DxD: Shadow Monarch

Chapter 97: Black Cat POV




[ Stray Black Cat POV ]

'Am I not dead?... How am I still alive?' I couldn't help but have these questions in my mind as soon as I opened my eyes

Because I seemed to be in a totally different place, I couldn't help but release a sigh of relief realising that I had finally successfully managed to escape them

I just hope my sister is doing alright right now, unfortunately, I can't go back right now to check on her otherwise I am sure won't able to survive and not only that but also I will put my sister's life in danger as well

And my efforts to save her would be wasted, at least now that bastard is dead so I could only hope that my sister would get a good master who would take care of her


While I was long in my thoughts about my sister, I felt someone poking me on my cheek 

I tried to move my body but it was extremely difficult, I can't complain since it's a miracle I even managed to survive and I should be grateful for that

After successfully moving my body, I saw a black-haired girl who is poking me from the opposite side 

'Reincarnated devil!?!?' I inwardly said this in my mind because this girl even though looks like a human but I am certain she is a reincarnated devil

This girl must have used some kind of magic or some kind of device for disguise but she still couldn't fool me 

If that is the case then does her master capture me? But I am sure I escaped from the underworld

And if I am really in some base of a high-ranking devil then why am I still alive? Why do they heal me? Are they not aware of my real identity? 

I needed to quickly get out of there and figure out my current situation but when I tried to stand up, I quickly fell back again

'Damn it!' I couldn't help but curse in my mind because right now my whole body felt extremely sore and couldn't able to even stand still

Not only that but because of my attempt, a girl noticed that I regained my consciousness as she ran off somewhere

I need to get out of here before she brings her master otherwise it might be bad for me, but unfortunately, my body won't allow me to move even a little

After a few moments, That black-haired girl came back as she brought a man with him and as soon as I saw the man, I became extremely stunned

Not only did he have an extremely handsome appearance but I remembered before losing my conscious, I saw this man

Is he brought me here? But why? Also, I can't feel any demonic power from him, is he not a devil? but for some reason, I have an uneasy feeling in my heart like it was saying never go against this man

Following that man, a woman in a maid dress also appeared, after seeing her my body started to violently tremble in fear

I immediately realized that this woman was very powerful, and knew if she had the ability to kill me within a few seconds and that fact wouldn't change even if right now I was in my peak condition

And I am very sure she is not a devil either but she is way more dangerous than the devil, I really wanted to run away right now but I feel running away is worthless

"She must be hungry" Man murmured as he turned to that extremely dangerous-looking woman and continued to speak "Tiamat can you bring me some milk from the kitchen?" 

Hearing I couldn't but feel scared thinking how can that man order such a terrifying woman like she is an ordinary servant

But instead of getting angry at him, that terrifying woman stared at me with extremely cold eyes like instead of him, she was angry at me

She even released a killing intent like she wanted to kill me at this moment which made my heart stop beating for a moment as my body started to tremble more than before in fear, as soon that terrifying woman started to look at me

I instantly knew that she didn't like my presence here and wanted to get rid of me as I closed my eyes in fear and prepared for my miserable end


"Ok" I heard that Terrifying woman click her tongue as she said this as she went away, and after realizing that woman had finally gone 


I release a sigh of relief but I come to understand one thing from this, for some reason that Terrifying woman can't disobey this man's orders 

From his behaviour, I realized that this man only saw me as a regular stray cat that he saved but I was definitely sure that terrifying woman knew about me by the looks on her face when she was staring at me

So it's better to let like a proper cat without revealing my true form and remain on this man's side which at least would save me from getting killed by that Terrifying woman

I am pretty sure that as long I pretend to like a real cat then I will be okay otherwise that wouldn't have saved me in the first place

I just need to make sure to stick to this man until I plan my escape successfully but until then this man is the only way for me to survive

"Meow~ meow~" I tried to act like a real cat as I looked at the man who was about to go away with pitiful eyes in order to gain his sympathy 

Even though it may be shameful but I have no choice since he is the only one who can save me from my demise, I just need to endure this until I escape successfully and then finally somehow check on my sister who is also my only family member in this world


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