End Times Dust Light

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Substation

When the virus came, the normal order disappeared and subverted, replaced by chaos, barbarism, killing and death. Survivors who were caught off guard were at a loss. The water and electricity that civilized society survived were interrupted overnight, and hesitated and feared. People do not see hope. Over time, food, medicine and safety have become the most concerned topics of survivors.

Cheng Chen said decadently: “I can still eat these things now, as if I am dreaming. There is not much food at home now. Every meal needs to be rationed. I don’t know if I can eat them for a few days or if I can get them in the future. food”.

Lu Ziming didn’t know what Cheng Chen was thinking in his heart, and he didn’t have to persuade him a lot: “You have to live your life, even for the sake of your children, you must live strong.”

“You are right! Not only for the children, but also for yourself, the big living cannot be suffocated by urine.”

Where Cheng Chen prepared Lu Ziming to sleep, Lu Ziming watched Cheng Qianwan carefully eating the biscuits: “It’s okay, eat it, I’m done, brother still has it here”, the relationship is a bit messy, and the name doesn’t mean anything. .

“Isn’t my brother leaving tomorrow? You leave, there will be no biscuits, I want to save them and eat them slowly”, Cheng Qianwan carefully hid a few biscuits in his pocket.

Lu Ziming rubbed his wet eye sockets, and had an urge to cry. Tamar’s forced the children who hadn’t grown up to be like this. Isn’t God all blind? This Tamar is really not the life that people should live.

Lu Ziming pours the food in the mountaineering bag on the sofa: “Don’t worry, brother, there are a lot here. If it is not enough, brother will get it and eat it quickly.”

Cheng Qianwan picked up a piece of chocolate and said, “This is my mother’s favorite chocolate. Dad, can I give it to my mother?”

“Yes!” Cheng Chen hugged her daughter, and she touched her tears: “Mom is asleep, Waner, don’t wake up mom, mom knows that you have such filial piety, she will laugh in her dreams. Wake up…” Cheng Chen was already choked with speech.

Cheng Qianwan’s words reminded Lu Ziming to miss his parents. He still clearly remembers the day when his parents left the mountain village and went out to work. The sky was very blue and blue without a single cloud. It had just rained in the valley. Standing at the entrance of the village, looking at the background of his parents going away, in his pocket, I kicked the living expenses that my parents left for me: 522 yuan. That was all my parents’ money except for the car fare. From that day on, I never had it again. I have seen my parents, and since then I have quietly told myself: I must live strong.

Cheng Chen walked to the balcony and stood side by side with Lu Ziming: “The child didn’t know that his mother had become a zombie. I was afraid she could not accept it, so I kept hiding from her. Now I don’t know what to do in the future. Tell her”.

“Are there any cigarettes? I want to smoke one.”

Cheng Chen hesitated, and handed Lu Ziming a cigarette. He lit one himself and said: “My child’s mother used to tell me to quit smoking, but I can’t give it up all the time. It’s a complaint. The family’s economy is not well-off, and the child needs money to go to school. I haven’t even bought a good dress for her. I wonder if I am a jerk…”.

“No one tells me to quit smoking anymore, but my heart is always empty, as if I am missing something…. I have no abilities, I can only do car repairs, and my monthly salary is only more than 2,000 points. I can’t take care of their mother and daughter. Both, I always feel guilty in my heart… I know how to cherish it when I lose it. For Wan’er, I am willing to do anything, I only hope that Wan’er can have a carefree childhood…”

“I don’t know what happened outside. I heard from the people in the building that it was a virus outbreak, **** virus, why not let the child and her mother survive”, Cheng Chen wept in a low voice, for fear of disturbing Cheng Qianwan: ” I want to leave this ghost place, but I don’t know where I can get there. In a few days, there will be no food at home. I really don’t know what to do…”.

This is a tragic man, a small husband, and a true father. They also have dreams and hopes. They are not demanding, but they are deprived of their last hope.

The 16-story building is really high, and you can see the sky full of stars when you look up, as if you can grab one with your hand. Standing on the 16th-floor balcony, overlooking the entire city, the city once brightly lit like a galaxy seems to have entered a dormant state at this moment, and the screams in the distance can be faintly heard in a trance, just like the souls floating in the city. Over the sky.

“Leave here to the outskirts. I found a house in the outskirts. It is safer than here. If you want, I will take you there.”

“Safe in the suburbs!”

“It’s safer than here.” Lu Ziming can’t guarantee anything. There are zombies everywhere, so no place is absolutely safe. “There is a lot of farmland around, you can plant a little bit. Food, food and clothing should not be a problem.”

Cheng Chen looked back at Cheng Qianwan who was playing in the room, and finally made up his mind: “Okay, I believe you, I will go with you tomorrow!”

“No hurry, I still have something to do. I have to find No. 51 Huxi Road first.”

“I…, No. 51 Huxi Road is there.” Cheng Chen pointed to the dark shadows downstairs and said: “There is a transformer substation of the power supply bureau. There should be no people in it. What are you looking for? “.

“Transformation Institute”, Lu Ziming muttered in his heart, is it because Huo Yihang is lying to himself, or is he making a mistake.

Lu Ziming haha said: “A friend dragged me a thing, I want to look inside.”

“Go inside, what’s so good there,” Cheng Chen said in a puzzled way: “Before you couldn’t get in there at all. There was a power grid outside. Now the situation inside is not clear. It shouldn’t be better. You still don’t want to go there. NS”.

“You must go and see things that are entrusted and loyal to others.” Since it is here, how can it not go? , Even if there is nothing, Lu Ziming can’t lose much.

Lu Ziming didn’t understand, it was obviously a substation of the power supply bureau, why Huo Yihang said it was a weapons depot? Could it be that there was an ulterior secret in it.

······In the early morning, the noise of the dawn did not come from the city, the city lost the laughter, the greetings of morning exercisers, the whistle of cars, the screams of vendors, the swearing of city management…, listen again Less than the sound of reading, everything is so quiet, as if the whole city still hasn’t awakened.

Breakfast is a bowl of gruel that can illuminate a person, a piece of tofu, and a few biscuits. These are the best breakfast Cheng Chen can prepare.

Lu Ziming stood on the balcony and looked into the distance with Cheng Qianwan’s toy telescope. 400 meters below him is No.51 Huxi Road. As Cheng Chen said, it looks like a substation of a power supply bureau. The substation occupies an area of about one acre, and is surrounded by a wall where the power grid is erected. Monitoring probes are installed on the wall. A small two-story building is exceptionally ordinary, and no one can be seen moving inside.

“Could it be that Huo Yihang is lying, what good is it for Huo Yihang to lie!”

Lu Ziming couldn’t understand why Huo Yihang lied. Doesn’t it require motives to lie? What good is it for him to lie? Did Huo Yihang not want to leave the Royal No. 1 Clubhouse? A series of questions appeared in Lu Ziming’s mind.

Accurately speaking, the substation is a small courtyard surrounded by reinforced concrete high-rise buildings. It seems so obstructive in the urban residential area where the land is very expensive. It is not like the behavior of the Land and Resources Bureau sitting in the eyes of money.

“Master Cheng, how long has this substation existed?”

Cheng Chen found that Lu Ziming was very strange. He said that he was looking for someone at the substation, but he stood on the balcony for a long time and asked a lot of inexplicable questions, as if he was investigating something?

“I don’t know, the surrounding community existed before it was built, and it should have existed for a long time.”

“Have you seen anyone in the substation before?”

“I haven’t paid attention to it!” Whoever has nothing to do to pay attention to a substation, there is no one. Cheng Chen didn’t understand, Lu Ziming asked what these did.

“Are the cars at the entrance of the substation often parked there?”

“Car?” Cheng Chen stretched his head and looked towards the substation and said: “No parking is allowed at the entrance of the substation. These vehicles should have been parked there after the virus broke out.”

Lu Ziming smiled: “Master Cheng, I want to go out, you pack your belongings, we will leave here this evening as soon as possible.”

The questions to be asked have been asked. Cheng Chen really doesn’t know much. The substation should be a cover for the weapon arsenal. The arsenal should have existed very early. In order not to attract the attention of the residents, it was artificially disguised as the current substation. .

Soon, Lu Ziming’s figure appeared under the wall of the substation. The wall was not high and should not be able to stop him. What I hated was the power grid and surveillance probes on the wall. I wonder if it is still useful.

After turning around the wall, I came to the outside of the back wall of the substation. I looked around and found that the back wall of the substation was next to the underground garage of the community. Next to the circular **** of the garage, there was a pink “Bentley” sports car. Sitting in the middle is an unrecognizable corpse. The flesh of the upper body has been gnawed by the zombies. The spine supports revealing that it has not fallen from the body. The tattered bra is hung on the ribs of the chest. Covering the face, the door is half open, a long blood-stained leg has stretched out of the car, and the milky white high-heeled shoes are stained with blood, but the seat belt on the body has not been untied. It may have been forgotten in a panic. , It can be concluded that the car driver is a beautiful woman.

“Miss, can I borrow your arm?”

“If you don’t answer, it means you agree. There is no loss to you. You don’t need it anyway.” Lu Ziming wickedly tore off an arm from the corpse and walked under the wall of the substation. , Threw his arm to the grid on the fence.

There is no response from the power grid. “Try again”, there is still no response. There is no electric shock as imagined. It can be concluded that there is no backup power supply in the substation. .

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