Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Cruel world

Hao Zhi stood waist-deep in the cold water, staring fiercely at the ghost in front of him: “One day, I will kill you with my own hands. You’d better kill me now, otherwise you will regret it in the future!”

Ghost smiled: “I ask you again, what do you rely on to kill me?”

“You and I have the same ability, and Lin Tao said that I can not only travel through space, but also through time, as long as I exercise enough…”

“Then you have to strengthen first!” The ghost glanced at him sarcastically, “Don’t just speak big words, I will give you a chance to kill me, but you are not worthy of being my opponent now…”

He stretched out his hand, grabbed Hao Zhi’s hair, and squeezed it into the water. Hao Zhi couldn’t resist his huge strange power. His head was drowned in the water, choking several mouthfuls of cold water, and then raised his head. At that time, coughing violently.

Ghost is like a cat playing with a mouse, smiled and forced Hao Zhi into the water again: “Drink more, you will thank me!”

Hao Zhi struggled. He slurped a few sips of water, his hands flopped violently, and it took a long time to feel the ghost let go, so he suddenly raised his head, gasping for breath, and his anger made him tremble all over.

“Haha, isn’t that the way to beat the dog in the water?” The ghost laughed, then grabbed Hao Zhi by the collar and lifted him to the shore. With a little effort, the two of them disappeared into the air again, mid-air, and fell off Hao Zhi. A few drops of water, the air quivered like gel jelly touched, and the ripples in time and space calmed down.

Hao Zhigang came ashore from the cold water. He felt that the bones of the mixed body were cold, but he felt hot again in an instant, as if he had fallen into a steamer. The hot air rose from all around, making people’s throats scorched. Dry.

As far as his eyes could be, there was a bright golden yellow. Hao Zhi’s hands were covered with sand, only to realize that it was a desert world, surrounded by sand dunes that were invisible at a glance. They were dozens of meters high and short. The clouds are also continuous in clusters, like a golden yellow solid ocean. A hot wind blows through, and the sand on the surface rolls up, rolling out a small whirlwind, and then dissipating in an instant.

In the distance, a peeping lizard came out of the sand and crawled away as if frightened. Under the barren sand dunes, there were some tumbleweeds, curled up into a ball dry, aimlessly with the hot wind. Rolling around.

“Are you regretting that you just drank less?” The ghost appeared behind Hao Zhi and looked at him with his arms folded.

“What is this place?”

“Oh, you’re back home… I sent you back, you should thank me!” The ghost raised his hand to block the sun, so as to protect his white skin.

“Nonsense! I asked why this is a desert?”

“Oh, don’t you want to become stronger? I’m here to help you. This is the uninhabited area of the Taklimakan Desert, the central area, the most famous fire purgatory on earth. , Let’s go first, and when you develop your jump transition ability, you are welcome to come to me at any time…”

The ghost looked at him meaningfully: “But if you can’t resist dying here, it can only mean that you are just an ordinary guy, that’s nothing to be a pity…”

When he turned around, he looked as if he was about to leave, and then turned around and added: “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, this desert covers an area of 330,000 square kilometers. You want to go out on your feet unless you have a hump! Try your abilities, there may be a glimmer of hope!”

After he finished speaking, he stretched his arms and fell backwards, and he was immersed in the ripples of time and space, like lying in a river, and disappeared in a flash!

Hao Zhi grinned and breathed the hot air. It was just when the sun was about to set. The entire desert had been baked under the scorching sun for a whole day, and the ground was so hot that even the air was trembling slightly. .

“Damn…what did you say to help me? It didn’t make me die a little bit more painful. In such a high temperature world, let alone leave, stand for half an hour and it will be cooked!”

He stood on the top of the sand dunes and looked around. The horizon was in the distant horizon. He couldn’t even see his head at a glance. He didn’t even have a direction. Where was the shortest way to go?

But he couldn’t wait to die. Hao Zhi took off his clothes tightly. When he first soaked in the water, the clothes were already soaked, and there was still some water. They would dry later. He carefully took each one of the clothes off. The water in the corner is twisted out and squeezed into the mouth to drink. I am afraid it will last a while…

No way. To survive, Hao Zhi didn’t even let the water on the wet underwear. He mixed with a red fruit, put on a pair of shoes, stood on the top of the sand dune, and shouted angrily to the sky: Ghost, you wait for me, Sooner or later I will throw you into space to see how you harm others!

Putting on his clothes, Hao Zhi looked helplessly at the dazzling sun. He probably learned a little bit of geography and knew that going west is a dead end, there are more deserts and a more desolate world, and the east is the city. It is possible to return to Beijing, the Bohai Sea is also to the east, and if you walk with your back to the sun, it will feel somewhat less hot.

So he immersed his head and stared at his shadow, stepping on the shadow and staggering forward, the clothes behind his back were dry within a few minutes, and the temperature gradually heated up against the skin, making it uncomfortably hot.

After walking for more than half an hour, Hao Zhi already felt dizzy and weak. Fortunately, the sun had fallen behind the sand dunes, and the world began to cool down. After all these things toss, he went to the Imperial Palace from the first night. , He hasn’t closed his eyes, he hasn’t slept for a day and a night, and these endlessly repeated dunes flow in front of him like hypnotic pictures, repeating dull and boringly.

He felt that his head was as big as a fight, and his eyelids were too heavy to open, so he judged the direction of the wind, and he slid down the dark side of a sand dune to the bottom, leaning tiredly on the sand, fainted. Fell asleep deeply.

The sky is getting darker and the temperature is dropping rapidly. There is no condition to preserve the ground temperature in the desert, so the heat dissipation is also very fast. Soon, he feels cold…

The stars in the sky lit up, a magnificent Milky Way lay across the sky, meteors flashed past, and the blue night sky was so beautiful, but Hao Zhi didn’t have time to appreciate them. He hugged his arms and shivered into a ball. Do your best to get your body deep into the warm sand.

Hao Zhi has a fever. Hao Zhi is half asleep and half awake. He asks himself how he feels his head is so hot. It must be a shock in the icy cold stream and then suddenly exposed to a high temperature of several tens of degrees. He became sick and numb. , Isn’t this worse…

In a daze, he fell asleep again. The world in his dream was dim and bright, like a school. Many bright flags were stuck on the roadside. Many people were running on the track. It was a sports meeting. He saw it in the audience stands. Wang Yanke jumped and smiled, watching him run wildly in the 3000-meter race, he was cheering for himself…

That’s just a fragment of his many memories about Wang Yanke. She is wearing a light blue school uniform, her legs are slender and smooth, her face in the sun is sweaty, and she shouts her name, come on, come on…

Come on?

Hao Zhifeng ran on the track like she did, and she seemed to know in her heart that she was dreaming. She was dead, and she would never cheer for herself anymore. In a trance, she felt that the picture in the dream was gradually collapsing, Wang Yanke’s The shadow became fragmented, the entire stand was blurred, deformed, and crumpled into a scrapped old photo. The world became dark and turned into an endless desert, as cold as an ice cellar.

He shuddered and rolled over, muttering in his mouth, Koko…

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