Easy Tycoon

Chapter 1057 Zero Tolerance Policy

Chapter 1057 Zero Tolerance Policy

As the car enters the urban area, construction sites, shelter nets or isolation signs appear from time to time on the road, making the whole city seem to become lively in an instant.

Many large machines are like Transformers, lying quietly on the side, or working hard, showing the infinite charm of industrial machinery in motion.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Previously, Bai Zhengqiang only knew that his son-in-law was going to do something special in Tianqu, but how to do it and how far he could do it. To be honest, Bai Zhengqiang had no idea.

But seeing this lively scene now, Bai Zhengqiang's hanging heart finally dropped completely.

The car turned a corner, and a spacious road appeared in front of the two of them, and the green belt between the motor vehicle lane and the non-motor vehicle lane had been tightly blocked by sky blue separation signs.

"Dad, this road is Dongfeng Road, the main artery of Tianqu's east-west traffic. It is also one of the four elevated roads I plan to build. This road is the longest road in Tianqu City. It used to be a part of National Highway 104. But since Tianqu built the Outer Ring Road, Dongfeng Road has become the main road for urban traffic.”

Bai Zhengqiang nodded and signaled Yang Jing to pull over. Obviously, he wanted to go down to look at the construction site.

"Dad, wait a moment." Then, Yang Jing opened the trunk, took out two red safety helmets from the trunk, and took out two work cards at the same time, one for the old man and one for the old man. hanging around his neck.

"In order to ensure safety, the management of the construction site is very strict. Hard hats and work badges are necessary. Without these two, no one can enter the construction site."

Bai Zhengqiang didn't think it was disobedient, he took the hard hat and put it on his head, and hung the red work card on his chest, and then the two walked towards an entrance of the isolation card.

At the entrance, a middle-aged man wearing a blue hard hat and a blue work badge on his chest saw the colors of their hard hats and work badges, and immediately greeted them with a smile.

The entire Tianqu is a large construction site. Since it is a construction site, there must be relevant safety measures and some procedures.For example, the color of work badges and hard hats is a way to directly distinguish workers from leaders.

In Tianqu, only the leaders who come to inspect or the leaders of Party A will wear this kind of red hard hat and red work badge when they come to inspect the construction site. As for the leaders on the construction site, engineers and project managers generally wear Blue hard hats and work badges. As for the construction workers on the construction site, they all wear yellow or orange hard hats and work badges.

Therefore, whether it is a leader or not can be distinguished at a glance by the color of the helmet and work badge.

This is not an artificial division of classes, but for the convenience of work.For example, when a leader comes to inspect, as long as he sees someone wearing a blue hard hat, he can come over and directly ask about the situation on the construction site, because those wearing this color helmet must be the leadership of the construction site, and they have the most thorough understanding of the entire construction site of.

"Yo, it's Mr. Yang, are you here to inspect the construction site again?"

Yang Jing said with a smile: "It's Cheng Gong. I'll bring an elder over to have a look. If you should be busy, you can do it."

"Don't you need me to lead the way?" Cheng Gong asked a little unwillingly. Yang Jing has been here several times these days. As an engineer at this construction site, he naturally knows Yang Jing, and he also knows that this young man belongs to this elevated road. The investor is a very rich boss.In the past, the mayor was the only person who accompanied him besides the secretary, which showed that the city attached great importance to this young man.

And the old man beside him today was able to let the big boss personally accompany him, so the old man's identity is definitely not simple.This Cheng Gong also wanted to get acquainted with such a big man, so he asked this question.

"No need, Cheng Gong, you are busy with your work, the two of us will take a look inside."

As they spoke, the two walked straight in, and that Cheng Gong followed two steps, before finally shaking his head slightly and stopping.But when he turned his head and saw the accompanying officials waiting outside, he immediately froze.He doesn't know others, but he knows the dignified senior city officials and the mayor. Even these two are waiting outside, the old man who just went in.
Cheng Gong wanted to call the manager of the project department, but when he reached into his pocket and grabbed the phone, he didn't know why he didn't dare to make the call again.

Yang Jing and Bai Zhengqiang didn't know about this small process. They walked carefully along the narrow path on both sides of the green belt, and soon came to a pile.

It goes without saying that the elevated road is an elevated road.Elevated roads are usually used in areas of urban traffic congestion or across railways.Because the highway is elevated, it can relieve the traffic pressure in the urban area very well.However, the cost of elevated roads is quite high, and the construction of elevated roads in some urban areas involves the cost of relocation, and the cost of one kilometer is as much as 1 to [-] million.However, the Tianqu elevated road hardly involves relocation, so the construction cost per kilometer is only about [-] million yuan.

Even so, Yang Jing would have to spend close to 40 billion if he wanted to repair these four roads with a total cost of more than [-] kilometers.

However, once the elevated road is built, it will be extremely effective in alleviating the traffic pressure in the Tianqu urban area. In the future, the traffic congestion in the urban area for half an hour and an hour during the rush hour will disappear immediately. The city will become more relaxed because of the emergence of these four elevated roads.

A city without congestion is undoubtedly a refreshing city!

To build elevated roads, road piles are essential.How can the road be supported without road piles?
What Yang Jing and the others are looking at now is a road pile that has just emerged from the ground, and several workers are working there.

The part of the road pile below the ground has been constructed, the original pile pit has been backfilled, and now the workers are pouring the part of the road pile above the road surface.A concrete pump truck stretched its long arm frame in from outside the isolation board, continuously pouring the concrete from a concrete mixer truck parked outside into the built mold.

Several workers hold vibrating rods and continuously extend them into the concrete that has just been poured in. They use the vibrating rods to vibrate the air in the concrete to prevent the concrete from showing honeycomb pitting.

Because of the use of concrete mixer trucks and concrete pump trucks, the work site is very clean, and there is almost no concrete residue dripping outside the mold.

"Xiao Jing, the sanitation here is pretty good." Bai Zhengqiang said with satisfaction.

"That is necessary. Now Tianqu has turned into a super large construction site. If you don't pay attention to every detail, it will bring disastrous consequences to Tianqu's environment. And now we are working with those multinational giants Negotiations, there are a lot of foreigners coming to Tianqu these days. If the environment in Tianqu turns bad at this critical time, it will undoubtedly seriously affect the development prospects of the International City and the International Industrial Park. Therefore, since the urban The most stringent environmental protection measures will be carried out at each construction site from the day the construction of various projects begins, in order to keep Tianqu a clear blue sky and fresh air.”

Bai Zhengqiang nodded again in satisfaction.

The two stayed at the construction site for more than ten minutes. Bai Zhengqiang was still waiting for the next truck of concrete to arrive. He gave cigarettes to several master workers and talked with them for a while.

Although the workers and masters already knew that these two were leaders through the colors of their hard hats and work badges, they didn't know that the old man who had a cordial conversation with them turned out to be the governor of a province.

When Bai Zhengqiang came to investigate, of course he couldn't just focus on the big things, he also had to understand some minor things.For example, whether the salaries of the workers' masters will be owed, and the conditions of food and housing, these are all things he needs to know.

The construction of Tianqu is certainly an excellent project, but also, this project requires countless master workers to complete.If Tianqu Construction is likened to a large-scale precision equipment, then these master workers are the most critical screws on this equipment.Without them, the great construction of Tianqu cannot be completed.

Fortunately, Yang Jing was well prepared in this regard.Construction teams with insufficient qualifications cannot enter the site, and subcontracted engineering teams cannot enter the site. Only those capable construction teams can participate in the Tianqu construction team.

And these powerful construction teams often mean that they take good care of the workers.This is an obvious thing, especially in this day and age, a company that does not take care of its workers will definitely not be able to develop and grow.

Sure enough, Bai Zhengqiang was very pleased by the words of these master workers.Although these workers live in simple houses, each house is equipped with air conditioners for heating and cooling. As for the food, there is nothing to say. Good.

As for the arrears of wages, it is absolutely not allowed to happen in Tianqu.Yang Jing had set an inviolable rule when the tender was first invited, that is, the construction unit is not allowed to default on the wages of the workers. Once found, the construction qualification of the construction unit will be canceled immediately!
Yang Jing implemented a zero-tolerance policy in dealing with wage arrears to workers!
After all, he paid the money, and the money earned by the master workers is also his personal money. Why do those construction units default on or even deduct the wages of the master workers?People create value with their hands, so their hard-earned money cannot be embezzled and owed.

Who dares to violate the ban in this respect, Yang Jing will kick him out without hesitation!
Afterwards, Bai Zhengqiang, accompanied by his son-in-law, went around several construction sites in the urban area, from the elevated road to the subway, to the sewage treatment plant and the construction site of the high school. is excellent!

(End of this chapter)

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