Eighth Crown

Chapter 0 - Chapter 0 The Encounter at the Beginning of Hua Deng

The lights are on.

Under the night, Guanbuzi City is like an endless sea. Prosperity and busyness form a calm on the surface, but under the sea, there seems to be a giant beast surging under the current.

At this moment, it is September 30, 1995, around eight o’clock in the evening.

The sun has long since disappeared from the sky. In the night sky, let alone the moon, even the stars are very rare. It seems that there are dark clouds in the sky, obscuring the light from the universe.

In the downtown area in the distance, neon lights flashed, and artificial lights of various colors illuminated the urban area as if it were daytime. The faint noise and whistle sounded, symbolizing the busyness and impetuousness of people in this era.

Cangmimu Liuxia was walking on the cement road in the Guanbuzibei residential area, and there was no fluctuation in his mind, as always, he was as calm as a machine.

The impetuous neon lights and crowds were left far behind. Compared with the bustling downtown, the residential area is naturally much quieter.

Under the night, many families in the residential building turned on their lights, but thanks to the ‘abnormal murder and crime incident’ broadcast in the morning news recently, the surrounding roads seemed very empty, and no one was there. Dare to go out at this time and test the courage of the criminal.

In view of this, for Liu Xia, this is a good place to start.

The alleys near the residential buildings are beyond imagination, extending in all directions like cobwebs. The tall buildings are like trees, and it is easy to lose your sense of direction when walking in them.

At this moment, Liu Xia was walking in such an alley, her footsteps were light, and she hardly made a sound, so quiet that she could almost hear her faint breathing.

A hundred meters in front was his goal this time.

It was a slender girl, only about fifteen or sixteen years old in terms of age. The other party had neat short shoulder-length hair, and was wearing a soap-colored kimono with a long leg and a red wallet jacket.

Although she is a young girl, her hands in her pockets, her footsteps seem to be very casual and easy, but it makes people feel a little boyish.

Under the darkness of the night, at a distance of about 100 meters, no matter how good Liu Xia’s eyesight was, he couldn’t see the other person’s appearance.

However, it doesn’t matter what the other party looks like. For Liu Xia, as long as the identity of the other party is confirmed, everything is not a problem.

After all, killers never cared what the dead looked like.

In the previous two days, Liu Xia had already investigated the details of the other party, who dominated the city and had enormous power and influence in both black and white, the wealthy family of Guanbuzi City, and the eldest lady of the Liangyi family.

It’s called two ceremonies.

16 years old this year, 5 years older than Liuxia.

That was the goal of his operation.

This is almost no different from courting death.

Although Liu Xia has been engaged in this industry for two years, she is very skilled, and even has supernatural powers that will definitely cause a sensation if exposed in the ordinary world, but she wants to deal with the behemoth that dominates a city by herself. Shaking a tree, holding a man’s arm as a car, once exposed, no matter whether it is successful or not, what awaits him is by no means a result that can make people laugh.

However, Lucia still did it.

It only took him two days to investigate the other party’s intelligence, and while finding out the other party’s identity, he also found out some of her behavior habits.

When night came, the two rituals would often come out of the Liangyi mansion and walk alone in the city, without being accompanied by anyone, and no servants would follow secretly.

This look is almost like a provocation of “come to kill me” to the killer hiding in the dark.

So, Liu Xia followed each other and came to this residential area.

Ahead, the eldest lady of Liangyi’s family was wandering around in the alley, seemingly aimless, with no signs of deliberately looking for anything, and no plan to enjoy the night view, as if she really came out for a night out. Same.

a moment.

Miss Liangyi suddenly stopped, and then she kept walking, suddenly changed direction, walked into the forked alley, and disappeared in front of Liu Xia.

The movement looks very smooth, without a trace of deliberateness, and it doesn’t look like someone is stalking at all.

Liu Xia’s eyes narrowed slightly. Although he is only 11 years old this year, he is very young, and there is even a lot of childishness on his face, but his amber pupils are like stagnant water, as if he is indifferent to everything in this world. It’s like, it doesn’t look like the eyes of a teenager of this age.

And in those eyes, incomparably abrupt, a golden light shone from them.

If you look carefully, you will find that at this moment, the amber pupils of this young man named Cangimi Liuxia have become as crystal clear as gold, pure and flawless color.

Liu Xia did not hesitate, keeping her pupils golden color, walked forward along the alley, and soon came to the intersection where the two ceremonies turned.

Immediately, without stopping, he took out a bundled block-shaped object from behind his waist.

Then, without warning, he took it a few steps forward and threw it into the alley where the two rituals entered.



As Liu Xia pressed the button in his hand, an orange-red fire suddenly exploded, and at the same time, there was a thunderous roar that spread out along the alleys extending in all directions.

Standing in the corner of the wall, Liu Xia could even feel a hot wind blowing past him.

Although it was only made by him, the effect was outstanding. It was worth the time he spent two years adjusting the proportions and experimenting many times, even resulting in many unresolved blasting cases in Guanbuzi City.

In the past, there was basically no need for Liu Xia to make more arrangements, and the mission target was already dead in front of his eyes—

However, this time the goal was not as he wished.


While the smoke and dust caused by the explosion filled the alley and blocked Liu Xia’s vision, a slender figure suddenly rushed out of the smoke and dust.

Her speed is far beyond Liu Xia’s imagination, and it is far from the name of “Miss” that gives a weak impression. Her agile movements even make people think that she is some kind of athlete.

At the same time as the other party rushed out, a cold light was reflected in the corner of Liu Xia’s eyes.

It came from the dagger held in the hands of the two ceremonies. Obviously the kimono was a very simple design, but she didn’t know where to hide the dagger. At this moment, she suddenly held it and rushed out of the smoke, exuding a cold air. breath.

And unceremoniously wiped it towards Liu Xia’s neck, the skillful movement, the sharpness of the momentum, and the decisiveness of the attack, even made Liu Xia can’t help but feel that this was a meeting with a colleague-


However, the other party’s sharp movements caused a pause the moment he saw Liu Xia.

When looking at each other face to face, Liu Xia could even see the other party’s white and tender face full of neutral beauty, which made people feel both beautiful and handsome.

I didn’t think that it would be an 11-year-old kid who used that kind of bomb to attack him in a place like a crowded residential area?

In the past, Liu Xia had experienced similar experiences several times.

Because he didn’t expect that the one who attacked him was actually a child, he was subconsciously astonished, and even contempt, contempt, and even sympathy and pity were derived from this.

As a result, those people all died at his hands without exception.

And now, the girl in front of him is no exception.

At this moment, facing the two ceremonies rushing out of the smoke and dust with a sharp dagger in hand, Liu Xia’s face was still like a pool of stagnant water, and there was no change in his expression.

The 11-year-old killer boy named Cangmimu Liuxia stood there very calmly, facing the two rituals, no matter how infiltrating the other party’s aura, he still couldn’t see a trace of death from his golden pupils. fear.

The reaction of the two ceremonies, she rushed out abruptly, and paused without warning… These were all seen by Liu Xia from beginning to end.

By his pair – eyes that can see the future.

In the moment when the opponent paused, Liu Xia took out the right hand hidden behind him, and this hand was holding a Xiuzhen pistol.

The timing was perfect. It was the most fleeting and perfect opportunity that he calculated by comparing the present and the future with his calm, machine-like brain through the [Magic Eye] that could see the future.

In his vision of the future, he had already seen the scene where the opponent was hit by a bullet and fell down because of it.


Lucia pulled the trigger without hesitation.

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