Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 3: Chapter 3: A Date After Being Kidnapped.

Chapter 3: A Date After Being Kidnapped.

*Erika’s POV*

Knowing about how that "unknown" woman had kidnapped me, and also knocked me out via magic, well, let’s just say that I was on guard when I woke up.

Luckily, I was able to quickly calm down. Since I was in my new room, surrounded by my lovers. Not counting Nadia and Alice. At least, they aren’t my lovers, yet.

I looked towards Alice, who was to my left, and asked her a question.

Erika: “What happened?” I asked with a serious tone.

Alice: “Hm… well, nothing too important. It’s just that woman had decided to act before I could, and snatched you away.” Alice replied with an annoyed tone.

Erika: “Why did she kidnap me, though?” I ask with a confused tone.

Victoria: “Oh, she’s just one of my wives. We won’t tell you her name since she would be upset if we do so. She’d want to tell you herself.” Victoria said while dodging my question.

Erika: “That doesn’t answer why she kidnapped me, though.” I say with a raised eyebrow.

Sofiel: “Do you remember what I happened to do to you a while back?” Sofiel asked.

Erika: “You’d have to be more specific…” I reply with a confused expression.

Alice: “Oh, for the love of!” Alice said before she jumped on top of me.

She then took my lips with her own. It wasn’t a deep kiss. Though, it was still romantic, at least to me. I did realize what that woman had done, though…

Erika: “She took me just to mark me!?” I yell with an annoyed tone.

Sofiel: “Yes…” Sofiel replied while not being able to look me in the eyes.

Victoria: “I’m sorry that she is such a pervert…” Victoria said while also not being able to look me in the eyes.

Do these girls know nothing about consent!? I mean, I don’t mind that Alice has marked me, in fact, it makes me happy. But why the hell have TWO random women, who I have never really met before, mark me?

And why am I not absolutely furious about it? Fuck… I guess cute girls really are my one true weakness…

I mean, if it was a man that did that, I’d definitely kill them dead. Actually, I’d kill them deader than dead. I’m sure I could get one of my girls to have that person’s soul forever trapped in endless torment...

Erika: “Ugh… My head hearts… Is there no limit to how many powerful women can mark me? My life isn’t in danger or anything, right?” I ask with a sigh.

Alice: “Apart from the danger that you normally and willingly put yourself in? No. As for a limit, that is also a no.” Alice said with a shrug.

Erika: “I see… Also, why did you mark me? I was going to ask you to do that during our date…” I say with a slightly disappointed tone.

Alice: “That’s… Look, I just got jealous because of that woman. I’m sorry that I marked you without your consent…” Alice said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “It’s fine. I don’t mind since you’re just so damn cute!” I say with a flirty tone while patting her cute little head.

After doing that for a few minutes, I realized that every girl in the room was looking at me with expecting eyes…

Erika: “Um… can I help you all with something?” I ask with a head tilt.

Alice: “Ah, well, you basically just said that you’re fine with us marking you so, now the ones who haven’t marked you yet, want to do so now.” Alice said with a sigh.

I sighed as well and gave them permission to mark me. What followed was every girl in the room giving me nice kisses. Even the ones who have already marked me…

There was also a quick lesson on how to mark someone since, not every one of the girls actually knew how. Apparently, you don’t have to be some special or powerful being to mark someone. It’s just harder to do so.

It’s basically just imprinting your soul on someones soul. Most beings have a soul, so anyone can do it. Yes, even Sasaki was able to do it.

I am now even more excited to finally check my Status. I mean, who else has been marked by so many powerful and beautiful women before?

After such a fun “event”, the rest of the girls besides Nadia had left my room. Nadia told me that Victoria has given her consent to our relationship, and that she was looking forward to going on a date with me.

Before she left after relaying that information to me, she had given me some food to eat. According to my phone, it was 12:25 PM. Apparently, whatever type of magic that woman had used on me, was very effective. Since I slept that long. Almost two days...

Thinking about this, I really, really need to find ways to prevent beautiful women from kidnapping me… I can’t imagine how I would feel if this happened for a third time.

The first time, I wasn’t fully aware, and when I was, I was able to deal with the situation quickly. So I didn’t really feel like I was kidnapped. Now I know how it feels to be a damsel in distress. Truthfully, I find it very frustrating. I’d rather be the one to save myself than get someone else’s help.

I was just lucky that the people who have kidnapped me thus far haven’t wished me any harm at all…

The food Nadia made for me tastes amazing! It’s been a while since I’ve eaten her food and yet, it somehow tastes even better than it did before. Maybe it’s because I’ve missed her food so much? Who knows.

Since it was still early in the day, I got up from my bed after messaging Alice, and asking her if she wanted to go on a date.

She said, “Yes.”, so, of course, that will be the plan today. Most of the girls I’ve been out on dates with could be considered to have very adult tastes and interests so, our dates ended up basically going to the same places, minus a few special stops.

Alice is different in this matter. Although she is very much an adult, I think she would probably be considered young for a Creator. Considering this, I’ve planned to take her to places that you would take a younger lover to.

I asked her what she thought about my plan and she agreed with excitement. What was my plan? I decided to take her to an amusement park.

Pretty much every type of attraction that you could think an amusement park would have, is in this place. Similar to the aquarium, it was waaaaay too big to actually see it all in just one day.

As such, I booked a VIP room for three days for us, so that we could enjoy this place to the fullest. It’s not like Alice would be the only one enjoying it. After all, I’ve never been to such a place before either. I was just as excited as she was.

*Three days later.*

Now, I could explain in detail how fun this place was, and how much me and Alice enjoyed it but, let’s just say that it was quite possibly the most fun I have ever had. Alice was in the same boat as me.

We had so much fun that we had completely forgotten to do anything sexual at all… Time sure flies when you’re having fun. Luckily, I was able to book one more night in the same room.

Sex with Alice was, as you would expect, just as amazing as it was with all of my other lovers who I have slept with.

Alice took to sex faster than I thought that she would. She was, as it were, literal putty in my hands for at least the first few hours. After she got used to it, she asked to explore my body. How could I refuse such a cute girl?

And explore she did. She groped and played with my body like I was the most precious thing she has ever had the pleasure of touching. Being desired like this, like always, was so amazingly addicting.

Thirty minutes was all Alice was able to do before I had reached my limit and our “play” started back up again.

This is my first time with a Creator. All I have to say is, how much fucking stamina do they possess? I kid you not, I had to extend our stay by seven more days just because Alice hadn’t gotten enough yet. And I, of course, was eager and willing to please her until she was satisfied.

In the end, she still wasn’t. I didn’t even know that such a powerful being like me could even get this tired… it was worse than when Sofiel had her way with me.

Alice only stopped when she realized how much time had passed since we had started our little love session.

Erika: “That was… amazing.” I say with haggard breaths.

Alice: “That it was… I’m sorta sad that I’ve taken so long to do something like this. I would regret denying Victoria every time she made passes at me but, since I refused her, I ended up meeting you, and giving my darling love my first time.” Alice said with a cute tone and expression.

If a person’s eyes, or pupils, could change shape to express their current emotions then, my pupils would be in the shape of a heart.

She was just so cute! I ended up giving her a deep kiss to which she gave me one back.

Honestly, I wanted to stay here with her longer but, my phone and the guild chat were still blowing up. Alice and I had decided to completely ignore their messages.

It’s not like we had not told them that we would stay longer, we did. Most of their messages were just teasing us, or pretending to be jealous.

Looking at Sofiel’s messages, the latest one she had sent me went along the lines of “Great, you’ve bedded a Creator. The first of many I assume. Now could you two please come back? I’m running low on Erika charge, and I am also jealous that you’ve lasted longer with Alice than you did with me.” I chuckled after reading it and gave her a reply.

Erika: “Although Alice isn’t satisfied yet, we decided to end since we spent so much time just having sex.”

Sofiel: “Good, good, see you soon?”

Erika: “Yeah, this place isn’t that far away from our house. Been there in a few hours. By the way, what the heck is Erika charge?”

Sofiel: “I need a recharge from both you and Victoria every once in a while. 50% for you and 50% for Victoria.”

What? It’s that like, a real thing? Or is she just being silly?

Erika: “Is that something you have to recharge a real thing?”

Sofiel: “No? Don’t silly Erika, I am not a vampire. Although, I’m sure that you wouldn’t mind if I left a few bite marks on you, though.”

Oh, so she was just being silly. Ever the cheeky girl, she ended her message by teasing me. I needed to tease her back. It’s just unfortunate that I really such at teasing people.

Erika: “Bite me!”

Sofiel: “With pleasure! I’ll make sure to leave a bite mark in a place where people can see, the moment you get back!”

I had gotten very red from reading her message. Sofiel was one to cheat. Her bites were very pleasurable since she stupidly wasted time learning from a succubus. Where she even met a succubus, I have no idea. Whoever it was, they certainly taught her well…

Alice was reading the message with me. After she read Sofiel’s last message, she pouted and then bit my neck. It hurt a little since she didn’t have the sex cheats that Sofiel had but, I didn’t mind. In a way, this was just another way for her to mark me as hers.

Alice: “Erika, I made it so this mark won’t go away until tomorrow.” Alice said with a cheeky tone.

It won’t go away until tomorrow!? I was actually kind of upset at this but, then I realized that seeing this bite mark on me would either make my other lovers aroused or at least jealous. Which means more sex for me!

I have truly fallen to the level of such a pervert quite quickly. Take responsibility for it? Nah, I’m just going to blame the naughty Angel Sofiel for corrupting me. I am free of sin. Well, not counting all of the people I've killed...

It all started with that first deep kiss that she gave me. It was all downhill for my morals ever since. Not that I mind. Could I really stop desiring the bodies of my oh so wonderful lovers? Never!

One of those pervert maids had come to pick Alice and I up. Sent in a car most likely by Nadia. Since Nadia was the manager of the house, I figured that she would need money. I gave her just straight up access to my bank account. I greatly doubt that she would ever steal my money.

As such, Nadia has all the money she would ever need to run our house like a fine oiled machine. That includes taking and picking up the girls that live in it.

I also gave every single one of Victoria’s wives and lovers a shit ton of money as well. Originally, Sasaki was the one to help with identities and bank accounts but, with my near infinite wealth and ability to basically get whatever I want, demanding paperwork and bank accounts for well over a hundred undocumented women was, surprisingly, very easy.

Surprisingly, most of the maids, even the none perverted ones, had decided to move to this dimension with us. I gave them money as well.

They all thanked me. Nadia had to scold them a bit since they kept asking her and me for permission to buy things. Her perverted maids were the worst offenders. Not because they asked more than the others but, because each time they asked, it was them asking for permission to buy sex toys and other sexual things.

Rather than just sex toys, it was mostly cosplay. I guess playing maid for so long had given them a cosplay fetish, or something along those lines.

Oh right, I accidentally lumped Lilith in with the pervert maids. She did the same thing. No. She already knew she didn’t need permission. She was, like always, just being a cheeky little shit.

Wouldn’t you know it, she didn’t bother Nadia with her requests at all. She directed all "requests" to me, and me alone. Though, I could tell that Lilith was being different than usual. It wasn’t the same type of teasing that she usually does.

I figured out that she was absolutely trying to seduce me. Lilith was super, and I mean super fucking weak to counter attacks. All I had to do to stop her from asking me to let her buy sex toys, was extremely simple.

The last and final time that she asked me, I just told her that if she wanted to buy it, I would get to use it on her first. That shut her up quickly and peace was restored. Thinking back, that was quite a hectic few days. All leading up to me being kidnapped once again…

Alice slept soundly with her head on my lap the entire trip back. I guess we really didn’t take any breaks at all. It makes sense that she was tired. While waiting in the car, Lilith messaged me.

Lilith: “Are you really not going to check your Status yet?”

Erika: “I will, once I get with the last of my soon to be lovers. Plus, can’t you just look?”

Lilith: “Nope! Only with your consent, or when you open it.”

Erika: “Ah, I see. Just wait a little bit longer.”

Lilith: “Hm… I do wonder what kind of title you would get from making an Administrator fall in love with you. Oh do keep in mind, Victoria didn’t get one. You might get one since you’re special.”

Erika: “Who knows.”

Once back home, Nadia and Sofiel were the first to greet me. I was carrying the soundly sleeping Alice in a princess carry. She still had a wonderfully cute smile on her face.

Nadia: “That is the happiest I’ve ever seen Alice.” Nadia said with a happy tone.

Sofiel: “I didn’t even know that she could smile like that…” Sofiel said with a look of disbelief.

Nadia: “Erika, I’ll take her to her bed.” Nadia offered.

Giving her a nod, I then gave her Alice, which she carried her away still in a princess carry. Sofiel, on the other hand, was staring at my neck. Specifically at the love bite that Alice had oh so lovingly given me.

Sofiel: “Erika, I keep my promises.” Sofiel said with a dangerous tone.

She then lunged towards me and bit my neck in the same exact spot that Alice had bitten earlier. Using her cheat sex magic, I had moaned from her bite… To which she looked very pleased with herself before running away.

Erika: “Sofiel, you pervert Angel!” I yell with a flustered tone to the retreating perverted Angel.

Speaking of that perverted Angel, who just so happens to be my lover, I could hear her giggling while she ran away. Why’d she even run anyway? It's not like I would ever hurt her... Whatever. Cheeky Angels will be cheeky Angels…

It was becoming time for me to get my ass back to work but, I still had unfinished business to do. That business being Nadia and Kora.

*Six hours later.*

Kora was oddly reserved. She didn’t want to go out. She just wanted to spend the rest of the day with me. Of course, the day ended with us enjoying each other’s bodies.

Granted, it’s not that I didn’t try to take her out. I suggest doing so a lot but, she kept saying no. It hurt me to not take her out but, I’m not one to force my lovers to do something without their consent so, we just stayed home the entire date.

As you would expect, we hadn’t seen each other in a decent while so, we had a lot of catching up to do. I did want to peek at her Status but, she said that she was still working on some things and wanted to surprise me with it.

I mean, like I said, we had a LOT of catching up to do. I haven’t seen her in over a hundred years after all. As for her Status, I decided to just wait for her to show me later.

Games were apparently something that I and Kora both enjoyed. Playing games all day with your girlfriend, and then finishing it off with having sex with her, is a very wonderful thing. Truly, I am blessed.

I woke up to Kora hugging my back, with her face in my chest. Some women complain that having big breasts is annoying but, I wish that I had bigger ones. They would make for better pillows for my lovers than what I am currently “equipped” with…

Although I didn’t make much movement, Kora had woke up. She yawned and then looked me in the eyes. Then she showed me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen her show…

It saddens me that this was all it took for Kora to be extremely happy. I have no idea what she went through but, if this small act of intimacy with me was all it took to make her smile like this, well, I just have to spoil her more, and more, don’t I?

I wanted to spend more time with her but, she told me that she was fine, and that I should go on a date with Nadia. Not denying her suggestion, I still persuaded her to take a bath with me.

This girl needed pampering, and I was more than fit, as well as willing for the job. I cleaned her body thoroughly, but in a nonsexual manner. It was in a way that showed that I truly cared deeply for her.

After I finished washing her completely, she pulled me into a hug and cried into my chest. I was extremely confused. Why was she crying? Did I do something wrong? Regardless of why, I let her cry her heart out while rubbing her head.

She cried for a good fifteen minutes. I then guided her to the bath, so that she could calm down more. Once in the bath, she turned red. Most likely at the embarrassment that she felt from crying on me like that.

Kora: “I… I won’t tell you why I cried like that. It’s all in the past. Just know, you have made me the happiest woman in existence.” Kora said with a flustered tone.

Erika: “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. And I am happy that you enjoy being with me.” I say before flicking my wrist.

She must have been through something terrible, and me acting so lovingly and pampering her probably made her remember it.

One of my girls is upset, this won’t do!

Abusing my new magic that I have yet to gloat about, I levitated Kora onto my lap. Then I wrapped my arms around her lovingly. I also leaned my head onto her left shoulder.

Kora: “…”

Erika: “You don’t need to tell me but, I would like it if you could let me comfort and pamper you like this whenever you’re feeling down.” I say with a loving tone.

Kora: “I… I will do so from now on.” Kora said with a happy tone.

Kora is most likely similar to me. Sofiel said it best. I had a very low value on my self worth. Kora is the same, which is why she was willing to wait so long to get with me, as well as why she is fine with me spending only a small amount of time with her.

I won’t push her to accept more time with me. Oddly, being with my lovers, I no longer hate myself, and I realize my self worth is far higher than I originally always thought. Hell, before meeting them, I didn't even realize that I had hated myself.

Kora still hasn’t fully come out of her shell. I’ve only just started thawing out her frozen heart. I’m just not as good as Sofiel. Maybe it’s because she is an Angel but, she truly saved me. I wonder if she knows that?

Maybe saved isn’t the right word but, Sofiel at least opened my eyes. I now truly believe that I could have always been like this. My father just ruined me from too young of an age. I still wouldn’t change a thing in that life, though. If I did, would I have met them all?

During this whole thought process, I had unknowingly been rubbing Kora’s head…

Kora: “Erika… you know, I do like this but, you’ve been patting my head for like thirty minutes straight…” Kora said with a red face.

Erika: “Sorry dear, I was lost in thought.” I say with a small laugh.

I had messaged Nadia and asked her if she could get some clothes for Kora before we had gotten in the bath. Because of that, once out of the bath, I put Kora’s clothes on for her.

Kora said that she wasn’t going to do anything important for today or for a while since, she had just gotten done with a lot of work and needed a break. I wanted to spend more time with her but, I knew she wouldn’t agree. Instead, I just kissed her on her forehead and sent her on her way.

She was probably going to play games the rest of the day. A very good plan! I had recommended a few games that I had the pleasure of playing. She thanked me for the suggestions and then left.

Catching Nadia as I came out of the bath, I asked her if she wanted to go on a date with me. She said yes. Though, much like Kora, she did not want to go out.

Instead, she asked me to make a meal for her and me. I said, “Okay, let’s do that.” And went to the kitchen. Cooking was one of the things that I learned in those six months.

I haven’t really had the chance to flex my cooking muscles so, I have to make the best damn meal possible to woo Nadia. Though, I think I have already wooed her. That doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t try to make her happy.

Nadia said that she would eat anything that I make. I went with teriyaki chicken, steak, and a side of fried rice. This is currently my favorite meal.

The System is a stupid cheat. I haven’t checked but, I definitely have some kind of skill or title revolving around cooking. Otherwise, how else could I have made a meal that would usually take hours, in only ten minutes?

I asked one of the maids that was watching me cook to help me take our food to Nadia. She said that she wanted to eat in her room. Of course, it wasn't one of the pervert maids. Knowing them, they would have probably spat in our food. Not because they hate us, but because they would get some sexual satisfaction from us consuming their saliva. Perverts...

After putting down Nadia’s plate, the maid bowed and then left. Nadia was sitting down on a couch that had a long coffee table in front of it. Which was where the plates were put.

Nadia had ordered that maid to set our plates right next to each other. Nadia pat the couch with one of her hands, to signify that she wanted me to sit right next to her.

Of course, I didn’t deny her, and I sat down right next to her. Really, with no distance between us. Nadia was going to take a bite of her food before I stopped her.

I took her fork and got some rice and chicken on it, before letting Nadia take a bite. She had blushed but still ate my offering. She was taken aback by how good it was.

I mean, I know it tasted good since I was the one to make it but, isn’t her reaction just a little bit too good? Eh, either way, seeing her smile like that makes me happy.

Ah, I’ve finally found my calling in life… Making girls happy! I shall henceforth dedicate my life to this worthy cause. Mark my words!

Nadia and I took turns feeding each other. After we were done eating, she leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. She looked so happy and so, of course, how could I resist giving her head pats? Cute girls should have their head pat. This is a universal law. And I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them!

Nadia: “I wish that we could stay like this forever…” Nadia said with a wistful tone.

Erika: “We can if you want.” I say with a laugh.

Nadia: “Don’t tempt me… Erika, I’m sorry but, sexual intimacy isn’t something I can do with you right now…” Nadia said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “I don’t mind.” I say while rubbing her head once again.

Nadia: “Truly? Ah, it’s not because I don’t find you attractive. It’s just that I don’t really have much of a sex drive. I’ve only done it with Victoria a handful of times.” Nadia explained.

Knowing how Nadia and Victoria have been together for thousands of years, it's a safe bet that she truly wasn't lying about having an extremely low sex drive.

Erika: “As I said, I don’t mind. I won’t force you to do something you don’t want to. It’s not like I only care about sex. Cuddling with you like this is enough for me.” I reply with a warm tone.

Nadia: “I’ll have to save one of the days when I feel like having sexual relations, for you. I’m glad that I’ve found another wife.” Nadia said with a bright tone and smile.

Erika: “I’m glad as well. No. I am extremely happy!” I say with an oddly serious tone.

Nadia: “I wish that I had something more to give you…” Nadia said with a sigh.

Erika: “Giving me your time is more than enough. Though, I would accept some of your food as well. I’ve always loved your food. And of course, I still do.” I say with a thinking pose.

Nadia: “…”

Erika: “It’s just so cute how you’re weak to affection but run this house with absolute control.” I jokingly say.

Nadia: “Are you trying to make me angry?” Nadia jokingly asked.

Erika: “No, no, Miss Administrator, I would never do such a thing like that.” I say with my hands up.

Nadia: “…Who…Who told you? Not even Victoria knows…” Nadia asked with a thinking pose.

Erika: “I’ll give you one hint. It was a cheeky girl that likes to play pranks.” I say while not looking in the eyes.

Originally I was going to give her a very vague hint but, she looked at me like she wasn’t going to take a simple answer lying down. I’m sorry my partner in crime. I must rat you out.

Lilith: “If I get demoted, it’s your fucking fault! I’m going to play so many damn pranks on you regardless!” Lilith screamed into my head.

Lilith continued to spray various vitriol in my head. Thankfully, I’ve gotten used to ignoring the voices, I mean, voice in my head. I am perfectly mentally sane, I assure you.

Nadia: “That little!… How… how long have you known?” Nadia asked with a sigh.

Erika: “If I remember correctly, it was when I went to Avicia’s dimension. Lilith was asking me to do a head tilt, so that she could take a picture and send it to you.” I explain.

Nadia: “She just outright told you?” Nadia asked with a raised eyebrow.

Erika: “Not really, I just sorta guessed that it was you who she was going to send it to.” I reply with a shrug.

Nadia: “I see… Bigger issue, are you talking to Lilith like she is a person?” Nadia asked.

Erika: “Hm? Yes, I do, I mean, she is a pervert but, I still considered her a person in the end regardless of her various flaws.” I reply.

Lilith: “You asshole! You’ve double outed me! Also, why would me being a pervert not make me a person!?” I feel like someone was screaming in my head but it was surely my brain playing tricks on me.

Nadia: “So… you know that she isn’t an AI.” Nadia said while rubbing her head.

Erika: “Oh right, she did ask me not to rat her out about that. At first, she acted like an AI but after a while, I guess she probably got bored, and then she decided just to admit to not being an AI.” I explain.

Nadia: “I’ll deal with the tricksy girl later. Although, I won’t demote or punish her. Doing so would just make her mess with you more.” Nadia said with another sigh.

Lilith: “All hail the fair Head Administrator Nadia! Hear that Erika? I win!” Lilith yelled.

Erika: “She said that she will mess with me regardless.” I say with a smug tone.

Nadia: “Will she now? I should have a “talk” with her.” Nadia said with a fed-up tone.

Lilith: “Mommy save me! Also, fuck you Erika! How could you treat me this way? I thought what we had was special!?” Lilith screamed.

Erika: “Are you still willing to be in a relationship with me? I know that you’ve been trying to seduce me. Honestly, the idea of making the girl who has messed with me so many times, moan in pleasure while in bed with me, well, let’s just say that it’s a very enticing idea.” I say with a seductive tone in my head.

Lilith: “…”

Egad! I’ve finally found it! The guaranteed, “Shut Lilith up.” Button! I just have to tease her! Why didn’t I realize this sooner!?

Nadia: “Lilith aside, Erika, are you truly okay with being in a relationship with me? Knowing that I’ve basically had someone spy on you this entire time…” Nadia asked with an unsure tone.

Erika: “I’ll admit, it’s a little off putting but, you’re in luck!” I say with a cheeky tone.

Nadia: “How so?” Nadia asked with a head tilt. So damn cute!!

Erika: “You just so happen to be a beautiful girl so, your crime isn’t a crime to me. Besides, how could I ever be upset when you’re just so damn cute!?” I say with an excited tone while rubbing her head.

I said cute twice, to show how cute, the cute, Nadia is. Wow… That sentence was even hard to say in my own head…

Nadia: “…”

Erika: “Too much?” Borrowing from Sofiel, I asked this with a head tilt.

Nadia: “No, it’s fine. I was just surprised that you treat me the same way that Victoria does… Did you ask her about how I like to be treated?” Nadia asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “No. I treat all of my lovers like this.” I say with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Nadia: “I see… Well, our talk went on for a long time, and I have a cheeky girl I have to “deal” with so, thanks for today. I really enjoyed it.” Nadia said with a warm tone.

She then led me out of her room. Before leaving, she gave me a kiss on my lips. She then blushed and quickly closed her door. Probably realizing what she did was kinda rude, she opened her door again and said sorry to me. I told it was fine with a laugh, then Nadia blushed once again, and closed her door. Softly this time, though.

I didn’t realize how long our small dinner date lasted… Somehow, it was already 8:24 PM. As such, I made my way to my room.

It was now the time you all, and I, have been waiting for! That’s right! Time to check my Status! The progress you’re about to see is six months in the making!

But first, I must get into bed. I switch to my nighttime loadout and laid my cute body in bed. Wait… cute? Fuck… I must really be a narcissist after all… Well, is there really anything wrong with thinking that you're cute?

Oh well, the “best” way to deal with personality problems is to ignore them. And I had the best way to do so… My Status!

I picked up my phone, and was about to finally check my Status but, life likes to cuck me so, I then heard rapid urgent knocks at my door.

This was our sanctuary so, whoever it was, it wasn’t someone dangerous. At least, I hope not. I’m still a little afraid of that woman who kidnapped me earlier…

Opening the door, I saw a crying Lilith. She looked really, really cute… Oops… I might be a sadist… Why else would I find her crying so damn cute?

Lilith: “Why does my crying state arouse you!?” Lilith asked with an annoyed tone.

Erika: “I don’t know. I guess that you’ve just opened up a door to a whole new world for me.” I say with a cheeky tone.

Lilith: “Well, fucking close it, at least for now… Anyway, look, please just hide me in your room! Don’t look at me like that, it will be just for tonight! Nadia will cool off in the morning.” Lilith pleaded.

I mean, I had nothing to lose. This place is stupidly big so, even if I didn’t shelter Lilith, she could easily find a place where Nadia couldn’t find her. Better to be in her good graces.

I let her into my room, and she went to the bathroom to clean up. I’m actually kinda worried. I’ve never seen her cry before…

Once she came out of the bathroom, my instinct to make girls happy kicked in, and I pulled her into a hug. I also made sure to pat her head and tell her everything will be okay. I did that for around ten minutes before she pulled away.

Lilith: “…That was nice but, why?” Lilith asked with spiral confused eyes.

Ah, a blushing Lilith is a wonderful sight to behold… Speaking of blushing, it seems that I’ve had the utmost pleasure of pampering tons of girls lately. And I am very much happy of this fact. If this keeps up, I may end up like Victoria, with over a hundred lovers…

Erika: “You looked sad, so I decided to try to make you feel better.” I reply with a shrug.

Lilith: “Okay, look, I did cry but, it wasn’t because Nadia hurt me or anything. Don’t think less of her.” Lilith said with a sigh.

I actually thought that Nadia had maybe spanked her, or something like that. Hopefully, she didn’t get demoted or worse, fired…

Erika: “Oh? Then what did she do?” I ask with a curious tone.

Lilith: “Nadia… she… she…” Lilith stuttered.

Erika: “Come on, let it all out.” I say with a warm and an encouraging tone, while rubbing her back.

Lilith: “She… she made me do paperwork that I’ve slacked on for years…” Lilith said with a sad tone.

Huh!? I feel so betrayed! Of course, she would be sad about doing work! Why even take the job if you hate working so much!?

Lilith: “The look of disgust that you’re giving me actually makes me sadder than the paperwork did…” Lilith said not being able to look me in my eyes.

Erika: “Just tell me that my pampering of you had made you happy and I’ll forgive you.” I say with a sigh.

Lilith: “It made me very happy! Also aroused!” Lilith oddly said with a proud tone.

Erika: “You didn’t need to add the last part.” I say with another sigh.

Lilith: “I tell no lies…” Lilith before stopping herself.

Erika: “Really?” I say with a look of disbelief.

Lilith: “I tell some lies…” Lilith said before stopping herself once more.

Erika: “Some?” I ask with a deadpan expression and head tilt.

Lilith: “It was not a lie that you comforting me made me happy and aroused.” Lilith said while looking down at the ground.

Eh, I’ve teased her enough.

Erika: “Come on, let’s get into bed.” I say.

Lilith: “Are we going to…” The pervert says.

Erika: “No sex.” I flat out say.

Lilith: “Darn.” Lilith said with a deadpan tone.

Erika: “Don’t be upset, look, don't you want to finally see my Status with me after so long?” I ask with an excited tone.

Lilith: “Yes!” Lilith yelled.

She already had her nightwear on so, we just both got into bed and got comfortable. After we did, I took my phone out and positioned it so that both me and her could see it. Then I tabbed over to my Status in the System app.


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Part Human, Part Angel, Part Demon.

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 18

Real Age: 158


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 495,000/495,000 (0/24,573)

MP: 126,000/126,000 (0/44,892)



AGI: SSS (0/9,350)




:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Two-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Spear Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Bow Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Scythe Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Hand to Hand Combat Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Magic Combat Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).

Deep Understanding: Level 25 (MAX).

Supreme Cooking: Level 50 (MAX).

Water Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Earth Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Dark Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Fire Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Space Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Cleaning Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Healing Magic: Level 1.


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: ???+

Polyglot: S

Knowledge Seeker: S+

Richest Woman: SSS

World Controller: SS+

Demon Goddesses Lover: SSS+

Leader of the Angel’s Lover: SSS+

Darkness Creator’s Lover: SSS+

Administrator’s Lover: ???+

Supreme Lover of Women: S+

Erika: “…”

Lilith: “…”

Okay… I did train with Sofiel so my combat skills being maxed, and having more of them isn’t that surprising but, when the hell did I learn healing magic? My cooking skill being so high is odd too… Oh, fuck! That ring totally increases the speed at which I level my skills as well!

Lilith: “I will suck you off if you just let me borrow that ring for a day…” Lilith said with a serious tone.

Dammit! She figured it out too! Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk. I flicked Lilith on her pretty little head, and then went to examine a few of my new titles. All while Lilith pretended to rub her head in feigned pain. Most of them are clear in how I got them, but a few aren’t.

I tapped on the ones I was curious about, so that I could see a detailed explanation of them.

Richest Woman: SSS

A title given to the richest woman in a given dimension.

Ah, that makes sense. Does feel great to actually know for a fact that I am the richest here in this dimension.

World Controller: SS+

A title given to a being that has over 50% control of a given dimension.

Well… I guess I control this world via money.

Hm… apart from those things, nothing much really changed… My inner gamer is hurting at how little progress I’ve actually made. I mean, even my race was still the same…

Erika: “Hey, Lilith, when will my race change?” I ask.

Lilith: “Hm? Oh, we’ve already finished that evolution system you mentioned.” Lilith replied.

Erika: “Cool, can I use it now?” I ask once again.

Lilith: “It hasn’t been pushed yet, I could give you the update right now, though.” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “Please do.” I say.

Lilith: “Nope! Not unless you have sex with me!” Lilith said with a pout.

Erika: “Are you truly sure that you want to be in a relationship with me?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Lilith: “…”

Then I asked her if I could kiss her. She nodded. I wanted to be a little cheeky myself so, I gave her a deep kiss right away. It lasted for eight minutes before she pushed away from me. A trail of saliva following her lips as they parted from mine. Kinda hot…

Erika: “Think about this kiss. I don’t want to have just a sexual relationship with you. Think about it, think about whether or not you want to be with me in a romantic sense, and not just a sexual one.” I whisper into her ear with a seductive tone.

She went beet red and flipped to the other side of the bed. With her back to me, Lilith was silent once again, and I could now have a peaceful rest. There is no better or faster way to sleep than to have a cute girl to cuddle with. With that, I drifted to sleep.

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