Eastward Flow

Chapter 30 - Twenty-nine


The theft of the arsenal was the top priority, and the three were left by the queen alone to understand things more carefully. The previous confession in front of the temple was only to give an explanation to the group of ministers staring at the case.

Le Zhengying combed things over and stood in front of the hall and said, “Before, I told my Majesty that when the former soldier of the Ministry of War was told, it was I who took over and accepted this batch of armaments. Qian Cheng. “

“Qian Cheng this person was when Yuanzhou City was trapped and he opened the gate with Yang Yuting, the South Gate leader, to **** the ministers in the city to the north. At the time, he met with the reinforcements who were blocked in Wanzhou. Those who have won a first victory when the reinforcements are losing ground. “

“The Dali Temple has investigated this person again in secret. The Ningzhou garrison was transporting the weapon, and it was connected to the Jinpaowei at the dock. During that period, due to weather problems, the sea was dark, and the transport ship leaned on the island for a while. On May, Wei Chen thought that these weapons should be secretly exchanged when they were transported on the river.

“Wei Chen urges His Majesty to mobilize Haiphong and search for islands along the sea and land to see if there are traces.”

After listening to such words, Wu Jingxi shook his head and said, “Control the money is to find out where the armaments are, and if the matter is so big, that batch of armaments will be lost. The country will be turbulent. He has ordered Su Yanqing to purge the Jin Paowei, Lanzhou Yunzhou and other garrisons to drill day and night to prepare for wartime. “

“Your Majesty mean?”

“What would happen to Hanzhou if you were to disturb Chao Gang?” The Queen asked.

“Hanzhou will be chaotic.” Xu Renqing replied, and continued along the words of the queen: “That being the case, we will focus on Qian Cheng, convict him of an unaware crime, continue to prepare armaments, and secretly strengthen patrols. . “

“That’s why, the commander who has settled in Lanzhou went to visit the northern part of Hanzhou. If there is chaos, he will send troops immediately.” Wu Jingyi said in return, and said to the long princess: “Jing’an, the merchant previously said Did the team understand what happened? “

“In Liangshui, there are so many financial resources to transport large quantities of goods. In addition to the richest man in Wanzhou, there is also a new ship merchant named Yang. It was a merchant who started in Wanzhou after the Zhongzhou rebellion. I heard that his home Never in distress, there is a very reliable astrological teacher in the family, who is not afraid of the waves in the sea, so the business is booming. “The princess replied, explaining what the Queen had to investigate before.

“People who replace armaments will not spread their hands between Ningzhou Zhongzhou and Jinpaowei. Such a large amount of goods will have the opportunity to do so only when they dock.” The Queen nodded, no more words, but everyone had already Understand her words.

I’m afraid that the people behind this scene have the ability to make waves.

This matter is not only related to Jin Paowei, but also to the civilian and even the military. It seems that in the empress’s heart, the army that had been so solid was also involved.

Not only the Chaogang, but also the army of the prefectures have to purge.

In the eyes of everyone, only the fatalities that were measured, played another function in the Queen’s hands. The young girl serving the Emperor served the emperor with reverence and became a dark blade in her hands. As a member of the Privy Council, she collected information from officials in various places.

The queen, sitting still in the palace, held out her hands behind the people behind her.

But the queen hasn’t waited for the black hand behind the scenes. The news of the death of Hanzhou Beibei Jun and the prince’s throne was indeed received.

At the time of the sudden violent extinction of the majestic Maharaja, the son who should have succeeded to the throne became the elder grand prince. When the news reached Yuanzhou, the queen above the throne frowned.

“His Majesty, even though Mingoqi is ambitious, he can’t regret my Daqing Jiangshan. Now that he has shown his intentions and sent the son to Yuanzhou, why didn’t His Majesty agree with him?” His Highness said loudly, saying It was the new King Shubei that showed goodwill to the court.

After the great prince Mingoqi won the position of the majesty, the first thing was to appease the noble mothers who lived with the son, and then he repaired a national script and sent a messenger to Yuanzhou. , And the young emperor hosted in Yuanzhou City.

From Hanzhou to Yuanzhou, even the fastest Wuying will take three days to spread the news. The news that Mingoqi won the throne, however, was spread to the source state for two days, and his ambassador arrived in source state. He wanted to come early.

It seemed that Mingoqi was full of confidence, thinking that he would surely win the throne, and had been planning for a long time.

The ministers could see things transparently, and said, “You know that Mingoqi was ambitious and used a proton to make a fertile land in central Hanzhou, which is called a white wolf with empty gloves. The barbarian, but Your Majesty It took a lot of effort to deport them to the north. If they were allowed to come to the middle, their recuperation could come to the Qing Dynasty to plunder the border. He bowed his head? How many years can he be called by Mingozi? Ten years, twenty years? Battle. “

“In the central part of Hanzhou, I was unable to station troops, and all my businessmen were from the Qing Dynasty. Due to the long journey back to the Beibu tribe, the central part was occupied by horse bandits, and the Lanzhou garrison force was expelled in vain. Not as good It ’s back to the north. If he comes again, I ’ll celebrate the vastness of the dynasty and the national strength, and hit him again! ”

Many parties insisted on each other’s words, and were noisy in front of the hall. The queen likes to listen to a hundred schools of thought in politics. At this moment, she listens to the ministers and expresses her opinions. She also sorts out the best plan in her heart.

The battle on the border of Lanzhou four years ago consumed more than half of the young people of the barbarians. If we want to fight again today, we must not. Moreover, the bitter cold place in the north cannot toss the storm. Although Mingozi was ambitious, after all, he seized the throne of the son of the world. The son-in-law family is a large tribe of Hanzhou. I am afraid that in this way, only the things in the tribe will make them argue.

The queen thought about the pros and cons in her heart, and thought that Shizi could plan well. Not long after thinking about it, the Zhenbeihou came out from the head of the Ministry of Defense, and said loudly, “Can you listen to me?”

The newly-appointed servant of the Ministry of War, who has been in office for more than a month, has not received the attention of his daughter, but has always been the target of Baiguan’s attention. As soon as his voice fell, Baiguan stopped the argument and looked at him inadvertently.

The queen’s gaze fell on him, saying: “What is there to say in the book of soldiers?”

“The minister has been staying in Lanzhou for many years and has a thorough understanding of the Hanzhou tribe. The mother of this son is the Qingnong Department of most of the Hanzhou. The great prince Mingoqi suppressed the tribes to obtain the king, but he was not justified. Shun. In this way, he said goodbye to me and asked for asylum. “

“How about the central part of Hanzhou, the adults have already made it very clear. I have everything for farming and raising horses is mostly from the Lanzhou fresh people. But now I am going north to say that I want to raise horses for the DPRK.

“Shizi is young and can be taught by Yuanzhou, or he can bring up a gentle gentleman. When he became famous, and he did not conform to my Daqing, we let Shizi go back.”

After the Zhenbei Hou finished speaking, he had to agree with the empress: “I think so too. So that Jiuyanji prepares for the diplomatic relations between the two countries and formulates the charter. Before the autumn hunt this year, he will welcome the son to Yuanzhou. . “

It is best to invite Mingoqi to Yuanzhou together, and use the power of Daqing to shock him to death in Hanzhou, so as to save the battle.

Many things were dealt with one by one, and then he heard Da Si Ming said: “The date of the Great Emperor Zhao Emperor, Tian Tian Si has been selected on the seventh day of February for three days, and His Majesty is also expected to approve the charter.”

At the first hearing of Emperor Zhao’s chant, the queen froze, then nodded, and said, “That’s fine.”

The queen ordered the Baiguan to bring their family members to Taiyiguan to pray for the Emperor Zhao, without wearing sackcloth, wearing only official clothes, and praying for one day. And tell the people that, after the seventh day, come to Taiyiguan to worship the Emperor Zhaoxiang.

After the saint intended to disperse, he came to each house. Zhong Lishuo, who is studying in Hongwen Museum, has not heard of the news that he will give himself a big sacrifice. After school that day, she finally squatted at the door of Class B to Lin Mengdie, who had finished her class, and hurried to catch up.

“Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin.” The trail in the green robe followed behind the Qing Qing youth in white clothes, and shouted in a hurry.

The handsome Mr. Academy stopped and turned to look at the boy running towards him with a doubtful expression.

“Student, I have seen Mr. Lin.” The boy came to him, gave a gift, then raised his eyes, looked at him brilliantly, and said, “Yulongge was shocked by Mr. Yu, and he never missed it. Therefore, the students dare to ask Sir, what’s the name of this song? But what did you do, can you let the students take a look at the score? “

Her intentions were clear, and the boy’s sincere eyes were craving. Lin Mengdie looked into her eyes and realized that the other party really liked his music. It was wonderful, and my mood followed.

“You child, do you want to learn this song with me?” Lin Mengdie looked at the boy and said with a smile.

Zhong Lishuo nodded generously and said, “Can you teach me?”

“Will you blow shakuhachi?” Lin Mengdie asked again, holding the book.

“Yes, I like it.”

The two talked quietly under the corridor, and a group of teenagers walked through the garden, watching Lin Mengdie snoring loudly and smiling: “Mr. Lin, what are you teaching the students? But is it Meishu?

“Prince Lin, you are so shameless. I think Qu Meijun really thinks your Majesty can look after you.”

Lin Mengdie’s face didn’t change, she still looked at Zhong Lishuo kindly. But Zhong Lishuo didn’t understand where the evil came from. She turned her head and looked at the cold young man who stood among the young boys and held her chest.

The young boy was about fourteen or fifteen years old, with a cold face, looking like someone whom Zhong Lishuo had met.

A student beside the boy looked at Lin Mengdie proudly, and said very rudely: “Ren Li, this scholar also wants to compare with your brother, and also wants to be in the palace, I am awful.”

Hearing this name, Zhong Lishuo Yuemo remembered who the young man looked like, Xu Renqing, the servant of the Ministry of Housing. This boy should be Xu Renqing’s brother.

But why is there so much malice. What Meijun? What is Nakamiya? It’s almost unknown.

Zhong Lishuo frowned and looked at the young boys opposite him. “You are careful, how can you be so rude to the teacher. What a charming song, Mr. Lin, is moving, and what is dedicated to the Lord of the world is wrong. But you guys, one by one, have no respect for each other. Which nobles in Yuanzhou can teach such a so-called kid! “

Zhong Lishuo was a bit irritated, and even ignored his identity as a peer, he just talked like a child.

The teenagers’ eyes widened, and their eyes fell on the justice-speaking teenager on the porch. Looking at the solitude in her eyes, they felt that they were afraid to hit.

“You kid, are you trying to die? He Lin Mengdie Toad wants to eat swan meat, Qu Meijun, Xiao misses the empress, and loses my face in Hongwenguan. Are we wrong?” The boy snarled his neck and was angry. Answer.

“It is wrong to be disrespectful to the teacher. Insulting the teacher is even more wrong. Does Lingzun teach you to respect the teacher? It ’s a tribute to the queen. It is Mr. Lin’s love and intention to sing, What about? It ’s not a matter of course to be loved by people like a queen? My lady, gentleman is good, this is common sense. But you guys did n’t understand the book well, but it ’s not the teacher who came. There is no courtesy, Naughty! Shame! “Zhong Lishuo’s remarks were so powerful that he looked at Lin Mengdie aside.

He knew how the noble sons of Yuanzhou were laughing at him after that song. But he didn’t care, lady, gentleman. What’s wrong with expressing your admiration? He did not hope that the Queen would favor him, but just wanted to dedicate this song to her.

In Lin Mengdie’s heart, a shocking glance at the ascension ceremony, the empress is the sea **** who cannot be reached in his heart. Therefore, he spent many years writing this song.

I never thought that there was such a teenager who was as open-minded as him to help him. So Lin Mengdie turned back and looked at Zhong Lishuo with a serious look and smiled, “Little boy, don’t you ask me what this song is called?”

Zhong Lishuo, who was training, turned his head, looked at the personable Lin Mengdie, and listened to him as he walked and said, “This song is called” Poseidon “, it’s for the queen. So, should you still learn?”

Zhong Lishuo thought, teacher, you are too big, do you not care if students scold you? She opened her mouth and motioned to Lin Mengdie what to do with the boys. Lin Mengdie waved her hand and said, “Don’t care. I’ll talk to the owner tomorrow and let adults scrutinize it.”

“Come, I ask you, do you really want to learn this song?”

Lin Mengdie seduced Zhong Lishuo and took him away from the group of young boys. Those groups were all the sons of senior officials, and although they were embarrassing, they were not bad people. But this little boy was still far away from them, so as not to offend people for him.

After Zhong Lishuo dropped a long paragraph, the young man who had not had time to react, looked at the back of the two gradually leaving, and later realized that why did he dare not refute one sentence. They have been ramping up in Hongwen Pavilion for many years, and they have never seen anyone more arrogant than Princess Jingning.

“That kid!” The teenagers grind their teeth fiercely, and they must find out this kid tomorrow. But the young man who listened to his arms clasped his chest said with a cold face: “That is the younger son of Zhenbeihou who is more expensive than you. I urge you to think less of him.”

“Also, I will not ridicule Grandpa Lin in the future. Don’t get involved with my brother.”

After Xu Renli said, he left indifferently. I thought in my heart that if it wasn’t for a playmate who grew up together, it wouldn’t matter how they offend people everywhere.

The author has something to say: Zhong Zhongli Shuo: who likes the queen we are good friends for a lifetime (the mentality of the star-chasing period.) 2k novel reading network

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