Einherjar Becomes Valkyrie

08.Blood Ritual

Elena and Nia left Dur shortly before noon, they both shared the same saddle with Elena leading the reins and Nia sitting across from her.

Nia was about six inches shorter than Elena, therefore in her current situation, Elena could not only enjoy Nia's delicate body but could also delight her nostrils with the sweet scent of Nia's brown hair.

「Elena-sama, don't you want to see your father again?」

As the horse moved down the road with the city of Dur disappearing behind him, Nia asked that question. Elena had already told her that there was no need to hold back when speaking, so Nia did not hesitate to ask the first thing to come to her mind.

「It's complicated…」

Elena herself didn't even have an answer to that question. During her three years in the order of Saint Eclestine, Elena was never contacted by her father, so she always wondered if he had simply chosen to completely forget about her.

As for her feelings, to a certain extent, Elena continued to feel indebted to her father, making it difficult to just let go of him.

As she had done before, Elena used runic magic to improve the physical capabilities of the horse, the next closest city was two days at the normal pace of a horse.

The horse continued its furious gallop, so to allow her and Nia to converse quietly, Elena had used a spell that directly transmitted their voices to her ears.


After several pleasant and friendly chats, Elena was slightly surprised to hear Nia's change in tone of voice.

「What's going on, Nia?」

「Can I make a somewhat selfish request?」

「What is it about?」

「Could you train me, Elena-sama?」

After listening to Elena's story and after transmitting hers, this was something that had been hovering in Nia's mind, but she had required several hours to accumulate enough resolution to make that request.

「Why do you want me to train you, Nia?」

「I want to be strong like Elena-sama...」

Elena did not need to hear the rest, she understood everything. Nia also wanted to become someone strong enough not to be forced to flee or lose her freedom again.


After accepting Nia's request, Elena tugged on the horse's reins to guide him off the trail and into the nearby forest.

「Nia, do you trust me?」

「Of course!」

Once they found a small clearing inside the forest, Nia and Elena dismounted and Elena immediately asked that strange question.

「The power that awakened in me is found within my blood, if I give you a drink of it through a ritual, you will become stronger」

Nia was surprised to hear that, although she did not know much about the world, she had heard about many topics while living in that sanctuary with her mother, therefore, Nia knew that what Elena was talking about, was some blood magic, a type of taboo magic only below necromancy regarding the degree of prohibition.

「However, a bond will also be created between us as master and servant, and in this link, if I died, you will also die」

「Please Elena-sama, let me accept this ritual」

What for Elena should have made Nia doubt, actually served to help her make her decision. For Nia, hearing about this bond that would be created between her and Elena was enough to accept, she would accept even if it did not help her become stronger.

「Silly girl」

Elena could only smile imagining the reasons why Nia had agreed to make the deal, show her absolute loyalty and appreciation.

「In that case, let's proceed」

Elena closed her eyes and together with the palms of her hands, under the ground at her feet an ominous blood-colored pentagram was drawn.

「Blood ritual, submission」

As with sorcery, Elena did not need to cast a spell to use blood magic.

「Come, Nia」

Hearing that, Nia entered a magic circle and stood in front of Elena, she did not show nervousness or fear, she fully trusted the person who had saved her from a tragic fate.

Elena took Nia's shoulders and while biting her lips to get some blood, she brought her lips to the lips of a surprised Nia who only blushed but showed no resistance.

Elena put her tongue inside Nia's mouth, and Nia felt as if her strength was leaving her, and this of course was not an effect of the ritual.

As Elena kissed Nia, the circle of blood under her feet began to glow brighter.

Elena finally took her lips from Nia and she was barely able to stand up, so she was held by Elena.

Once the magic circle disappeared, Nia's eyes closed completely and she fell into a deep sleep.

「Get some rest, Nia」

Elena took Nia and laid her carefully on the green grass of the forest.

Originally this ritual had been created by demons to subdue humans and did not cause the victim to fall into a deep sleep, it was just that in this case, Elena had used a version of the ritual modified by Kaname.

To defeat the demon king, Kaname had learned all sorts of uses of magic power, including those considered taboo like blood magic and necromancy.

As for this blood slavery spell, Kaname had modified it so that the recipient's body got a bit of its own body's abnormal abilities. His use of this Kaname spell was to strengthen his most loyal warriors, and something important should be noted, there was no need for a kiss, it was enough for the person to receive a drop of blood. In this case, Elena simply couldn't resist, having Nia so close for several hours had already put her mental resistance to the limit.

Needless to say, behind her seemingly calm face, Elena's heart was beating rapidly. She had finally taken the first step into that new world that had been knocking on her door, and this was an extremely wonderful world filled with softness and sweetness.

「I've decided I'll build a party filled with cute girls! No, I will create a knight order of just cute girls! No, I will establish a kingdom only with cute girls!!! 」

While Elena lost her composure upon reaching a new world, within Nia's body the blood that possessed ten percent of abnormality of a person who crossed the wall between worlds began to act.

By the time Nia opened her eyes again, it was close to sunset, and Elena had already regained her composure.

「How you feel?」

「Elena-sama ... I think I'm just a little hungry」

Elena smiled as she helped Nia to her feet.

It was fortunate that Elena regained her composure a couple of hours earlier, so she had gone and hunted down some small animals and even roasted them using magic.

「Well, since you've eaten, why didn't we start with the training?」

Nia was surprised to hear Elena declare that so casually.

「Elena-sama, it's already getting dark, shouldn't we prepare to go to sleep?」

Elena smiled in response and placed her hands on Nia's shoulders, something that made her blush as she remembered the blood ritual.

「You'll understand better on the go」

Elena's response was too confusing, even so, Nia simply nodded.

Elena took out two daggers that she had bought after selling those two mytril daggers, her original intention was to turn them into mytril daggers as well and sell them in the next city, however, with the change of plans, she transformed it into mytril daggers while Nia slept and now she is was delivering them to her.

「My vision is you fighting with daggers, both directly and throwing them」

Elena declared that and Nia nodded without objection, she would even wield a war hammer if Elena asked her to.

Regarding Elena's choice, this was not based on personal taste, Elena possessed the memories of Kaname, someone who had trained countless soldiers in preparation to confront the demon king, her vision of Nia using daggers was well-founded.

Nia had been trained to serve as a maid, and such training had focused on three points, the vision to be attentive to her surroundings and her master at all times, the skill and agility necessary to be able to move around her master without hindering it, and finally manners. Not counting the latter, the first two approaches were the basis for those dedicated to the use of daggers.

As Elena showed her the proper ways to hold the daggers, Nia was surprised to discover that it was already dark and yet her vision had barely been affected a bit.


Elena smiled when she noticed that Nia had understood one of the peculiarities of her body.

「Seeing in the dark is just the first thing you've discovered, Nia」

Hearing that caused a shiver to shake Nia's spine. Seeing in the dark was already quite surprising, what other changes had her body undergone?

As the training continued, Nia discovered another peculiarity, although she could feel a little tired from the training, the sleep symptoms did not appear.

「Three days, that's the maximum time our bodies can endure without sleep」

Nia was speechless upon hearing that.

Roughly, Nia's body had been modified in the same way as Elena's, however, the level of these modifications were limited to the improvement of the body's physical processes, as well as a slight increase on her magical power reserves. If Elena's body was ten percent abnormal, Nia's body was just three percent abnormal. The difference between the two was in the aspects of magic power, Nia could not use sorcery in the same way that Elena did, she also had no access to the Aesir state, and her natural regeneration of magic power had hardly improved a bit.

As the light of a new day dispelled the darkness, Nia finally realized another peculiarity, during all these hours of continuous training, she never felt the need to go to the bathroom. Once she heard from Elena that she already doesn't need to worry about something like that, Nia held her breath completely, from everything discovered so far about the changes in her body, the latter was what most shocked her.

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