Elegy for a Star

Chapter 4 – Miri ❤️

Tess woke with a groan. When had she fallen asleep? It seemed to take forever, trying to remain calm with their awkward sleeping arrangement. She wasn’t anymore comfortable with it—not that she was complaining—and could feel that her erection hadn’t settled even a little bit. In fact, she could feel a great deal of some warm fluid against her belly, the wall of the sleepsack, and her hand when she reached to feel. It was wet, slippery and a little sticky. As her hand explored, she realized it was all over her cock, her groin, her belly, leaking from the swollen head of her cock.

“Gwen?” She whispered under her breath. The swordswoman pressed against her back didn’t reply.

For a time, she tried going back to sleep, but it wasn’t happening now. What time is it, she thought. If it were close enough to wake-up, she’d just stay put and wait for Gwen to rise from her slumber. But somehow Tess doubted that was the case. It didn’t feel like she’d been sleeping for long. 

Besides, this was a problem that she had to take care of sooner or later. She couldn’t imagine Gwen would be offering to take care of it for her, so Tess began the arduous process of trying to extract herself from the tight confines of the sleep sack and Gwen’s soft, warm body. It took some doing, and when she was about halfway out, she felt a hand on her ass. Tess stopped in shock.

“What are you doing?” Gwen was pushing on Tess’ ass, clearly trying to keep it out of her face, “Do you mind?”

“I need to take care of something,” Tess replied, slipping the rest of herself out of the sleepsack, “Sorry for waking you.”

“Right,” Gwen said, clearly staring at Tess’ erect cock, standing a solid ten inches from her pelvis, and almost as thick as her forearm, dribbling precum onto the floor. Gwen swallowed and said, “Should I.. do you want..”

“What?” Tess asked, sounding overly excited.

“I just meant..” Gwendolyn started again, stopping before she said anymore, “Never mind. Just keep it down, okay?”

“Alright.” Tess sounded deflated as she replied. At least one part of her was deflated, because her cock definitely wasn’t. It shook from side to side as she walked to the other end of the fire, taking the sheet and folding it into a thick bundle before she placed it on the floor. The fire had heated the floor and the walls by now, and Tess found herself comfortable as she sat down, her back supported by the smooth stones.

She looked down the length of her body, and at the fat length protruding from her pelvis. She hadn’t had an opportunity to explore before this, so there was some excitement in doing so. She reached to grasp her shaft around the base, feeling that her fingers didn’t quite reach all the way around. The thought excited her, and she found more precum dribbling from the tip of her cock. “Whew..” she huffed as she gave one long stroke up and down her length. More precum leaked out with that squeezing, milking motion.

With her other hand she explored beneath her dick, feeling a hefty pair of balls, tightly held in a big, hairless sack between her legs. They felt so full in her palm, and she cupped and massaged them. Her hips rocked forward and a small whimper escaped her throat. Her body shook, muscles quivering as she experienced new sensations again and again. Her eyes squeezed shut, she bit her lip, and tried to keep things quiet as she stroked again and again. A pressure built in her core, unfamiliar in some ways and familiar in others. Was she going to cum?

I want to watch, she thought, opening her eyes. The sight that greeted her was that of a young woman leaned up, face-to-face with Tess. One eye yellow, the other an icy blue, she smiled a wicked smile, and looked quite the mischievous thing. Tess screamed, and the stranger clamped a hand over her mouth. Tess’ hands shot up to remove her assailant’s hands, but she was far too strong. She didn’t even budge. “Quiet, sweet thing,” the stranger whispered, leaning forward to delicately tease the words into Tess’ ear, “Let’s not wake the stern one, yeah?” This close, Tess could see that this woman was naked, with a heavy chest and full thighs. Her waist tapered into the swell of hips. More importantly, she had small fangs and lips painted red. Two horns protruded from beneath her hair on either side of her head, curling forward into dangerous points. Her hair was stark white, not silvery like Gwen’s, but a solid color, like snow.

“You’re the demon,” Tess squeaked against the woman’s palm.

The demon clicked her tongue and snapped her fingers, “First try. I’m quite impressed.” The demon rocked her hips forward, sliding her sex up against the underside of Tess’ length. Tess let out a low moan.

“Name’s Miri,” the demon added.


“Tess,” Miri finished, “I know.” Miri let out a bit of a sigh and asked, “Why are you pumping this all by yourself? And with your own hand?” She rocked her hips forward again, grinding herself against Tess’ length. Even Miri whimpered this time.

Tess’ breath caught in her throat as she tried to respond, so Miri continued, “A cock like this needs to be shared, Tess. So how about it? Want some help?”

“Yes-..” Tess thought for a moment that there might be some demonic pact magic going on, but right now she was so horny she couldn’t risk stopping for any reason. “Please.”

“Good girl,” Miri praised, kissing Tess on the forehead, “You’re already about to burst, poor thing.” Miri slipped off of Tess’ lap and instead positioned herself behind her, supporting Tess’ back and head against her chest and shoulder. “How’s this?” Miri asked, bringing a warm, soft, foreign hand to her length.

Tess nearly came then and there, such was the thrill of having someone else ‘take care’ of her like this.

“Oh, dear,” Miri hummed, “Not yet, darling. Hold on for me, just a little bit. I want you to enjoy this for a little longer.”

Tess put her hands up to her face, an odd feeling of embarrassment dawning on her as she tried to regather whatever composure she’d lost upon Miri’s arrival. “That-.. Feels.. Aah~..”

Miri’s hand began slowly pumping up and down Tess’ length. Tess’ hips bucked, far beyond her control. Her breath quickened and hitched. Her toes curled and her feet planted upon the floor so that she could better work her cock through Miri’s lovely hand.

“Oh my,” Miri cooed, “I’m glad I showed up. What a mess you would’ve been without my help.” That hand of hers sped up, really pumping Tess’ cock now.

She wasn’t going to last much longer. Her whole body was quivering like a string pulled taut. “Haa~.. Aaa~.. M-Miri..” Tess whined.

“Go ahead. Cum for me, Tess,” Miri lost all restraint on her pacing and began to thoroughly milk Tess for everything she had stored in those heavy balls of hers, “Let me see it. I bet it feels so good, doesn’t it? Don’t hold back-..”

Tess gasped, her body shivering, her cock throbbing in Miri’s grip, before a jet of pearly cum shot above her head, striking the wall behind her. The second caught Tess directly in the face, leaving a creamy streak from her hairline to her chin. The third painted her breasts, then her stomach, again and again. 

“Gooooood giiiirrll..” Miri cooed, praising Tess for her orgasm.

Miri didn’t stop, so neither did Tess, until eventually she was fully drained, leaving only little spurts of cum escaping from the tip of her length. Tess was a panting, quivering mess by the end of it.

“Well, color me impressed,” Miri hummed with a look of amusement plain in her voice, “Or color you, I suppose. You really painted yourself, huh?””

Tess could only pant, trying to catch her breath. Her legs felt weak and she was certain that she wouldn’t be able to stand.

“Perhaps this binding won’t be such a chore after all,” Miri mused.

“Binding?” Tess huffed, wiping a hand down her face. She felt drained and dizzy, “You’re bound to me? That’s what the ritual was?”

“Oh, no dear. I’m not bound to you,” Miri consoled Tess, before a hint of malice showed in her voice, “You’re bound to me.”

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