Chapter 161: Chapter 161 : The former leader
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Feeling myself particularly tired I gave a quick 'good night' before allowing myself to find sleep in those conditions too.
Finding rest wasn't that difficult, especially with how drained I was feeling after such a tiresome day of paperwork, but I soon found out that a full night of sleeplessness wasn't what was waiting for me on 'the other side'.
In fact, I knew that something was immensely off when I woke up in a familiar archive room with an even more familiar former ruler of Hell bashing his head onto some wall.
"Ah, why is this so complicated. I thought that would've been enough to get a message through-"
"What are you doing?" I inquired annoyingly, drawing Lucifer to turn and glance at me in surprise.
He really looked shocked by my presence in the mindscape, as if this wasn't what he had planned to do with… well, whatever he was doing.
"Nothing worthy of any concern."
"Says the one that is sounding the most suspicious man ever," I retorted flatly. "Really, what are you doing?"
"Would you believe me if I said that I wanted to make a prank call to Rizevim?"
"I would believe if it wasn't for the fact you're… well, stuck inside my head," I replied with a sigh.
"The thing is, that I could technically do that… by possessing you-"
"Which I wouldn't allow," I reminded, making him sigh.
"You wouldn't. But what if I really wanted to send a message to someone that would actually help you in the long run?"
The man asked rhetorically, only for me to actually answer that one question.
"It all depends on who this person is," I replied. "And I don't think you will tell me."
"I can't tell you. Sorry, big spoilers, I can't ruin some good ol' surprise considering how your mind works,"
The former leader of Hell rebuked. "Let's just say that it would be best for us all if she received my message and-"
"Yes, this person is a woman. Now, can I get the chance to send this message out or not?
I don't have time to waste in grand explanation, immense revelations or even quarrels over the chances of this being good or bad."
"Because I want to."
"You really love to make our interactions frustrated," I pointed out.
"Only because you make it the most amusing to tease this much. And I know you're not really offended by this, only confused."
"Maybe my confusion is turning into annoyance."
"Is it?" He asked once again with a rhetorical tone. "That's good to know. At least I will not be the only one handling the migraines created by a moron."
"Did you... just self-destruct with that?"
"Boredom is a scary monster," Lucifer reminded. "And I'm really spooked by the chances of going through that monotony for that long."
"Is she trustworthy?"
"Incredibly so. In fact, I could ask her to kill someone and she would do it, while also preparing a cake, and- fuck, I think I gave out too much."
I frowned as I found my mind finally catching up to these clues. There was no doubt about it, and the likely candidate behind Lucifer's interest to send that letter seemed to match well with the description about her. Still… I was perplexed by the timing.
"Lilith is probably imprisoned by Hades."
"I would say it's more the contrary considering how much his personality fails to stand up to my wife,"
The First Devil remarked. "While they might love gardening a lot, and my lovely darling did help him build a proper field of flowers in his domain, I think he really finds her unbearable at times. I bet he will be willing to help me get her out of his domain."
I frowned. "I was saying that Lilith is-"
"I know what you're trying to say. Lilith 'was imprisoned and probably tortured for some crazy old project about Devils',"
The man interjected, making a mockery of me through that childish attempt. "The thing is that the situation is different. And I can already tell that she is fine… if not bored right now."
"Why do you-"
"Balance. She is the only one beside me that can shut the kids up. At least for long enough to avoid any bloodshed when your big moments happen."
"My 'what' now?" I asked in shock, having some trouble to grasp at the fact that Lilith was actually living a good life while within Hades' domain.
"The diplomatic meeting. I know Rizevim will try something about it. He might have been unpredictable at times, but if there was a way to predict his next actions, it's to make a target he can't legitimately refuse. In this case-"
"A family reunion," I muttered, my head burning at the long-termed plan. "So you plan to lure him in and-"
"Kill him," Lucifer flatly commented. "He is too dangerous and… I wish to avoid a certain situation from happening in the near future."
I nodded at that reply, finding myself agreeing to most of it.
The confused remainder was more tied to the fact I was barely keeping up with the wacky logic going through the former lord of the Underworld was displaying so eagerly to those that asked.
It felt so condescending and so aggravating at times… but I really didn't have much of a means to refuse those.
And while I was initially unconvinced by his trustworthiness, I was given confirmation that the message wasn't one that was going to set Lilith to hunt me down, I couldn't help but feel a shiver go down my spine as my right hand ended scribbling most of the message dedicated to the prick's wife.
There was nothing that connected the letter to me, so I felt relieved the moment I was told it was just that.
Finally, I was granted a proper rest… one that would surely help considering what kind of plans had been prepared with me as the main target.
Let's see how long it takes for disaster to strike.
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