Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 2: Chapter 12: I Need Money!

This novel is available to purchase digitally on Amazon. Vol. 1: Here Vol. 2: Here Vol. 3: Here Vol. 4: Here

Chapter 12: I Need Money!

*Erika’s POV*

I woke up in a cold sweat…

It was only 9:46 AM… Despite not getting that much sleep, it would be impossible to go back to comfy dream land. Or it would have been comfy but, instead I had a nightmare.

What kind of nightmare? The most pettiest and stupidest nightmare that you could think of… In the nightmare, Sofiel and the rest abandoned me. Why?

Because I didn’t have any fucking money! How stupid is that? What a stupid ass dream. I am so pissed off that such a stupid nightmare ruined my sleep.

Was I really that desperate for money? I mean, I highly doubt that the girls would leave me just because I was a broke as fuck.

In fact, I know they wouldn’t. Which is why this nightmare pisses me off so damn much.

Fuck it! I guess I’ll spend today trying to make a shit ton of money, considering my subconscious wants me to be financially stable…

I got up from bed in a bad mood and went to take a bath. The bath was empty so at least no one could see me in a tizzy because of something so stupid.

A warm bath was exactly what I needed. After soaking for an hour, I had calmed down.

I dried myself off, and equipped my default loadout. Oddly, it’s weird putting the accessories that have effects back on. I slept without them on last night.

It’s an odd feeling of security. Like how it feels while sleeping with a handgun under your pillow or at least, close by.

With this odd realization, I made a new loadout that was just my lingerie, my nightgown, and my accessories. This way, I won’t feel unsafe again.

Maybe that’s the reason why I had a nightmare? If you could even call it that…

I walked downstairs and could see most of the girls eating breakfast. Victoria and Alice were the only ones missing.

Sofiel was still here so, I assume she let those two find a new place for us to live. Or she just wanted to be with me. It’s a 50/50 on which is the correct reason.

I sat down on the seat next to Sofiel, who looked happy to see me first thing in the morning.

Sofiel: “Erika? What’s wrong? You seem upset.” Sofiel asked with a concerned tone.

Erika: “It’s nothing, I just had a bad dream.” I reply with a sigh.

Sofiel: “Oh, do you mind telling me the details of it?” Sofiel asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “I say bad dream but, it was just a dream about me being sad that I had no money. Nothing to worry about.” I say with a slightly embarrassed tone and expression.

Sofiel: “Knowing you, it was probably a dream about us leaving you because you were broke. Or something like that.” Sofiel jokingly said with a giggle.

Erika: “…”

I couldn’t look her in the eyes, and she realized that she hit the mark. Because she is a perfect angel, she did not press me on my dream again, or remark that she was correct on her assumption.

What a lovely girl, it’s almost enough to make me forget that she is a pervert… Ah, at this point, aren’t I pervert as well? At least, I am far more interested in sexual things than I thought that I was…

Riko: “Erika, I don’t think that I’ve ever truly thanked you for helping me out back then so, thanks!” Riko said with an excited tone but in a small voice due to her still being sick.

Erika: “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” I reply with a smile.

Riko: “No really! The number of times I’ve repeated that “event” that you saved me from still scares me. So, once again, thanks!” Riko said again but with a bow.

Erika: “I understand, I’m just glad that it all worked out in the end. Riko, you’re an idol, right? What are you going to do now?” I ask with a curious tone.

Riko: “There was this high up member of the company I worked for. He wanted me to do sexual favors for him but, I rejected him. Which was why those men were chasing me. But don’t worry, Sasaki adopted me and signed me up with her idol agency.” Riko replied with a smile.

Erika: “Oh? She adopted you? That’s so nice.” I reply with a smile.

Sasaki: “I hope having a good role model like Riko living here, would help my other daughter become a better person. I was unaware of her terrible actions before but, since you and Yui helped me realize them, I am taking a more direct interest in raising her. Though, since time looped, she hasn’t actually done anything criminal.” Sasaki said after drinking a sip of tea.

I’m glad that it worked out for everyone. I assumed that I would have to come to a bad conclusion for this story but, luckily it all worked out as best as it could.

Yui: “Erika, I have a question for you.” Yui asked with a nervous tone.

Erika: “Hm? What’s your question?” I ask with a head tilt.

Yui: “You’ve killed people before, right?” Yui asked.

Erika: “That’s right, I have. What about it?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Would she hate me for killing people?

Yui: “I just… I just want to know how you can do it so easily without it affecting your mental health. With my new position, I’m sure there will come a point where I have to take someone’s life.” Yui replied with a sad tone.

Erika: “I’m just good at hiding my emotions. It does affect me. Regardless of if the person I killed was good or bad.” I reply with a sigh.

Yui: “Then… how can you still kill people?” Yui asked again but with a confused tone.

Sasaki: “Careful now, Yui. You make it sound like Erika is a terrible person.” Sasaki said with a serious tone.

She has also killed people before so, she understood why I could kill, even if it hurts my mental health.

Erika: “It’s fine Sasaki. Yui, look, you don’t have to be insane to kill someone, you just have to think that you’re right.” I explain calmly.

Though killing hurts me, it’s not like I would just go back in time and prevent myself from killing everyone that I killed.

Did they deserve to die? Were they bad people? Questions I don’t bother really trying to find an answer to. Sure, I haven’t killed any innocent people but, does that really matter?

Murder is murder. Them being people that I needed to kill, or get rid of is just from my own biased perspective. Thinking about if I was right or wrong in killing them would only hurt me further.

Yui: “Oh, I understand now. I’m sorry if you and Sasaki felt offended by what I said, that wasn’t my intention.” Yui said with a remorseful tone.

Sasaki and I told her that it was fine. We then went back to eating our breakfast.

When breakfast was done, I sat down with Sofiel and Yui on the couch, while Sasaki sat on the opposite couch.

Riko left because she had a recital to attend, and she didn’t want to miss it. I’m glad that she is moving forward with life, rather than crawling up in a ball in staying in her room.

I say that not to dismiss her, or call her weak for doing so, if I had gone through what she went through, I’m sure that I would end up like that for at least a few weeks.

Erika: “Sasaki, I have a few favors to ask you.” I say with a serious tone.

Sasaki: “I have an idea of what they might be, and I’ve already settled them.” Sasaki said with a smile.

Erika: “Huh?” I say with a head tilt.

Sasaki: “Bank accounts, IDs, and other things required to live in a first world country. I set them up for, Sofiel, Victoria, Alice, and finally, for you.” Sasaki said with a laugh.

Oh… so some people find me doing a head tilt in confusion cute, while people like Sasaki find it funny. Good to know.

Erika: “Thanks so much! That helps us out greatly.” I reply with a bright smile.

Sofiel: “I know, right? She even taught us how to properly use smartphones. Oh, right! She also gave us phones to use as well.” Sofiel said with an excited tone.

Erika: “That’s good! Sasaki, I have one more favor to ask you.” I say.

Sasaki: “I heard the problem of money coming from you at breakfast. Don’t worry, I put a decent amount of money in each of your accounts. Don’t worry about paying it back. You’ve already helped me more than I can ever repay.” Sasaki said with a warm tone and expression.

This was bad! Her definition of a “decent” amount of my money was surely something absurd… I may not have known her long but, I feel like she would do something crazy like that…

And my fears ended up being true. Sasaki had given me about $500,000, if you convert it to USD.

More than enough to take a girl on a date but, I still would like to make more money first. Look, it’s not my fault that I want to be rich before taking a girl out.

Okay… it is directly my fault, but I’m still going to invest most of this money anyway.

Erika: “Sasaki, this is quite a lot of money.” I say with a nervous tone.

Sasaki: “Is it? Oh, don’t try to convince me to take it back.” Sasaki said with a laugh.

Erika: “I know.” I say with a sigh.

Sasaki isn’t the kind of person who would like it if you tried to deny her generosity. Rather than earn her ire, I might as well just take them money with a smile.

Yui: “Erika, do you have any plans for today?” Yui asks with a curious tone.

Erika: “Hm? Oh, I plan on investing the money I got from Sasaki all day.” I reply.

Sofiel: “Oh? No date for me then, huh?” Sofiel asks with a raised eyebrow.

Erika: “I want to have more money first before taking you out on a date.” I say with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Sofiel: “You know I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you even if you were broke but, okay. I won’t pester you at least until tomorrow.” Sofiel said with a sigh.

Erika: “Don’t worry! I’ll make it up to you by taking you on the best date ever!” I say with a serious tone while holding both of her hands in mine.

I know that this means that I have to finish making money today but, seeing Sofiel upset is enough motivation to hurry up. Seeing her even slightly upset is extremely painful for me to witness.

Sofiel: “I’ll hold you to that.” Sofiel said before taking my lips in a romantic kiss.

The kiss lasted for five minutes… Sofiel seems to have a thing for nonsexual but romantic kissing. Not that I mind. I think she might give me an addiction to them as well…

Yui: “If being with you means I can do that with you on the daily, then I can’t wait for when you start going out with me!” Yui said with an excited tone and expression on her face.

Our chat lasted for around an hour before Sasaki had to leave for work.

I had work to do as well so, I told Yui and Sofiel that I needed to start working on making money, and then left after giving Sofiel another kiss.

When I made it back to my room, there was a laptop on the desk next to the bed.

I would ask where a laptop had come from but, there was a note from Sasaki that said it was a gift from her to me. She spoils me so much that some might think that she is courting me… is she? Who knows. I certainly don’t. Let’s just leave that thought for some other time. I sat down on the seat in front of the desk and opened up the laptop.

There was no password and the OS hadn’t been set up with a profile yet. I set up my profile and it loaded with blazing speed…

Speed that it shouldn’t have at this point in time… I needed to know what this system was capable of right away! Checking the specs of it made me double take…

This laptop had a top of the line GPU and CPU as well as 64GBs of ram… How the hell did she even get a laptop this powerful in 2017?

I looked around the laptop up and down. No branding or any signs of what company it came from. To get more information, I would have to open the laptop up but, I have no tools to do so.

My best guess is that Sasaki owns a computer company, and this laptop is a prototype.
It’s not like these kinds of specs are unheard of. Just not in a small consumer laptop sized from 2017...

Lilith: “Good lord Erika! Just get your work done! You always get caught up over thinking things like this.” Lilith said with a fed-up tone in my head.

Erika: “And? Why do you care exactly?” I ask with a fed-up tone of my own.

Lilith: “I am getting a headache and second hand embarrassment.”

Lilith switched back to texting me rather than yelling in my head. So I continued the conversation via my phone.

Erika: “Don’t you have two cute maids whose breasts they would oh so love for you to play with?”

Lilith: “Yes, your point?”

Erika: “You don’t have to be watching me the entire time, you know.”

Lilith: “Wrong! I have a fucking weekly quota on how many hours I have to watch you.”

Erika: “How many hours per week?”

Lilith: “160…”

Uh… should I call a union for her?

Erika: “…That… that only gives you 8 hours of sleep, or to do what you want…”

Lilith: “I know! It wasn’t anywhere near this bad, until you just had to get Nadia to fall in love with you!”

Erika: “Uh… should I talk to get about this?”

Lilith: “Hell no! She doesn’t even know that you know about her real identity.”

Erika: “It might be a good time to spill the beans to her, though. You work schedule isn’t healthy at all.”

Lilith: “It’s fine. I just lie on how many hours I watch you per week.”

Erika: “…”

I shouldn’t have expected less of this cheeky little shit… So even Administrators commit time theft… Well, at least it’s better than her having to watch me basically 24/7.

Shifting my attention away the cheeky girl, and back to my new laptop, I noticed that Sasaki texted me on my phone. She told me that she had set up an email for me, as well as a trading account. She gave me the logins to them as well.

I have a bad feeling about this…

With this bad feeling in mind, I opened up a browser and logged in to both my email and the site where I had a trading account.

There was nothing special about my email but, my trading account had stocks for five different companies. If you convert it to USD, I have over 37 million dollars in stocks alone.

This isn’t counting how they’re already set up to take out dividends. I shudder to think how much money they’ve already made me.

The trading account didn’t have a bank account to deposit or take funds from. I assume that it was originally set up with Sasaki’s bank account.

Stupidly, it won’t let me see how much money is waiting to be sent, until I set up a new bank account on it. What a trap!

I had no choice but to bite this bullet and add my bank account. Doing so, I got a notification on my phone from the app for my bank...

Erika: “Holyshit!” I yell.

Lilith: “Holyshit!” Lilith also yells.

To be fair to Lilith and I, our shouts were absolutely justified. I just got a transfer of around 68 million dollars to my bank account…

I straight away went to message Sasaki that I couldn’t accept this money. Before I could send my arguably long message, Sasaki had responded before I could even send it.

Sasaki: “Erika, please understand that I owe my life to you.”

Erika: “But… this is too much money. I never asked for it…”

Sasaki: “Please accept it. The trading account I gave you is one of the accounts I made for my future children. It was set up many years ago.”

Erika: “Children? Then why give it to me?”

Sasaki: “Like I said, one of the accounts. I have more accounts that are just sitting around gaining more and more money. The account I gave you is one of the newer ones.”

Erika: “…”

Erika: “Okay fine. I accept your money but, I will be paying you back.”

Sasaki: “I will only accept you paying me back if, and only if you can make that amount back before the end of the day. This isn’t counting the money I already gave you.”

Erika: “I accept your challenge.”

Sasaki: “Oh? Then I look forward to seeing you win my challange.”

That was the last message from her.

So… how much money do I have to make today? Let’s see… $500,000 from my bank account, 37 million in stocks, and 68 million in dividends. So, 105,500,000 million dollars by the end of the day…

Do I even have a snowball’s chance in hell at making that much money in only ONE day?

All I can do is try, I guess. She gave me such a small window of time just because she thinks that I can’t do it. To be fair, I don’t know if I can do this either… Would you believe that someone could make that much money in only one day?

I was curious so, I looked up the companies who I own stocks on. They’re all owned by Sasaki… Makes sense I guess.

With not many hours left in the day, I set off to research investing more before doing said investing.

*Six hours later.*

Six goddamn hours of research! That’s what I’ve just finished doing. I found almost every single piece of investing knowledge possible. I spent around 2 million on research as well.

You know what they say, you have to spend money to make money.

Even without that ring, I’d say that I was the Goddess of investing from all of the research I’ve done. I have around five more hours until it because twelve at night, so without taking a break, I went straight ahead to investing.

*Four hours later.*

Erika: “I am a goddamn genius!” I yell with a proud tone.

Lilith: “…”

Erika: “Oh? What is it Lilith? Come to praise me for my amazing investing skills?” I say in my head.

Lilith: “I might… We might have to nerf that ring.” Lilith said with a sigh.

Erika: “Why?” I ask with a head tilt.

Lilith: “Erika! Becoming the first trillionaire in this dimension, in only one fucking day is a little crazy, don’t you think!?” Lilith yelled.

Erika: “Is it? I’m sure my INT Stat is doing the heavy lifting.” I say with a shrug.

Lilith: “…”

Yes. That’s right. I am now a trillionaire! To be specific, I now have $15,672,985,000 in my bank account. Or almost 16 trillion.

Do note that this isn’t counting the money I still have invested in stocks. Nor is it counting the dividends from said stocks since, you know, a few hours isn’t really enough time to build up dividends. From my calculations, I should make a few trillion every year from them.

I triumphantly send Sasaki 211,000,000 million to her bank account. Double what she gave me. To make sure she doesn’t complain or feel bad, I send her pictures of my trading and bank account.

I saw that she had seen the pictures but she didn’t reply so, I decided to send her a message first.

Erika: “Sasaki, I completed your challenge with an hour to spare. Actually, I had the money three hours ago, I just got caught up in investing.”

Sasaki: “Erika… those pictures aren’t edited, right?”

Erika: “They aren’t.”

Sasaki: “Erika… honestly, I gave you that challenge because I had doubt that you could actually do it. That way you would be more accepting of taking my money.”

Erika: “I know but, you do realize that I am a dimension traveler with a System, right? I also have Stats and my INT, or intelligence Stat, is very high.”

Sasaki: “…”

Erika: “Sasaki?”

Sasaki: “I have a favor to ask you.”

Erika: “What is it?”

Sasaki: “Please pay off my debt. I was sure that I could pay it off before I died, so my future children wouldn’t be burdened by it.”

Erika: “How much?”

Sasaki: “If you convert it to USD, which you seem more comfortable with, I have almost five billion dollars in debt to pay off. My total fortune is only around 500 million. This is debt that I inherited from my grandparents.”

Erika: “Sent.”

Sasaki: “Just like that? Erika… you’ve sent an extra five billion.”

Erika: “Yup, that I did. Don’t even think about trying to pay me back. You’ve seen how much money I currently have. I have more money than I could ever spend.”

Sasaki: “I… I understand. So… this is how you felt when I gave you that money…”

Erika: “Don’t feel bad. Without you, my tasks in this dimension would have taken much longer to complete. Besides, I already see you as a friend.”

Sasaki: “Friend, huh? I see you as such as well.”

Erika: “Good to know.”

Sasaki: “Just… please don’t crash the economy.”

Erika: “I won’t. I would actually have more money if I didn’t care about every economy, in every country, crashing and burning.”

Sasaki: “That is a scary thing to say… It’s a good thing that you aren’t a terrible person.”

Erika: “Yeah.”

I had small talk with Sasaki for another fifteen minutes, before she said that she had to go to sleep. I didn’t even realize that she made it back to her place.

I told her goodnight, then I asked Alice, Sofiel, Yui, Riko, and Victoria for their bank account transfer information. I invited them to a group chat.

Only took them a few minutes to give me their information. I sent them each a cool trillion. Slightly to flex, but mostly because I want my girls to be independent.

Riko isn’t one of my lovers or even potential lovers but, she is a good girl who deserves it anyway. From what I’ve found out about her, she really enjoys being an idol. I doubt that she would quit just because I gave her a shit ton of money.

Sofiel: “Erika, I speak for all of us when I ask, how much fucking money did you make?”

Erika: “Around 15 trillion. I also make a few trillion every year in dividends.”

Everyone: “…”

Victoria: “I’m buying a country!”

An entire country? Ah… what great evil have I brought upon this world? Well, at least it’s funny evil.

Erika: “Which?”

Victoria: “Don’t know, any of them for sale?”

Erika: “I doubt it. You could buy an island, though.”

Victoria: “Could you please buy me a really good island or land, Erika? I trust you more to make a decision on it.”

Alice: “I agree. We spent all day looking for a place but, we couldn’t find a decent house, or even land to build one on.”

Sofiel: “Erika, please be aware that Victoria has many, many lovers. Even Sasaki’s place couldn’t house them all. Not even counting the maids.”

Erika: “Okay, I’ll look for a place for us to stay.”

Would an island really be okay? Didn’t we switch dimensions because we wanted a more modern dimension to live in? If we live in the middle of the ocean, on some island, wouldn’t that almost be the same?

Technically, I am on the evil side so, getting a little evil shouldn’t be too bad, right?

By that, I mean, I still want to live in Japan. I came up with the idea to just buy out a huge area, destroy all of the buildings and houses on it, then build our new place.

*Hours later.*

Many hours and a few billion dollars later, I was now the proud owner of two million acres of land.

I bought the area surrounding the big city that I really like, which Sasaki’s place is also in. I commissioned a huge, and I mean HUGE area to be cleared.

It was a housing district two hours away from Sasaki’s place. It was mainly run down houses. I gave each resident 10 million dollars as a sorry gift for forcefully evicting them. I also gave them new houses to live in. Houses similar to Sasaki’s which, is clearly a major upgrade.

I already owned those houses so I could easily give them away without much hassle. With that, I now have so much damn land to build on. Roughly over hundred acres.

I paid out the wazoo on construction. A little over a hundred million just to ensure the land was safe and completely flat. Commissioning a house that could hold well over a hundred people, as you would expect, was a little tricky.

I settled on a modern mansion similar to Sasaki’s that was, and I shit you not, 48 acres big. Yeah, that’s big. And it cost me 148 billion to build.

Why so much money? Well, not only was it fucking huge, it was also going to be highly advanced. It will be built on shifting foundations. That way, in case of an earthquake, it will be completely fine. Japan has always had problems with earthquakes, after all.

I even got a dedicated state of the art wifi tower, to be set up as well. They quoted me at around 10GB down and 5GB upload. Internet speeds completely unheard of for a person to have in their, in 2017.

As you might have guessed, building such a thing would take a very, very long time. But, when you have fuck you money, you can just throw money at the problem until it goes away.

As such, I hired a crew of 10,000 people to design and build our new house. With an additional 500 hired for easy tasks.

I can see it now, tomorrow there will be an article saying, “Insane trillionaire spends billions on making a stupidly huge house!” maybe…

This time the quote was six months to complete construction. I was actually thinking that it would at least take two years to finish making.

It was now really, really late. I have to ask Sasaki if we could stay with her for six months. Just until our new place is finished. But, she is asleep so, that will be a job for tomorrows me.

Before going to bed, I decided to talk to the group chat again and tell them the good news.

Erika: “I bought some land in Japan. And construction for our new place is proceeding smoothly.”

Victoria: “Oh, splendid! How big will it be?”

Erika: “Around 48 acres.”

Victoria: “…”

Sofiel: “Erika, how much money did you spend?”

Erika: “Rounded up, probably 200 billion.”

Everyone: “…”

Riko: “How… how much land did you buy?”

Erika: “Two million acres.”

Alice: “We would scold you about how you spend your money but, technically you spent this money for us.”

Yui: “She also has waaaaaaay more money, anyway.”

Victoria: “When will it be done?”

Erika: “Six months is what they quoted me on.”

Yui: “They have to be lying to you!”

Erika: “Why’s that?”

Yui: “You’re building a small country sized house! There is no way that it wouldn’t take them at least 50 years to build!”

Erika: “I hired over 10,000 people to build it.”

Riko: “You what!?”

Erika: “I’m not lying.”

Sofiel: “We know that you aren’t lying, that’s the bad part!”

Erika: “Eh, it’s better than waiting many years to build it. What else would I do with my money?”

Yui: “Why would Japan even sign off on letting you even buy the land, let alone build a huge house on it?”

Erika: “I own Japan’s dept.”

Everyone: “…”

Yui: “All of it?”

Erika: “Yes, all of it. I own every country’s debt actually.”

Yui: “And you did that in only ONE day?”

Erika: “That’s right.”

Yui: “Can I marry you?”

Erika: “Sure, someday. I have to marry Sofiel first.”

Alice: “What spurred you on to do another crazy thing?”

Erika: “I wanted to go on a date with Sofiel, but I wanted a lot of money first.”

Sofiel: “You took over the world, at least financially, just to go on a date with me?”

Erika: “Yes.”

Sofiel: “Can we go tomorrow?”

Erika: “I would love to but, I am extremely mentally drained from today.”

Sofiel: “That is fine, we can go the day after.”

Victoria: “I assume that you want to head to sleep now so, thanks for helping us with getting a new place, Erika.”

Everyone gave me their thanks following Victoria. I took off my clothes via my phone and then slumped onto my bed.

Who knew taking over the world would be so mentally taxing? I sure as hell didn’t.

It’s not like I planned to do that. Funnily enough, that was just a byproduct of becoming the worlds first trillionaire.

If I wanted to, I could ask every country to pay me back, and the world would end via economic collapse.

Of course, I had no reason to do so. Fortunately for everyone, it’s in my best interests to ensure that the world doesn’t end. Doesn't mean I won't try to call in some favors like I just did with Japan.

Lying in bed, I was tempted to research other things that I wanted to research. I was easily pushed off from the idea when I saw that it was almost 2 AM.

I’ll take a small break tomorrow, and research things. Not intensely like I’ve done with investing, mind you.

Luckily, I did not need to know every language to buy the world’s debt. Honestly, I didn’t actually need to buy everyone’s debt in the first place. I just sorta got caught up in investing.

Tell me, when you have the chance to buy EVERY countries debt, and basically have a lot of control on how each country is ran, would you not also take that chance? It’s every rich persons wet dream…

Ah, right. Lilith mentioned that ring was going to be nerfed so, I should learn as much as possible before it does get nerfed.

Due to being extremely mentally exhausted, I quickly fell to sleep. With my last thoughts being on what I would research tomorrow. Ah… does it even count as sleep, if you think about work the entire time?…

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