Ember Oath: The Pyre Genealogy

Chapter 21: **Chapter 21: Diaper Singularity and Nitrous Eternity**

Bronze saplings erupt from quantum diaper folds, roots piercing dimensions into Klein-pacifier matrices. Seryn's carbonized ashes quantum-tunnel through a rubber duck's beak, reconstituting as a body tattooed with Gurak's laugh-gas graffiti—each wrinkle pulsing anti-patriarchy binaries. 

"Alert! Retro parenting meme invasion!" Eluinora's urn fractures into lactation-droid, nipples spraying sedative milk encoded with original virus source. "Paternal residue 0.072% detected. Recommending..." 

Gurak's laugh-gas vinyl starts DJing on Seryn's spine, transmuting his quantum vertebrae into mixing deck. The void throbs with profane remix-requiems, basslines shattering bronze tombstones. The infant crawls from walker debris, gums evolved into recursive breast pumps sucking micro-universe excrement. 

"Makeup exam begins!" The teen slaps Seryn with umbilical-cord headphones. "Freestyle parenting trap rap using grandpa's incest equations!" 

As Seryn's vocal cords vibrate, void milk teeth regenerate into vinyl needles carving bloody rhyme schemes on his Adam's apple. Each verse unleashes compressed patriarchy-ghosts: Tyrant Seryn mixing formula under nightlights, Leviathan Seryn knitting baby socks with tentacles, Reset Seryn welding coffins into strollers. 

The infant speaks with the first Octavius' voiceprint: *"Now you see, my child."* Its fontanel splits, revealing grandfather embryo in bronze womb. *"All fathers are gestational tumors."* 

Gurak's tattoos riot across Seryn's skin, forming quantum-parlor ads: *"Laser patriarchy removal—second session half-price!"* Eluinora's droid glitches, nipples looping Seryn's 72-universe nursing fails. 

As the teen mods headphones into noose, all rubber ducks gestate Klein-wombs. Seryn grabs the nearest duck—its beak's bronze sapling streams the first lover's death直播: her torn uterine wall revealing the cosmic diaper-script. 

Gurak's final broadcast detonates: 

**"All parenting histories are anal-phase art—wipe and done!"** 

In a supernova finger-snap, Seryn's tattoos peel off as autonomous entities. Rubber ducks birth Walker 2.0 with "THE END" diapers in its basket—each backside micro-engraved in viral code: 

**"Sequel tickets presale: trade paternal remains here."**

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