at all. Killing someone for a future crime, that sounds really fucked up, right? Well, they committed various messed up crimes in the different time loops. On top of that, even at this point in the time loop, they have already committed terrible crimes.

This dude was located at a hospital. There was even a military presence at the hospital. Security was tight, but did that really matter to an Angelic Humanoid Demon Goddess like me? Not at all! Ah, I am getting used to playing up my special race. Though, I always end up forgetting that I am Goddess now…

With my ability to not be seen unless I want to be seen, I snuck into the hospital. My target, whose name is Robert, is in a secure location, at the bottom floor of the hospital.

Why does a hospital even need such a secure floor? This is the second time I have been to a hospital which has such a floor. Do all hospitals have a place like this? Granted, the one from before was far more advanced. This floor just feels like a finished but unused floor.

Another terrible thing this man has done is human experimentation. He would inject people with his current version of the cure, after letting a zombie scratch them, and see if it worked. It never worked, even a little bit. Even on an uninfected test subject, his current cure would more than likely turn them into a zombie.

Why the last remaining semblance of a government in this dimension, would even consider letting a madman come up with a cure, is beyond me. Even now, this sick man was testing his cure.

I let myself be revealed, and the guards raised their weapons at me. I used gravity magic to force them to the ground, knocking them out as a byproduct.

Funnily enough, all of Robert’s assistants were women. If only they knew what his plans for them were… Ah, I think that they should know.

Erika: “You just saw me use magic, right? Now let me explain, I am a dimension traveler. This man, Robert, yes he will eventually create a cure for the zombie virus. But he has no plans to save the world. He will enslave every woman he can, and become a dictator. How do I know this? Because this dimension is stuck in a time loop. Killing him is necessary to stop the loop.” I explain.

Robert: “And what would it matter that I will become a dictator? Surely I would have earned such a position for curing this virus.” Robert arrogantly said.

Erika: “Oh? Just outright admitting to it? How bold.” I say with my arms crossed.

Robert: “Regardless if they know, will it matter? Only I can make the cure.” Robert said.

Erika: “No. I have been to a dimension destroyed by zombies before, and I have the cure for the zombie virus. I’ve already tested it on the zombies in this dimension, it works.” I explain.

Robert: “You three, pick up a gun and kill that woman! I’ll make sure to treat you three nicely when I take over.” Robert exclaimed.

What the hell was this man smoking? Even his assistants were looking at him like he was insane. Maybe he actually is…

Lilith: “Erika, this dude is loco, you should just off him already.” Lilith chimed in.

???: “Miss, please just kill him. Even if you’re lying about the cure, we can’t let this man get away with his plans.” One of his assistants said.

With their permission, I took out some poison that I had on hand. And force-fed him it. It was a poison that would kill instantly, but was quite painful to die from. I couldn’t just blow his brains out here in this lab. That would just be rude.

Erika: “Here is the cure, and a document on how I made it. Now, don’t go become crazy dictators, or I will have to end up coming to kill you three as well.” I say with a serious tone after giving them the cure.

I didn’t bother to stick around any longer, and I left the hospital. Like I was never even there. Those women must have been surprised when I disappeared right in front of them. Heh… if only I stayed to see the look on their faces.

My next target is a king. Yes, you’ve heard me right. There is a special evolved zombie that regained its memories before it died and turned into a zombie. With his memories, he decided to take over the world with zombies. Since he could command them.

How does he fit into the story? As you would expect, he found the protagonist’s girl, and then he wanted her for himself. Which involved turning her into a zombie. Thus causing time to loop yet again. I mean, I think that I would kill myself too if any one of my wives got turned into a mindless zombie…

How the hell was Mary even supposed to deal with any of these people? Ah, I think I understand what she meant by saying that she suffered…

*Days later.*

The rest of the targets, not counting the zombie king, went down easily. And weren’t interesting in the least. Since I have finished my part, I made my way back to the stronghold where I dropped Mary off at. Currently, I am watching Mary from afar. I have no idea how long it will take her to finish her side of the mission.

While thinking about this, Miny showed up. Ah, he really is a helper!

Miny: “Erika, I can see that you have already finished your task. The speed at which you completed it, is quite astounding.” Miny praised.

Erika: “Thanks.” I reply.

Miny: “As for Mary, she is almost complete with her task. Just give her a few days.” Miny said.

Erika: “Alright, I guess that I will just camp out on some high-rise.” I reply.

Then Miny disappeared. I flew over to a tall building, and I then set up camp on it. I just needed a basic one. And what would a basic camp look like to me? Oh, nothing special. Just a couch and a bed. All inside a tent.

I had nothing better to do, so I got out my handheld game console. I started up that game that I was playing with Liuka and Ria. Surprisingly, I was able to play it with them.

Which, is weird, because, you know, I am in a completely different universe… Ah, magic bullshit aside, that’s all I planned on doing until Mary is done.

*Five days later.*

It took Mary longer than I thought that it would take for her to finish her task. Oh well, it’s not like I had anywhere else to be. I mean, I wanted to be with my family, but I have to wait for Mary’s help to achieve that.

Anyway, Miny told Mary where I could pick her up. That is where I am now. Mary had to fake her death. Which was kinda annoying. At least I will be there to help her with it. Currently, the cure is spreading throughout the world. Well, at least it’s spreading in this country. So Mary joined up with one of the zombie kill squads.

I guided zombies to ambush them and had Mary separated from them. I made it seem like Mary was swarmed by zombies, and killed. Ah, to the members of that squad, it would seem like she sacrificed herself to save them. How funny, she will go out a hero to them.

I flew Mary to a high-rise so that we won’t be interrupted. I can’t have her perfectly faked death be in vain now, can I?

Erika: “Ah, I can’t believe you chose to die as a tragic heroine.” I say with a joking tone.

Mary: “A very fitting end, right?” Mary said with a proud tone.

Erika: “Sure, sure.” I say with a shrug.

Mary: “Are you ready to leave now?” Mary asked.

Erika: “Yes. Are you?” I reply.

Mary: “Yup! Now, Miny, for my wish, I want you to return Erika to her dimension, and let me go with her.” Mary said to Miny.

Miny: “And your wish shall be granted. Thank you for your service, Mary. You will be missed, but you have long since earned your retirement, so no one will be angry with you for leaving.” Miny said with a warm tone.

There was a flash of light, and then Mary and I were back at Mika and Rie’s house. Waiting there for us was Ria and Sofiel.

Sofiel: “Hello Erika! Endyria insisted that she would be able to bring you back by herself, but I just couldn’t wait to see you again.” Sofiel said after she gave me a kiss on my lips and a tight hug.

Erika: “I understand, I’ve missed you all as well! Though, how did you know that I was coming back?” I ask with a curious tone.

Sofiel: “Lilith gave us the heads up. It might not have seen that long, but it took around thirty minutes for you two to transfer back to this universe.” Sofiel answered.

Ria: “That’s right. I was a little worried. Traveling to different universes is something that we Outer Gods and Goddesses haven’t even attempted. And I presume that this is Mary? Are you just going to get a new wife or daughter every time you go somewhere?” Ria asked.

Erika: “Maybe?” I reply with a head tilt.

Ria walked up to Mary and gave her a once-over. Sofiel did the same. Mary looked quite confused, but she let them do as they pleased.

Ria: “Well, apart from a few mental problems, she seems fine. Hello Mary, I am Endyria, one of Erika’s wives.” Ria said with a smile.

Sofiel: “Yes, helping her will not be that big of a problem. Anyway, I am Sofiel, another one of Erika’s wives.” Sofiel said with a smile as well.

Mary: “It’s a pleasure to meet you two.” Mary said with a warm tone.

Sofiel: “Now, now, no need to be so formal. All of us plan to treat you as our daughter, so there is no need to feel uncomfortable with us.” Sofiel said while rubbing Mary’s head.

With the introductions out of the way, we went back to my dimension. Ah, how I’ve missed my estate. So many maids to take care of your every need, and I get to live with my loving wives and daughters. Could someone really ask for more?

*A few weeks later.*

It didn’t take long for Mary to settle into her new living situation. Which was the same for Liuka. Much to my chagrin, Liuka did not like her fox like appendages, so she asked Ria to remove them for her. Now she just looked like a normal woman with snow-white hair. Ah… now I will never be able to touch her tail or ears…

Oh, scratch that, she didn’t get rid of them, she just asked Ria to make it so that she can hide and unhide them whenever she wants. She showed me this by making her fox ears appear and disappear. Ria seems to be more whimsical than I first thought. Since a cloud of smoke would show up, and a *poof* sound would be made, whenever she revealed her tail or ears…

Due to my not being around for a while, I decided to pamper all of my wives and daughters. I took my wives on various dates. And I took my daughters, even the older ones, to various places to have fun.

Ria’s dimension was like a playhouse to them. The various different cultures on the different planets were very interesting to experience. Honestly, I think that they had more fun in Ria’s dimension than they did in mine…

Which is fine, I am glad that they had fun. The only problem that occurred from it was, they wanted the tech from Ria’s dimension here in my dimension. Ria, being the loving mother she is, decided to throw logic to the wind, and just drastically advance my dimension, just so her daughters could play full-dive VR games without having to go to her dimension to do so…

Apart from my dimension’s technology advancing by hundreds of years in only the span of a few years, the System update was in its final pass. According to Lilith, it would be ready in just a few years. Which gave me plenty of time to enjoy my life with my family, and not bother working for a while.

It wasn’t all butterflies and sunshine, though. Various different beings have tried to invade my dimension. As you would expect, with my super powerful wives, none were very successful in their invasion.

From what Ria told me, the closer to the all out war that we get, the easier it is to invade different dimensions. And my dimension just so happens to have very juicy sources of Stat Points living in it. Which is why so many beings are trying to invade it.

Man, if it’s already this bad, I really don’t want to know how bad it will be when the update is released… Oh well, I will still be able to protect my family regardless. As for what sort of battles that will happen in the future, that is a problem for the future me to deal with. Now, please excuse me while I go cuddle with one of my wives!

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