Eighth Crown

Chapter 3 - The night of Liangyi\\\'s mansion

The night is deep.

As autumn gradually entered, the forest wind at night brought a hint of coolness.

Wearing white bathrobes, the two ceremonies left the corridor and followed the stairs to a door on the right hand side of the mansion’s second floor. After pulling it open, a slightly simple arrangement was revealed.

The wide bed was neatly placed with clean sheets. Opposite the bed was a dressing table. The dressing table did not contain any cosmetics such as lipstick that ordinary girls would configure. There was only a wooden comb, which was randomly placed on it. There is also a one-person-high wardrobe and a floor-to-ceiling mirror of equal height beside the dresser.

From the unclosed wooden windows, you can see a small pond a few meters away, and a bamboo forest blooming outside the fence.

Apart from that, there are no other items in this simple room, making the originally small room appear more spacious and empty, as if reflecting its owner’s state of mind.

The girl closed the door casually, causing the door to collide with a crisp ‘bang’ sound.

The two ceremonies went to the window and looked at the bamboo forest outside the window, which swayed slightly with the breeze, and made a ‘rustling’ sound, as well as the moon that was not bright in the sky.

She has always had a habit of going out at night and wandering the city leisurely.

Not to pursue the liveliness and hustle and bustle of the city, on the contrary, in the neon lights and whistles at night, what she heard from the bottom of her heart has always been an unspeakable silence.

Maybe hanging out in the quiet city at night can make her feel a little comfortable, or there is something she yearns for, she has always kept this habit.

Then, last night, she was attacked by a killer.

Her skills are actually not bad. As the orthodox successor of the Liangyi family, she has an extremely rare talent, and has the ability to independently complete most things in the world, even fighting killers is not a problem, because she herself Possess a variety of killing techniques.

However, last night’s attack was terrible.

In terms of process, the two ceremonies were a complete failure.

From when she found out that the other party was following and turned into a dark alley to attempt a sneak attack in turn, but was interrupted by a bomb, to when she found out that the other party’s real body was a child in his early ten years, she was stunned.

The opponent’s skills in the ‘assassination’ matter are already perfect, and the grasp of timing is far better than hers, so she can only fall into the opponent’s rhythm throughout the whole process, and the proud killing skills are almost useless. , rare talents and powerful abilities are useless.

Her last memory was limited to the fact that the other party took out a pistol from somewhere, and with a ‘touch’, aimed it at her forehead, and shot without any hesitation.

After that shot, she fell into a coma completely.

There is no memory left after that.

By the time he woke up, the attack had already ended, and the figure of the other party had disappeared. Not to mention bullet holes, there was not even the slightest scar on his body, only the smell of gunpowder smoke on his clothes from the explosion could prove it. She encountered a very dangerous attack.

It was later deduced from the roadside clock that she had been in a coma for no more than five minutes.

She didn’t have any memory in these five minutes, and she didn’t know what happened in those five minutes, so she let the other party let her go, which made her, who refused to admit defeat, have a strong sense of frustration in her heart.

She knew that the memory of this time was bound to be etched deep in her heart, and she would never forget it in the future.

After learning what happened to her, her father, the contemporary head of the Liangyi family, issued an order prohibiting her from going out during this period.

At the very least, she won’t be allowed to go out until her killer is found out.

Thanks to this, not to mention going out at night, she could only ask for leave from school, and even throughout the day, she didn’t even take a step out of the gate of Liangyi’s mansion.


While the two ceremonies were in deep contemplation, a sound as if an aging wooden door was being opened came from behind her, which made her instantly alert, and her eyes that were still immersed in reminiscence became sharp like a knife in the blink of an eye, and moved towards the back. direction projected.

As she looked at it, the door of her wooden wardrobe was slowly opened from the inside out, and a slender figure emerged from it while making a sour squeak. .

Broken brown hair, amber pupils, and handsome facial features make up a look without the slightest warmth. Although the slender and thin figure is short, it has a sense of presence that cannot be ignored.

At the moment when his eyes that did not contain the slightest emotion and the two rituals met, the entire room became dead silent, and an icy atmosphere permeated the entire space.

“…How dare you chase here?”

In the indescribable silence, the two ceremonies were sharp like knives, and there was obvious hostility, and there was a bit of surprise in the hostility.

“How did you sneak into my room?”

Because of having undergone various trainings, the two rituals are quite sensitive to the ‘abnormalities’ around them, but before he took the initiative to walk out of the closet, she did not notice the slightest bit of strangeness. The sharpness has become useless – this situation is exactly the same as last night.

Even if she didn’t know what happened in those five minutes, she didn’t lose the memory of the killer who killed her last night, so she couldn’t even remember the face of the other party.

This young man was the killer who attacked him with a bomb and a pistol last night.

in an empty space.

Liu Xia silently looked at the girl opposite him, who was almost half a head taller than him, and there was a faint contemplative look in her eyes without the slightest warmth.

Sure enough, it was as if two different people lived in the same body… She really didn’t know anything about what happened last night.

– It is obvious that he has this ability because of the gift of the other party, but she does not remember it at all.

“I have no intention of talking nonsense with you.”

Although he was a little interested in the status of the [Two Ceremony], Liu Xia had no plans to make extra efforts when he was doing business. In his heart, completing the task was always the first priority.

In view of this, Liu Xia ignored the surprise and hostility of the two ceremonies, and said like no one else, “Roll up the sleeves of your two arms, I want to check your arms.”


The two ceremonies clicked their tongues fiercely in the bottom of their hearts, and they were obviously unhappy with the kid in front of him who opened his mouth with a command tone.

“Interesting, where is your confidence?”

The eyes of the two rituals became indifferent, “If you want me to obey your instructions, then show the confidence that is enough to threaten me!”

“Of course, if there is no corresponding support for the threat, it is just a weak mouth.”

Not taking the attitude of the two ceremonies as a provocation, but taking it for granted, Liu Xia nodded and then showed his confidence.

“Do you think I can sneak into your room without anyone noticing, and can I place bombs around this mansion and blow it up without anyone noticing?”

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