Echoes Of The Hidden Gate


On one particular morning on Earth Kieran went to stand in front of the portal as always, he had been doing this since Elara had sacrificed herself for both Natuka and Earth . He always stood in front of the portal grieving blaming himself for not being able to stop her .

Later ,he left and went back home into his room trying to escape reality and to be able to meditate and try to see if there is a way of bringing Elara back from the dead .

Meanwhile Andrea and Rebel were bonding beautifully,telling each other's secrets , their likes and their dislikes etc. Then they left the house to a coffee shop nearby which they mostly do to go and eat,they didn't tell Kieran because Rebel assumed that he might get angry at them since they gave up on trying to find Elara .

On one particular morning as Rebel and Andrea when to eat at the nearby coffee shop, Kieran went to stand in front of the portal he head the wines in his head again but this time it wasn't the voice of the vines, it was the voice of Elara, he thought he was hallucinating so he left to his room and went to meditate and then he fainted but no one was there to help him.

Later as Andrea and Rebel returned home they went to check up on Kieran only to find out that he had fainted.

Days later Kieran is still in a coma and he has not shown any signs of waking up,both Andrea and Rebel were both troubled, they tried desperately all the means and ways to be able to help him wake up but nothing worked so they decided to go back to Natuka to consult the keeper of the Echoes if he had any knowledge of what was going on with Kieran but he didn't.

Later they returned home to find Kieran meditating and they said "Kieran what happened" and Kieran said to them "When I went to the portal this morning I head Elara's voice but then I thought the vines were playing a trick with me then I came back home to meditate and try to see if I will be able to bring Elara back but then I blacked out and I don't remember a thing and then I continued meditating to be able to know if I can save Elara then you came in" .Rebel and Andrea were troubled so they did all they can to support Kieran.Rebel and Andrea decided to help Kieran meditate, immediately Kieran had a vision in this vision he saw Elara but his vision was unclear and also he heard something about Natuka being in danger. When Kieran saw this he immediately told Rebel and Andrea about the vision and informed them to help fined Elara.

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Then the new mission to save Elara and and be able to still maintain the balance began.

Stay tuned for the next chapter in volume 2

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