Elves Come To the World

v54 Chapter 925 - doubles game with fire

“Luo Chen…”

Looking at the person standing opposite, Aylin’s face was solemn.

According to the news of his younger brother Ai Rui, this Luo Chen has a Yan Emperor in his hands.

The person in front of him is an out-and-out divine envoy, making him secretly vigilant.

However… After seeing that the first player from the Wanli League was not Luo Chen, he guessed that Luo Chen would play in the doubles match.

In order to deal with the Emperor Yan, he had specially prepared these two elves in his hands.

“Game start!”

Under the referee’s order, the two threw the Poke Ball at the same time.

The elves on Erin’s side are the Pumpkin Monster and the Crystal Lantern Spirit.

From the two elves that appeared, everyone had already guessed Aylin’s tactics.

And Luo Chen’s Poké Ball also released light, and the figures of Yandi and Victini appeared!

“Bini Bini.”

As soon as he appeared, Victini cried out in excitement.

When I heard that there was a doubles match early, Victini was already eager to try it.

It really, really wants to play doubles with his good partner Yandi.

Now, the two of them finally stood on the battlefield together, and it immediately danced with excitement.

When they saw Emperor Yan, the audience was startled. This is a legendary elf, and his aura was really amazing.

Compared to Emperor Yan, Victini, who was sitting on Emperor Yan’s head, seemed much more low-key, and the audience couldn’t even tell the identity of this elf.

“It turned out to be Emperor Yan plus Biktini.”

“These two legendary elves appear, it seems that the battle is stable!”

Looking at the two elves in the field, the Wanli Alliance showed a smile.

The combination of these two elves can really be said to be the strongest doubles combination in this World Championship.

“It really is Emperor Yan!”

Seeing Emperor Yan’s appearance, Aylin took a deep breath and commanded, “Dark Form!”

As Aylin’s voice fell, the pumpkin monster in the field tore open the crack in the spiritual world, allowing the spiritual world to descend.

At the same time, the crystal lantern Huo Ling also moved, and the figure turned into a flame, directly submerging into the pumpkin lantern on the belly of the pumpkin monster.


In an instant, a raging flame erupted, directly wrapping the figure of the pumpkin monster.

In this way, the Pumpkin Monster and the Crystal Lantern have completed a heterogeneous fusion, and a terrifying power has erupted!

“It’s actually fused, it’s really bells and whistles.”

“Emperor Yan, use the fire to burn!”

Looking at this scene, Luo Chen shook his head slightly.

The Yan Emperor, who was already ready, opened his mouth to be a terrifying flame.

In an instant, the audience felt that their sight was completely filled with terrifying flames.

The white sacred flame seems to devour everything in front of you, burning everything in the world!

“What a terrifying flame!”

“However, this is useless for the crystal lamp fire spirit with the characteristics of ignition!”

After seeing the flames that Emperor Yan spit out, Aylin’s eyes also shrank, and then he shook his head slightly.

In itself, the combination of Crystal Lantern and Pumpkin Monster was prepared to deal with Emperor Yan.

They have tested it during their time in the alliance. The fusion of the power of the Crystal Lantern and the Pumpkin Monster, and with the help of the power of the spirit world, can block even champion-level flames, and it is naturally easy to block Yandi’s attack!


The terrifying flames swept across the field, directly drowning the pumpkin monster.

However, when everyone felt that the pumpkin monster would be directly engulfed, the purple flame was still strong.

This feeling is like a reef under the impact of the waves, even if the waves are constantly scoured, it will not stand.

Moreover, the reef was faintly harder under the pounding of the waves, and the burning purple flame gradually grew stronger.

“When the flame of Emperor Yan goes out, it’s time for the pumpkin monster to fight back!”

Aylin clenched his fists, planning to launch the attack as soon as Yandi’s flame attack ended.

But… while Aylin waited, the flame of Emperor Yan was not extinguished…

One minute…two minutes…

At this moment, the audience opened their mouths in surprise when they looked at the flames that continued to burn in the arena.

Wouldn’t it be tiring for this Yan Emperor to release a flame attack for so long?

Even Aylin’s expression changed at this time.

Although the crystal lamp fire spirit with the characteristics of ignition can continuously absorb the flame.

In this state, it can even absorb champion-level fire attacks.

However, the ability of the crystal lamp and fire spirit also has an upper limit. Everyone knows the truth that a drop of water can penetrate a stone.

“These two little guys are playing too much.”

Luo Chen shook his head slightly when he saw Yandi who was constantly breathing flames and Victini who was dancing with joy.

However, forget it, they are both happy, I haven’t seen Victini so happy for a long time.

In the end, Victini and Emperor Yan had a good time, while Aylin on the opposite side collapsed.

What’s going on here, this Emperor Yan is using a plug-in!

Faced with the infinite energy Yandi, how to play this game?

At this time, other players outside the field who might become Luo Chen’s opponents also looked solemn.

Through some details of this game, they turned their attention to Bictini on Yandi’s head.

They could feel that during the battle, this little guy who didn’t seem to do anything was the key to the whole battle.

Bird BAK Martini, seems to be mastered a way to help the wizard to quickly add strength and power consumption.

From the life level, the only elf probably also a legendary wizard, holds special powers!

Two legends of doubles play Elves …… think of where they are also **** down a cold lump.

No wonder the Los dust to twenty-one years of age, can participate in the World Cup, thousands of miles alliance is really deep pockets, the two legendary wizard directly to a person!

“In the future, this can not be the Los dust doubles match.”

At this moment, my heart almost everyone appeared the idea.

However, to how to be able to prevent Los dust in the doubles game?

If you want to play doubles Los dust, then no one way to stop it.

The fighting ended without any suspense, terror in the Yandi flame, the whole of the ground seems to be burned.

In the center of the site, pumpkins and Frankenstein crystal lights Spirit fell on the charred ground.

They could not imagine how two, that one day he will be a direct flame to burn fainted, right?

Anyway, these two elves can be said to be completely hit, and in the next game or the whole race team, are very difficult to play.

This is Erin blow can be very large, after all, these two elves but his tactics core!

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