Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 397 Don’t go, just trust me!

If it weren't for the purpose of training his son, Old Jim would not have allowed his son to associate with Song Yunuan from Long Kingdom.

He had a rough understanding that Song Yunuan didn't even have a so-called background, and his family was not prominent. It is said that he is just an ordinary country boy.

There is no comparison between the country people of Dragon Kingdom and the country people of Country X.

They don't compare like this.

I feel like I'm losing my status.

Because the country people in the Dragon Kingdom are synonymous with poverty.

People from their country

Just ask, can this compare?

Especially their great Jem family, they rarely condescend to associate with such people.

But if his son insisted, he wouldn't stop him.

Because he is a democratic father.

My son is a novelty now. After the novelty is over, he will return to normal.

To say it's urgent, it's not very urgent.

After all, he is young and it is normal to like new things. I also heard that the man from the Dragon Kingdom is very beautiful.

But he looked at his son running over in a hurry.

Old Jem's name was Jem Hans, and he couldn't help but put away the smile on his face.

I was also thinking about how to tactfully refuse without hurting my son's self-esteem and teach him a lesson.

After thinking so much, Jemke ran in front of Hans. His face was a little pale and he said: "Dad, you can't go to the West Canyon. Song Yunuan has analyzed it. There will be a volcanic eruption there in the near future... …”

Hans was stunned for a moment.

What's the meaning?

Is there going to be a volcanic eruption in the West Canyon?

It was the funniest joke he had ever heard in his life.

He really burst out laughing, but then his face suddenly darkened. He was very angry: "Jemke, you will become an adult soon. You should not let a country girl from the Dragon Kingdom influence your thinking. , you believe such an obvious and clumsy lie, you disappoint me so much."

Jemke wavered for a moment.

This, even if Song Yunuan is very powerful, can he infer that there is a volcanic eruption?

But then, he became determined again.

Song Yunuan is not someone who talks casually. Since she said this, the possibility is very high. She regarded herself as a friend, so she told her frankly. She knew that if she said it, she would arouse criticism and ridicule, but she still told her. Own.

Such a person is really admirable.

Jemke blushed and said excitedly: "Dad, Song Yunuan is a very powerful person. You don't know if you haven't been in contact with her. She never talks nonsense. Just believe it this time. Don't Don’t go hiking when you go to a party. If a volcano really erupts, it will be too late to regret it.”

Hans frowned: "Have you been brainwashed by that Song Yunuan? You will believe whatever she says. You have always been a child with independent personality and independent thinking. How come you have become a child after a trip to the Dragon Kingdom? This virtue?

Jemke, you disappoint me so much. I have decided that I don’t agree with you bartering with that Song Yunuan. It just so happens that the contract hasn’t been signed yet. Everything is too late. You don’t want to go to Long Kingdom anymore. Go well. If you study in school, you can inherit my career in the future..."

Jemke was anxious. This was all agreed upon, but he suddenly regretted it. What does this mean?

Even if they were doing business, they wouldn't do this. Going back on their word shouldn't happen to their Jem family.

Jemke: "We can't go back on our word. Even if we haven't signed the contract, we still have a verbal agreement. Dad, you can't do this. And what I just said, don't think it's a joke. We are far away from each other. There is no need for Song Yunuan to be with you." You’re kidding me, dad, just believe me this time, it’s not a big deal if you don’t go, right?”

Hans laughed angrily: "What do you mean it's not a big deal? If I don't go and they find out that I have believed in the speculation of a country girl from the Dragon Country, then your father will be ridiculed and ridiculed, and it will become a part of my life." It’s such a shame, butler, take Jemke to school and don’t let him come back until I come back from the West Canyon before letting him out.”

Before he finished speaking, a housekeeper rushed over with someone and took Jemke to an extended car.

The young man Jemke looked embarrassed and his eyes were a little scarlet. He was laughing at Song Yunuan because of his father's distrust and lack of face.

If he had known this, he would have used another method to stop it.

But he had no other choice but to pretend to faint.

But dad is studying medicine.

He could tell at a glance when he was pretending to be fainted.

Otherwise, he would have just pretended to be faint.

But before he had time to think of a solution, the housekeeper and two bodyguards grabbed him.

Without any explanation, he put him into the car and held down his shoulders so that he could not move at all.

Jemke was so anxious that he shouted loudly: "Dad, believe me just once. It's not easy for you to go. Please, Dad, believe me once. What have you got to lose? If you don't want to tell the truth, just say I'm sick." , I can pretend to be in the hospital these days, dad, please don’t go, just trust me!”

However, he was still sent to school.

The famous local aristocratic school also confiscated his mobile phone and other things according to Mr. Hans's instructions.

Jemke didn't expect this.

He couldn't explain how he felt, and he even hoped that what Song Yunuan said was wrong.

I don't know why, but the more I think about it, the more I feel that what Song Yunuan said is right.

He couldn't just sit back and wait for death.

So, Jemke sneaked out and ran towards home.

Seeing Jemke's sudden return, the old housekeeper was speechless, but since he had sneaked back, it would be difficult to send him back.

After all, school is on holiday at this time.

When Jemke knew that his father was gone, he stood in front of the gate, looking around anxiously.

Finally, we secretly found a car, made some simple preparations, and sped towards the West Canyon.

But eight hours had passed since Hans set out.

If you chase, you will definitely not be able to catch up.


After Song Yunuan said that, she put it behind her and had to figure out how to arrange her time.

At this time, Song Yunuan did not focus all his energy on the barter of gold and gems. Things were changing rapidly on the Jemke side. In the blink of an eye, the Jemke family disappeared.

Song Yunuan first went to the clothing factory. Now that it is winter, a new factory will be built next year and a large number of workers will be recruited. She has already applied for trademarks and clothing design patents.

But in fact, this thing is just that.

When it is completely relaxed in the future, the copycats will go crazy. If you push it out with your front foot, others will come out with a large number of counterfeit goods.

There are also many audiences.

Then Song Yunuan went to her own shop and saw a neat store and two female shop assistants in uniforms working there.

But Song Yunuan didn't bother, because there were a lot of people, but they were still orderly, but their voices were a bit loud, which showed that business here was very prosperous.

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