Enchantrix: On a New World

6 Shopping

I pulled out my laptop and continued making notes. One thing that most of the symbology of earth seemed to have in common was Geometric shapes, and circles. Drawing a triangle with a circle that touches all inner sides, and all outer sides might create a link between three symbols at each point. The top would likely be the focus of the other two symbols. Do they have to be runes? Could the lines instead be like eleven scripts? Would any language work? Runes are technically a language of symbology.

After a few minutes… or hours of testing, I made several discoveries and gained the firefighting skill. The important part about whatever language you use is it cannot be a broken line. Cursive English works splendidly. Printed English does not. The runes may supply a base to operate from, but can be transformed by the words used as the lines. Direct lines will work, but they don't alter or strengthen interactions.

Rune lore increased from E to B

RuneCrafting increased from E to D

RuneScripting acquired at Rank D

Firefighting acquired at Rank F

I now have a few sheets of paper capable of affixing to a surface, and then binding to something on the other side, kinda working like a powerful adhesive. They presumably could be damaged easily, but they also might work like flypaper, sticking something I want to it for an hour or more, depending on the resistance. They could also be told to adhere or release with a word from me. This kind of binding could work reasonably well as a trap, or maybe as a different kind of trap. I always liked the idea of being tied up, and this could be much easier.

Adding elemental effects would make them more useful as traps. Possibly adding one to the palm of the gloves and changing the binding portion to an element. It could shoot some fire then. It would need to be a primary Fire rune, a direction rune, and the command rune, with the appropriate script between them, binding the intent of a Flame jet on command. Cursive is so useful.

It's time to go get sustenance and find Jet. The decor could use a lot of work, but the furnishings are sturdy, to put it mildly. Wooden tables, wooden stools, and mugs are... Carved wood. Moon's Inn doesn't seem to have much of a moon theme. At least the stew is tasty. must spend their time cooking or hunting. That explains the people here.

After finishing lunch, I go outside just as Jet was coming in. Lucky me. He Smiles down at me saying “I have some of those materials. I was able to help this lady with her rat problem. Those were some big rats. anyway, she provided some coins, and these.” He held out bolts of silk. They were quite nice and in green, silver and blue.

I beamed up at him, taking the bolts of silk he was holding out. “These will work splendidly. Now I can see about having some clothes made. Thank you very much.” Those silks would make a great outfit. I decided it might be good to have an escort. “Would you care to join me? I will need someone to make sure I’m safe. You can protect me, right?” I say with a small caress of his arm.

He goes a little red and says “Of course Miss Ria. I would be glad to protect you.”

“Yay,” I cheer. “Now… Can you lead me to a clothing maker? Preferably one who can work with the silk,” I put my arm around his and make him lead me like a gentleman.

He takes me a few blocks down to what looks like a few shops, one of them labeled Jinni’s Tailoring for Women. I let go of Jets arm and ask if he will stay outside for a bit while I talk with the shop owner. On entry, I see some models of dresses out of basic materials, and one dress with some fine embroidery. I head directly to the beautiful dress and eye it closely. the stitchwork might be able to be used for some basic runes, but I couldn’t imagine what it would take to get the lettering done well enough to count as words. I would need to visit an enchanter of some kind to figure out how they get the magic to stay on fabrics. Or… ask this busty lady.

“Good afternoon, Miss, I am Jinni, and that is a beautiful dress, isn’t it? It has a basic sizing enchantment to fit just about anyone.” She says while smiling warmly. “If you want something else, I do tailor-made outfits as well. You won’t find better in town. Now, how can I help you?”

“Good afternoon, Jinni, you may call me Ria, and I am new here. I could use some help getting clothes appropriate for all occasions, maybe even protective garb. I have some fabric I would like to use for some undergarments and a bit of money, but I was hoping to trade some of my skills for some credit. I have… a couple of skills worth mentioning.” I ended that last sentence shyly, trying to say by not saying. I have read about a lot of ways to touch and caress.

Jinni raises an eyebrow “What kind of skills? Let me see the fabric.” She takes the fabric I pulled from my inventory. I don’t respond, calling on a blush to color my cheeks at her question. “This is nice silk. Not amazing, and not magical, but smooth and simple to work with. I can make you the undergarments you want out of the blue. An outer garment out of this deep green, and some of the silver, but I will take the remaining fabric as payment.”

She stored the cloth just before she was finished speaking. At that moment I saw an opening and took it. I stepped up and hugged her. She is only a little taller, so I’m able to push my chest up against her slightly larger breasts, and breathe softly, "Thank you, lovely Jinni."

She looks a bit startled, and I feel her warm a little.” Ummm, yes, you're welcome,” She cleared her throat. “You will want warmer Clothes. A heavy dress, maybe a cloak. I do some small bits of enchanting, so I can do protective clothes, but those are much more expensive as they take longer.” Now she looked down at me, realizing I hadn’t let go. I could feel her hesitation, but only slightly. I could feel that my breasts against hers were welcome and made her feel warmer.

“Maybe,” I say slowly, as I traced circles around her back, “I could help show you some attention. I don’t expect the men around here do too much. I could help you relax for a little while, and maybe I could get that cloak?” I whispered as I moved my lips to her cheeks and brushed them across her chin.

She was having a tough time answering. I decided to nudge her a little, by moving my lips down to her neck and started kissing. She finally relented with a moaned, “Yes”, and that was all I needed. She was Slightly taller than me at 5’6”, and she was beautifully proportioned. Her skin was a lovely soft tan. I could see that her nipples had hardened slightly. I unbuttoned her dress in the back enough to let it down over her beautiful Bosom. I started to barely caress them as I kissed her neck with delicate touches.

The feeling of my hands smoothly caressing the area around her nipples was surprisingly intense. She is sensitive there. Remarkable, I decided to see where that could lead and concentrated my attention on her full breasts. I moved my lips over to her left areola, orbiting my lips and tongue around. I could feel her arousal from those simple motions. It was exquisite. I could feel our neither lips start to moisten. I trailed kisses and touches from the left breast to the right one, then back to the left, avoiding the points of her nipples.

She moaned a minute later when I finally engulfed a nipple. It was so sweet. The sensation started building between our legs. I could feel her without touching her, and it was so sweet. I continued by moving to the other nipple and taking it into my mouth gently. It was a warm sensation, with my tongue moving slowly around the nipple. The sensation grew, and her face started to go numb a little bit. That must have been a good sign, so I decided to suck gently on one nipple while tugging gently on the other.

That did it. She was melting. I pulled a bit harder and sucked with need. She tried to fall down, but I gripped her waist with one hand, back with the other, and kept rubbing my tongue against her breasts and sucking at her areola. She shuddered at the end of her first touchless orgasm. Her sensations almost overcame me too. The orgasm built, but I held it back. The exquisite wanting suffused my body, and I relished the sensations.

I decided to let her speak first. Eventually, she breathed out, “What did you do? It wasn’t like any magic I have seen.”

“Oh… that, it was just a little tender love and care. I treated your body as any woman should be treated. You seemed quite sensitive there, so I just gave them love and attention. Your body did the rest. No more magic than the magic of our bodies.” She didn’t seem to grasp it, so I added, “A woman’s breasts can be quite sensitive if you treat them right. I just treated them right."

I waited a moment before asking, "Speaking of magic, How do you enchant?”

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