Easy Tycoon

Chapter 1005 The Stone House Underwater

Chapter 1005 The Stone House Underwater

After coming out of Schroeder's bar, the group strolled to the west of Venosta. Here, they saw the diving equipment and yacht rental shop that Schroeder had mentioned.

The person who can make Schroeder in his 50s call Old Waltz is indeed not young. Yang Jing estimated that this old man must be 75 if he is not [-].However, this old man with white hair and wrinkled face is not blind and deaf, and he is very strong.

But this old man is not as talkative as Schroeder, that is, when he first heard that Yang Jing and the others wanted to rent several sets of dry suits and a large enough yacht, the old man here was very concerned about how young these young people were in this season. He expressed his puzzlement for wanting to dive in the water, but immediately prepared all the equipment Yang Jing and the others needed.

There are a total of seven sets of dry suits and a [-]-foot-long yacht for two days. Yang Jing needs to pay this spirited old man a total of [-] Swiss francs, which is about [-] national currency. It also had a lot to do with Yang Jing asking his own people to drive the yacht. He paid an extra thousand Swiss francs to get Old Waltz to agree, otherwise the yacht could only be driven by Old Waltz's son.

Although this place is relatively remote and not many tourists come here, the knives of the local residents are still sharpened.
A [-]-foot-long yacht is only a little more than nine meters. If it is really classified according to the size of the yacht, such a large yacht is at best a small yacht.

However, this yacht is not a sports yacht in the usual sense, it is the kind of yacht that can only carry a few people and drive wildly on the sea.This ship is not so much a yacht as it is a sightseeing boat.

Obviously, this ship has been remodeled. After all, it’s just a reservoir, and it’s not that big of a small reservoir. It’s not a vast sea, nor is it a natural lake with dozens or even hundreds of square kilometers. .In addition to the sporty speedboats, the boats used to carry tourists in this small reservoir are modified yachts that can be used for both fishing and sightseeing.

Although the boat is not big, the displacement is estimated to be tens of tons, and it has a fully sealed cabin. Yang Jing and his party of [-] can fit in it, but it's not that comfortable.

But Yang Jing and the others didn't rent the boat for enjoyment. They planned to investigate the situation at the bottom of the water, and it didn't matter if they squeezed together.

Morris and the others picked one at random to drive this kind of yacht, just like playing, but they didn't have to worry about the driver.But there are only seven sets of dry suits in total, and Ge Ge wants to follow them down to see, plus Yang Jing, so there are only five of Morris and his group of rough guys who can follow them into the water.

After the yacht drove out of the pier, it first pretended to walk around the depths of the lake, and then anchored at a position about 300 meters away from the east bank of the lake. Yang Jing, Gege and five other bodyguards were dressed. diving suit, and then one by one into the water.

At this time, the water temperature is less than ten degrees, which belongs to the water area with very low water temperature. If it is not for wearing a dry suit to go down, I am afraid it will be unbearable.

After getting into the water, Yang Jing felt that the water here is really clear. When he was looking at the lake water on the boat, he already felt that the lake water was very clear, but after getting into the water, this feeling will become more obvious.

No wonder Kevin Martin has been complaining about not being able to catch a single fish just now. How can there be any fish in such clear water!

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. This is not a nonsense.If the lake or river is too clear, you really can't see fish.

How clear is the lake here?Not being able to find a fish is only one aspect. When Yang Jing dived to a depth of more than ten meters, he could still see the sun in the sky and the yacht through the water of more than ten meters when he looked up. to the bottom of the lake below.

In other words, the water transparency in this lake is at least over 14 meters!

This is a rather scary number. The transparency of water is not the light transmittance. In high-quality lakes or sea areas, sunlight can easily penetrate hundreds of meters of seawater, but the transparency is different.

Transparency refers to how many meters below the water surface the human eye can see clearly through the water.The most transparent lakes in the world are Lake Mashu and Lake Baikal in Japan. The transparency of these two lakes exceeds 40 meters. This is an extremely rare transparency. Of course, this is also because these two lakes are very Deep reason.

In China, the most transparent lakes are Mafam Co Lake and Nam Co Lake in the snow area. The transparency of these two lakes is only about 14 meters due to the depth of the water.

But this Resia Lake can actually see the bottom of the lake from the surface of the water. Even though the depth here is only twelve or three meters, the transparency is already very scary.

Of course, this has to be under the bright sun. If the lighting conditions are not good, you can't see the bottom of the lake here.

However, it was about [-] meters away from the shore, and there were no other yachts wandering around, so Yang Jing and the others didn't have to worry about being seen by others.

Diving into the water, many stone buildings of different sizes and heights immediately appeared in front of them.These buildings sank there quietly, motionless, as if they were talking about something.

This must have been Venosta before it was submerged by the lake.Under the sunlight, Yang Jing and the others could even see a small half of the submerged village clearly.

Yang Jing made a gesture to several people, and took the lead to swim towards the northeast corner of the village, Grid followed Yang Jing closely.

After swimming for a while, the seven of them saw an extraordinarily large stone building.Although this building is not as large as the church I saw just now, it is not much smaller.

And the precious light that Yang Jing saw before came out from the ground of this big building.

Yang Jing pointed to the building, and several people swam over slowly.

In terms of the size of this building, this is undoubtedly one of the best buildings in the village.Then when the German devils occupied this village, they would definitely not let this building go.Perhaps this largest stone house was the place where the supreme commander of the German devils lived here at that time, or it was the headquarters and even the warehouse at that time.

Anyway, even though the house has been silent for 70 years from below the water surface, it still looks very solid now.Yang Jing asked himself, if he was the commander of the German devils at that time, he probably wouldn't let such a good house go.

The height here is about ten meters from the lake surface. Although they can see clearly, everyone still turned on the diving lights above their heads, and immediately let the scenery in front of them be seen more clearly.

Although the stone house is still solid, no matter whether it is the door or the window, it has been rotten and there is no trace of it.After all, it has been submerged underwater for 70 years, and doors and windows made of ordinary wood will never last for such a long time.

Yang Jing pointed to the empty door and swam in first, followed by the other six people.

After entering, I discovered that this stone house is about [-] square meters and more than four meters high, except for a few stone tables built against the wall and a few stone walls that divide the room into several small rooms. Outside the walls, everything else is empty.

Ge Ge made several gestures at Yang Jing, Yang Jing nodded, and pointed to the door opening in the opposite stone wall, Kevin Martin took out a 40 cm long sailor knife from his waist, Then he swam in first.

For the magic of the boss, they are used to being bodyguards.Since the boss said there was something in that room, they just had to follow orders.Then, make sure to find something where your boss dictates.

(End of this chapter)

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