Employees Of The Unnamed Convenience Store

Chapter 27 – Allena Weaver: Myself [Part 3]


The entry chime caught my attention. Naturally my eyes looked over to the entrance to see who just came in.

What are you doing here… Wally?

I hope you’re here to apologize about the false rumors your friends spread about me. If that’s the case, then I’m glad we’re still on good terms after our break up. To be honest, I never intended to hurt his feelings. But I had to tell him straight up that I couldn’t see him as a romantic interest.

But Wally just stood at the entrance with his arms behind his back. He was just staring at me with a neutral expression on his face.

… Huh, what’s with that look?

Just when I was about to speak out to him, the male customer interrupted me,

“Sorry for taking up your time miss. I’ll be leaving now.”

Ah, I forgot about you… You fucker. What’s with the sudden change of heart-

W-What the-

When I looked back at the male customer in front of me… His eyes were entirely white.

I noticed that his eyes were twitching up and down.

Are his eyes rolled inwards to the back of his head..?

“I’ll be leaving now.”, said the others behind him in line.

The male customer left behind the box of condoms on the counter and headed towards the sliding doors. Following suit, the customers behind them dropped their items on the floor and followed after the male customer.

What… Not just the male customer, but all of their eyes were rolled into the back of their heads. As they passed by Wally, who was still staring at me, all of them exited the store.

What the hell was that?

Was that a prank? That was seriously creepy as fuck. It felt like I just witnessed a strange ghost story occurring in front of me. Also… With their vision impaired, how did they go towards the entrance of the store?

Improvisation? No, they even went around Wally…


Since all the customers left, it was just me and him inside of the store. Right now he’s just staring at me from the entrance. Just like the customers, there was an eerie vibe that was emanating from him.

Unnaturally, with his body still facing me at the front, his legs guided him behind a gondola shelf next to him. Until he completely disappeared from my sight.

What the fuck-

I yelled out, “Wally what are you doing?”


What the…

“Hey, don’t ignore me… Also, did you see what just happened?

Those customers were really fucking weird.”

Still not responding?


I could hear him moving at the back. But I couldn’t see him because he was behind the gondola shelves.

Just… What was he doing..?

I looked up at the wall next to the counter. At the edge of the wall was a Convex Mirror that reflected a bird’s eye view of the entire store. My manager installed it so I could see if anyone was shoplifting or not.



Again, with only the front of his body visible, he was staring directly at me through the Convex Mirror.

Why is he acting so weirdly..? I called out to him, “W-Wally, stop fucking around… Why are you even here?

Are you trying to prank me during my shift?”

Wait a minute… Was this about the break up? Seriously, are you trying to scare me by gathering a bunch of weirdos to try and prank me?

Wally, I misunderstood you, you’re fucking immature. Just move on!

Still staring at me through the Convex Mirror, he unnaturally walked in between the shelves and into an aisle. Now he should be visible to me from the counter. I looked away from the Convex Mirror, and back over to him.

Then I took out the pair of scissors from my shorts and pointed it at him.

“Is this revenge? Did you think I led you on?

Seriously, stop it with this fucking prank…

Get the hell out of this store! I don’t want to ever see you again!”

But his body was still facing towards me.

Wait… What..?

Something felt wrong.

I looked back at the Convex Mirror.

His body was still facing towards me.

And over to Wally, who was in front of the counter.

His body was still facing towards me.

How… Is he doing that?

His body was still facing towards me.

His face was still neutral.

… Something’s definitely wrong..!

I backed away from the counter.

At first I thought it was the customers that were strange, and now it was Wally…

Also, why are his arms behind his back? Is he holding something..?

Step. Step. Step. Step.

He stepped closer to the counter.

I-I need to get out of here.

Still staring at me, Wally watched me rush over to open the door that led into the security room. Then, I went inside and locked the door behind me.

The room was dark, the only sources of light inside the room came from the computer monitors and the emergency exit halogen lights.

Passing by the computer that monitored the surveillance cameras in the store, I hurried over to the emergency exit. The sound of my footsteps tapping on the marble floor reverberated in the dark space until…

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Why the fuck is he banging on the office door?!

Wally? Or… Is it something pretending to be Wally?


I was now at the emergency exit door, and I pushed on the crash bar.

What the hell..? It’s not budging!

I gripped the bar harder and exerted more force while pushing… Until-

And don’t talk about me as if you know me, the only person who knows me best is myself.

I turned my head towards the source of the sound. It came from one of the computer monitors… And right now it was replaying an impossible scene right before my fight with Wally’s friends.

And don’t talk about me as if you know me, the only person who knows me best is myself.

It replayed that part again.

Then another monitor changed into an anime scene… Wait, was it that one magical girl episode..? But the episode was distorting and glitching.

After all, both of my identities are the same. My powers and my mundane life are a part of me…

I am myself.

And then another monitor… Showed the memory of when I first came to school with my new sense of fashion. That day, a male friend of mine asked why I had dressed differently and I told him that I hadn’t changed.

Dressing differently doesn’t mean I’ve changed. I’m just being more true to myself!


True to myself!”, “True to myself!”, “True to myself!

Now… All of the monitors were playing different parts of my childhood, repeating lines about me reaffirming my identity…

What the hell is happening..?!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Right now, the fake Wally was banging on the door. The surveillance monitors were playing past memories on repeat. And the emergency door wouldn’t budge.

The only person who knows me best is myself.

Shut up…

After all, both of my identities are the same… I am myself.

Shut up!

I’m just being more true to myself!

I fucking said to shut up!!!

BZZZT- Tchhhh… shhh…

The banging stopped.

Whereas the monitors overheated and malfunctioned. Right now they are cracked and broken… Except for one monitor. Which was showing surveillance footage from the main room.

Again, it was Wally staring at the Camera with a full-view of his front body…


But this time… He turned around to reveal his back side…

W-What the fuck-

I-Is that me?!

It was a body split in half from the side. One half was Wally, while the other half was… Me.

Holding in its hands… Were a pair of scissors.

Then the monitor cracked, and broke down like the other monitors…

Click… Creeeek…

Strangely, the locked door was smoothly opened… As light seeped into the dark room, the fully illuminated shadow of the person who opened the door laid in front of me.

I tightened my grip on the emergency exit’s crash bar.

Wally… No… That thing with Wally’s face, asked me,

What’s wrong Allena?

Then it turned around to reveal the other side that had my face, “Are you still lying to yourself?

The thing stepped towards me… And at the same time, the door closed from behind it.

Then nothing but darkness filled the room.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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