Empty Nest

17 – No More Questions

Here I sat upon the thigh of the nearly naked mother of my school years bully who just happened to have a cock that would put a BBC porn star to shame with my skin tingling from the influence of her addictive precum and she asks if I had any questions. Questions? Questions!? So many questions! And yet…not one of them seemed important enough to speak. What was important to me in this moment was her kind soul, soft touch, warm flesh, nurturing gaze, and her special beauty. It didn’t matter how or why she was the way she was. She was perfectly herself and that was more than enough for me.

Gazing down into her eyes I whisper. “No more questions.”

She tilts her head. “Really? Nothing?”

“I’m just…happy you are the way you are. And I’m happy to be here with you, Heather.”

“Oh, Elliot.” She smiles and whispers back. “I’m happy too.” I shift another inch closer, my hand resting on her large breast begins to gently massage. Closing her eyes she lets out a long, soft breath. “Ohhh. That’s so nice, baby. You touch me so nice.”

I could be wrong but I was getting the sense that the sensation heightening effect that I was feeling all over my body she was feeling as well. Some sort of secondhand high or pheromone connection with her honey boy perhaps? Whatever the reason I felt so good to be able to make her feel such pleasure with a simple rub of her titty. As I knead her breast and she caresses my body I let my eyes wander.

Her body was like nothing I’d seen. Her face, her voice, her curves, her full-figure, her energy, everything about her just shone with natural female radiance and yet the bulge stretching her panties in another context would have been seen as the absolute peak of masculine power. Had that monster been attached to a man I might have felt humbled and lesser than him. Had Blair had that schlong I would have felt downright emasculated, especially since I knew how she would have teased me about being smaller than her. But for some reason it being attached to this warm, understanding, and mature woman I did not feel threatened nor intimidated. For some strange and inexplicable reason it somehow felt…right. Besides, she was SO much bigger than me there was no comparison to make in the first place. Even through the panties I could see that she easily twice my length, more actually, and God only knows how much thicker. Her package and mine were simply in entirely different categories. Like a man in a tug of war against an elephant, what was even the point? Nature had chosen hers to be big and mine to be modest, and that was okay.

Slowly, gently her left hand glides around the back of my head. She pulls me closer and roots her nose and lips into groove behind my jaw. With a long, deep breath she takes in my scent then kisses me there. Again a little higher. Then the next thing I knew my earlobe was between her supple lips.

“Ohhh.” I moan softly as she tenderly sucks against my lobe, her honey bringing out pleasures that defied description.

“Mmm.” She licks and up along the edge of my ear then back down again to suck the lobe once more. “Hmmmm.” I tremble against her when her tongue begins to tap and lap across the inner ridges of my ear and her hot breath washes over it. She tongues the hole before once more returning to the lobe. “Mmmm.”

“Ohhh, Heatherrr.”

Pulling back her eyes slowly open again, a dreamy look upon her face, as she sighs. “Oh, Elliot. I want you closer, baby. I need you closer.” Straddling her leg as I was all I could really do was lean further into her, but that wasn’t good enough for Heather. Her fingers claw at my back as she tries to pull me even tighter into her. “No, baby.” She says, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation. Even more than me she was getting caught up by the magic we were sharing. “Closer. I want you closer. I need you closer, baby!” Guiding my knee that was between her legs she brings me to kneel at her side where she could fully pull me into a full, tight embrace. Belly to belly, chest to chest, hip to hip, her face nuzzled deep into my neck Heather hugs me like I had never been hugged before. “Ohhh, Elliot.”

I try to hug her back as best I can with my arms pinned at my sides as they were but Heather didn’t want that. Her desire was to hold, not be held, and I was overjoyed to let her have her way. My body relaxed I melt into her and just let myself be hers. “Mmmm.”

“Yesss. That’s it. Just breathe. Let it all out. Slowww and deeeep. Ohhh, that’s it handsome. That’s it. You’re doing so good, baby.” She kisses me and kisses me and kisses me across my neck and cheek and shoulder, each one soft and lingering. Her hands and softer than silk as they caress my body. “I’m here for you, baby. You’re safe in my arms. I’ve got youuu.”

My dick was so hard right now, aching for a touch despite having just bust recently, but I didn’t give a damn. Right now I didn’t care one bit about her dick nor mine. Something deeper was happening here. I would trade a thousand orgasms or more for just another minute of this warm, embracing bliss. “Ohhh, Heather.”

Pulling me down and back just enough so that she could stare into my eyes Heather pets my hair and lets out quiet, gasping laugh. She looked so happy! As happy as I was. Her smile fades though the joy continues to sparkle in her warm, brown eyes while she holds me, pets me, and gazes oh so deeply. No woman had ever looked at me like Heather did. Nor, I fear, would any in the future. This incredible moment, this fleeting instant, would never come again. Letting her hold my weight against her I remain as limp as a noodle as I greedily soak up every drop of her adoring attention.

“So handsome. So sexy.” Petting me she says, her voice as quiet as the breeze. “Raven-haired. Sadness behind his perfect sapphire eyes yet there is sunshine in his smile.” Oh so tenderly she kisses my lips. “You’re not like the other honey boys. No you aren’t. Not at all. You make me happy alllll the way down inside. You’re different, aren’t you handsome man? Mmm. Somehow, I just knew you were different.” She bops the tip of my nose with her finger. “My extra special little prince.”

I was entranced. Speechless. Enslaved by her tenderness.

“I was so proud of you today.” She kisses my forehead. “Did you know that I was proud of you, Elliot?”


“Oh! Baby. Don’t cry.” She soothes me with a stroke of her hand. “Nooo. Shhhh. I’ve got you, baby.” She holds me close. She holds me tight. And she does not let her embrace ease until she feels me relax again in her arms. “That’s it. Breathe. You’re doing so good.”

With a finger she brushes my bangs to the side as she gazes deeper and deeper. Her voice is smoother and sweeter than any honey. “You okay, baby? Is everything okay?”

Lost in her eyes I can only nod.

“Are you scared? I know this is a lot to take in all at once. It can be confusing, can’t it?” She pets me and strokes me and showers me with her care. “It’s okay to be scared when big things are happening.”


“Oh good. You are doing so good, Elliot. You know that, right? You know that you are a good boy? You are such a good boy.”


“Shhhh. It’s okay. Just let the feelings happen. Everything is okay, baby.” She strokes my cheek then traces that hand down my neck and chest and stomach. Meanwhile her other arm, the one that supported me, slowly relaxes. My left cheek slides down her pillowy right breast as the hug slowly transforms into something else. On its own my body shifts to follow where Heather was leading me. Lower and lower she brings me until, like a little babe, she had me cradled across her lap and against her bosom. Against my shoulder I could feel her huge cock swell. “That’s it.” She whispers, her fingers softly combing through my hair. “Just relax. Breathe. You’re doing soooo good.”

Lower still she brings my head, not stopping until…her plump nipple brushes across my lips.

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