Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Emergency escape

There are only two minutes left, the end is right in front of us, and I can only do a desperate fight anyway!

Before the final judgment came, Song Xiaojia’s mind suddenly flashed a question: If you can only fight to the last second if you want to be rescued, then, will the ghost that can leave safely at any time disappear early?

If he suddenly chooses to leave, Song Xiaojia, whose whole body is now lying on the steel beam, will instantly fall down and fall into the gap between the wheel and the track, like a piece of tofu falling into a meat grinder, and change in the blink of an eye. Into a pile of debris!

The reason why she had such a sudden thought was because at a certain moment, the ghost’s fingers seemed to suddenly relieve a little force!

There is no need for him to accompany us to the end!

The whole thing happened until now, everyone has no knowledge of this mysterious guy, but it feels that he will always appear in critical moments of crisis, and it is not his duty to help everyone through the crisis.

But, is he, like he said, just because he found Hao Zhi, because of curiosity, would he want to come to know him?

Maybe, just like the so-called organization in his mouth, it is to unconditionally help these “own people” with special abilities?

But who would spare his life to help a group of people they just met? More than 99% of the passengers here have nothing to do with him!

Song Xiaojia raised his eyes and found that the ghost was also looking at him with the same eyes. There were countless complicated messages in his eyes that could not be interpreted, like pity, resentment, entanglement and entanglement. Like firm…

“Why do you… want to keep it till now?” Song Xiaojia finally squeezed a word from his teeth.

“Because I have to help you!” The ghost added a bit of strength and roared, “Try to hold on, everyone can’t die here! No one can do it!”

“Don’t say it so great, you always have a personal purpose!” Song Xiaojia expressed doubts, “No one is so great as to help strangers with his own life!”

“You are not a stranger!” The ghost laughed hard, “Remember what I said when I first saw you? You are my goddess!”

“You don’t know me!” Song Xiaojia glanced at him contemptuously. This is a terrible reason, especially to a little girl who only met two sides.

“In the future, you will slowly understand that not only do you know me, but we…” The ghost said half of his words, and suddenly stopped talking, he seemed to realize that some things can no longer be understood.

Song Xiaojia remembered the moment when the ghost disappeared for the first time, Wang Yanke stared at his figure and said: “He knows you!”

Did Wang Yanke see anything?

Song Xiaojia stared at the ghost’s face. He was very handsome. If he knew him very early, it would be impossible not to leave any impression? Especially the obvious characteristics, tall, slender, and always black windbreaker…

“Wait for you to survive, I will tell you!” The ghost smiled mysteriously and encouraged her, “So you must not give up, stick to it, trust me!”

Time flies by one minute and one second, everyone’s heart is mentioned in their throats, huge sparks are still splashing violently at the rear of the car, the speed of the car is dropping little by little, accompanied by the huge tremor of the car body, and the scenery outside the window. They were all shaking, and the steel beam frame in the rear half of the carriage had been severely deformed. It seemed that as long as one more force was added, the last few wheels would fall apart and all previous efforts would be lost.

In front of the front of the car, the venom in the electronic bomb shook with the huge vibration, and a few crystal cracks appeared on the outer glass tube…

Ding Dang Ding Dang, the pit bell is ringing, the platform is hundreds of meters away!

The speed of the car has dropped to 50, which is almost as fast as a normal car in the city! If the car jumps at this time, there is still a ray of life!

“Jump?” Hao Zhi pulled Wang Yanke up, stood at the door of the carriage, and looked at the ground that was still fast retreating outside.

“Do you dare to jump?” Wang Yanke raised his chin and looked at Hao Zhi provocatively.

“If you jump, I will jump!”

“Do you think it is Titanic?”

Wang Yanke suddenly remembered the classic love problem: if you choose someone and stand on the top of a skyscraper at the same time, without holding each other’s hands, close your eyes, count one, two, three, and jump down together, Who would you choose?

Choosing him is dependent;

Jump down, it’s courage;

Jump at the same time, it is trust!

Some people say that if you have all three, you can call it love.

Wang Yanke smiled. Hao Zhi didn’t know what she was thinking about all the time. For a simple boy, you are my girl and I have to die with you. It’s so simple!

“I believe they can!” Wang Yanke looked back at the two ghosts who were still wrestling.

She believed, but the other passengers didn’t believe it. Seeing the end of the platform is right in front of them, if they hit the platform, the consequences would be disastrous. Those who survive hard…

Soon, the door of the car was torn open, and as soon as a gap was revealed, a passenger was squeezed down by the person behind. He yelled “Oh” and fell out of the car, hitting his head on the ground that was still speeding. The powerful inertia belt tumbling. During the turning, he hit the oncoming wire stalk, and the whole figure was broken into two pieces like a fold. The blood splashed on the brick floor and exploded a bright red.

Regardless of the number of people behind, the door was opened wide and crackled…the crowd jumped out of the car like dumplings. As long as the first person must have the courage to jump out, the rest will be like frightened wildebeests. , Leap into a pond with crocodiles. When everyone makes the same choice, the choice itself will become the right decision…

is the last 1% chance of survival!

Zhang looked at Lele little by little, Lele looked at the other classmates, everyone stood still, Hao Zhi simply sat down and gloated at the people who were eager to flee…

Some people just jumped out, and they were knocked down by the person who jumped from behind. They fell to a **** head. Fortunately, the speed of the car was a little slower even when the number of people dropped suddenly!

The people who fell behind just rolled a few times, bruised themselves, fell to the ground and screamed, but at least their lives were saved. The rest of the people saw that the risk factor was not so high, and jumped out of the car enthusiastically. outside…

On the platform, countless firefighters and policemen stood in battle, waiting for the final moment when the car crashed, but the scene did not appear. Amidst the loud friction, the train was like a huge tired rhino, panting. A place less than three meters away from the end of the platform…

The technician rushed into the car and rushed to the console. UURead overhauled the line at the fastest speed and stopped the power system!

Ghost and Song Xiaojia released their hands, rolled into the carriage with sweat on their faces, and lay down on the ground head to head. The violent heartbeat continued. The two of them tilted their heads, looked at each other and smiled. They didn’t dare to do it by themselves. arrive! God, such an impossible thing, Song Xiaojia took the lead and laughed, and the ghost followed and laughed, laughing louder and louder, slapped each other’s shoulders and beat the ground, laughing so boldly and heartily…

The few people left in the carriage burst into cheers. Everyone held each other’s hands excitedly. Some of them hugged each other with tears from the corners of their eyes, celebrating the rest of their lives.

Hao Zhi looked at Wang Yanke, spread his arms generously, and encouraged her with a smile. Wang Yanke laughed loudly, jumped on him with excitement, and hugged Hao Zhi tightly, driven by the impact. The two turned around.

The ambulance staff carried the wounded away one after another. Some people in white went into the compartment to check everyone’s condition. Almost all those left in the compartment were unharmed, while those who jumped out of the car trying to escape were bruised and swollen. Fortunately, so many people jumped out of the car in the end, reducing the weight of a large part of the car body, otherwise, how could it stop in time?

When they want to save themselves, they also save others.

Several police officers went over to check the bombs under the console. Hao Zhi and the others were about to get up and leave. Suddenly, more than a dozen black-clothed and well-equipped special police officers rushed in from both sides of the carriage, with submachine guns in their hands and more than a dozen muzzles. At the same time, he pointed at the ghost sitting on the ground: “Don’t move! Ghost, as a member of the number one international terrorist organization expelled by many countries, you have been arrested!”

Everyone was silly: Ghost turned out to be the most wanted criminal on the list!

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