Elves Come To the World

v54 Chapter 938 - Victory in an instant

“This…a terrifying attack!”

Watching the exaggerated damage caused by the Railgun, the audience opened their mouths.

At the same time, the powerhouses of the other alliances outside the arena all showed fear on their faces at this time.

This elf called Meru Meta seems to have reached the championship level with its true strength!

“What happened to that devourer?”

The audience swept across the pitted muddy ground, looking for the figure of the swallowing beast hiding in the muddy ground.

Then, under everyone’s astonished eyes, the Devouring Beast floated up like a rag.

“Devouring beast, was killed in seconds!”

After watching this scene, the audience’s expressions changed slightly.

The strength of this Meilu Meta seems to be too strong!

“This elf…”

Slu looked at Melu Mehta who was in control, and his face suddenly became cloudy.

In itself, his devouring beast has already laid out the muddy ground, and the devouring beast with the characteristics of mud slurry is very powerful.

But before, the devouring beast that had merged into the muddy ground was abruptly defeated by an indiscriminate attack!

At this time, he also couldn’t think of a plan to deal with this Meru Meta.

If he continues to carry out sludge tactics, it is very likely that he will be defeated by this indiscriminate bombardment again!

After a little hesitation, Slu released a cross bat.

After the cross-shaped bat came out, the four pairs of wings behind him vigorously fanned, and the figure disappeared in place in an instant, and suddenly pulled out afterimages in the air, showing a terrifying speed.

“So fast!”

Before the speed of the railgun, the audience did not have an intuitive feeling.

But now the movement of the cross-shaped bat has brought layer upon layer of shadows, which immediately makes the audience feel what is fast.

In the audience’s exclamation, the figure of the cross-shaped bat appeared in the air, and then suddenly disappeared again.


At the same time, a roar sounded abruptly, causing the entire venue to tremble.

“Huh? Has the battle begun?”

Hearing the roar in their ears and the vibrations under their feet, the audience suddenly became a little confused.

But where did the shadow of the cross bat go?

“Next one.”

At this moment, Luo Chen’s flat voice suddenly sounded, which made everyone stunned again.

What does Luo Chen mean?

Is the game over?

But… that Meru Meta’s figure was still floating there, not moving at all.

“Could it be…”

The audience’s eyelids also jumped at this time, and their eyes looked at the place where the explosion came.

On the side of the protective wall at this time, due to the violent explosion, smoke and dust were scattered.

And after the smoke dissipated, their pupils shrank again.

I saw that the protective wall had been blasted with a large hole at this time, and the cracks almost spread all over the wall.

And in the big hole that was blasted out, the figure of the cross-shaped bat was embedded in it and fell into a coma.

“Forked bat… defeated!”

“When exactly is it?”

Looking at this scene, the field was silent for a while, then turned into an uproar.

Just now, they were still praising the speed of the cross-shaped bat, but it all ended so suddenly.

“Next one.”

At this moment, Luo Chen’s voice attracted everyone’s attention.

Luo Chen’s figure stood on the battle platform, his body was standing straight, and his face was as cold as ice.

“He’s angry.”

Looking at Luo Chen who was standing at this time, this idea came to everyone’s mind.

Indeed, Luo Chen was angry, but this was too terrifying, right? !

Not only these spectators, but Slu, who was in the field at this time, also had an uncontrollable drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

He can see how fast his cross bat is!

But even so, even a single face-to-face was not able to support it!

“Another quasi-champion-level elf.”

“It seems that we need to re-evaluate this Luo Chen’s strength.”

Some of the powerhouses of other alliances also became very dignified at this time.

Having a quasi-champion-level sprite and having two are completely different concepts!

“This Meilu Meta is likely to be a phantom elf.”

At this moment, a short man from the Tieling Alliance opened his mouth.

He is a powerful steel attribute trainer, and he vaguely feels that he has seen the legend of this kind of elves before.

The terrifying Cyclops who can create steel…

The record in the book should be this, but the memory is too vague, and he can’t figure it out.

“Making… steel?”

At this moment, their eyes were all looking at the steel **** floating around Meru Mehta’s body.

These steel **** appeared one by one out of nowhere, and then moved cyclically around Meru Meta, like a planet revolving around the sun.

However, they all know that these charged steel balls, each with a deadly threat, are like missiles hanging overhead.

“Next one.”

This is Luo Chen’s third reminder, and the figure is still so plain.

At this moment, people suddenly thought of the two people who had been fooled by Luo Chen before.

Is it as strong as Slug, is it going to be crushed like this?

“What a joke!”

At this moment, Slu suddenly roared.

Then, he saw the Poké Ball in his hand thrown out, releasing a mountain of dust.

There are also many garbage bags attached to the dust mountain, and many red and blue objects are attached to it. It also has hands and a pair of thick and short legs, which looks like a human-shaped garbage dump.

Immediately after the dust mountain appeared, he sank his body into the muddy ground in the field, and a faint purple poisonous gas wafted from his body.

Of course, these purple poisonous gases have absolutely no effect on the steel-type Meru Meta, and after the appearance of Dust Mountain, Meru Meta also took action.

The steel **** surrounding its body shot out quickly, turned into super-electromagnetic cannons, and shot directly towards the dust mountain in the field.

Boom boom boom!

Countless explosions sounded, and the sludge on the ground was blasted to the sky again.

Under this circumstance, a terrifying explosive airflow roared in the field, and it could be faintly seen that those purple poisonous gases were blown into the sky by the blasting air waves.

In this case, a huge figure also rose to the sky with the blast of air and floated towards the sky.

“That’s a mountain of dust!”

Seeing the huge figure, the audience exclaimed.

However, after they got the dust mountain situation apart, it was found that the latter had passed out in a coma.

“Knocked off again.”

After seeing this scene, the audience couldn’t help sighing.

But before their voices fell, an explosion came suddenly from the sky!

The terrifying blast wave was even more terrifying than the previous explosion of the railgun, and the countless dust on the dust mountain scattered instantly.

Immediately, the entire sky was shrouded in dust, like volcanic ash scattered after a volcanic eruption, obscuring the sky.

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