Epry the sky, I build a villain family

Chapter 3

Looking at the back of Chen Tian’s Shenyuan, Chen Tianliang murmured secretly:

“What do you say, do you still write back? Is it still Chen Tian Shen?”

After shaking his head, Chen Tianliang presented the fire god grass in his hand to Ying Shuangshuang, and he laughed with his face:

“Well, daughter -in -law, this is a good thing, it has great benefits for the warmth of the body, you hurry up.”

When Ying Shuangshuang saw this, he was helpless, and he couldn’t say: “Tianliang, don’t need this. Recently, you have made a furious grievance outside. Many people have opinions on you.

“Leave right and wrong? Hum, if the family is not so eccentric, give all the good things to Chen Zhaosheng’s cub, why am I there?”

Chen Tianliang looked cold.

“Tianliang, don’t say this, Zhao Sheng’s child is born with ancient body, and has the appearance of ancient saints. In the future, maybe he can enter the holy realm and lead our Chen family to repeat the real life of the old family in the past. Mo Sheng’s grievances. ”

Should I speak quickly.

“Well, I know tightly.” Chen Tianliang nodded dismissively, saying: “They should be, then I rely on my own means to find some food for my daughter -in -law and children, and it is naturally it.”

After a pause, Chen Tianliang turned a turn:

“By the way, I heard that there is an ancient secret in the South China Sea that is about to open. There are many treasures in it. I plan to go to the ancient secret of the ancient times and strive to give our children to the birth of some foundations.”

Hearing this.

Chen Zhi, who was still soaked in amniotic fluid, suddenly changed his face.

Ancient Secrets of the South China Sea?

That is not the blessing of the cave, but the place where the ancient is fierce, opened? Intersection

3. Chapter 3 goodbye to my mother, I will be sailing tonight


Chapter 4 is born and sacred, carrying the king map, Chen Jia Qianlong!


Chen Tianliang froze for a moment, and touched his face a little dull.

This little guy gave him a big force? Intersection

On the side of the mother -in -law’s eyes, she shouted with a smile:

“Chen San Ye! This is the signs of the spring breeze, the signs of great luck!”

Chen Tianliang was even more doubtful, and some suspiciously: “Is there any saying?”


Chen Zhixiao raised his hands and hit the other face of Chen Tianliang again.

This time, he was not intentional.

Pure is the physiological reaction of stretching limbs.

When Chen Tianliang saw this, he looked at the mother -in -law, and he was unconvinced: “What is that?”

The mother -in -law did not expect this situation. As soon as the eyes turned, they sang again and again:

“Two strands of spring breeze, people are more red than peach blossoms! Chen San, this is even more auspicious!”

Chen Zhi listened to the conversation and couldn’t help but stunned.

Is this okay?

Could this be called a high emotional quotient, two words warming you all day?

One word -must!

Chen Tianliang shook his head, and naturally he would not go to care with the newborn children, and laughed:

“Daughter -in -law, let’s give the child a name.”

Ying Shuangshuang gently replied: “You are a child dad, come and take it.”

“Okay.” Chen Tianliang nodded immediately.

He began to think about his name seriously, and sometimes frowned, and sometimes paced back and forth.

He is really serious.

Chen Zhi couldn’t help but feel nervous.

This name is related to whether he is the villain character Chen Zhixing!

Although he has determined eighty -nine, but if there is a miracle?

After a moment.

I saw Chen Tianliang’s footsteps stop, and a bright way:

“Chen Da Meng!”

“Daughter -in -law, how do our children call Chen Da Meng? In the future, it is big and fierce! When others listen to this name, they know it is not easy to mess with!”

Chen Tianliang looked at Ying Shuangshuang with a proud face.

Chen Zhi: “.”

He suddenly felt that it was good to call Chen Zhixing.

Even if it is killed by the protagonist in the future, it is better than the dead in a foreign society.

Ying Shuangshuang stroked his forehead, crying and laughing, “Tianliang, if you take this name, the child will be joked in the future.”

After pause, Ying Shuangshuang groaned:

“Some time ago, Confucianism preached the world, mentioning a word called Zhixing unified, which means that it refers to his own behavior. If you are worthy of your own conscience, you are called Chen Zhixing.”

Chen Tianliang is not very satisfied, what is knowledgeable and unknown, how can there be a big sound.

But he saw that the surrounding mother -in -law and maids were full of servants. They all looked like they were laughing and dare not laugh, and they realized what, so he nodded, “That is to be a knowledgeable!”

Chen Zhi sighed in his heart, and sure enough, his fate could not be changed.

The script he got was the sad villain Chen Zhixing.


It’s another month.

In this month, Chen Zhixing, who has completely accepted his identity, did not show too many abnormalities.

Just like an ordinary newborn, it is lethargic every day except drinking growth solution.

Only when his mother should and his father Chen Tianliang, when he talked about the practice, he quietly listened and tried to collect knowledge.

He wants to create the Fa!

“Congenital Mixed Yuan Avenue Sutra”, this is the practice of practicing the power of the heaven and earth.

In addition, he also needs a practice method for practice.

Practice all the way, divided into: treasure body, nourishment, virtuality, brightness, brilliant tourism, Godwu, nirvana, peak, and the last big life!

At this moment, Chen Zhixing was strange.

First of all, this world believes that practice is like a bitter sea, and the body is the valve boat that practice in the sea of suffering.

The body is the foundation of all things.

Therefore, the first realm of treasure is that the body should be refined to the extreme.

In the second realm, the god of gods is that after the physical body is complete, it begins to raise the spiritual power, turns into divine thoughts, connects the world, and gains power.

Chen Zhixing did not practice his body, but his mental power was extremely powerful. It can even be able to put a hundred meters from now on.

This is clearly a means of nourishing the state!

“You have to find a practice of practicing as soon as possible, as a reference to the founding of the law, and go to the right track.” Chen Zhixing made his mind.

Under the full -level understanding, the practice of practice is not difficult, and he has even faintly had a little eyebrows.

On this day, Chen Zhixing was held in his arms by Ying Shuangshuang, pretending to be sleeping, but he was thinking about creating the law.

Chen Tianliang was beside him, and he tirelessly expressed his father’s love, telling the story of the golden ax, silver ax, iron ax.

at this time.

A servant rushed in in a hurry.

“San Ye, Madam. The patriarch brought the master, they came here!”

Hearing this, Chen Tianliang’s eyes narrowed, and the words of storytelling stopped abruptly.

His face gradually sank.

Chen Tianxiong’s guy has always been on the three treasure halls.

Chen Tianliang is thinking.

A laughter came from outside the house.

“Three brothers, we don’t know if we would like me?”

The words fell, and I saw the three figures coming together.

Chen Zhixing also looked at his eyes.

I saw that the person was the old -fashioned old man, with white hair and scattered hair, and his eyebrows were full of majesty. At first glance, he knew that he was a big person with a high accumulation!

This person is the owner of the Chen family today, Chen Daoyan!

It is also the one of the few Nirvana realm today!

After that, follow the two.

In his age, one person was in his age, Long Xinghu stepped, his face was square, and he was like a knife, which was similar to Chen Daoyan.

This person is Chen Tianxiong Chen Tianxiong!

Among the four -bedroom, the most powerful second -generation children!

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