Empty Nest

23 – Every Nook and Cranny

Needless to say it felt strange to be bathed by someone else as a full grown man. Really, REALLY nice, but strange nonetheless. For her part Heather showed no signs that this was anything but perfectly normal. With a contented little smile she casually lathers up my right cheek, ear and down the side of my neck. It was another one of her motherly eccentricities but if she wanted to bathe me I sure as hell wasn’t about to deny her that. Or myself. If I couldn’t be her man because it was so ‘silly’ I would have to settle for whatever this was. Right now that didn’t seem so bad.

I let out a long breath and close my eyes as I settle in to allow myself to be washed. As Heather scrubs and swipes every bit of skin above the waterline I go through my day again, this time in greater detail. Every so often I crack an eye to see if I was boring her. If I was she was a master of deception. If anything she seemed to devour my every word with as much delight as she had that delicious chicken pot pie from last night. Though I appreciated being listened to it wasn’t long before the good feelings that she was giving me makes me forget all about my day.

Finally giving up on trying to speak I just melt to her touch and let out a soft hum. “Mmmmm.”

“Good boyyy.” Her voice is barely louder than a breath.

Her cleaning was gentle and oh so pleasurable but she did it with the directness and thoroughness of an experienced mom. She didn’t just swipe my ear, she got right into every nook and cranny. Yet she had the touch of a lover as well. Nothing was rushed and when an area was clean she would linger in that spot a time just to touch me. With my head done she lays the cloth across my shoulder to begin massaging my face. Never could I have imagined that the simple act of someone rubbing my face could feel so good.

“You’ve got beautiful lips.” She says softly as her thumb lightly traces around them. “Mmm. You are such a pretty man.”

I open my eyes to gaze up into hers as they stayed focused on my lips. God! I could so happily let myself drown in those deep, soulful brown eyes of hers. When she notices me looking she smiles, boops my nose, then takes up the soap and cloth to start working on my neck and shoulders.

For a time I lay mesmerized by her feminine power until something in me could not remain silent any longer. “Um, Heather?”

“What is it, handsome?”

“Why are you bathing me?”

She grins as she works the soapy cloth back and forth across my shoulder. “Are you enjoying it?”

“Yes. Very much.”

“So am I. Does it need to be any more complicated than that?”

“I guess not. It’s just…different.”

“I don’t mind being different.” Leaning in she kisses the very tip of my nose. “You’re thinking too much, sweetie.”


“Shhh.” She lightly lays her hand over my forehead then slowly brushes her palms down my face, closing my eyes again in the process. “Shhhhh. Turn off that pesky mind for a little and let me make us feel good. Okay, baby?”

Well, what could I say to that except… “Okay.”

“Good boy.”

Fuck! Those two little words struck me straight to my core. The way she said them, so full of joy and affection, touched me in a special way. They made me feel wonderfully small on the outside and big on the inside every time she said them. I don’t know why, but I adored that feeling! With no will to resist her I go limp and give myself over to her.

My body submerged in the muscle soothing hot water and my senses swimming in the transcendent aroma of the bubble bath in the humid air she lifts my near arm from the suds and with the same unhurried attentiveness she cleans down my arm, my hand, and especially between my fingers and along my nails. And just like my face when she was done she runs her soft hands along every curve and contour, just because it feels good, then finishes with a light massage of that arm and shoulder and hand and fingers. Leaning over the tub she smoothly transitions to doing the same with my other side. Knowing that she was hovering over me I crack my eyes to see her busty torso looming large. Her blouse was getting wet and revealing the bra beneath as her prominent bosom touched the suds below. She paid it no mind as she so happily bathed her honey boy.

Next she turns to my chest and stomach. Swiping and scrubbing she starts and my sides and pits before moving toward the center. Her sure hands kneading into my sore, weary muscles was bliss itself. When she eventually makes her way toward my belly button her hand brushes my steel hard cock.

“Oh!” She says as my eyes shoot open. “Oh my!” She breaks into a full smile while running the back of a finger down my shaft. “Oh my goodness! Well hello to you too, big guy!”


“Shhh.” Her finger runs down to my base before she stops and tickles my scrotum.

“He he he!”

She chuckles at my squirming and giggling. “I would have been surprised if you weren’t worked up from this.” With a coy grin she confesses. “Just between you and me, I’m as hard as you are.”

Those were words I had never expected to hear from a beautiful woman. Words that excited me in a whole new way. My eyes flit toward her crotch though the side of the tub blocked my sight. Suddenly all I could think about was that massive cock throbbing barely a foot away.

Working around and under my stiffy Heather carries on as if nothing was amiss. It kinda tickled the way she scrubbed my belly button. After that…came my dick and balls! Treating it no differently than the rest of me she carefully runs the cloth up and down my penis, all through my pubes, then all around and under my tender testes.

“Oh!” I flinch when her hand rolls one my nuts just a little too far in her scrubbing.

Her hand pauses and gently repositions my berries before giving them a little pat. “Sorry.”


With her free hand she takes mine and lets me hold it as she finishes with my junk with a massage. Oh my GOD did her hands feel good!

Again she moves on to clean my thighs, calves and feet. Again she cleans every dip and dimple and shows extra special attention to ensure that I was clean between my toes. While at that end of the tub she turns on the hot water to refresh the heat then she moves back up my legs with those wonderful massaging fingers. The soreness magically evaporated as they pressed and squeezed into my tired flesh and aching joints.


“Feeling better, baby?” She works the heels of both hands into the meat of my thigh, her long fingers gripping the sides.


“Good.” She stops her massage and pats my chest. “Alright. Let’s get that hair now.”

Shifting back she carefully takes my head in both of her hands and guides me deeper into the water. My knees rise out of the bubbles as my head sinks into them until just my eyes, nose and mouth remain above the water’s surface. Silently I stare up into Heather’s huge tits, I couldn’t see anything but wet blouse but enjoyed the view nonetheless, as under the water her fingers massage my scalp just as they had the rest of me. Fuuuuuck! It felt almost as good as when she’d rubbed my nuts.

She pulls me up and out of the water to work in a generous dollop of shampoo, making me quiver with another scalp massage as she worked it in, then dipped me back under to rinse it clean. Again this happens but with conditioner. She pulls me back up again one happy honey boy. But she wasn’t done yet! She sits me and does my back, beginning to softly hum a little tune as she worked down my back with both hands. Cradling my head she gently lays me back down again.

I look up at her feeling absolutely incredible from the tip of my head to the ends of my toes. “Ohhhh, Heather. That was amazing.”

She beams in that way she had as she scrubs cloth and soap together once more. “Almost there but we’re not done yet.”


“A job’s not done until it’s done.” Putting the soap into it’s tray she covers her right hand with the soapy cloth and looks me in the eyes. “You just say something if it doesn’t feel right, okay?”

“Um. Okay?” I say, my curiosity rising.

“I’ll be gentle.” She winks then turns her shoulders to face the other end of the tub. “Here we go.”

Heather reaches out with her left hand to take my left knee and push it out until it touched the side of the tub. She then takes my right and pulls it all the way the other direction to leave my legs spread as wide as they could go within the confines of the bath. Only as her right hand plunges down into the water between my legs did it dawn on me the one part of my body she hadn’t yet cleaned.

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