Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Chapter 7: Kora.

This novel is available to purchase digitally on Amazon. Vol. 1: Here Vol. 2: Here Vol. 3: Here Vol. 4: Here (I'll just repaste this section on every chapter. Actually, this p annoying. I'mma just do it every five chapters to save my soul. Remember, I am doing this all in one day. And I have to do the same on Scribblehub... All of the author notes are just copy and pasted from RoyalRoad, so enjoy my out of date ranting!) Edit on 4/22/2023: I'mma just switch to daily uploads instead. Now enjoy, while go suffer to fix the schedule of each chapter...On RR and scribblehub... Each chapter will be released everyday at 10AM. And this will go for all of my future novels as well. (The time slot, not the daily uploads.)

Chapter 7: Kora.

*Kora’s POV*

Life is something I’ve never really been interested in. I was the same even before I became a Savior. I drifted through life without really any goal in mind. Killing myself, was just too much of a hassle so, I just went with the flow of life. Not really doing anything special. And yet, for some reason, I was chosen to be a Savior.

I lived most of my life in America. When I turned 20 was when I was chosen. The year was 2017. Prior to that, I was a straight A student in all grades and also in college. I landed a very cushy job as a money manager. I didn’t get the job just because I had good grades. My family was very well off.

I was given that easy and profitable job for two reasons, one, I was born in a well-off family, and, two, my father had done something horrible to me when I was 15. That job was his way of trying to make it right.

As for what he did, one night, he came home very drunk. In his drunken stupor, he tried to rape me. He only managed to grope me a few times before I hit him, which woke him up from his drunkenness.

He didn’t even say anything to me and walked up the stairs and went into his room. Since that night he never talked to me again. All communication that we had was through a maid or butler. A few days after he did that I asked a maid to tell him that I wanted to move out.

He agreed and gave ownership of a sizable estate. A few maids that I’ve known my entire life had followed me there. The only thing he didn’t allow was letting any of the male staff follow me.

If you’re wondering if I cared about living prior to that event, I didn’t. Although my father didn’t ever show me the love that a father should show their children, and that I didn’t have a mother to give me such things either, I was always like this. When I was younger, I didn’t bother to play with kids my age. I would rather read books or play games.

My father originally wanted me to play with the other kids that he set up play dates with me. I would always just refuse to pay attention to them, when he asked me why I did that, I answered, “I find them boring and a hassle to deal with.” After that, he never tried to get me to play with anyone ever again. It’s not hard to see why, hearing a 5 year old child say something like that would surely change anyone’s mind.

I’ve always found it hard to relate to anyone, even my maids. It got to the point where I wondered if I was even from the same race as other people. It’s not like I hated people. I just found it too frustrating to talk to them.

I could never figure out what they were thinking. Learning how to read people’s facial expressions, and interpret their thoughts that way, did help somewhat.

None of this changed when I became a Savior. The Saviors are a weird group. They always would preach about how amazing and how good the things that they did were. I didn’t really want to become a Savior but, they forced me to. I was told that even though it was against my will, it was their God’s will.

For the first year of my being one, I was under a mind control spell. Slowly the spell lost its effectiveness, which was their intention. Since it was slowly gone, I had no idea whether something was my real thoughts and feelings, or something that they made me think. Is a group that would stoop to such a horrible method of controlling someone truly good?

I had no one to voice my questions too. Being put under a spell like I had been put under years ago, wasn’t something they’d do often so, most of the Saviors were there of their own free will.

Though, those that questioned the Saviors goals and methods were treated as if they were being controlled by a demon and were quickly either killed or “healed” most likely in the same way they “healed” me. Are the others blind? This is surely a cult.

Ever since I became a Savior I had planned to try to leave the group. Leaving them wasn’t something anyone has ever done before. When you become one of them, they stop your aging.

The only way to leave was to die. Again, dying was too much of a hassle and I hated pain anyway. Clearly, my thoughts weren’t fully concealed since I was on everyone’s shit list. They must have a way to read people’s minds.

As such, Hurst that bastard, when he asked about needing my help on his trip, I was forced to join him without them even asking me beforehand.

During the journey to his childish goal, he had tried to molest me. Did I commit some horrible sin in my past life to receive such cruel things to happen to me? I vehemently refused his advances.

Hurst was a right bastard but he at least stop trying to get with me. He had said that I had lost my last chance to move up in the group, and he only stop harassing me because he couldn’t get off to doing sexual things with someone who didn’t want to do said sexual things.

Like I said he was a bastard and since I refused him, he made the rest of the trip until his dying breath, a real hassle for me. He refused to let me eat and sleep. I could only take one bite of something before he made me stop. He only let me sleep for an hour each day.

The Saviors group is like a military. Hurst was a higher rank than me so, I had to listen to his orders. Hurst didn’t eat or sleep much either but, he was much stronger than me and he had taken a potion that made it so he didn’t need to eat or sleep much at all.

That potion was extremely expensive. I heard that he spent an entire 5 years’ worth of salary on it. Was such a stupid potion really worth all of that money? Hurst was never the brightest person so, I honestly have no idea.

Hurst stupidly treated me like shit all the way to the subway. His idea that the subway would be clear because the zombies were out hunting, was clearly wrong and we had gotten taken by surprise when rounding a corner.

Hurst was in front so, I “accidentally” pushed him and he had gotten rurally mauled by a few zombies. He didn't even realize that I had tried to kill him.

He managed to kill them though and I was forced to drag his sorry ass to a service room. While I was in there, Hurst was slowly dying. Much to my pleasure because that was what I wanted in the first place. I am a very petty person like that. I mean, the idiot didn’t even bring any potions with him, and neither did I since they were too expensive for me to purchase.

Sitting in that room with the slowly dying Hurst, I began to think. Was this really how I would finally die? Although I don’t mind dying, being mauled to death by some Zombies straight out of a horror movie or game, was something I minded greatly. Hearing their moans and their nails scratching at the door, I figured that I would probably, if not today, then I’d be dead in a few days at the latest.

I did pack a lot of food and water and, because of Hurst’s stupidly, there was a lot of it left. About two weeks worth if I don’t eat and drink more than necessary. Sounds of fighting was heard outside of the room. Slowly but surely the sounds of zombies were gone. After a few minutes of silence, someone banged on the door. Was it a zombie?

Due to my hesitation, the person on the other side of the door seemed to have tired from waiting and angrily announced as such. It was a feminine voice so I assumed that it would be okay to let her in. The worst that could happen was that she would kill me. A death like that would be better than dying at the hand of a zombie.

Though she threatened and pointed her sword at me, I didn’t feel like she was going to kill me. Even when I said something I shouldn’t have and told her about the owner of that badge, rather than anger, her face showed an expression of interest. I learned early on how to read people’s expressions after all. Even when she tried to appear angry, I could tell that she really wasn’t.

She said that she was a Dark Savior after talking to her for a bit. A Dark Savior… Could she save me from the Saviors? I had nothing to lose so I went ahead and asked her if I could join her.

She said that she didn’t know if she could make me one of her own. She suggested that I kill Hurst, since she had a task involving two Saviors killing one or the other.

That was my plan in the first place after all. He was only still alive because I was being petty, and watching him slowly die made me feel good. I quickly took the dagger that she handed me and slit Hurst’s throat.

The reaction she made when I quickly killed one of my own was funny. This girl, her reactions showed on her face more than any other person that I’ve met in my life. What’s better, she doesn’t even realize this.

Killing Hurst didn’t work so, she asked the System. Being able to directly use the System meant that person was a very powerful being indeed. I wasn’t able to hide my shock from her at all. After she asked it, she told me to say some words and that I had to kiss her.

It wasn’t because of what my father did to me, I’ve only ever been attracted to other women. Even my father noticed this since, when I was a kid, the only kids that I would ever even pay a small amount of attention to, were girls.

As for the boys, I would completely ignore them. When I turned 18, a maid informed me that my father was long aware of my sexual orientation and that I was free to pursue a woman if I chose to and he would support me in that. Being accepted like that, even by that man, had made me quite happy but, I had no intention to date and or marry anyone.

Would I truly be able to give them the happiness that they deserved? I didn’t and don’t believe that I am capable of doing that. It was just a kiss but, the girl, Erika had seemed to think that I was an experienced woman which embarrassed me a lot.

Though I've been touched, that wasn't with my consent. I still see myself as a pure woman. Even so, we still kissed. It was small peck if anything. Erika acted as if she was experienced in such things but from her reactions, I could tell that she wasn’t.

The idea that I had given my first kiss and had taken Erika’s made me feel something that I never felt before. Was it arousal? Love? I’ve never felt these feelings before so, I had no idea what I had felt at that time. All I knew for a fact was that, Erika was cute. No. She was absolutely beautiful. I could hardly take my eyes off of her...

We succeeded in making me a Dark Savior so Erika had allowed me to join her. She had once again gave me a shock from what she told me about the Luck Stat. Though I was focused on killing zombies with her. My mind was still racing wondering how I felt about her. For a reason that she didn’t tell me, she had feinted.

I had caught her before she fell. I felt so much pain; pain that I’ve never felt before. I was so scared that I would lose her. Erika, the first person to ever make me feel emotions other than disgust and boredom. I couldn’t lose her… I’ve just met her but, I felt like if she had died, I would have killed myself just to have a chance to meet her in the afterlife.

Despite my childish reaction to her passing out, she was perfectly fine. She only seemed to be in pain. Seeing her in pain made my heart tinge with sadness... Erika was light as a feather. Carrying her out of the subway was extremely easy.

How could such a strong woman be so light? I found a tree and sat her head on my lap and waited for her to wake up. I… I wanted to seduce her. Surely she would feel something for me if I did something like this right?

Her reaction when she woke up was plain on her face but she didn’t realize it at all. There was a blush on her face. She acted as if she was just grateful that I had given her a lap pillow and nothing more. I wanted to see more of the reactions that she was unaware of so, I had “convinced” her to rest longer. I had fallen asleep soon after.

When I woke up, Erika was looking at me with a smile. That smile… It was intoxicating. I was interested in everything she did. I even loved seeing her kill things. Ah, don’t even get me started on when she does a head tilt to show her confusion…

I had suggested that we should head to a city that was being protected by some Saviors and Erika agreed. I shouldn’t have suggested such a thing…

Noticing my hesitation, Erika went ahead of me, she didn’t look fazed at the prospect of having her body checked at all. The doctor, on the other hand, had abused his position and tried to assault her. I was so angry that I wanted to kill him and was about to do just that but, Erika had gotten to dealing with him before I could do anything.

I was angry at the doctor and also the guards for believing his terrible storytelling skills and, I was also angry at myself. How could I have let Erika go through such a thing? I was aware how badly what my father had done to me affected me mentally. She was only a few years older than I was at that time. Surely having such a thing happen to her would hurt her deeply...

I was worried that I would lose her once again... Would she close herself off from me because of this as a way to cope? Instead, Erika was fine. Or at least she appeared to be. She told me that since the sun was down, we would escape. I figured that we would.

When my father did that to me, all I wanted to do was escape. Run away so I could be safe. Erika had other plans. She was stronger than me, both physically and mentally. She was going to kill that man and I wasn’t going to convince her otherwise.

I heard gunshots and shortly after they ended, Erika finally showed up and we left Sanctuary without anyone none the wiser. Although, the broken bars on the cell where we were kept in, might clue them in on who had killed that doctor. We did have a motive after all.

The longer that I spent with Erika the more I felt that I wanted to monopolize her completely. Such childish desires but even so, that was what I felt and continue to feel.

I pushed on, I needed to know that there was at least a chance of us being together even though I didn’t know if I actually loved her or not. I was being childish, I wasn’t acting my age, and I was even being down right terrible.

I led Erika to an abandoned Savior camp. She thought that a high school in a zombie filled world was a cliche or at least, that’s what I could guess from her expression. Once I confirmed to her that this really was Saviors base, I took her to a secure tent.

Said tent only had one bed. There were other secure tents that had more than one bed. Each tent was marked so I knew for a fact that this one only had one bed. This was why I said that I was being terrible. Hell, was I even any better than that bastard that Erika had killed earlier? There was no other reason for me doing this other than wanting to seduce her.

Maybe I could try to arouse her while we were in bed together… No. That’s wrong, I can’t do that! Not being in a romantic relationship with her would be better than losing her forever. I didn’t want her to not like me. I would just kill myself if she ever looked at me with that look of absolute disgust that she gave that doctor…

Erika, she was smart. She figured out my plan from the minute she saw that there was only one bed in the room. Again, she wasn’t upset. She seemed amused. I had come up with the excuse that I was just showing her around the tent and I would then go to a separate one.

She believed me… I felt horrible. The first lie I’ve told in my life and it was to a woman that I was interested in. And what’s worse was I had to lie to hide my sexual desires towards her. I’m such a terrible person. I felt so happy when she believed me. I felt even happier after she told me the reason why we shouldn’t sleep together in the same bed.

Erika… She only liked other women like me. I had a chance… The likelihood that we could become lovers wasn’t zero. For the first time in my life. I had a reason to live. If living meant that I could stay by her side even a second longer, then to me, life was worth living.

Putting the weight of my existence on the shoulders of Erika who was younger than me, was surely a terrible thing to do but, I couldn’t stop myself from doing so. At this very moment, she has become my everything.

I never once thought about whether or not I could actually find a lover. Were there really that many women like me in the world? Now I knew why I never sought out a romantic relationship. I was afraid of being rejected.

My father accepting me was enough. I didn’t need to risk being hurt by getting rejected by a girl that I was interested in. There were plenty of women that I was interested in while I was in college. I was unaware of the reason why I avoided being in a relationship at the time. On top of that, I went to college when I was very young. Everyone there was older than me.

I don’t know if Erika and I will ever be in a romantic relationship. I haven’t even known her that long. What I do know is that even if we never do, as long as I can be with her, I don’t mind at all.

This was the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. I was so happy that I was able to fall asleep quickly after I Iaid down on the couch, and covered myself with a blanket from the closet.

Tomorrow, I won’t try to seduce her or try to gain her attention. At least until I know for a fact that I love her. I don’t want to hurt her after all. Waiting until then gave me plenty of time to think of ways to seduce her… There was another first time thing that happened in my life tonight, I had a wet dream. Of course, the star of that dream was Erika…

When I woke up, the sun was out. I can’t believe that I slept so long. Erika was in the kitchen making us some food to eat. Was I still dreaming? This situation was like if we were a married couple… Remembering my dream last night, I couldn’t even look Erika in the eyes…

I was only wearing panties and a bra. Although we might be lesbians, we were still women and being seen in our lingerie by another woman wasn’t something to be ashamed of.

What was to be ashamed of was that my panties were clearly in a bad way… With just one look, you could tell what the liquid on them was. Could I lie to her and say that I wet myself in my sleep?… No… That would be too embarrassing…

Erika was confused as to why I hadn’t gotten up from the couch yet so I had to act fast. I asked her if she had already showered, she said that she did. I knew that she did since she smelled like soup. I told her that I was going to take a shower first before eating.

I wrapped the blanket around me and grabbed my backpack. I had an extra set of clothes and lingerie in it. Luckily, Erika had taken it out of her inventory; otherwise I would have had to go the entire day with stained panties… I went to the shower and washed myself until I was sparkly clean.

No matter how much I clean myself, my dream from last night makes me feel dirty… Ah, I am such a sinful woman…

Once I was done with my shower, I shoved the dirty panties deep into the backpack so that Erika would never find them and then changed my clothes. I stayed for five minutes in the bathroom since, I was preparing myself to face her once again.

I have to act like nothing special happened… Besides, it’s not like having a wet dream is something wrong. That just means that I have a healthy sex drive. I use words like that to hype myself up…

*Erika’s POV*

Like I said, I woke up because of that figure looking down at me. Although, it didn’t seem to be giving off any dangerous vibes, I took my handgun out of my inventory and pointed it at the figure, before turning the bedside lamp on. It… It was a zombie… Did that badge stop working or something? My question was answered by the figure himself.

???: “Do not be alarmed. I mean you no harm.” A zombie said with a rough voice.

Erika: “Do you really? As far as I can tell, you’ve broken into our tent.” I say in a serious tone.

???: “I truly mean no harm… My name is Isaac.” Isaac said with a bow.

Erika: “A zombie that can talk? That’s a little hard to believe, are you playing a prank on me?” I say with a questioning tone.

Isaac: “Listen, I can’t joke around with you. This body is at its limit. Soon, I’ll die.” He said with a pleading tone.

Erika: “Okay, I’m listening. What did you come here to tell me?” I say with a serious tone.

Isaac: “I’ll be brief, you two aren’t from this world. That is clear to see. I came here only because you two aren’t like those Saviors. You’re looking for the cure to this infection correct? Let’s just assume you are, I don’t have the time. The cure, we almost finished it. I was a scientist working on a cure. I never figured out how or why but, one of the people at the base got infected and chaos ensued. I had gotten bitten by an infected person. I had nothing to lose so I took the cure and injected it into myself. It worked but not fully. My body died but my mind did not.” He said without pausing once.

Erika: “That’s a lot to take in. How have you survived this long?” I say with a thinking pose.

Isaac: “The infected don’t bother me and I can even convince them to do things. The base where the cure was being made is in this city. It’s located in a hospital. For years, I used the remaining time I had to prevent those Saviors, as they call themselves, from even being aware of that place. I’ve snooped around their bases long enough to realize that their goal in this world is to take it over. It would be better for this world to be destroyed than controlled by them.” Isaac said with a dark tone.

Erika: “And how do you know that we don’t want the same thing?” I say with a questioning tone.

Isaac: “I was there at Sanctuary. I know what you two did. If you were with the Saviors none of that would have happened. There are three groups left in this world. The Undead, Survivors, and the Saviors. You two are a part of a different new group. I figured that I should at least give you two a chance rather than let this world rot. All I ask is, what exactly happened there? If I’m okay with your answer, I tell you the location of the cure. Granted, you still will have to make it work better.” He said with a thinking pose.

I told him exactly what happened. He agreed with my actions and even comforted me with words, since he couldn't do so with his rotting body. He praised me for only killing that man and no one else.

Isaac took a bet on Kora and I so, he told me the location of the cure before he left. It wasn’t far from here and would take us only a few hours to make it to it. Though, I was curious, so I asked him how he got into our tent before he left. He told me that the Saviors really do use the same damn code for everything.

He told me that I would never see him again. His time had come and he wasn’t going to run away from it. During all of this Kora was still asleep. We weren’t even trying to be quiet either…

She must have been really tired. Her blanket had fallen off of her slightly so I put it back on her. She had a big smile on her face. I wondered what she was dreaming about that made her so happy.

I somehow managed to go back to sleep. When I had woken up once again, it was the morning of the next day. Kora was still asleep. I checked on her after I got up from the bed.

Her sleeping face was pretty cute. Putting that thought aside, I went to take a shower. Once I was done, I took out Kora’s backpack from my inventory and got some ingredients out to make us some breakfast.

I went with a simple egg, sausage and bacon breakfast although, big portions of them. After cooking for thirty minutes, the food was almost done and Kora had woken up. She looked at me and her face went beet red. She just stared at me for a few minutes before I asked her if she was going to get up.

She could obviously smell the food but I still told her about it anyway. Kora said that she wanted to take a shower first. Oddly, she took the blanket with her. She couldn’t have been embarrassed by me seeing her in her lingerie, right? No, that wasn’t it! She was only covering her lower half with the blanket. Did she wet herself or something?

Either way, I decided to not ask her about it. I didn’t want to make her feel bad or uncomfortable. She had taken a really long shower. By the time she finally came out. I had already set the food up on the table. She was once again wearing those white boring looking clothes. I should ask Victoria to make her and me a new set of clothes when we get back.

Kora: “Good morning! Oh, the food is already out. I’m sorry that I made you wait.” Kora said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “Good morning. And don’t worry about it. Food tastes better when you eat with someone else so, I don’t mind the wait.” I say with a smile.

Kora’s face went red once again and she just sat down on a chair and wordlessly ate her food that I made for us. Did I do something wrong? Once again, due to my high INT Stat, I went with the right choice to not ask her about it. In all likelihood, she is probably just feeling embarrassed from last night.

I also ate my food in silence. The portion that I made for us was really big. It took us an entire hour to finish our food. Once we were done, I told Kora about where I wanted to go next.

I said to her that while she was asleep, I heard a noise outside and went to investigate it. It turned out to be a zombie with its personality still intact. I told her what he told me. I lied about him just barging right into our tent to not upset her.

Kora didn’t doubt my words at all which made me happy. I didn’t plan to leave right away. We both needed to rest longer and we did. This tent had various games for us to play. So we spent the entire day playing with them and relaxing. De-stressing is something that I’ve always held in high regard. Frankly, it was the only reason why I didn’t go mad in the military.

We relaxed for three days before we had relaxed enough. After breakfast that morning, finally it was time to find the cure. I might be doing this backwards but, I can deal with the Saviors after I get the cure.

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