Earth Dies

10. Food and the First Glimpse of the System

Alice stood in her kitchen, glancing around the familiar environment. She'd spent so much of her life here, but it suddenly looked so strange and empty without her parents around and with everything silent. Not to mention that she was wearing this ridiculous dress, that she'd never be caught dead in. She glanced at the dress the mysterious woman Fi had been wearing, still sitting on the kitchen table where they had left it earlier.

What the fuck even is my life right now?

She sighed, and rummaged around in the pantry, finding a few muffins for the girls to snack on. This will have to do for now. I don't want to open the fridge yet with no power, not until we have a better idea of what's going on.

Bridgette came walking back into the room a few minutes later, wearing the red and white sundress from the night before. It still stopped Alice's heart to look at her in the dress, her friend truly was gorgeous. Alice had been such a fool for so many years, trying to resist her feelings out of shame and fear of rejection. It was better to drown in those blue eyes and freckles, just giving herself over to whatever Bridgette wanted, just for a chance of happiness.

Bridgette came over and sat down next to Alice, snagging a muffin and starting to nibble at it while summarizing the events of the day so far.

"Okay, so. We both had really weird experiences where we passed out, your parents vanished, everything electronic is dead, and we had a mystery lady who was incredibly sexy and nearly naked show up, make out with us, and then vanish. And I have a blinking dot in the corner of my vision. Did I miss anything?"

"I think you missed the parts where you bossed me around, teased me relentlessly, and dressed me up like your slutty toy, but otherwise that sounds correct." Alice quipped back.

"My slutty toy, huh? I like that." Bridgette leered at Alice. "But before we go and get ourselves distracted again, let's figure this out."

"Wait a second, Bridgette. Aren't we going too fast? I mean, I've wanted this, but ... so much in one day. I just ... I don't want to mess anything up, and it seems like we're doing a lot."

"No, that's a good point. I ... haven't been honest with myself either. I've wanted this, I've wanted you, for a long time. I just never let myself believe that you felt the same, and I was always so focused on school and success and getting out of Iowa that I never made my own feelings a priority. I kept telling myself that later was fine, there would always be time later. And now here you are, at the end of the world, and you love me. And I love you, too. So we might be going fast, but I want to make up for lost time and I don't want to regret missing out on any part of you, ever again. But if it's not comfortable to you, let me know and I'll slow down." Bridgette smiled at Alice.

Alice cleared her throat and blushed, smiling like an idiot. "Yea, uh ... I'm comfortable with it. With you. And despite everything, I've never been happier."

She paused for a second, trying to remember the previous conversation. "Oh right, I've got a blinking pink dot in the corner of my vision, too." Alice glanced down and tried to focus on it, blinking as suddenly words sprang up in front of her.

Name: Alice Thompson
Race: Human
Age: 18
Class: Acolyte of Aphrodite
Level: 1
HP: 10/10
Skills: First Aid, Lusty Spell Preparation (Minor)
Spells: Heal Minor Wounds
Quests: Be A Good Girl (?? of ??), Save The World (?? of ??)

Alice was familiar with role-playing games, but this didn't seem to match up to what she'd seen in any existing system. Also, she was an acolyte who healed? For Aphrodite? Wait a second...

"Uhm, Bridgette. I'm an acolyte for fucking Aphrodite, apparently. The Greek goddess. Do you think Fi was ... ?" she trailed off. Stunned by the implications if true. "But a healer? I mean, I always did want to be a doctor, but how did she know? And I have some really weird skills and quests."

Bridgette looked lost in thought, presumably staring at her own status screen. Alice went back to looking, trying to focus on the unfamiliar portions.

Lusty Spell Preparation (Minor): By engaging in lewd acts, you double the number of First Level Spells for the following day and double their effectiveness. Upgradeable Skill

Alice blushed. She was definitely not going to be doing that, no matter how useful that seemed. Besides, it's not like she'd need to be healing people on a regular basis. Next on her list...

Heal Minor Wounds: Restore 3-10 hit points to the target, or remove one minor status ailment.

Okay, that one seemed pretty standard. But again, what kind of world gave people healing spells?

Be A Good Girl (?? of ??): Alice heard Fi's laugh, echoing in her head, as she tried to focus in on the quest name for more information.

Step 01: Confess to Bridgette - Completed. Claim reward?

Alice looked at the text. What weird-ass video game system made quests like this? And made her wait to claim the reward? Well, she guessed she'd earned it. She mentally acknowledged the prompt to claim the reward.

Suddenly, Alice's body glowed pink and she felt tongues running across her breasts. She looked down but saw nothing, although she could swear that every inch of her breasts was being licked by a dozen different tongues. Her nipples were being teased and bitten, instantly going hard. She moaned under the assault, unfamiliar with that level of attention. Suddenly, she orgasmed under the purely imaginary assault of her breasts, at which point the pink glow faded. What the fuck? Alice thought as she looked down, then gaped. Her breasts, which she had long hated for being small, were larger. She wasn't certain exactly, but it definitely looked like she had somehow grown to a B-sized cup in the last minute, which was absolutely impossible.

Then again, it was a day for impossible events, so maybe it was real after all? She reached down and cupped her breasts. Yup, absolutely real. And they felt much more sensitive than they had in the past. She traced a finger around her nipple, watching it pop to life under her dress, and moaned appreciatively at the sensation.

Step 02: <???> 3 of 4: Like I said, you'll need to earn them. I can't wait to see how big they are when you're done. You're off to a good start, though., Alice heard Fi's voice echoing in her head. Alice blushed at the implications of Fi's voice. Apparently, she was going to grow bigger boobs by ... doing something. And she'd already done that something three times, she just didn't know what it was.

"When you're done groping yourself, want to share stats?" Alice blinked up at Bridgette, who she had almost forgotten was in the room with her. "You really are such a slut."

"My boobs got bigger!" Alice blurted out. "I don't know how, well, I kind of know how, but it doesn't make sense. I have a quest called 'Be A Good Girl' and it said the first step was to confess to you, and the reward was bigger boobs. But that's magic and magic isn't real, but my bigger boobs are real. Also, the next step of the quest has me doing a mystery thing, it won't tell me what, but I've already done it three times, apparently. And I can heal people! What kind of weird fantasy world are we in, anyway?"

"Well, we'll need to examine those later to make sure they're all-natural and healthy - but for now, I'm apparently a Lusty Warrior of Athena." Bridgette chuckled. "I guess that must have been the slight modification to it that Fi said, adding the Lusty bit? Some combat related skills, all with pervy names, and yea, I've got two quests."

"What are the quests?"

"Well, the first one ... seems related to yours." Bridgette looked at something and smirked. "You've done the mystery thing three times so far, huh? That tracks. Anyway, the second quest is called Save The World and seems pretty important."

"Now wait a second. You know what the mystery thing I have to do is? No fair, you need to tell me!"

"Sorry, Alice - you'll just need to find out as we go. That's the rules, apparently. I think it'll be okay, though. This other quest though..." Bridgette trailed off as she glanced at the text glowing across her vision as Alice did the same.

Save The World (Phase 0):
- You have one week to prepare yourself for the beginning of the end.
- All modern technology has been disabled to place you on an even footing with the invaders.
- All large population centers have been placed in stasis. Most people outside of populations centers have been culled, so only those in target age range remain outside of stasis, minimizing non-combatants.
- Prepare for the incoming invasion. Survive, grow stronger, and build the foundation required to defend Earth. Or die.

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