Enlightenment Through BDSM

Ch 32: If you’re deep in a cave with goblins all around you, just throw some bombs and punch away!

It was barely a moment from when I first heard the Cave Goblins nails scratching against the floor and Kalia drew her sword. Emi was already turning around, arm diving into her satchel and pulling out a vial filled with cherry red liquid, almost a little fluorescent in the darkness of the cave. The sounds of the Goblins was getting louder, and they both trained their eyes down the hall. 

I was ready too. In the back, sure, a little scared, but I was prepared this time, could feel Soul Strike, knew the flow I needed my chi to go. The torch flame was a little on the dim side, to be honest, a made things same more perilous than I think they actually were, so I did feel a little safe being behind this time.

I ran forward.

“Mai, what are you doing?” Kalia said, extending out her hand.

“Mousing up, that’s what she’s doing!”

Mousing up? I thought as I ducked under Kalia’s arm, sliding across the floor. “Yeah, mousing up!”

Whatever false courage I’d mustered up soon evaporated, disappeared the moment I saw the first of the green creatures enter the light, and the two that followed behind it. They were small, not Dwarf small, but… almost child small, a little taller than a young child, a little bit longer limbs, and much bigger almost football shaped heads, with large ears almost a cross between the size and position of mine and the shape of Kalia’s. They wore very little, just a few scraps of cloth each. And even though they were bounding towards us on all fours, the carried spears.

That I wasn’t expecting. I had it in my head that weapons were for hunting, and that the Cave Goblins were just monsters like the rabbits, but they were clearly more. They’re people, I reminded myself. Once removed, maybe, but still people, with brains, thoughts? I need to run.

“If you’re going to go up there, hold the line, and don’t get hurt!”

That was all it took. My body planted my feet as the three things ran towards me, bolstered by Kalia’s command. It wasn’t just that either. We’d talked it over, I’d practiced Soul Strike with Dreck, it wasn’t my first time anymore, and she believed in me. She’d stuck her arm out, but she hadn’t commanded me to stop, and that did more for my ability to stand tall than her skill ever could.

And then there was light.

I barely saw the vial flying throw the air before it crashed into the first Goblin’s face, but I heard the shattering glass and the sound of ignition as fire burst out, a plume of flame carrying on and engulfing the cave behind them, almost dancing through the path in spinning tendrils as disturbingly human-like screams echoed through my ears. Three green figures dropped to the ground, rolling on the ground as remnants of flame rolled over them, but in the new light I could see three more running up from behind.

“I’ll need time before another!” Emi shouted, just as the first of the backup reached me.

Hold the line, don’t get hurt. The words weren’t the only thing in my mind, but they were ever present as the new lead Goblin stood up and thrust his spear at my chest. I had resigned myself to my HP taking a hit, but as the attack came my way it seemed slow, sluggish even. Before I could even consciously think of what was happening my arm was raising up on its own, my vambrace catching the weapon and pushing it aside as the goblin kept charging, into my range.

“Soul Strike!”

God, I have no idea why I shouted that out loud. I knew I didn’t need to, but… something inside of me was caught up with everything, and the words just slipped out as I extended my hand, touching the Goblin’s face as I pushed my chi forward and through my fingertips. Only the slightest touch, I thought.

That’s how it works in theory, anyway, but in practice it was more like I shoved my finger up the Goblin’s nose, feeling a little pain as the bones bent back in a way they definitely weren’t supposed to. HP protected me from real damage apparently, but not stuff on the level of a stubbed toe or jammed finger…

But, regardless, Soul Strike worked. There was a level of pressure, energy blowing my hand back out of the thing’s nose as it overflowed due to the excess contact. The goblin reeled back, dropping its spear and clutching its bleeding face as it joined its fallen comrade’s chorus of screams, but the other two kept coming, spears raised.

Two was too much, I soon realized. Both hands were moving, but tracking both wasn’t possible, and the tips of each slammed into me, a sharp pain emanating from both my stomach and shoulder where they hit. I wasn’t pierced, but I certainly wasn’t full HP anymore either.

Kalia’s rapier came out of nowhere though, driving into the one on my left and forcing it back. The Goblin didn’t bleed either, had HP of it’s own even, but as its partner wound up for another strike, I was ready. It was automatic once more, at least with one opponent and at this speed, me blocking and weaving around the attacks. They came faster than Soul Strike recharged, but Soul Strike was stronger than them if the dancing bleeding Goblin had anything to say about it. If I can use it right!

I had to step back to do so, a scary prospect when I knew further away was the range my enemy wanted me at, but I needed to make every attack count if I had to wait so long in between them. 

Except I couldn’t. My legs wouldn’t move fully, trapped into place. Kalia’s command, either to hold the line or not get hurt, wouldn’t let me step away any further. I was faster, stronger when she gave me a command apparently, but there was a drawback. I had to find a way to attack even without full limb extension, slightly inefficient, as much as it pained me. I guess if I played my cards right though, that really just meant a slightly longer fight.

As I did strike, sending energy properly through my fingers this time, into the creature’s sternum, a rush overtook me. It was similar to the feelings the first time I jumped off a springboard, vaulting straight up into the air, higher than I ever could on my own. As I dodged, pushed away the spear, struck back with Soul Strike, I felt that same height, a lift like I was flying through the air again, my first twist, my first flip, my first combination of both. I was faster than ever before, had reactions beyond anything I think any human ever did back on Earth, energy that defied all belief, and it all felt so right.

When you’re prepared to fight, superpowers are kind of fun, it turns out.

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