Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 3: Chapter 7: Delayed Diplomatic Mission.

Chapter 7: Delayed Diplomatic Mission.

*Victoria’s POV*

Today was the day after we made that arguably cruel bet. Honestly, Erika’s lovers are a treat. I don’t have to worry about them falling for me at all. Well, not counting Sofiel. She is one of my wives after all. I did already succeed in seducing her as well.

The rest of them treat me like a friend. A friend that just so happens to be lovers of the same woman as them. It's not really that weird. At least for us, it seems.

Here I was, thinking that today would be just another calm and enjoyable day with them. Just drinking some tea and eating sweets with them. Chatting about random things, but mostly Erika.

Then I realized that Erika did something fucking crazy again… And I lost the bet!

Victoria: “Son of a bitch!” I yell.

Nadia: “What happened?” My lovely Nadia asks.

Victoria: “Erika… she found my sister.” I reply with a sigh.

Sofiel: “You have a sister?” Sofiel asks with a surprised tone.

Nadia: “She did but, her sister ended up dying a long time ago.” Nadia explained in my place.

Sofiel: “Then how did Erika find her?” Sofiel asked with a head tilt.

Victoria: “It took many, many years but, it seems that she had reincarnated. And in the dimension that Erika went to, of all places.” I reply while rubbing my head.

Nadia: “Hm… Victoria, you know what this means, right?” Nadia said with a smug tone.

Alice: “I win.” Alice said shooting her fist up into the air.

Kora: “Me too.” Kora said while raising her hand up.

Nadia: “Me as well.” Nadia said with a peace sign.

Wait… where did she even learn that gesture? Have my wives been exploring and or experiencing this modern dimension more than I have? Meanwhile, I’ve just been cooped up in this lovely house Erika made for me?

Honestly, this realization makes me more upset than losing that bet did…

If only I had won this bet, I would have asked Erika to explore this dimension with me. I guess I will have to wait until those three get their fill of her.

Yui: “Victoria, is it bad that she found your sister?” Yui asked with a concerned tone.

Victoria: “No? It’s a very good thing. I’ve always regretted that I could not save her. I don’t know if Erika could bring her back here but, either way, it’s good to know that she reincarnated.” I reply with a smile.

I will never forget the day that she died… I refuse to recall it. I need to prepare some gifts for her. I would be extremely happy if she would accept living with me once again.

Sofiel: “How could you even tell that Erika found your sister?” Sofiel asked with a curious tone.

Victoria: “I, as well as you all, are connected to Erika. Through my connection to her, I felt my sisters soul near her. That is how I was able to know about Erika finding her.” I replied.

Sofiel just said “Cool.” And went on to talk about other things with the rest of the girls. My mind was still on my sister…

*Erika’s POV*

I woke up to Petra and Anna looking bored while they poke my cheeks. A very interesting way to wake up. Well, at least I got some sleep.

Erika: “Good morning.” I reply with a yawn.

Petra: “Good morning, my ass! What the hell happened!?” Petra asked with a fed-up tone.

Anna: “I concur.” Anna says in support of Petra’s question.

Erika: “I have no idea.” I reply with a shrug.

Petra: “…”

Anna: “Could you please explain better?” Anna asks with a sigh.

Erika: “Well, let’s see… after we all fell asleep, I woke up with a decent chunk of my head missing since I fell onto a sharp rock. The carriage was smashed. And it seemed that we were inside it when it was pushed off a cliff.” I explain calmly.

Petra: “Holyshit! How are you not dead!?” Petra said with a shocked tone and expression.

Erika: “I got better.” I reply with a deadpan expression.

Anna: “And what of us? Shouldn’t we have been gravely injured as well?” Anna asks with a serious tone.

Saying that they were just injured would be putting it lightly. Ugh... I shudder just remembering how they looked at that time. I played it off pretty well but, I was truly panicking.

Thinking about whether or not that they were dead. If I felt this horrible about two cute girls, who I barely know getting killed close to me, I don't even want to begin to think about if it was one of my wives instead...

I... I would go insane... No, I would probably regress back to that unfeeling cold husk that they found me as. I was lost in thought and almost forgot to answer their very necessary question.

Erika: “Both of you were near death when I came to. Luckily, I woke up quickly after the fall, so I was able to heal you two before you succumbed to your injuries.” I explain.

Petra: “How bad were we?” Petra asked with a cold tone.

Erika: “You don’t want to know.” I say with a sad tone.

Anna: “Erika, we need to know.” Anna said with a stern tone.

Erika: “Well, let’s just say that people’s limbs shouldn’t be twisted and pointing in the wrong directions as you twos were.” I admit.

Seemingly imagining it, they both shuddered. Yeah, see? Even they agree with me!

Anna: “And where are we right now?” Anna asked after calming down.

Erika: “I don’t know. I just followed the path from the bottom of the cliff. I did that for, I think seven hours while carrying you both. I had to stop since I was too exhausted to continue walking longer.” I answer.

They don't need to know that I only stopped because I was running out of MP. If I wasn't running out, we would probably be in Klein right now.

Anna: “And my guards? What happened to them?” Anna asks with a concerned tone.

Erika: “I have no idea. There wasn’t any of their bodies where we fell.” I reply after shaking my head.

Anna: “…”

Erika: “I assume that we were hit with some kind of magic that made us fall asleep. Since I fell asleep way faster than I normally would in that situation. On top of not waking up at all during the assassination attempt.” I reply.

Petra: “Attempt!? We only survived because you saved us. They most likely think that they had succeeded in killing us.” Petra said with a frustrated tone.

Anna: “Petra is right. At least we won’t have to worry about another attempt for a while. At least, not until we appear again.” Anna said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “Well, what do we do now? I kinda had to make our choice for us yesterday, since you two wouldn’t wake up.” I ask.

Petra: “I’m really glad that we slept through that…” Petra said with another shudder.

Anna: “Yes, we were lucky but, Erika wasn’t.” Anna said to Petra with a stern tone.

Petra: “Right… sorry Erika.” Petra said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “It’s fine. I’ve been through worse.” I reply with a shrug.

Anna: “You have gone through worse than that?” Anna said with a tone of disbelief.

Erika: “Haven’t you as well? Like you, I died and reincarnated once before.” I ask.

Anna: “My death… wasn’t that unpleasant. At least, I died pretty quickly.” Anna replied.

Petra: “What? I feel like I am missing something here…” Petra said with a confused tone.

Erika: “You are. Petra look, food!” I reply and distract her with a bowl of ramen.

My distraction worked flawlessly. Petra gave in it her foodie instincts and completely forgot about her question.

Anna: “Is this soup?” Anna asks.

Erika: “Just try it first. If you don’t like it, I’ll just give you something else to eat for breakfast. Though, Nadia did make this meal as well.” I offer.

At first, she started eating it because it was made by Nadia, then she continued to eat it because it tasted so good. I then ate my ramen as well. A shitty previous day and a stressful morning. At least our breakfast was good.

After breakfast, we left the tent and stretched a bit. They were healed but, much like Victoria and me after a session with Sofiel, they were still in pain. Hmm… maybe there is a part of your soul that also gets injured when your body gets hurt?

With that idea, I touched both Anna’s and Petra’s backs and focused on specifically healing their souls. What luck! It seemed to work. I am a genius! I must have done this unintentionally when I healed Victoria before.

Which was why the healers they tried before didn't work. I was just lucky on my first try. This is super useful information, that I will totally not forget to relay to my lovers!


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Part Human, Part Angel, Part Demon.

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 18

Real Age: 158


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 495,000/495,000

MP: 126,000/126,000

INT: 1000

STR: 1000

AGI: 950

MAG: 1000

DEF: 1000

LUCK: 1000

:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Two-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Spear Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Bow Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Scythe Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Hand to Hand Combat Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Magic Combat Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).

Deep Understanding: Level 25 (MAX).

Supreme Cooking: Level 50 (MAX).

Water Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Earth Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Dark Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Fire Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Space Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Cleaning Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Healing Magic: Level 8.


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: X+

Polyglot: S

Knowledge Seeker: S+

Richest Woman: SSS

World Controller: SS+

Demon Goddesses Lover: SSS+

Leader of the Angel’s Lover: SSS+

Darkness Creator’s Lover: SSS+

Administrator’s Lover: X+

Supreme Lover of Women: S+

Checking my Status on my phone, Healing magic was now at level 8. I didn’t think that I would be using it so much, and I don’t think that I did but, on top of my gear and that one skill, I’ve almost gotten healing magic to the maximum level it can go to.

Anna: “What did you do? I feel so much better.” Anna asked with a curious tone.

Petra: “Yeah, I do too!” Petra said with an excited tone.

Erika: “Your bodies were healed but, your souls weren’t, so I just went ahead and healed them for you.” I explain.

Petra: “…”

Anna: “That’s possible?” Anna asked with an unsure tone.

Erika: “Should it not be?” I ask with a head tilt.

Anna: “No!? Ah, just forget it. I can see why my sister married you.” Anna said with a sigh.

Petra was still confused but I didn’t explain anything to her. It was funny leaving her in the dark. She kept pouting so I had nicely shoved a cookie in her mouth, to which she looked happy and ate it with a smile while we continued to walk. After a few minutes of walking in the woods, we had walked back to the cliff edge.

Anna: “We surely fell a long way down…” Anna said.

Petra: “How the hell can we get back up?” Petra asked.

Erika: “Fuck! I’m an idiot!” I yell.

Saying this, I walked over to a tree and punched it jokingly. Oops, I sent it flying, roots and all. I really need to test my strength out more thoroughly sometime…

Anna: “What was the need for that outburst?” Anna asked with a raised eyebrow.

Erika: “I was joking but accidentally used too much strength… Anyway, I can just use space magic to fly us back up. I didn’t realize this until now, which was the cause of my outburst.” I explain with an embarrassed tone.

To be fair, I did hit my head really hard…

Anna: “…”

Petra: “Anna, to be fair, she did hit her head pretty hard. Even though she healed her head, it was lucky that she was able to come to our rescue, and even secure a location for us to rest.” Petra said with a sisterly tone.

Hey, nice one! Agreeing with my thoughts! I knew that I made the right choice in bringing Petra along.

Anna: “True… Can we please leave this gorge now?” Anna asked.

Erika: “Aw… but I wanted to stay longer.” I jokingly say before flicking my wrist and floating us back to the top of the cliff.

Back on the road that we fell from, damn we fell down really far… They should add some guardrails. Or you know, not use such a dangerous path to travel on. But who am I to criticize people from a medieval fantasy world?

Anna: “Going by the scenery, we are still a few hours away from Klein. Good job on hauling us with along with you, Erika! You’ve saved us many hours of walking.” Anna said with a thumbs up.

Hey… I still had to do the walking, though. Oh well, she is cute, and she is my niece. She is forgiven in my heart. As all cute girls should be.

Erika: “Do you think that Klein’s queen tried to kill you?” I ask with a serious tone.

Anna: “I highly doubt it. She is a part of the Saviors, yes. But she actually wishes to leave them. I was going to help her with that. Incomes you, with the ability to convert her to a Dark Savior. I wasn't aware of my helper having this ability so, I was just going to turn her into a demon.” Anna explains while we continue to walk.

Petra: “You’re a demon!?” Petra asked with a shocked tone.

Anna: “Do you have a problem with that?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Petra: “Not really, but are you okay with traveling with two humans?” Petra asked.

Erika: “Petra, you know, technically speaking, I am not fully human.” I say.

Petra: “Really? You’ve fooled me completely!” Petra exclaimed.

Anna: “Do tell. Oh, I have no problems traveling with humans regardless.” Anna asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “It’s a long story that doesn’t really have a concrete answer. I am part human, part angel, and part Demon. The current thinking is that, because I am marked by an Angel, a Demon, and was originally a human, then I ate a Monster Core, it caused me to somehow evolve to a special race.” I explain slowly.

Anna and Petra: “You ate a Monster Core!?” They both yelled in unison.

I was in a slightly bad mood so, I decided to be cheeky. I took out an E Grade Monster Core from my inventory, then I ate it while they both gawked at me like I was crazy.

Fuck! It was cherry flavored again! I had to pretend to enjoy it; otherwise, my joke will fail! Whoever decided to make some medicine cherry flavored, and ruined my like of it, is surely burning hell!

Anna: “How… how the hell are you not dead!?” Anna exclaimed in a loud tone.

Petra: “…”

Erika: “I’m a special little lady that can eat Monster Cores without any bad things happening to me. If you are wondering, they taste like candy. And I eat them as such.” I reply with a proud tone.

Ah, those shocked faces was exactly what I was going for! My bad mood is now completely gone. Ah, blessed be the one who created girls, and gave them such a wide array of facial expressions!

Anna: “A special girl indeed… Ah, I’m just going to get a headache if I try to understand you for longer…” Anna said while rubbing her head.

Petra: “I’ve given up at this point.” Petra said with a deadpan tone and expression.

Erika: “Huh? Already? You two broke faster than my wives did. Congratulations for lasting shorter than them!” I jokingly say.

No. That wasn't a sex joke. It might have sounded like one, but it wasn't.

Anna: “…”

Petra: “…”

Erika: “Are you sure that those “bandits” weren’t sent by Klein’s queen?” I ask with a serious tone.

Anna: “You’re just going to slip back into being professional? Whatever… no. Remember how they said that I was a traitor?” Anna asked.

Erika: “Oh, yeah, they did say that.” I say with one of my hands on my chin.

Petra: “What bandits?” Petra asked with a confused tone.

Anna: “Knights pretending to be bandits assaulted us. Erika dealt with them while you slept soundly. As for those knights, I don’t know what kingdom they were from but, they were probably knights of a kingdom that the Saviors are controlling.” Anna explained.

Erika: “I thought that you didn’t believe that the Saviors group existed in this dimension?” I ask.

Anna: “Originally, no. Klein’s new queen sent me a letter informing me of them. I took her letter with a grain of salt. It seems to be the truth. But it could still be a trap. Who knows.” Anna said with a shrug.

Erika: “We won’t know until we see for ourselves.” I say with a sigh.

I’m betting my money on it not being a trap. From what I’ve learned about the Saviors, they treat their people like shit. Sure, they get better treatment the further up they go in rank. Similar to a pyramid scheme.

It’s not like that resentment from being mistreated would just go away. Anyway, with a hopeful outlook, we continued walking to our destination.

*Two hours later.*

We were now at the gates of Klein. There was a long line of people wanting and waiting to get in. Anna being the special and cute little princess that she is, just urged us to walk to the front of the line. Earning some bad stares from those in line. She walked up to the guard on duty.

Anna: “Here, this is my family emblem.” Anna said to the guard.

Guard: “My… my lady, I am sorry for my arrogance, please head right inside.” He said with a bow and a stutter.

Those originally jeering at us stopped, as well as pretended that they did no wrong. This was 100% because they realized that Anna was royalty. Petra and I weren’t royalty but we still walked right inside Klein alongside her.

Anna: “You two should head to the Adventurer’s Guild. I’ll follow you along.” Anna said.

Erika: “Why? Our mission isn’t technically completed yet.” I ask.

Anna: “It’s not but, what if those who wished for my death did something bad with you twos public perception?” Anna explained.

A conspiracy maybe? Who knows. But we went along with her suggestion. Asking a fruit vendor the location, it took us only ten minutes of walking to make it there.

I now have less respect for the guild back in Anna’s kingdom. This one here is a complete exact copy. Down to even the bricks they used to make it. It was similar to how a game developer would just place a premade asset randomly everywhere without caring that it looks bad.

We went inside, then all of a sudden, an alarm went off. We three were swarmed with adventurers and some guards that showed up seconds later. Anna is royalty so, regardless of why this happened, I decided to make a clear required distance for those with their weapons drawn to us.

Using space magic, I put a barrier around us. No one could enter it, nor could they break it. As confirmed by them bashing their weapons on it to no avail. This stalemate lasted for fifteen minutes, before someone of actual standing came out of the guild building.

It was a woman who looked to be in her late 30s. She had a staff and clearly looked like, and probably was a mage. She had long brown hair similar to Petra. Actually, she looked a lot like Petra…

???: “My darling sister, you kill a princess and then show up here? Are you trying to get me executed along with you?” She asked with an upset tone.

Petra: “…”

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask.

???: “What do you think? After Princess Anna’s assassination, your IDs were flagged as criminals. And yet you come here? Truly, you two are fools.” She said before slamming her staff down on the ground.

We weren’t guilty, but Petra was still unable to talk. She was probably scared of her sister. I looked to Anna to hopefully solved this situation. She nodded to me and started to speak to the woman.

Anna: “Stop this farce immediately! If it weren’t for Erika and Petra, I would have died! See this emblem? This should show my identity.” Anna explained before throwing the small emblem to the feet of the woman.

???: “…This is clearly your family emblem. Could you please explain what happened? These two aren’t keeping you held hostage, right?” The woman asked with an unsure tone.

Anna: “We had gone to sleep in my carriage a day ago. When we awoke, we had fallen down a cliff. My carriage was in pieces. We three were heavily injured but, luckily, Erika could use healing magic. If not for her, Petra and I would have died from the injuries that we received from the fall.” Anna explained with a serious tone.

The woman, who I assume is the guild master, was about to declare us innocent. That was until a group of adventures started a fuss…

Adventurer A: “How can we be sure that they’re telling the truth!?” He yelled.

Adventurer B: “They are clearly faking their identities!” She yelled.

Adventurer C: “How dare they falsely claim to be royalty! They should be hanged!” The last one yelled as well.

Then the crowd turned on us. I could tell that the reason was that Adventurer B had used some kind of charm magic on the crowd. I was about to kill her to quickly end the spell but, then some knights, that clearly were part of Klein’s military, since they had flown its flag, showed up.

All led by a cute looking maid that looks strangely like Nadia. She had long black hair and was even wearing glasses. She cleared the path and told the knights to arrest the three adventures who started the fuss.

Maid: “That is without a doubt the lady that I serve. As for these three, one of them used charm magic on you all so that you would riot and kill my dear lady. As such, they will be executed swiftly.” She said with a stern tone.

Then those three were beheaded in seconds by the knights that the maid had brought along with her. She then walked up to us. I made it so that she could enter the barrier that I set up.

Anna: “Siesta, it’s wonderful to see you.” Anna said after hugging her maid.

Siesta: “As it is to see you still alive, my lady. I was afraid that I had lost you.” She said with a small tear going down her cheek that Anna had tenderly wiped away.

Anna: “I wouldn’t be here, not without Erika saving me.” Anna explained.

Siesta: “Erika was it? Is she…” Siesta asked.

Anna: “Yes, she is the one who we talked about before. Clearly, a wise decision on my part. Also, I was lucky that she was the one to escort me here.” Anna said with a laugh.

Siesta: “So it seems. Could you two please hand me your IDs? I will have them reinstated. I doubt that you two would want to go into the guild at the moment.” Siesta offered with a smile.

Petra and I handed her our IDs. She quickly looked them over before stopping on mine. Then she had an evil smile on her face.

The crowd at this point still hadn’t dispersed. Most likely curious on what would happen.

Siesta: “Oh, Miss Erika, you’re an unranked adventurer. And these fools thought that they could actually stand against you.” She said with a feigned shocked tone.

Once she said that all of the guards and adventurers hightailed it out of here. Anna and Petra then laughed heartily.

???: “F-forgive me! I never heard your name before, so I hadn’t thought to look at your rank…” Petra’s sister said while kneeling on the ground.

I was about to console her and tell her that it was fine but, Siesta kept adding salt to the wound.

Siesta: “Whatever Miss Erika decides to do, her anger will be justified. And I doubt that anyone could stop her. Oh, do be a dear and fix these IDs real quick.” Siesta asked with an evil tone.

I nudged Anna’s shoulder and whisper this into her ear. Not in a seductive tone, mind you. She is my niece. I am not that much of a pervert.

Erika: “Is she related to Nadia?” I ask with a quiet but curious tone.

Anna: “Not that I know of. She is similar to her, though. Which is why she is my lover and also my personal maid.” Anna explained with a laugh.

The idea that she once had a thing for Nadia, was something that I kept to myself. Regardless, they do make a cute couple.

A few minutes later, Petra’s sister had given us back our IDs with shaky hands. Then we started to walk towards the castle guided by their knights. Petra kept giggling.

Erika: “What’s so funny?” I ask.

Petra: “Ah, it’s just that, seeing my sister like that was so funny. You see, my family has always raised great mages, yet I chose to learn the sword instead. Growing up, my sister bullied me for this, and neither my family nor my servants did anything about it. It wasn’t limited to insults, she did get physical.” Petra explained after she stopped giggling.

Erika: “That sounds terrible… by the way, you’re a noble?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Petra: “Not really. I had cast away my family name long ago so no. At least, not anymore anyway.” Petra explained.

Anna: “I bet that it was nice to see her grovel like that.” Anna said in support.

Petra: “It truly was!” Petra said before laughing once again.

The trip to the castle was uneventful. Once inside, we were guided by some maids to a room. The room had a table in between two couches. This room was most likely used for very private discussions. There being no windows in the room supported my theory.

Petra and I didn’t sit down with Anna. This was going to be a discussion by her and Klein’s queen.

Anna: “Don’t just stand on the side, come sit with me.” Anna ushered us to sit with her.

Petra was a little hesitant but, I don’t refuse cute girls, so I just went right ahead and sat next to Anna. Petra followed my lead and sat to the right of Anna, while I sat to the left.

Siesta: “My lady, I wouldn’t happen to have new enemies in love, would I?” Siesta asked with a concerned tone.

Anna: “No. Petra is just a good new friend of mine.” Anna explained.

Siesta: “And Erika?” She asked.

Anna: “Here’s the funny thing, you know about my past life?” She asked after a small giggle.

Siesta: “Yes?” Siesta replied with a confused tone.

Anna: “My sister is still alive. Erika is married to her.” Anna explained.

Siesta: “…Does she have any proof of this?” Siesta asked.

Anna: “Yes, she showed me the ring that Victoria had used to propose to her. It had my family’s emblem on it.” Anna said.

Siesta: “I see. Then should I treat her as royalty?” Siesta asked.

Erika: “No thanks. Sure, Victoria is a Demon Goddess but, she doesn’t act like a noble. That goes for all of her wives and lovers.” I explain.

Anna: “Hold on… I know that you said that you are her sixth wife but, what do you mean by lovers?” Anna asked with a concerned tone.

Erika: “Hm? Erika has well over a hundred different lovers. All women, of course.” I explain with a confused tone.

Anna: “When did she become a pervert!? I need to scold her as an older sister!” Anna said with a frustrated tone.

Erika: “She isn’t a pervert. Sure, she has a lot of lovers but, those were lovers she got together with after thousands of years.” I explain in a calm tone.

Anna: “Thousands of years?…” Anna repeated.

Erika: “What’s wrong?” I ask.

Anna: “Have I really been dead that long? Erika, how long has it been since I died? Would you happen to know?” Anna asked with a desperate tone.

Erika: “I wasn’t aware that Victoria had a sister. She never told me about you, and I’ve known her for a hundred years.” I reply with a remorseful tone.

Now, granted, I've only known her for less than a few years but, technically, I did meet her a hundred years ago. Since I was being held captive for a long time. Besides, Anna doesn't look any older than 19. Whether or not that she had stopped her aging, it was most likely that she had been dead for a decently long time.

Anna: “…”

Petra: “Erika… you’re a hundred years old!?” Petra asked not reading the room.

Erika: “Yeah, I’m 158 years old.” I admit.

Petra: “You look like you haven’t aged past 18…” Petra said with an unsure tone.

Erika: “That would be correct. I stopped aging at 18.” I explained.

Focusing back on Anna, she still seemed a little lost so I hugged and patted her head for a few minutes until she calmed down.

Anna: “Thanks… I needed that. Is… is there a way for you to contact Victoria?” Anna asked.

Erika: “Normally? Yes. But this dimension blocks out all outside communication. So I can’t contact her, or anyone for that matter.” I answer.

Anna: “Is there truly no way? I was able to contact an Administrator, which was how I knew about your arrival.” Anna asked again.

Ah, so that’s how she found out about me. I have no idea how she was able to contact them, but I clearly can’t. Maybe contact with other dimensions is only restricted to dimension travelers?

Erika: “I might be able to, once I’ve finished my Tasks.” I offer up a possibility.

I had no idea if it would work but, I’ve never tried before so, maybe it will work.

Anna: “Then hopefully that will work.” Anna said with a sigh.

I was going to console her further but then the door to the room opened up. Let’s just say, I was completely shocked. Why? Oh, no reason. Just that the one who came in, who was clearly the queen of Klein, was also someone I had known in my past life…

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