DxD: Transfer Student!

Chapter 10: A Star’s Burden

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Physically, he was exceptionally handsome. After a lengthy conversation, he successfully shattered the ordinary impression she had of Badr from their first meeting yesterday.

From the moment he appeared, he always acted very reserved. Considering his identity, this indeed gave him a special aura of mystery.

He seemed concerned about signing the contract, so he patiently explained it to her. However, if she didn't ask any questions, he didn't talk much, which indicated a somewhat solitary personality.

At least Mai Sakurajima could confirm that Badr would not harm her. 

Otherwise, with Badr's abilities, he wouldn't need to spend so much time talking to a woman like her.

"I need time to think about this," Mai Sakurajima said quietly.

"Of course," Badr nodded. A little patience was needed.

Mai was quite satisfied with Badr's attitude. 

Since this strange condition had appeared, she hadn't had a real conversation with anyone. Now, she finally felt slightly human again, instead of a ghost.

Even if the person she was talking to claimed to be a devil...

She became a bit more polite.

"Would you like some water?"

"Thanks, but I have my own," Badr replied.

Mai Sakurajima: "...?"

They fell silent; the atmosphere became uncomfortable.

Badr: "... Just trying to lighten the mood."

"Thanks for successfully making it colder," Mai Sakurajima remarked expressionlessly.

Badr just smiled faintly, not bothered by her sarcasm.

After all... the incident of him seeing her naked was finally behind them. As long as they pretended it never happened, it would be fine.


Aside from the surprising incident of a Devil barging into the bathroom, Badr and Mai Sakurajima's meeting process was quite normal...

To Mai Sakurajima, Badr didn't seem like the kind of Devil she had imagined.

He wasn't as terrifying as she thought nor as cruel and heartless. If you ignored his demonic wings and magical powers, he seemed no different from an ordinary human.

Mai Sakurajima didn't know that just a few days ago, Badr was an ordinary human...

"How about telling me your story first?" Badr started the conversation.

"To solve the problem, we need to understand the core, right?"

Mai Sakurajima remained silent for two seconds. Her expression showed reluctance, but she knew she couldn't avoid it any longer. So, she tried to think of Badr as a listener and shared her thoughts.

"I started my career in the entertainment industry when I was six years old. After starring in a morning drama, I've been on television, in movies, and commercials, always in the public eye. Wherever I went, people would talk about "that Mai Sakurajima." Eventually, I started wishing for a world where no one knew who I was."

Hearing this, Badr frowned slightly.

So, this situation was the result of Mai Sakurajima's wish?

"So now your wish has come true."

Sitting on the sofa with his arms crossed, Badr summarized.

"Yes, but the way it came true is a bit unconventional. It's not that people don't know me; they can't see me.

Mai Sakurajima's expression became sombre, obviously troubled.

Badr curled his lips. It seemed her superpower had a flaw.

"Indeed, life is about not getting what you want."

His soft words resonated with Mai Sakurajima, even if they felt strange.

"A Devil talking to me about life, huh?"

Badr chuckled, "I'm glad I don't have to think about life. Otherwise, with my long lifespan, I'd have a lot to worry about."

"That sounds more like gloating," Mai Sakurajima remarked calmly.

"Not at all," Badr smiled confidently and continued, "I think I understand from your description. This is about 'atmosphere'. Your special ability seems to be affected by it."

Badr had heard Rias talk about the origins of human abilities.

Typically, human superpowers come from a strong desire within them. For example, powerful Gears recognised some humans because of their immense desire. These Gears, known as Sacred Gears, could even kill gods, so they were called God-Slaying Tools. There were ten top-ranked Sacred Gears, but there were also thirteen other God-Slaying Tools.

Although Mai Sakurajima hadn't reached the level of being recognized by such gears, her power source was similar to that of other humans.

After listening to Badr's explanation, Mai was confused.

"What do you mean by 'atmosphere'?"

"It's simple. As long as people are alive, they will be part of a social circle, whether in school or society."

Badr's calm words seemed to come from personal experience.

"If you stand out too much, you will hear bad things behind your back; you will be called arrogant or envied."

Badr had long understood this, so he developed a skill for blending in. He avoided being too different or too conspicuous.

Mai Sakurajima was different. She became a child star at a young age and grew up to be a big star. Her brilliance was hard to hide.

According to Badr, it was inevitable that people would distance themselves from her.

To ordinary people, she seemed dazzling and inaccessible.

After Badr's explanation, Mai Sakurajima understood more or less.

In fact, she had always passively endured others' high perceptions of her, not by choice but by social hierarchy.

"It can't be helped," Mai Sakurajima said quietly.

"Yes, fighting against the 'atmosphere' is tiring."

Badr nodded and sighed, "Unfortunately, most people cannot ignore the 'atmosphere. The few who don't care about the opinions of others are often seen as strange."

He shook his head. "So, I have two initial plans to solve your situation."

"... Really?" Mai Sakurajima was skeptical.

She still had no idea, but Badr already had two plans.

Badr raised his finger.

"First, find the source of your condition and create a sensational rumour about you. The more explosive, the better. This is an excellent weapon against the 'atmosphere'."

"For example?"

"Hmm... like the big star Mai Sakurajima, who was caught in a secret relationship only to be betrayed and dumped by her boyfriend."

"I'll take the second option," Mai Sakurajima said hesitantly.

Badr smiled, "You dismissed that so quickly... I was going to suggest that I pretend to be the boyfriend."

"You underestimate the media. Even fake stories will have them crawling all over you like ants."

Mai Sakurajima reminded him. As a star, she knew too well how the media worked. If they followed Badr's plan, it would only backfire.

Badr remained calm, "I know. That's why I rely on the nature of the media."

He looked at Mai Sakurajima and spoke lightly.

"I'm not betting on the good of human nature; I'm betting on the bad. I don't bet that they want you to live; I bet that they want me to die.

Mai Sakurajima: "..."

She stared at Badr, his words making her heart skip a beat.

After a while, she spoke quietly, "... I don't need you to do that. Tell me the second option."

Badr was silent for a moment, then spoke quietly.

"The second option is to find the source of your condition, slowly change people's perception of you, try to make them remember you. But this method has a low success rate."

Badr preferred the first approach. Even if they didn't use the secret boyfriend angle, any sensational news could work.

But in the story, Mai Sakurajima had to be vulnerable, and someone else had to play the villain to provoke public outrage...


Mai Sakurajima understood that Badr's first plan could change their current situation.

But if they used Badr's method, only Badr could still see her and cooperate with her, which would inevitably involve him.

The media and entertainment reporters were invasive, violating privacy for gossip. If Badr got involved, it wouldn't end well.

Even in her predicament, Mai Sakurajima didn't want to harm others.

Since Mai Sakurajima rejected his first plan, Badr had to respect her decision and go with the second plan.

"The first problem is to find the source of your condition."

Badr thought, "Could it be your entertainment company?"

Since this condition resulted from Mai Sakurajima's wish, it was most likely manifested in her entertainment company.

But Mai Sakurajima shook her head slightly, "It is not the entertainment company.

Her tone was light but firm, confusing Badr with her confidence.


"No reason, I just don't think it is," Mai Sakurajima paused without elaborating.

Badr found that strange. He felt there was more she didn't want to say.

Was there another hidden reason?

Badr thought about it but decided to trust her and continue.

"Okay, let's rule out the entertainment company." Badr didn't push any further, respecting her wishes and moving on.

Mai Sakurajima felt a little grateful. Badr's respect for her wishes was evident.

"So, where were you when you first noticed your condition?"

"At an aquarium, I visited on a whim," Mai Sakurajima replied without hesitation.

"... Could it be that the aquarium is known as one of the three sacred meeting places?"


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