
Chapter 27


Now we're all three in the hallway.
Chiaki is almost stiff, staring like a scared bunny at Zika, who on her side plays the part of the snake very well.


"I get it that you, despite any opposing advise, told her everything and now are pulling me into your mess. Anything I forgot?" (Z)


Not really, but she could be a little more amicable to the poor shivering girl in front of her.


"Could you at least assure Chiaki that you won't drain her?" (I)

"And this while little miss sunshine right now makes such a good target? Fine, it's not like I had a choice with you against it." (Z)

"So, Chiaki this is..." (I)


Again I am totally unsure how to call her since introducing someone with their fake name feels somewhat wrong.


"Just say it! It's already too late in general, so please get over with it." (Z)

"Ehm, this is Zika. She's a demon and doesn't like it when her name gets spread." (I)

"Not that this would keep you from doing so." (Z)

"I-I, I. Uhm. You..." (C)


The poor Chiaki is mumbling at her words, unable to address Zika.


"Yes it's true. I won't sugarcoat anything. Under different circumstances you would be already sucked dry. And not in the pleasant way." (Z)


Could you please stop licking your lips in such a suggestive way?


"Ieehk!" (C)

"Well, according to the amount of fear I sense here, she either had a visit inside you or there are prior issues." (Z)

"Chiaki is afraid of demons." (I)

"Not wrong. In general one should fear the dangerous stuff. That's an instinct of self-preservation. I for example fear that your common sense is progressively deteriorating." (Z)

"Please, can you help her? Assure her she will be fine? I don't want her to be in suspense like this." (I)

"How comes that you more and more seem to forget what my proficiency is? I am no caretaker! And no; things won't end up well just like this. She is prey. A good one to make matters worse." (Z)


Hearing this Chiaki really starts to quiver.


"No, no! Chiaki please don't worry! I said I would protect you!" (I)

"This might actually safe her." (Z)

"But I cannot always be around! Is there really no way?" (I)

"You could grant her a place in your little dream hell. Then you would always be around. Literally." (Z)

"E-ehm, what?" (C)


At this Zika rolls her eyes at me.


"You haven't told her, huh?" (Z)


What does she mean?
Chiaki knows that I am some kind of demon thingy.


"Fine. You expose me all around then it's just fair if I do so as well." (Z)


She advances on Chiaki, too close to be comfortable, and corners her against the wall.
Her trembling gets much worse.
The only reason why I don't tackle Zika away is that I am sure she wouldn't actually do something while I'm present.
Also, any action of mine would end in a huge overreaction and she knows this.
So she begins:


"You know, my dear. You might think I am bad and dangerous and literally the embodiment of everything you feared until now. And honestly, you are completely right with this. But do you want to hear something funny? As bad as I am, your friend here is unmeasurably worse! All the darkest nightmares you can or cannot imagine, she can make them true, come to live, release them upon this innocent little world, and nothing could stop her, as there are no limits. So before you fear me, please make a proper judgment of what she is. Since if you upset her, no god, and yes they do exist, will be able to help you, because even most of them are just quivering little children in front of her. So you can at least be assured that if something would harm you an unimaginable fate will come to that individual along with this whole dimension." (Z)


Well, maybe I forgot to relay the scale accurately.


"Zi-Zika, please! I am not that bad." (I)

"So you say, if someone, great ones forbid, would kill her or your mother... Wouldn't you tell your critters to do their worst?" (Z)


Actually, I am not sure.
I might really become furious enough if this might happen.
So all I can do is avert my gaze.


"But I would never harm Chiaki." (I)

"Still, she should know what she is up to." (Z)


Right now Chiaki stares with wide-open eyes at me.
So I guess she does now.


"Just to say it, I still have really no idea how it came to that. I'm still the same I was before." (I)

"If you don't put into consideration that you consist out of pure nightmares and can shape reality in accordance to your whims? Then sure, you are an absolutely average girl." (Z)

"Ehm, Chiaki could you say something so I might know if you are alright?" (I)

"You, you aren't denying it?" (C)

"I have honestly no idea what I even am! So I have a hard time denying anything at all right now." (I)


That didn't really help her to calm down.


"You can see it like this, little girl. She is obviously the biggest monster around and as long she is on your side you are safe around her." (Z)

"I don't understand! And what was this with a place in hell? Do you want to throw me in there?!" (C)

"Uh, no?" (I)

"Well, you could call it hell. It is her private dimension made of the most terrifying things you never wanted to know about. But at the same time, it is just hers. So if you need a safe place, there it is!" (Z)


Wow, that Chiaki's face can this fast lose all color.


"I-It looks already much better. Maybe a bit dark, but I really tried to improve the impression. The castle might look a little gloomy, but I really did my best and the storages are apparently full." (I)

"A castle? Seriously? Isn't this a little bit cliche?" (Z)

"You mentioned the castle first! I just reacted!" (I)

"Good to know that I can influence you!" (Z)


This really creeps me out.
Also, Chiaki still shakes.


"No, no Chiaki, you don't need to go there if you don't want. I think Zika just wanted to say that there are no demons when you ever want to feel safe." (I)

"I-I don't think I can do this. Isn't there any other way? I, I couldn't sleep since back then." (C)

"How would it be with growing a backbone?" (Z)

"Zika!" (I)

"Seriously! This weakness is pissing me off! Those demons are just behind her because she generates enough power to ascend to new heights and all our little victim here does is complain! If she would just claim control over herself instead of whining around she would easily be able to defend herself!" (Z)

"I? Defend myself? Power?" (C)

"Are those words too difficult for you, or are you deaf? You generate enough energy to bomb any harmful existences to you out of existence. Present goddesses not included. But you just present yourself as food to the threats!" (Z)

"I, I don't know!" (C)

"What is it you don't know? It's not that difficult!" (Z)

"So you could teach her how to defend herself?" (I)


Her look says yes, but only over her dead body.


"At least a crash course? The absolute basics? Anything?" (I)

"You would really let me at her?" (Z)

"W-well, I don't think you would try something funny." (I)

"No! I don't 'try' I 'do' things!" (Z)

"Then please do something good." (I)


She gazes at the still trembling Chiaki.


"I don't have the slightest intention, but if my host is enforcing this I am not left much of a choice." (Z)

"H-h-host?" (C)

"It's... complicated." (I)

"Hmm... Ah! I have the perfect idea! A condition of mine you could say." (Z)

"Con-condition?" (C)

"You see, activating life force is the same as calling all these critters around for dinner. Would I do it here, there is a high chance it would be swarming tomorrow. Not to speak of the bigger fishes. Furthermore, it isn't recommended to do such things at places where the general populace is watching. However, there is one place I would know of which is perfectly safe. One could say it's strictly restricted property." (Z)

"You, you aren't implying..." (I)


She looks Chiaki deeply in the eyes, who is close to collapse under her gaze.
Zika's own eyes hereby start to flicker in a dark tune.


"How about I drag you to hell with me?" (Z)


Chiaki isn't really able to speak and if I'm right she didn't catch any air for an alarmingly long period of time.


"You can't be serious! She just said she couldn't do this!" (I)

"And because of that, this is perfect! I told you before that I don't waste my time. So this will make a good test of determination!" (Z)

"Why determination? Chiaki is just driven by fear." (I)

"Isn't this the best motivation there is? If she can overcome that to actually do something productive, this would be enough for me." (Z)


However, this shaking doesn't imply any overcoming at all.
Her face is showing pure terror.


"Chiaki. it's alright! I will protect you! You don't need to worry!" (I)


She nods unsteady, struggling to get a hold of her.


"We just wait here a little until you calmed down, okay? Then we can go back into class." (I)

"In case she changes her mind, I'll wait until the last period." (Z)


Duh, this demon is really not good with people.
It is short before the end of the break that Chiaki is back in a state that is half presentable and doesn't suggest that we bullied her out here.
This is especially in regards to Makoto an actual concern.
During class, I look more than once at her and she seems lost in thought, not paying any attention to the teacher, despite being a good student.
I would like to help her, but it's not like I can in the middle of class jump up and hug her.
And it wouldn't probably really help her right now.
I might make it worse.


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