DxD: Shadow Monarch

Chapter 107: Tiamat hatred




After taking a shower, I got out of my room and decided to make breakfast or should I say that I am making food more especially for Aria.

I needed to make sure that she gets the proper amount of nutrition in order to make sure she will have proper strength since this is also part of her training.

As I entered the kitchen with Tiamat following me in order to give me a hand since I came to know that she couldn't cook.

Because she is terrible, even though I tried to teach her since she wanted to learn, but like how Lily is Terrible in games, Tiamat is terrible in the kitchen.

Or maybe worse because, unlike Lily who improved after trying so many times, Tiamat wasn't able to improve no matter how many times she tried.

One time Tiamat somehow almost burned the whole kitchen while I was not present with her. She was trying to prepare a soup but somehow she managed to burn the kitchen.

Since then I promised myself to never let Tiamat use the kitchen without any supervisor and that's also the reason I left a few shadows for this task and left them here otherwise who knows when this house might get burned to ashes.

And more surprised at the fact that Tiamat didn't lose her temper and tried to burn everything around her. 

"Tiamat, are there any more dragons besides you?" I asked this question with pure Curiosity because I remember Grayfia telling me that Tiamat is one of the Dragon kings, meaning that there should be more dragons here in this world.

"….." Tiamat just stared at me with annoyance filled in her eyes after hearing my question without saying anything like she didn't like the question I asked her.

Maybe because she doesn't have a good relationship with other dragons? Or maybe she has some kind of past with them which she doesn't want to remember.


When I was about to tell her that she didn't need to answer my question if she didn't want to but before I could do that.

Tiamat released a sigh as she opened her mouth and started to speak breaking the few moments of silence "...There 4 more Dragon king's other than myself but I am the most powerful one among all."

'4 more? Dragon kings?' I couldn't help but repeat what Tiamat just told me because I didn't know the difference between dragons and dragon kings.

"Are there classes or anything similar in dragons too?" I asked this question based not only on Tiamat's reply but also because this is how every species with high intelligence operates. 

Humans judge others based on how that person looks and whether that person is poor or rich and then they decide how they will treat that person.

It's the same for devils in this world but rather money or looks, it entirely depends on family background as well as the strength of that devil and how that devil will get treatment.

Shadows also work in the same way as they have different statuses entirely due to differences in strength and power. 

So I thought it must be the same for dragons too because they also have high intelligence to think about themselves.

"Yes, their Dragons are divided into 5 different classes." Tiamat said as put down the things in her hands on the table and looked at my eyes.

As she continued to elaborate on the classes "There are the normal Dragons, the Dragon Kings which are above the normal Dragons, the Heavenly Dragons which are above the Dragon Kings, and the True Dragon and finally Dragon God, the highest class of Dragons."

"I see." I muttered this as I was clearly able to understand the things Tiamat just explained but I never thought Tiamat's rank would be so low despite the fact she is being so-called 'Dragon King' or 'Chaos Karma Dragon'.

"…Are you thinking something rude about me?" Tiamat asked this in a very bone-chilling voice as I could see veins popping out on her head.

She can read minds or something? Or is it just her intuition is so strong that she can even tell whether another person is thinking good or bad about her? Are all dragons as sharp as her? 

"Can you tell me more about Heavenly Dragons, true dragons and dragon gods?" I asked this next in order to avoid her question as well as I wanted to know more about the dragons which are higher than Tiamat.

Since dragon classes must be based on strength meaning there are more 3 classes of dragons that are much stronger than dragon kings such as Tiamat.

Tiamat nodded her head as she started to speak "There are Two Heavenly Dragons with powers that can kill both Gods and Satans as well." 

She took a deep breath as she continued "Since both were so strong that they could destroy any foe other than each other and that's why they began to fight with each other with all their might."

"One of their fights interrupted the Great War between Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels, forcing the Three Factions to form a temporary truce against them." She continued to speak this as her voice started to become more colder.

"The Dragons fought back in anger over their own interrupted fight but ultimately had their bodies destroyed and their souls sealed into two Sacred Gears." and finally finished speaking this in a very bone chilling tone.

"So even though they might be stronger than dragon kings, they are a disgrace to all dragons for falling into such tricks, especially Ddraig." She commented on this after she finished explaining the whole thing.

"Ddraig? Do you have some kind of grudge against that dragon?" I asked this because when she mentioned this name.

I sense nothing but pure hatred in her bone-chilling voice like that dragon named 'Ddraig' did something unforgivable to her.


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