Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Dilemma

After regaining consciousness, Wang Yanke didn’t even think about what happened to him. She felt a huge force knocking herself off. This time, she didn’t whirl around like Xiaobing’s usual reaction. It fell to the ground, but fell heavily to one side and didn’t get up for a long time…

Song Xiaojia swept his legs and kicked it, only to see Hao Zhi who had been seriously injured, so he screamed and jumped up: “Ah, are you okay? What happened…”

Hao Zhi smiled bitterly: “It’s okay, it should be okay…”

“It’s okay, it’s all pierced!” Song Xiaojia was so anxious that he almost cried, and he didn’t dare to draw that battle knife. He didn’t know where to start.

“It’s okay, you forgot that we brought the recovery potion, give me a shot quickly, but no one will quarrel with you when it’s too late!”

“Ah? Right!” Song Xiaojia hurriedly took out a healing agent from Hao Zhi’s pill box, injected it into Hao Zhi’s carotid artery, and then reminded him to bear it! Then he yanked the sword out…

The blood came out instantly and splashed Song Xiaojia’s face. She wiped her face, not knowing whether it was blood or tears, and made a big painted face. Hao Zhi felt warm in her heart when she saw her anxious expression, and in the distance, Wang Yanke, who had just gotten up on his knees, looked at all this with a bewildered expression…

Lele’s abilities are really amazing. The blood in the wound stopped immediately after the injection was taken. Hao Zhi saw the fast-healing wound on his chest, like the plants shot with a fast lens in the documentary, and the vines grew wildly. It was amazing.

Outside the car, the melee was still fighting. The remaining dozens of soldiers had surrounded the little bit and the orchestra. Before they had time to besiege, Lele suddenly grabbed a little bit of the neck and opened the huge pink wings behind him. With a single fan, the huge wind pressure blows everyone to cover their eyes, and when they look again, the two have already flew to a height of more than ten meters, and none of those guys can touch them…

The two girls had no combat experience and could only hide, and their armor was quite heavy and did not fly very high. They saw two soldiers on the ground holding hands together, and the other soldier ran forward two steps, one He stepped on the hands of the two of them, borrowed strength, and suddenly jumped upwards. He jumped more than a dozen meters high. He drew his sword in midair and slashed towards Lelehe little by little…

Hao Zhi could see clearly, and he couldn’t care that his wound hadn’t healed yet. A leap, an instant transfer, blocked Lele and the others out of thin air, kicked fiercely, and kicked the soldier’s shoulder with the force of the fall. He kicked him out of the air directly, and the guy fell heavily to the ground, smashing the asphalt road into a big hole!

Others tried to rush up again, but they heard a “bang” gunshot. Everyone was instinctively stunned. They were soldiers and were very sensitive to gunshots. When they looked back, Song Xiaojia had already left. When she came to Hao Zhi, she had a pistol in her hand. She just kicked it out of Xiaobing’s hand. The contents were all made of small bullets. Even if they were wearing armor, they could hardly escape death…

“Who wants to die, come up and try!” Song Xiaojia smiled slyly.

At the side, Jin Hu woke up faintly, shook his head, stood up, and walked slowly back into the team. He looked at the gun in Song Xiaojia’s hand and knew that even if the gun was not there, these teammates might not be there. It was their opponent and had to stare at her and Hao Zhi in silence.

“They are all my own brothers. I don’t want anyone to shed blood and sacrifice. Are not enough people dead?” Hao Zhi stared at Jin Hu, “You are soldiers. We are here to prevent you from not being able to execute it, and we will have an explanation when we go back, let’s go!”

Jin Hu rolled his eyes and looked at him: “For soldiers, there is no excuse, only execution. Even if it is dead, we will fight to the last person!”

Jin Hu raised his head and walked in front of Song Xiaojia, and blocked her muzzle with his chest: “I can’t beat you, let’s shoot!”

Hao Zhi suddenly remembered the great fierce commander who was surrounded by locusts. The stubborn man stood stubbornly with only half of his leg left, holding a gun with no bullets in one hand…

My god, what kind of soldiers are these?

Song Xiaojia flinched, her gun hand trembled, she couldn’t help but admire this man from the bottom of her heart. It’s easy to kill him. You just need to move your fingers, but it’s too difficult to convince him!

During this stalemate, suddenly, the phone on everyone’s shoulders rang: “Hao Zhi, even if you win the Golden Tiger Xiaobing, you will not be able to prevent this mission. Give up!”

is Xu Zhe’s voice!

Hao Zhi was startled and heard him continue to say on the other end: “Remember the transport plane that took you there? One of them was blown up by the enemy, but there were two more, one parked in the center of Seoul—— In Nanshan Park, one plane is parked at the World Cup Stadium, and each plane is loaded with a 5 million tons equivalent nuclear bomb…”

“What?” Hao Zhi froze. “You planned to destroy Seoul from the beginning?”

“How about? You haven’t found why the alien flying saucer has withdrawn from Seoul from you there? They also seem to know that the situation is not good, and they have already escaped!”

“Why? Even if the enemy is to be wiped out, why should 5 million people be buried with them? There are only a few Koreans left!” Hao Zhi asked angrily.

“I thought that the President of South Korea would authorize North Korea to use conventional weapons to carry out bombing, at least to prevent nuclear pollution from spreading to us, but I didn’t expect you to be so stubborn. Now I have to activate the nuclear bomb. Anyway, the result is the same, Seoul. In the city, no land will be left!”

“Crazy man! What kind of leader of the Earth Resistance Army are you? You killed the same kind!” Hao Zhi roared, “I know you are not Xu Zhe, you are a virus! You wait for me, when I go back, you will be taken out. !”

Xu Zhe was noncommittal, and after a pause, he said, “For the sake of your hard work, I will give you ten minutes. Whether you can escape the explosion range of the nuclear bomb is up to you!”

ten minutes? How far can this minibus go?

Hao Zhi looked at the big guy, then looked back at the city of Seoul, where there were countless giant locusts, if they rushed back, they would be chased by alien chariots how many people were evacuated Woolen cloth?

Thinking of this, he whispered a word to Diandian’s ear, Zhang Diandian smiled, suddenly opened his mouth, and yelled: fried!

With this burst of her shout, all the interphones on everyone’s shoulders exploded with a “puff”!

“In this way, that guy won’t be able to control our actions! The only way now is for me to jump back and dismantle his nuclear detonator! At least, give the 5 million people a chance. Once it explodes, it is One left…” Hao Zhi smiled at Jin Hu, “How about? Are you helping me or stopping me?”

Jin Hu looked at the exploded communicator, lowered his head and thought for a moment: “I am powerless to stop you, but don’t think I will help you!”

Hao Zhi smiled helplessly at him. When he turned around, Xiaobing had already walked over and stood calmly in front of everyone as if nothing had happened. Hao Zhi couldn’t tell whether she was Wang Yanke or Xiaobing.

Under the interpretation of the interpreter on the side, the South Korean president also understood what Xu Zhe had just said. He ran up in a panic and said something to Hao Zhibi.

The interpreter said nervously: “The president said that after the aliens had captured Seoul the night before, as hostages, they captured almost all children under the age of 5 in the city, and they were all locked in the World Cup Stadium not far to the north!”

“Damn! Isn’t it?” Hao Zhi’s head buzzed, “How many people are there?”

“There are about 100,000 children, all locked up there, some mechanical locust guards…”

Hao Zhi was silent. On his left were 100,000 innocent children. On his right, in the city, there were 5 million civilians. Two nuclear bombs were among them. The remaining time was less than ten minutes. Save one side. To give up on the other side…

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