Elegy for a Star

Chapter 12 – Registration

“Will you please hurry up?” Miri whispered into Tess’ ear, which caused her to startle. The demoness floated in the air just behind Tess, an arm draped over her shoulders.

Tess let Gwen walk ahead a few paces as she whispered under her breath, “Are you sure you won’t be seen?”

Miri sighed, “No. Does it matter?”

“Of course it matters. I don’t think demons are common body-mates,” Tess huffed, “In fact I don’t think body-mates are all that common to begin with.”

“Fine,” Miri grunted, fading from view. Tess could still feel an arm around her shoulders, “Better?”

Tess was unsettled a bit, but it was something she could get used to, “Better. So why did you want me to ‘hurry up?’”

“I’m horny,” Miri whined pitifully, “I want to make you cum, Tessy.” Tess could feel Miri’s hand slithering down her chest, her stomach, to the waist of her trousers, “Can you help me make that happen?”

Tess felt a shiver run up her body and her heart skipped a beat. She tried to keep her composure, but could feel the swelling beneath her pants. She chose not to respond to Miri and instead caught up to Gwendolyn, causing Miri’s touch to slip away.

“So where are we headed?” Tess asked Gwen. Tess wasn’t sure if she was genuinely curious or just eager to satisfy Miri’s desire. Her thoughts were somewhat cloudy in that regard, and she had no interest in puzzling it out right now.

Gwendolyn gave an easy answer, “To get you a job here.”

Gwen didn’t break stride for a moment. Her pace was dutiful and confident, which made Tess have to consciously keep up. In fact, most people in Kravana Hall were the same way. Everyone seemed busy, moving about with hasteful purpose. The rooms that Tess noticed seemed to be something one would find in a city barracks. Armories, latrines, dining halls, dormitories and training yards were labeled along some of the rooms and passages. 

One of the rooms stood out to Tess. A stone archway marked with constellation runes. Tess only recognized the Wanderer once again, but she stopped Gwendolyn and pointed toward another rune. It was somewhat heart shaped, with lines down either side and its anchor star at the bottom point. “What’s this one?” Tess asked.

“Red poppy,” Gwen replied.

“War and… and strength, right?”

“Blood and murder too,” Gwen concluded.

As the pair resumed walking toward their mystery destination, Tess questioned, “What was that room?”

“If I had to guess, it’d be the Void,” Gwen replied, “They have a stabilized pocket of the Black Sun in there, from what I’ve heard. It’s for training.”

Tess’ mouth formed a circle as a dozen questions filled her head. Just how could that happen? Who could do that? How long has it been here and why is it not destroying everything around it? Before Tess was able to ask any of these questions, Gwendolyn pivoted into a room ahead. Tess followed her in.

Within were a few tables with inkpens and parchment scattered about. Along the wall was a large, strange, glowing board with deep, black scrawl written across it. The words and the board both floated, unattached from the wall, but were easy on the eyes and clearly legible. On the wall behind it was a ritual circle done mostly in black chalk, with the symbol of the Stag behind it. Tess couldn’t remember all of the uses of this particular constellation, but remembered that work was one of them.

Tess turned to find a front desk with a man sitting behind it. He had short, cropped hair of a dark brown color and equally dark eyes. He was friendly enough, greeting Gwendolyn with a smile when she approached. Tess followed in tow soon after, propping her elbows up onto the wooden counter. On top of the desk was a wooden sign with one word painted upon it: Registration.

Wondering just how much Gwen was planning for her, Tess decided to just listen in on the conversation. Was Gwendolyn really looking out for her best interests? She saved Tess and shared some very scarce gear with her. She’d fought the wolves. Maybe saved her life twice, then? Plus, she knew Tess’ secret summoning, she knew about Miri and… Tess’ endowment. She hadn’t run away despite many reasons to do so. Tess decided to trust the warrior and see what she had in store for her.

By the time she approached the desk, the conversation was already underway.

“Zero documentation? No pedigree? No invite?” The man asked with an incredulous look that left his face looking drained.

Gwendolyn nodded her head, “Unfortunately. She’s got nowhere to go, though. A black ritual really fucked with her head.”

“Well, something is getting fucked,” Miri said, appearing to stand beside Tess, hands on her hips, “But I’d argue I’m more boon than bane.”. From this vantage, Tess could see Miri’s ample cleavage and she forcefully redirected her gaze. “Oh please, I see what you see. You pervert,” Miri mused.

Tess chose to not respond, worried that she may come off as crazy if anyone else heard her. She redirected her attention to the conversation that had continued without her.

“Unorthodox, sure, but if I know my history, there’s a bit of a precedent for taking in the lost,” Gwendolyn said with a little smirk in her voice.

The man shook his head, “You can’t possibly compare every abandoned amnesiac to-...”

“Of course not,” Gwen replied, holding up a hand, “I’m only saying that it’s worked out for the College in the past. What’s the harm? Fit her into classes that aren’t full.”

“I’ll bring the request to Lord Brandt,” he replied, scribbling away on a scroll, “But I can’t promise anything. For now I’ll get her a bed in the dormitories.”

“No need,” Gwendolyn insisted, “I have space in my room. 254.”

“As you say, Dame.”

As they departed the registry, Tess turned to Gwen and asked, “Dame?”

“I am knighted,” Gwen responded, “Dame Gwendolyn Mirabenise.”

Miri cooed, “That just makes it all the hotter that she watched you cum. What a naughty knight.”

Tess could only agree with the unseen, unheard demoness, but didn’t want to admit that in front of Gwendolyn. Tess kept quiet.

“Is your family famous?” She asked.

Gwen placed her hands on her hips and said, “Maybe a little. We’re well known in the Empire as a lesser house. We’re not the Pomeroys, for instance. We’re known even less and less the further out you go.”

Tess wasn’t sure what to ask about that, and felt that it may be bordering on something too personal for Gwen to share. “So I’m staying with you?” She said, trying to hide the excitement in her voice.

“Don’t get too excited,” Gwendolyn said with a roll of her eyes, “There are two beds. No dormitories for me. Perks of being a little bit famous.”

“So…” Tess said, trying to distract herself from the disappointment she was feeling right now, “What did you sign me up for?”

“Registering you in the College. I’ll be swearing into the Corps tomorrow. Next week, you start classes,” Gwendolyn explained, “You need some basic knowledge before they’ll give you a job here. Even just as an armorer or librarian.”

“Classes?” Tess asked, now unable to hide her utter disappointment, “What if I wanted to join the Corps with you?”

“It’s dangerous, Tess,” Gwen reminded her, “Too dangerous. You have no practice. You’d be torn apart by the Black Sun.”

Tess didn’t know enough about the situation to argue back. All she knew is that she wanted to stand side-by-side with Gwen against whatever threats the Black Sun posed to the world. “I’ll figure something out,” Tess said with unfounded determination.

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