DxD: Shadow Monarch

Chapter 12: Information (2)




That Doesn't mean humans are nothing more than pigs meant to be Slaughtered between these races Sure enough whatever world that is strong always tormented the weak

"Tell me more about this reincarnation" I feel my blood boiling thinking about humans who turn into devils just because they born with powers

"W-we use th-thing called Evil pieces to rein-reincarnate them into d-devils" I saw her pale face while she is trembling and telling this with shuttering

'Damn it!' I didn't notice my aura started to leak because of the sudden fluctuation in my emotion and here I thought I have manage to control my emotions completely

I should calm down take a deep breath calm down

"Sorry for this Tell me about these evil pieces" I asked this as I retreated my leak aura in my body back

She looked scared but still nodded her head as she starts speaking "The Evil Pieces also known as the Devil's Pieces, are a set of 15 chess pieces given to top-class Devils to increase their ranks by reincarnating other beings into Devils"

"It can also be reincarnated other races into devils?" I asked since if this is possible doesn't that mean devils have the power to change every race into devils? 

She nodded her head as she continue "Evil Pieces are commonly given to Pure-blooded High-class Devils so that they can gather servants of their own"

"Reincarnated Devils are also given the chance to receive Evil Pieces should they rise in rank and become a High-class or Ultimate-class Devil"

"When a Devil receives the right to obtain the Evil Pieces they are required to go to the Satan's territory and touch a monument which functions as a replacement King Piece to register themselves as King"

"reincarnation abilities of the Evil Pieces, however are not absolute as they cannot reincarnate Gods/Buddhas and Dragon God into Devils even with a Mutation Piece"

"The Evil Pieces can only reincarnate those who died recently"

"The strengths, talents, and skills of the being to be reincarnated plays a large role in determining how many pieces will be used for reincarnation"

"Different Evil Pieces cannot be used together. Evil Pieces can also be exchanged between top-class Devils with peerage"

"Queens are worth 9 Pawns Queens possess all the characteristics of Rooks, Knights, and Bishops making them the most balanced piece as well as the most powerful"

"Rooks are worth 5 Pawns Rooks gain superhuman strength leading to high offence and defence However, they are not very quick, and can get beaten easily by a high-speed opponent" 

"Bishops are worth 3 Pawns Bishops gain enhanced magical abilities which they can use to conjure up a multitude of spells (offensive, healing, etc.)"

"However, more powerful spells consume most of their magical power, which takes a long time to regain forcing them to use their power carefully or risk becoming vulnerable to physical attacks"

"Knights are worth 3 Pawns Knights gain increased speed and mobility, enabling them to perform high-speed attacks and manoeuvres. However their main weakness is their low defence, making them vulnerable to powerful attacks if they are not careful"

"Another weakness among knights are their legs if their legs are injured, their mobility is greatly reduced"

"Pawns are worth 1 Pawn each. The traits of Pawns is the ability to promote into a Queen, Rook, Knight or Bishop in enemy territory  or with the permission of their King"

"Unlike the other pieces which grant special abilities, the King Piece simply boosts a person's power However, the King piece's strengthening is anywhere from 10 to 100 times more"

"There are restrictions to its use One, the user cannot already have an Evil Piece(s) because the King's piece would overlap with their current piece(s) and expose them to dangers. Two the user can potentially die if they are too strong"

"There are only nine unused King Pieces in existence"

What kind of bullshit system is that from what I understand Devils just making slaves for themselves wait... Didn't I do the same? 

Actually no, I only make the shadows out of my enemies But from her words I able to understand the devil's only done that for power and frame

"What other power do devils possess other than this slavery," I asked  this since I wanna if they can do anything themselves 

"Yes, All Devils have enhanced physical abilities such as superhuman strength, endurance, and enhanced senses such as sight and hearing in addition to being able to see clearly in the dark as creatures of the night"

"We Devils are able to fly through using their bat-like wings, which are capable of retracting into their backs as if disappearing entirely," She said this as she takes out her wings for demonstration

"We also possess a passive ability called 'Language' which allows normal people listening to them to hear it in the language they're most familiar with and vice versa"

"Devils also have the ability to cast magic spells, having developed their own system of demonic magic powered by demonic power"

"High-Class Devils are able to gain peerages, rule over others Devils depending on their family's rank and powers and can have up to 15 'servants' which are represented by each piece in a chess game"

"I see" As I muttered this I continued to eat the food while silently monitoring her movements

She didn't say anything for this whole meal She just slowly with Etiquette ate the meal but I can she is scared


After the meal... 

"It's ok somebody else will do that," I said while commanding a shadow to do the dishes through my mind

'As you wish, my Liege,' he responded to my call And one of my shadow Soldiers emerges from the shadow

I saw her startled when my shadow soldier came out from my shadow I guess it must have been shocking for her what a familiar scene I remembered the faces of hunters when I first did this... good old times

When the shadow soldier moved towards the table as he picked plates grayfia stepped back far from him

I walked back to the main hall as grayfia quietly followed me back

We returned to the main hall I turned around to face her As I open my mouth and say "choose any room Rest well then we'll talk"

She nodded her head as she bowed her head and moved out of the hall 

'Shall I monitor her, my liege' bellion voice comes into my mind, 'No' I deny since I sense no malicious intent from her but she has some other objective that's for sure


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