Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 22 - 022 results backfired

The teachers suggested: “Then it’s a decision, just to include Dabao and Meimei. For the sake of fairness, teachers are not allowed to divulge the questions, and the content of the English test papers should also be kept secret. Everyone should be able to do such a thing. Bar.”

“There is still some professional ethics. If you want to compare, you should compare them honestly. What’s wrong with cheating, and even if you can cheat for a while, you won’t be fooled for the rest of your life. It won’t be exposed until the next test.”

Huang Ru didn’t expect the other party to offer to count Dabao and the others. The two children’s English fundamentals were already poor, and it would only take a week if the supplementary classes were full. To be able to pass the estimate is a miracle.

As for Li Xin, Shen Lanlan’s child, her English grades are not bad, and their foundation is not even better than Dabao’s.

So this time Zhao Yan is definitely going to lose. In fact, she doesn’t really want to offend her colleagues. It’s just that Zhao Yan went to Chen Yuan for tutoring. She couldn’t accept it. This is her purpose. When all the primary school students in Wucheng choose tutoring teachers, they will choose her uncle’s side.

Thinking about that situation, Huang Ru couldn’t be more happy. That night, she took out her English book and gave Li Xin the key points. Seeing that there was still a week left, she had plenty of time for review.

On the other hand, when Xu Xiaonan returned home, Zhao Yan was also a little nervous about the progress of her child’s tutoring. After all, after seeing it with her own eyes, she always felt a little uneasy: “Son, are you confident in the English test next Monday?”

Hearing her mother’s words, Xu Xiaonan patted her chest confidently: “Yes, don’t worry, I will definitely work hard.”

“Really confident?”

“Of course, I learned more from Mr. Chen than from English books, and I’m not afraid of tests at all.”

When Zhao Yan heard that the child was so confident, she was a little relieved. She still told the child to go all out, and asked him to tell Chen Yuan about the English test when he went to tutoring tomorrow, and let her be prepared. Don’t be crammed when the time comes.

In fact, Chen Yuan had already learned about the English test from Dabao’s mouth, because only Wang Meimei, Xu Xiaonan, and Dabao took the test in the cram school at home. The other children didn’t need to take the test. The children tutored the question types that were easy to make mistakes alone, and strengthened the practice of various questions that would lose points. In fact, before tutoring the children, Chen Yuan had been to the bookstore in Wucheng before, and found some popular books on the market. There are various English test papers, and the same type of questions will be given to the children after purchasing them.

Although the review area is very extensive, this method is very effective when combined with various English games. The children’s progress is very fast. In the process of playing the game, their memory is exercised, and the test paper has laid a foundation. The complex After the question types are thoroughly understood, the simple questions are not a problem, at least in the future, they will be able to face various tests with ease.

Therefore, the study plan on Dabao’s side is still arranged in an orderly manner, and Chen Yuan was afraid that they would be nervous, so she adjusted their mentality and faced next Monday’s exam with peace of mind. Huang Dongsheng and The newly recruited supplementary students Li Xin and Shen Lanlan are not so easy, especially when Shen Lanlan learned that the school is going to hold an English test, and it is necessary to compare the results with Dabao and the others.

“Mr. Huang, you must help our children improve their grades. You must score higher than the children of Chen Yuan’s family in this test.”

Originally, Huang Dongsheng was not willing to gamble, but Huang Ru had already told Huang Dongsheng the pros and cons of the matter. If you win, you will increase your fame, and more parents will send their children back to tutoring. If they lose It doesn’t look good in the first place.

If you compare your academic qualifications, if you can’t compare to a vocational high school student, if you let your former colleagues and friends know about it, you won’t laugh out loud.

Therefore, Huang Dongsheng promised that Li Xin’s grades could definitely be higher than those of those children, which made Shen Lanlan put her heart in her stomach.

Here, Huang Dongsheng made a package ticket, and Li Xin was not so good. Originally, Mrs. Huang assigned her a lot of homework. Now, in order to cope with this unusual English test, she has once again increased the amount of study. , adding up to three times as much as before.

Li Xin is only an 8-year-old girl this year. She usually studies very hard, but that doesn’t mean she likes to study. She just bites the bullet and faces various courses every day, with a very heavy mentality.

This night, she even wrote Mr. Huang’s homework. She wrote it until 12 o’clock in the middle of the night. She was almost late for school the next morning. However, because she stayed up late, the child had no energy to listen to the class, and the morning passed in a daze.

In the evening, she handed over the homework to Mr. Huang. Mr. Huang was dissatisfied and said that her accuracy rate was too low, her study progress was too slow, the next Monday’s test was imminent, and the number of homework had to be increased.

It’s not that Li Xin never protested, but Shen Lanlan insisted on staying up late with her, so the protest was ineffective, but she felt that the efficiency of reviewing the homework with the lights on and night was getting worse, and her concentration and memory were declining. It’s a little vague, but the adults took these as excuses and took her to be lazy, and didn’t understand that she was really tired.

In this way, she spent every day studying English intensively, and she became thinner and thinner. She stared at two big dark circles under her eyes. The only dream in her heart was to lie down and sleep for a while.

And being talked about by Mr. Huang and her mother every day, the next Monday test like a spell is like a reminder to her at this time. She can’t wait for this test to be left in her life. She seems to live only for the test. Destined to meet the standards of good children in the mouths of teachers and parents.

In the blink of an eye, next Monday, a group of teachers in the office were discussing this week’s English test. In the end, the students taught by Uncle Huang Ru scored high, and the students who were tutored by Chen Yuan, the parent of the third-grade student, scored high.

“I said, it must be Mr. Huang. He taught me that when he was young. The other party’s education level is very good. He can teach college students no problem. Besides, English is not a piece of cake in elementary school.”

“That’s not necessarily true. Didn’t it mean that Chen Yuan held a parent-teacher meeting last time, and the lecture was also very good. Maybe it was a match.”

“Just how can she be compared with Teacher Huang? She teaches children to play games all day long. Do you really believe that she can teach well? Besides, you were on the scene at the last parent meeting? It’s not all hearsay, I think it’s all good. It’s bragging, in order to earn supplementary tuition fees, everything can be done now.”

Seeing that Zhao Yan didn’t talk, several teachers in the room were like pulling her into the water: “Mr. Zhao, do you fill in the lottery, if your child’s grades are high, we will listen to you to eat, if Li Xin’s grades are good, then you will Spend some money, please let us each one at a time.”

Zhao Yan took a look, good guy! This room is Huang Ru, but there are seven or eight class teachers. If you invite all of them, then this month’s salary is estimated to be reimbursed.

Huang Ru said contemptuously, “Mr. Zhao, don’t you dare, don’t you just have a few meals? This money can’t afford it, if you really lose, then I will do what I say, please eat each one of you. , and I will invite Teacher Zhao for every meal.”

“Oh, Huang Ru is bold and refreshing.”

The crowd booed and looked at Zhao Yan again, isn’t this the way of aggression? If she does not agree at this time, her colleagues must feel that she is guilty.

Zhao Yan understood the truth, but she had confidence in her child, and everyone was not optimistic about Chen Yuan, but this meal was not necessarily a treat.

On Monday morning, the test was an hour long, and the time passed quickly. After the test, the students came out of the test room one after another. Unexpectedly, the invigilator saw Dabao Xu Xiaonan and they all left confidently. come out.

On the contrary, Li Xin was actually downcast, and the whole person was lacking in energy, like an eggplant hit by frost.

The other teachers also paid special attention to these children because of their gambling. In their expectations, Li Xin’s current state should appear on Dabao’s face. He scored 25 points in the last test. Li Xin Played 80 points, and now the truth is reversed.

Li Xin’s condition seemed to be even worse than 25 points. The teachers who were full of confidence waiting to be invited suddenly felt a bad feeling in their hearts.

After all the children had handed in their papers, Huang Ru and the other head teachers went to the office to pick up the thick papers and quickly started to rummage through them. They couldn’t wait to know the test scores of the four children.

Zhao Yan watched coldly from the sidelines. Just now, she took time to look at her child from a distance. She had a very good mentality and didn’t take the exam as a problem at all, so she was completely relieved, and roughly guessed that it shouldn’t be too bad.

“Found it, found it!”

One of the head teachers took out two test papers, which belonged to Wang Meimei and Dabao.

Huang Ru also found Li Xin’s test paper, and Xu Xiaonan’s was at the bottom, and was found not long after.

The teachers began to gather around to mark the papers of the four students, Zhao Yan and Huang Ru watched from the sidelines, but after a while, the teacher who marked Shen Qingxuan Dabao’s examination paper let out a surprised snort.

The sound was not loud, but it was enough for all the teachers to look at it, and it turned out that the first page was all red √.

Huang Ru wiped her eyes in disbelief, and repeatedly confirmed that the name was written by Shen Qingxuan. This paper was really Dabao’s test paper. When she accepted such a high accuracy rate, the teacher who corrected the test paper saw the second The page is over, there are a few language errors and multiple-choice questions, and a few points are deducted, and then Dabao can no longer find the place to deduct points on this paper.

Gives an overall score of 95.

Several teachers were dumbfounded.

This score is not unusual, but it is shocking to appear on Dabao.

25 points to 95 points, what is the span? And it’s only been more than half a month, have you made a rocket? How did it go up so fast.

However, the things that shocked several teachers continued, followed by Wang Meimei’s paper score of 94. This girl scored 56 in the last test, with a total score of 100 and a passing score of 60. This score is considered to be the last in the class. Her original grades were a little better than Dabao, and she didn’t improve as much as Dabao, but this time the improvement was also very good, and the overall improvement was obvious.

Zhao Yan was both happy and nervous when she heard that the other two children had achieved high scores in the exam. She was happy because she insisted on believing that Chen Yuan was right, and she was nervous because she was afraid of Xu Xiaonan’s waterloo.

So I have been paying attention to Xu Xiaonan’s papers, and his score came out not long after, the correction teacher looked at her with congratulations: “Mr. Zhao, your child has a 100% on the test.

“What! What! Say it again.”

Zhao Yan was enveloped in ecstasy for a moment, afraid that she was too anxious to have auditory hallucinations, so she asked again.

“It really took a hundred exams.”

“Why did Xu Xiaonan pass 100 in the exam, why is he so good?” The teachers heard this, and they all came running over and took the paper to check it carefully.

“I remember that Xu Xiaonan’s grades just passed last time, but this time he got a perfect score!”

“It seems that Teacher Chen does have two brushes. Doesn’t she play games for her children every day? How can she take so many exams?”

“It’s more than two brushes. In this situation, changing a teacher can’t be done by anyone. No matter what she does to the children, as long as they can improve their grades.”

“You guys are really not ashamed. When you came here in the morning, you were sarcastic about their poor teaching skills. Now that you see Mr. Chen’s real talents and real learning, it’s really quick to change your face.”

“Hey, then who knew that her teaching method was so special, and the key point is that Teacher Huang is also very strong, compared to Li Xin…?”

“Yes, how many points Li Xin scored, take a look.”

The teachers were so focused on chatting that they almost forgot Li Xin’s test paper. When they came over, everyone was shocked. Because Li Xin’s test paper had too many wrong questions, the correction was the slowest. In the end, he scored 52 points. Pass.

Huang Ru’s cold sweat has subsided. How can the difference be so big now? I felt bad when I heard Dabao’s score. I didn’t expect to hear that the other two children also scored high scores one after another. Now Li Xin is so bad in the test. , where to put your face.

Besides, hasn’t she already sent the exam key points to her uncle these days, where is the problem? Li Xin used to be able to score 70 or 80 points in the test, but now her grades have plummeted, and they are not as good as before.

“It’s a pity that Li Xin didn’t perform well this time.”

The other teachers looked at the papers and said that they were also in a complicated mood. This was a potential stock that they were optimistic about. They thought they could definitely get better results this time.

Huang Ru’s face stinks like a Baba. Compared to her face, Zhao Yan’s face was flushed with excitement. She secretly covered her mouth, afraid that she would laugh out loud because she was too happy, and it would be too uncomfortable for her to hold back. His whole body trembled slightly, showing how excited he was.

There is nothing happier than a child who takes a 100% test, and she is a child with mediocre grades in the past. Originally, she had a Buddhist attitude towards Xu Xiaonan’s grades. It was a surprise, like winning the jackpot.

If there were still classes for a while, she would like to rush to her son’s class immediately and kiss him twice.

It took a long time for Zhao Yan to calm down from the state of secretly enjoying herself, but when she thinks about it, she is still very excited and happy. She will go to the phone booth after class and tell Lao Xu the good news!

Some people in the office are happy and some are worried. The dinner party has already taken effect, and everyone is waiting to treat guests to dinner one after another.

Shen Lanlan was furious. After learning the test results, she slapped Li Xin twice in front of Huang Dongsheng, and pointed to the appalling test paper: “Did you write it with your toes? Why is the result even worse than usual? The test Failed, your brain is broken, are you right for my good intentions? I accompany you until midnight every day, and I pay you for tutoring, and you return me with a 52-point test paper? “

Li Xin was staggered and didn’t dare to make a sound, but just cried lowly.

After seeing the paper, Huang Dongsheng was at a loss for words, because he never dreamed that Li Xin could pass the test. He had already reviewed the question many times, but he could still answer it wrong. He was so stupid. Get enlightened, not your own problem.

“Mr. Huang, didn’t you promise me at the beginning? You will definitely improve your child’s grades. Now, instead of improving, their grades have declined. How can you explain this?”

Huang Dongsheng said plausibly: “I have taught everything that should be taught. Li Xin is not good in the test. What can I do? You should ask her to reflect on why her grades have deteriorated. Logically speaking, even if there is no improvement, it will not work. It should be.”

Shen Lanlan was so angry that she wanted to get her money back now. She spent such a high tuition fee, but it actually backfired. It was no wonder she felt better.

But no matter what she said, Huang Dongsheng insisted not to refund the money and let Li Xin make up the month.

She had no choice but to take the child away. After returning home, she beat Li Xin again. After thinking about what Huang Dongsheng said, she felt that Li Xin was a rebellious child. Maybe she did this on purpose.

Li Xin didn’t come to school for the next two days. Her parents asked for leave and said she was sick and went to the hospital. When she came back to class again, the classmates found that she was much more silent than before, and she didn’t want to talk to anyone. She seemed to be working harder in her studies.

Zhao Yan has been very beautiful these days. Whether it’s at school or at home, her child has achieved a 100% in the exam, she feels very proud, and her colleagues are actively treating guests to dinner. She won the dinner for no reason. .

As soon as she was happy, she felt that Chen Yuan taught her well, otherwise, how could Xu Xiaonan have made such rapid progress in half a month?

As a token of gratitude, Zhao Yan specially sent a pennant to Chen Yuan, and ordered a batch of brand-new desks, chairs and teaching aids for Chen Yuan’s house, and secretly swore that she would make up for her children’s lessons under Chen Yuan’s hands all the time. Can’t go wrong. There is a hunch in my heart that this percentage may just be the beginning.

The news of Chen Yuan’s rapid improvement in English grades in the make-up class quickly circulated among the parents. Maybe some people were skeptical at the last parent meeting. Now that they have seen the results that are guaranteed, they really believe it.

At the same time, because the parents refused to let Chen Yuan give tutoring because of “playing games to learn English” last time, they regretted it very much now and wanted to buy some regret medicine to make up for it.

But when they came to the door again, Chen Yuan didn’t plan to accept students for the time being. Because of the limited conditions at home, the house could not be opened. If so many students really came, there would be no place to accommodate them.

It’s a pity that you don’t accept it, and it’s useless to go to the door to ask. Parents are anxious and regret that they were stupid at the time. Why didn’t they agree at that time, otherwise the children who improve their grades will belong to their family, although they still don’t understand the difference between playing games and learning. It doesn’t matter, but at this point it’s already completely two mentalities.

The parents of Wucheng Elementary School saw that Chen Yuan really did not agree, so they began to think of other ways. If they couldn’t teach them hands-on, then the method of learning English and the phonetic symbols were written on paper. After they bought it, they studied and taught their children by themselves. ?

This method of learning English is compiled into a manuscript, and the meaning is completely different, and it is completely for the benefit of the public.

The parents looked for Chen Yuan every day to be soft and hard, but in the end they were really bored and wanted to make the world quiet, so they agreed.

As a result, after the manuscript was written, it was picked up by the parents who worked in the publishing house and their leaders. They felt that such valuable information could be compiled into a book, and it would definitely be very marketable. Soon a staff member came to contact Chen Yuan. Follow-up things.

Chen Yuan didn’t expect that there would be unexpected joy, and of course she agreed decisively. After leaving the publishing house first, she also saved a lot of trouble on her side, and the official pricing will definitely not be controversial. At that time, it will be divided into sales, and the publishing fee earned will of course be There are many, there is no reason not to agree, but the publishing process is relatively long, and it will take two or three months to revise and finalize the draft. If the sales are good, a second edition of English textbooks may be published.


Shen Huai received the new pajamas given to him by Chen Yuan, which can be put on directly and don’t have to be taken off during the day. The material of the new clothes is very soft, and it is very comfortable to wear against the skin.

When he saw this dress, he felt that he owed Chen Yuan. The relationship between the two was complicated. It was unclear who was right and who was wrong. In short, he had been looking for a better job for Chen Yuan.

Now there are two positions, one is a nurse in the People’s Hospital, but there is no staff, and there is no opportunity to have a staff. It is an ordinary contract worker, and the salary is a lot worse than the staff with the staff. Another position is a nurse in a military hospital. This requires an exam. After two years of work, there is an establishment. In terms of treatment and benefits, the military hospital is the best. It is only the recruitment quota for next spring. Many people have broken their heads. To fight for this, Shen Huai also got inside information from his classmates.

Wait for him to ask Chen Yuan to make arrangements.

Shen Huai touched the collar of the pajamas inside the military uniform, feeling warm in his heart, feeling particularly energetic all day.

Zhang Deputy Tuan saw that Shen Huai was in a daze, and threw the summer military uniform directly. “What are you thinking? I won’t pick up the new clothes. I have to help you get them back. Quickly put them on and try them out.

Seeing that the weather was getting hotter and hotter, and the troops issued new uniforms, Shen Huai came back to his senses, shook his head and smiled, and thanked him.

As soon as he took off his jacket, he revealed the distinctive pajamas inside.

It was the first time that Zhang Futuan saw such clothes. There was a pocket on it. The overall shape was very close to the body. The fabric was also very light and thin. The color was white. It looked very close and comfortable. The underwear and vest are very different. The appearance is more beautiful and convenient. I couldn’t help but curiously said: “What are you wearing, Lao Shen? I have never seen this kind of clothes.”

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