DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

Chapter 248: Chapter [248]

Going Merry

The deck of the Going Merry was unusually calm, except for the task falling to Usopp. He leaned over Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9, ropes in hand, wearing an exaggerated expression of concentration.

"Stay still, this will be easier," said Usopp, trying to hold Miss Wednesday as she struggled. "You have no choice, so stop squirming!"

"Do you think I'll just sit here while you tie me up?" retorted Miss Wednesday with disdain. She wrestled against the ropes but was too weak to break free. "I won't make it easy for pirates like you!"

Usopp huffed, carefully adjusting the rope's position. "I am the Great Captain Usopp! My knots are legendary! No one has ever escaped them!"

"Great captain?" interrupted Mr. 9, his voice dripping with sarcasm, even though he was still dazed. "If you were so great, you wouldn't need ropes to handle us."

"You'd better keep quiet, or I'll tighten these knots," Usopp retorted, pulling the rope firmly. He began tying the two with a complex knot, his hands moving quickly.

Miss Wednesday rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed. "This is ridiculous. Do you really think these ropes will hold me?"

"Yes," answered Usopp with a confident grin. He finished the knot, stepping back to admire his work. "Done! This is the unbreakable knot of Captain Usopp!"

Riser, who had been watching from afar with his arms crossed, slowly approached, inspecting the knots carefully.

"Impressive," said Riser, his tone genuine but laced with a hint of sarcasm. "These knots are really... intricate. They might actually work."

Usopp puffed out his chest, clearly pleased with the compliment. "Of course they work! I'm a master of knots! No one has ever escaped one of mine!"

"That's because no one's ever tried," muttered Zoro, leaning against the railing. His voice was low, but loud enough to earn an indignant glare from Usopp.

"I heard that, Zoro!" Usopp snapped, pointing at him. "Just because all you do is cut things doesn't mean you can underestimate my skills!"

Miss Wednesday kept wriggling, trying to break free. "You're a bunch of amateurs. I won't be stuck here for long."

"Go ahead and try," said Riser with a calm smile. He looked directly at Miss Wednesday. "But I'll tell you, Usopp's work is more effective than it looks. Good luck escaping."

Usopp beamed from ear to ear, clearly enjoying the moment. "Thank you, Riser! Finally, someone recognizes my talent!"

Miss Wednesday sighed, still tugging at the ropes reluctantly. "This isn't over," she muttered, her gaze fixed on the deck as she began plotting her next move.

"Alright, enough," said Nami, looking at Miss Wednesday with a stern expression. "You're in no position to complain. Tied up or not, what matters is that we're not letting you cause any more trouble."

Miss Wednesday raised her head, defiant. "Trouble? You're kidnapping me! Who are the real criminals here?"

"Kidnapping?" Luffy approached with his usual grin. "You're coming along because you picked a fight with the wrong whale! And because Riser said so!"

"I didn't decide anything," Miss Wednesday snapped, frustrated, but Luffy ignored her as he strolled toward the ship's edge.


"Zoro, check the sails," Nami ordered, pointing to the main mast while adjusting the compass. "Sanji, make sure the food is secure. If things get rough, I want everyone ready."

Zoro rolled his eyes but obeyed. "Sure, Nami. Always the orders."

"Nami-swan! The food is safe, as always. But for you, I'll check everything again!" replied Sanji, already heading to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Crocus slowly walked toward the large metallic door dominating the whale's interior. The old man adjusted his hat, looked back, and said calmly, "If you're ready, it's time to open this door."

"This thing looks heavy," muttered Usopp, eyeing it skeptically.


The sound echoed as Crocus pulled a lever near the base of the structure. A loud hissing noise filled the air as the door began to open slowly, revealing a dark, damp tunnel.

"Looks like a tunnel," commented Riser, arms crossed as he observed with interest.

"It's not just a tunnel," Crocus said, turning to the crew. "It's the passage that leads you out of Laboon. But proceed with caution. It's not always predictable."

"Unpredictable?" Nami asked, frowning.

Before Crocus could respond, WHOOSH! A strong gust of wind blew through the tunnel, rocking the Going Merry.

"Hold on!" Zoro shouted, grabbing the mast.


"This doesn't feel safe," Alvida said, gripping the railing tightly as she eyed the dark tunnel ahead.

"We've got this!" Luffy shouted, laughing as he balanced on the mast. "This is awesome!"

"Captain, focus!" Nami yelled, steering the helm with force to stabilize the ship.

Crocus watched calmly as the Going Merry began to slide into the tunnel, guided by Laboon's internal currents. "It's up to you now," he said, waving to the group as the door slowly closed behind them.


The door shut with a loud crash, leaving them alone in the tunnel.


"Are we... still inside Laboon?" Usopp asked nervously, glancing around. "This feels more like a trap than an escape route!"

"It's like a canal," Riser observed, studying the damp walls around them. "But I have a feeling this won't be easy."

"That's why everyone to your stations!" Nami ordered, focused on the helm. "If the current changes, we need to be ready!"

"Hey, Riser, can you speed this up with your flames?" Luffy asked, excited.

"That's not how it works," Riser replied with a small smile. "Besides, we're at the mercy of the current."


A large wave crashed against the Merry, drenching everyone.

"This is ridiculous!" Sanji complained, wiping water off his cigarette. "If anything happens to the food because of this, I'll fight the sea!"

"Keep holding on!" Nami shouted, her eyes fixed on the tunnel as the ship maneuvered through a tight curve.

"What's that?" Zoro asked, pointing to the tunnel's end. A bright light shone in the distance, marking what seemed to be the exit.

"That's Laboon's exit," Riser said firmly. "Finally."

"Are you sure about this?" Miss Wednesday, still tied up, asked, curious about the light.

"Absolutely," Luffy replied with his usual grin. "It's our next adventure!"

Laboon roared as the Going Merry slid out of the tunnel. The sound echoed through the water, sending waves rippling and rocking the ship. As they reached the light, they emerged into the open ocean, but Luffy stayed on deck, staring at the massive whale.

"Laboon!" Luffy yelled, his intensity stopping everyone in their tracks. He leapt from the ship onto a small rock near the whale's body. "You have to stop doing this!"

The enormous whale turned its eye toward the Straw Hat. Its deep scars and melancholy expression were a silent cry for help.

"Hey, Luffy, what are you doing?" Usopp shouted, clinging to the Merry's railing. "That's dangerous!"

Luffy clenched his fist, raising it in the air. "You have to stop ramming your head against the Red Line, Laboon! Your friends won't come back that way!"

Laboon let out a sorrowful roar, shaking its head as if protesting Luffy's words.


Laboon's quick head movement sent a wave that nearly knocked Luffy off the rock. He steadied himself and stepped closer to the edge, his gaze fixed on the whale.

"I understand how you feel," Luffy said, his voice low but full of emotion. "You're lonely. You're angry because they left you. But ramming your head won't bring anyone back!"


Luffy's fist connected with Laboon's face, the impact momentarily silencing even the sea. His gaze remained steady, almost challenging.

Laboon blinked slowly, its expression confused as silence fell.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy!" he continued, his fist still raised. "And I promise you: when we finish the Grand Line, we'll come back and fight again! You won't be alone anymore!"

Laboon, though still uncertain, let out a low sound—more a murmur than a roar. Its head stopped moving, as if considering Luffy's words.


On the Going Merry, Usopp began sobbing, tears streaming freely down his face. "This is so moving! Luffy... he's amazing!" He collapsed onto the deck, covering his face with his arms. "Laboon has a real friend now!"

"You're really weird," Zoro said, crossing his arms as he watched. Despite his words, the corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

Sanji exhaled smoke, leaning against the mast. "That's our captain. Always doing things no one understands but somehow make sense."

Miss Wednesday, tied nearby, looked at the scene with a confused expression. "Am I being held captive by pirates... or lunatics? Who gives a speech to a giant whale and punches it?!"

Alvida shook her head, arms crossed. "If I hadn't seen it, I'd never believe it. This pirate is a walking madness."


Luffy stepped back on the rock, pointing at Laboon with a confident grin. "It's a promise, Laboon! No matter what, you'll wait for us, right?"

The enormous whale let out a sound that was half a roar, half a cry, tilting its head slightly as if agreeing. Its scars glistened in the sunlight but seemed lighter now, as if they bore a new promise.

"That's a promise!" Luffy shouted before jumping back onto the Going Merry. "So until then, take care of yourself!"


Laboon swished its tail, creating a wave that gently pushed the Merry away. It wasn't an attack but a protective gesture.


"You two, stop crying!" Nami shouted, pointing at Usopp and, surprisingly, Chopper, who was beginning to sniffle. "We don't have time for this. We've got an entire ocean to cross!"

"But it was so... so beautiful!" Usopp sobbed, wiping his face with his sleeve. "Luffy is the best captain in the world!"

"Of course he is," Zoro said with a calm smile, adjusting his swords.

Luffy sat at the bow, crossing his legs and smiling at the horizon. "Next destination! Let's go!"

As the Going Merry sailed on, Laboon's figure grew smaller on the horizon, but its presence lingered in the crew's hearts. A promise had been made, and they knew that no matter what they faced, they would return to fulfill it.

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